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[WB] Sonic Solaris Universe


Mystical Artifact
Apr 1, 2017
The Cosmos

The Three Great Nations

Kingdom of Soleanna

Government: Grand Duchy, Constitutional Monarchy
Current Sovereign: Grand Duke Accardi Solskaya
Heir: Princess Elise III Solskaya
Capital: Kristra, The City of Water
Symbol: Soul of Solaris
Language: English
Habitants: Mobians, Humans
National Major Holidays: Harvest Feast(November 13), Founders Day(December 20), Blue Soul Giving(December 24), Festival of the Sun(July 10-13), Soul Ritual(Spring Equinox)
Religion: Solaris Worship, Sect of the Saint of Souls
Currency: Cyra, Rings
Primary Industry: Tourism, Technology
Affiliations: Kingdom of Ambra, Emerald Archipelago
Landtype: Coastal
Ecosystems: Forest, Tropical Jungle, Snowy Mountains, Valley, Beach, Grassland
Gelida (North)
Verdenmir (North Central)
Kingdom Valley (Central)
Barbera (East)
Cortese (North East)
Silviano (West)
Aquila White Hill (North West)
Zaffiro (South)

Azona (Southeast)
Hildred (Southwest)
Madreperla (Eastern Island)

Notable Locations:

Kristra: The capital of the kingdom located at the southern coast. It is the cultural center of Soleanna, it has canals all throughout that earns it the title of the City of Water. It is the current seat of the royal family.

Onyx City: The urban center of the kingdom located on the west coast. It is where the nation's technology is developed, so more futuristic than anywhere in the kingdom.

Kingdom Valley: A sacred valley located in the center of the kingdom. It was the former location of the old royal family castle before it was destroyed ten years prior.

Gelida Mountain Range: A frost mountain range up in the far north that borders the Kingdom of Ambra. Besides its gorgeous natural beauty, there is a ski resort and town along the way.

Little Mimosa: A village inside of the tropical jungle, famous for cultivating beautiful flowers and surrounded by it.

Golden Beach Resort: A beachfront resort located east from Onyx City. It is a luxurious hotel right at the lagoon, along the golden sands.


Kingdom of Ambra

Government: Constitutional Monarchy
Current Sovereign: King Flaredon XII Helios
Heir: Princess Blaze Helios
Capital: Amber Regent, The city of Jewels
Symbol: Body of Solaris
Relics: Jeweled Scepter
Language: English
Habitants: Mobians
National Major Holidays: Harvest Feast(November 13), Winter Celebration(December 15-17), Flower Sightseeing(Anytime in April) Jewel Jubilee(June 19), Body Ritual(Summer Solstice)
Religion: Solaris Worship, Sect of Strength
Currency: Dolna, Rings
Primary Industry: Exports, Jewelry
Affiliations: Kingdom of Soleanna, Emerald Archipelago
Landtype: Inland, Coastal
Ecosystems: Rainforest, Tropical desert, Snowy Mountains, Beach, Dune Valleys, Canyons, Oasis

Golden Firelands (Central)
Contasia (Northcentral)
Royal Oasis (East)
Marble Órmos (Northeast)
Athemo (Southeast)
Northern Parádeisos (North)
Gelida Syn (South)
Southern Jrinland (Southwest)
Troya (West)

Notable Locations:

Amber Regent: The Capital of the kingdom, located between the desert and rainforest. It harbors beautiful gemstones that are coveted around the world. It is seated by the royal family.

Gelida Mountain Range: A frost mountain range up in the far south that borders the Kingdom of Soleanna.

Apolleca: The largest settlement in the desert, next to a large oasis. It is home to the Sun Tower, a holy structure that houses the worshipers of Solaris.

Sapphire Lagoon: A city located on a crystal blue lagoon.

The Fire Amber Grove: Located in the center of the Rainforest, it is considered a sacred place as its trees contain special amber used only by the royal family. It is heavily guarded from the outside by a barrier.


