Mx Female [M4F] - Furrys/Anthros getting Human'd! [NSFW Links]


Nov 4, 2023
Hey, everyone! Hope life has been treating you well today! I thought I would create another post specifically for this one, but here is my other, more general post for those interested.

We've all seen Blacked and Bleached posts galore, and make no mistake they are their guilty little fun. But I have only recently come across this little category that I thought might be fun diving into; Anthros and Furries being Human'd! I am completely hooked on this idea, and I am so eager to play this out in every smutty way possible.

The basic premise lies in a world (real life, fantasy, sci-fi) where humans and anthros/furries co-exist. Perhaps it is a world where both species coexist, but anthros/furries have not come to realize the inherent superiority of human male genitalia. Or maybe it is an unspoken truth that humans are simply the apex species, deserving of their right to rule and claim the other species as they wish, and all other species instinctively know this, even if most of them are unwilling to admit it. The setting can be as laid back or as intense as one desires.

As for plot ideas, they can be as simple and short or as long and elaborate as you might wish, from light-hearted and silly porno scenes to intense and serious taboos and drama. Some generic ideas include:

- an anthro/furry woman being dissatisfied with her anthro partner's sexual performance, only for her to discover that only a human cock could hope to please her
- an anthro/furry in heat, and the human partner being the only available mate, who will knock out their heat cycle handily.
- a lecherous human setting his eyes on an anthro/furry family's ladies (mother, sister, daughter, etc) and is going to claim them under the nose of their male(s).
- the exploits of a man looking to spread human superiority, establishing the master race whether through religion, military might, or simple biological dominance with the anthro/furries beneath their feet, or dangling on his cock!
- A human has found himself isekai'd into a world of anthro/furries! While he struggles to survive and thrive in a different environment, he soon finds that he has quite the advantage over the other anthro/furry males.
- And plenty more!

Here are a few examples (NSFW): [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Other fandoms could also be adapted and brought in as well. From anthro Pokemons, MLP, video game girls, and more!

While I am looking for smut, I am also open to the idea of some story alongside our smut as well (probably 60/40 smut to the story).

As a writer, I have been described as a fun writer who doesn't take himself too seriously when it comes to roleplay and ideas. This does not mean, however, that I don't respond to my partners with juicy, detailed replies that leave them begging for more! If my writing style feels like it belongs in a cheesy porno or a smutty hentai, I'm on it. So don't feel like you must be a professional novelist to play with me! Though my schedule is haphazard and sometimes busy, I can reply at least once a day; oftentimes more than that. For partners, I am interested in people who write in the third person (though I am fine with the first person depending on our plot), and are detail-oriented. I am not too picky with writing length, but I would appreciate some effort into your writing.

I hope to hear from all of you soon!
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