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Mx Female A picture is worth a thousand words! (Nsfw content inside) Dark, taboo


Oct 31, 2021
Hello! I'd like invite anyone who is not afraid of dark themes to take a look at the follow pictures. If one or two spark your creative juices, shoot me a message! I want to see what kind of wonderful stories we can craft based off the art of others. Artwork always hints at something much more elaborate and delicious but rarely do those hints get unraveled. Let's unravel them together šŸ˜Š

I have another thread which is very long and goes into great detail about my preferences. However, for this one, I don't desire to be so picky. I'll include my f list but that's about it. I want the pictures to guide us.

F list

And without further ado! The inspiration!!!

Part of the farm
Man's best friend
Horny plant
The Monster's Treat
Packed for transport
Voracious worm
Spit roasted
A common fate
Quicksand peril
Insect's prize
Another horny plant
Trick or treat
The Asylum
A delicious dish
The hollow calf
The horse's nourishment
A horse's toy

Inside the breeding tool
The monstrosity
Bound in nature
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