The Emerald Archipelago

Government: Federation Republic, Tribal
Current Leaders: President Willow Ash, Clan Master Apaec, Southern Commander Roslyn Woodberry, Western Commander Chauncy Longclaw
Capital: High Silver City, Central Island
Symbols: Mind of Solaris, Green Emerald
Relics: Staff of Darkness
Language: English
Habitants: Mobians, Humans
National Major Holidays: Harvest Feast November 13), Frost Festival (December 1), Winter Gift Giving (December 21) New Years (January 1), All Hearts Day (February 14), Memorial day (March 11), Spring Bloom (First day of Spring), Emerald Celebration May 1, 31), Freedom Summer (June 25), President's day (July 29), Halloween (October 31)
Religion: Solaris Worship, Chaos Worship, Sect of the Eclipsed Sun
Currency: Moola, Rings
Primary Industry: Tourism, Synthetic resources, Technology
Affiliations: Kingdom of Soleanna, Kingdom of Ambra
Landtype: Islands
Ecosystems: Tropical Islands, Forests, Mountains, Deserts, Snow

Notable Locations:

Central Island: The Largest island in the archipelago, mostly composed of a sprawling metropolis called High Silver City, the seat of power of the government. Besides this, there are farmlands and forests.

South Island: A fertile green island with an inactive volcano at the top, famous for its ancient ruins, crystal mines, and the mystical Ring Fountain. The majority inhabitants on the island are hedgehogs.

West Side Island: A neighboring island closest to South Island. It is an industrial island that produces chemicals and synthetic oil, but the island retains its greenery.

Angel Island: An island that exists above the clouds, locked above East Eclipse Island. What is known about said island is that it belongs to a clan of Echidnas that worship an ancient and powerful relic, and its power caused the island to float. This island is completely independent from the rest of the archipelago, having an uneasy alliance with its Noctis brethren.

East Eclipse Island: An jungle island that is below the Floating Island. It is home to a clan of Echidnas that worship Solaris, and keepers of the Staff of Darkness.

North Vulcan Island: An uninhabited island that was scarred by war long ago, and has been off limits ever since.
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History Index
Unknown period
Solaris is born from the sun, beginning it's migration to Earth/Mobius. After reaching it's destination, it settles on the tribal lands of Baal where the mobian bird clan of Ra resides. The Ra clan come to worship the solar deity as their patron.

A tribe of mobian cats called the Fireclaw descended from the north after being exiled from their home. The Ra Tribe welcomes them, as they share their land with them.

Clan Master Garuda calls for a peace treaty between the Emerald Clan and the Ra Tribe. These two clans have been at war for some time, and both Masters agreed that enough blood has been spilled. The Fireclaws and Hedgehogs aligned with the Tribe and Emerald Clan are also in attendance, overseeing the treaty. Various members either agree or disagree with the treaty, and its biggest detester is Dis, brother of Garuda. On the day of the treaty signing, Dis led an insurgency against the clans, afterwards stealing the flames of Solaris. Garuda's betrothed and priestess, Isis, manages to take the soul of Solaris before fleeing into the Eastern Islands, along with the rest of the survivors.

The self proclaimed Phoenix King claims domination over the tribal lands and islands, but he is incomplete as he is missing the soul and is determined to get it back. All of the clans stood united against the Phoenix King, blessed by Isis and also using the power of the sacred Chaos Emeralds. The usurper was defeated, and the deity's flame turned Dis into ash. The flame is released and it is decided to keep them separate in a show of good faith. The Ra Tribe kept the soul, the Fireclaw was given the body, and the echidnas, who now worship the solar deity, were given the mind, forming an alliance. The southern lands are henceforth named the Kingdom of Soleanna.

The echidnas have split into two clans, the Noctis Clan that watches over the Mind, and the remnants who chose the Master Emerald. The latter left the surface by living on a floating island.

