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Mx Any Einzig craves something scandalous, dark and deep


Nov 22, 2020
Hello there my literate friend. I am a fellow literate one seeking the like-minded for worldbuilding and smut. This is my first post on BlueMoon but I’ve been roleplaying too many years to count. I take my writing seriously and my favorite sort of partner is one who delights in doing the same.

I like dark and detailed stories. I tend towards dark fantasy, but for the right partner I can be talked into any genre, really. I also tend towards writing opposite female characters, but again for the right partner, I can be talked into anything.

I enjoy smut, but my heart is in the world and the characters. My beloved partners are those special ones whose heart is also in the world and the characters we write together, who make the smut we write that much more intensely satisfying for both of us. I do have some ideas for a dark fantasy world I am currently building in my head, and so if you are curious about that or about anything, really, I am very approachable. Just message me.

I have no ‘F’ list. Suffice it to say that for the right partner, I have rarely ever said no to anything. Be that right partner for me and I am certain I can satisfy you.

Again, I am very approachable, just message me. I look forward to delighting you.
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