Mx Female Looking for GM/DM


Mar 22, 2020
Hello and welcome to my request thread!
You can call me 42 or whatever suits your fancy. I'm an seasoned RPer with about 15 years of experience. Started RPing on a Naruto site with lots of rules, but years ago I found sites similar to Blue Moon and this type of freeform RPing is more my style. Right now I have a few cravings, but I'll post one of my main cravings here:

GMed/DMed RPs
Indeed, I'm looking for RPs where my partner would take the roll of the DM or GM, controlling the world and setting around MC (played by me) as we build a story together. This would mean playing multiple characters of course, as many as you wish and feel okay with. I promise to provide a proactive character who contributes to the story and doesn't just stand there waiting for the world to do something for him.

Even if you are the DM, we can still workshop and worldbuild together if you want or if you prefer, you can create a world and let me explore it and learn about it as we progress. I'll try to help as much as I can and you wish/allow.


A few notes:
3rd person, past tense only.
1-3 paragraphs is my usual posting length.
Kinks and Limits (I rather we discuss those in private).

If any of these interest you, send me a DM and I'll be happy to discuss details with you.
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