"They say that absolute power corrupts absolutely. In the Weird West, things can get even worse. Corruption can lead to damnation as agents of the Four Horsemen seek out those willing to do just about anything for supernatural power. The west is a harsh place and once folks get a sample of what power tastes like, they sink to very murky depths to get another mouthful.
The town of Sundown is a lot like many others on the frontier. It's a boom town struggling with growing into an actual port of civilization. Moneyed interests have come into power and want to maintain their hold on Sundown. The richest man in town is spoken of in whispers because the townsfolk are terrified an unkind word might force them out of town or, worse, prompt their disappearance. Places like this exist all over the west; places full of good people living under the rule of the powerful and corrupt. But take a closer look at Sundown and you'll see something deeper and... darker.
Silas Wanamaker, huckster and gambler of minimal skill, gained power through the occult. He's on the cusp of opening a portal to Hell in the town of Sundown, an act that will spawn all manner of terrible creatures. The only thing stopping him? You."
Setting: The Weird West is much like our own old west - but spiced up with the supernatural, magic, and steam punk. The Civil War ended earlier than in our normal timeline thanks to the discovery of a new mineral dubbed 'ghost rock' because of how it emits an eerie wail when burned. It burns hotter and longer than anything else discovered, allowing for rapid advancement in technology. Steampunk automobiles, gyrocopters, automata, and the like are rare and expensive but not unheard of. The West is also inhabited by monsters, cryptids, undead and all sorts of big nasties praying on folks. Sundown is a small mining town out in Wyoming, a little place just starting to boom thanks to the new ghost rock mine. It's a place with one street and more bars and brothels than general stores. Your character can be any old west archetype you can think of; a wandering bounty hunter, a fugitive, law enforcement, a scientist, gambler, martial artist and even more!
Looking For:
1. People able to post at least twice a week, to keep the game flowing!
2. A posse size of about four - that's four of you and one of me, your friendly GM!
3. People that want a pulpy, action-adventure story with a dash of the supernatural!
4. People that can work as a team, so everyone gets a chance to shine!
Name: The cowpoke's name or nickname, whichever they're known by.
Age: How old is this trail buster? Legal age only, please!
Gender: How do they identify?
Sexuality: What do they like in a partner?
Occupation: What's this character do to scrape by?
Appearance: What does your character look like? Humans only! At least a paragraph, but you're welcome to be as verbose as you like. Attach art if you want, too!
Skills/Abilities: What can they do well? Shooting, gambling, riding, martial arts?
Background: How'd they grow up? What made them into who they are today?
Personality: What's this character like? Tell us about them!
Why Are They Going To Sundown?: A little boom town in Wyoming. Why are they headed that way? This gives you a reason to be headed in the same direction as the rest of the posse.
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