Monsters of various descriptions.


Nov 30, 2023
Hello, I have been roleplaying for 16 years, I typically do two brief paragraphs per post but I try to match my partner's post length, and my availability is pretty open but most open on Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights. I am generally open to rps that are in my wheelhouse even if I don't have the premise listed so feel free to reach out if you have something you think I will like.

My top kinks are:
Age difference(no younger than 18)
Size difference

I prefer to play opposite female characters but I am open to male, nonbinary and intersex as well.

Archetypes I prefer to play as: (if the creature listed does not appeal, but the description does, worry not, I can play as a human or many other types of creature for it.)
The Minotaur: you are trapped with this person, and they use the fact that you are trapped against you. They will overpower you and the only reason that they aren't doing it now is because they are waiting for something. They will not let you leave, you must either escape them or accept your fate as their permanent toy.
The Werewolf: you cannot run from this person, they enjoy the chase. This person has allowed every base instinct to overtake them and they will have you. They will let you go, only to hunt you down again and show you that there is nowhere you can go to escape from them.
The Changeling: this is someone that you trust, someone who you would call when you are scared or need help. They're sweet and helpful and friendly normally, but they are waiting for an opportunity to take advantage of you. Once they do they will wait until your guard is down before trying again. Running or getting help won't work, you have to come back home sometime and no one is going to believe you when you tell them what Mister Rogers did.
The Master: this person has every right to do to you what they do to you. They may not own you officially, but they might as well since no one will stop them. Stopping them yourself will also make you worse off due to their institutional power.

I'll add more info and stuff to this thread as time goes on.
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