The Fireclaw tribe returns to the north, reclaiming their homeland from the ones that exiled them years prior. After liberation, the Kingdom of Ambra was established.

King Rhodes Leandesia was killed in a surprise attack by descendants of the Bronze FangClan who were attempting to claim the soul. His son and heir, Aurelius Leandesia was crowned king, and he declared war on the resurgence of the clan. This was the start of a five-year war.

Lady Pyrrha Solskya is chosen to become the next host for the Soul, but the king halts the ceremony, as they are still at war. He had a plan to use the power of the soul as a weapon against the enemy, but Duke Korinthos Solskya wouldn't allow it. He was deemed a traitor to the cause, and was imprisoned and stripped of his title. His son, Credence, pleads for his father's release, but it falls on deaf ears. The soul is taken by Pyrrha, as she refused to have a piece of their God be used as a weapon, and her brother protected her from the king. Aurelius was slain by Credence in self-defense, and the Duke took leadership to put an end to the resurgence. He becomes the first Grand Duke of Soleanna, turning it into a Grand Duchy.

North Vulcan Island was hit by a mysterious meteorite, and it's power causes the robots and technology around the island to become insane and cause mayhem. Central and other islands gathered their forces to rescue the survivors and battle the rampaging robots. The conflict lasted for six months, with the coalition winning the war, but at the great cost of Vulcan island being uninhabitable for life as it is too contaminated to be rebuilt.

The South Island is invaded by Ivo Robotnik, who places a force field around it. He began his reign of terror on the inhabitants, trying to turn their island into a mechanized land. A lone hedgehog named Sonido Alexander fought back, building a resistance from within, and successfully overthrew Robotnik and liberated the island. He was given a heroic medal by the president for his bravery.

Princess Blaze of Ambra and Princess Elise of Soleanna are born.

Sonic the Hedgehog is born.

Duchess Olenia Solskya is deceased, a funeral is held in her honor.

Blaze has become host of the Body of Solaris.

Solskya Castle in Kingdom Valley is destroyed by an unknown force, leaving Princess Elise one of the few survivors. She becomes the Soul's new host during the chaos, also the current Grand Duke's heir.
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Lineage Index

Family, Tribes, and Lineage Page:

The Tribe of Ra: The very first tribe that settled on the land of Baal hundreds of years ago, and is said to have been blessed by Solaris itself after its descent on the land. After emerging victorious against the Phoenix King, the clan expanded across Baal to create the Kingdom of Soleanna.

The Fireclaw Tribe: A tribe of mobian cats that were cast out from their homeland after a brutal invasion from the Bronze Fang Clan. They traveled south to Baal as refugees, and the Tribe of Ra welcomed them and became allies, and the clan even adapted the Solaris faith. They reclaim their land of Bastet, freeing the remaining tribes that were enslaved and ending the Bronze Fang dynasty.

The Clan of Chaos: A clan of mobian echidnas that worship the powerful Master Emerald, Chaos Emeralds, and the power of Chaos. They are the result of the split of a larger clan of those that covet Chaos Energy, and live in isolation on a floating island after victory against the Phoenix King.

The Noctis Clan: The remnants of the split of the larger echidna clan, this group worship the night, and later Solaris. Rather, they covet the Eclipsed Sun after abandoning the way of Chaos, and choose to ally themselves with the Tribe of Ra and the Fireclaws. They are still active today, living on the Eastern Island as protectors of the Staff of Darkness.

The Bronze Fang Clan: An ancient warrior clan that invaded the Fireclaw Homeland and set a brutal dynasty for nearly a hundred years. After the Reclamation by the Fireclaw Tribe, the remnants of the fang was driven into the unknown.

The Leandesia Royal Family: A once great descendant family of Garuda that ruled Soleana for a long time, now defunct when the last king died.

The Solskya Grand Noble Family: One of the few descendant families that came from Garuda's bloodline is now the ruling family of Soleanna after the Leandesia Dynasty ended.

The Helios Royal Family: A descendant family of the Fireclaw Tribe that are current rulers of Ambra.

The Prower Family: A family of Inventors that resides on Westside Island.

The Rose Family: A minor noble family from a far away land that settled on South Island. They are known for fortune telling, and other arcane readings.

The Bonbon Family: A minor noble family from a far away land that settled on South Island. They fled from their home long ago and arrived in the archipelago for refuge.

The Alexander Lineage: A famous family of hedgehogs dating back to ancient times, started by Alexander the Hero.

The Robotnik/Diordna Family:
A prestigious family of scientific geniuses that has served Central Island for generation. Through marriage, they joined with the Diordna family.

The Awaq Lineage: A family line of guardians that dedicate themselves to protect the sacred Master Emerald, starting with Awaq and passed along his duty to his descendants.

The Killari Lineage: Descendants of a strong lineage of clan masters of East Eclipse Island, started with Killari the Earth Shatterer.

Important Persons:

Garuda, The First King: The last chieftain of Ra, inherited leadership from his father. He brokered peace between Ra and the Emerald clan by marriage of the priestess Isis. After his brother's betrayal, he took the ancestral sword of his people, and fought the Phoenix King with the help of his betrothed and two warriors. After the defeat of the Phoenix King, he established the Kingdom of Soleanna, and became it's first king.

Isis, The First Soul/Queen: The daughter of Mazda and priestess of the once united Emerald clan. She was betrothed to Garuda to bring their people in unity before Dis' insurgency. She became the first host of Solaris' soul and after the defeat of the Phoenix King, became the first Queen of Soleanna.

Apollo, The Mighty: A fireclaw warrior said to be the strongest among his people. He helped Garuda and Mazda defeat the Phoenix King, and became Chieftain of his clan.

Mazda, The Wise: The elder priest of the once united Emerald clan. He helped Garuda and Apollo defeat the Phoenix King, and became the Dark High Priest after the formation of the Noctis Clan.

Awaq, the First Guardian: The very first guardian of the Master Emerald after the clan split.

Killari, the Shadow Master: The very first Master of a shadow warrior cult.

Blaria, The Priestess of Light: An Ambran priestess that constructed the Sun Tower and blessed it to hold the power of Solaris.

Aurelius Leandesia, The Last King: The heir of his family who took the throne after his father's demise. He ruled Soleanna during the resurgence of the Bronze Claw descendants. He was ruthless to his enemies, using extreme measures in order to win and was planning on using the Soul as a weapon, but was stopped and died by the sword of his kin.

Credence Solskya, The First Grand Duke: The duke of the Solskaya family, became the first grand duke of the kingdom after Aurelius' death, and prevented the kingdom from being destroyed by the Bronze Claw resurgence.

Alexander the Hero: An ancient warrior that was said to control raging storms, and has been blessed with super speed because of his countless heroism.

Sonido Alexander Hedgehog: A descendant of the great hero Alexander. Became savior of the South Island after liberating it from Dr. Robotnik's control.
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Deity and Relics Index

Solaris, The Eternal Sun:
The solar deity is said to have been born from the sun, and came to Earth to give blessings of fire and light. It is described to be a God in the shape of an Eagle, as told by a mobian bird clan that worships it. At some point, Solaris splits itself into three living flames containing it's great power. These pieces can survive within a host whether it is a living being with the blood of the Ra tribe, Pyrokinetics with strong will, or sacred objects strong enough to hold it.

Soul: A white flame given to the royal family of Soleanna, descendants of the bird clan. Female descendants of Garuda's bloodline are vessels of the soul, as any other are rejected. Carriers of the soul gain psychokinesis as well as immunity to fire, and healing.

Body: A crimson flame given to the royal family of Ambra, the chosen host is to be the strongest among the royal family, as the weak would be burned to cinders.

Mind: An azure flame given to the Noctis echidna tribe. Instead of using living hosts, they placed the flame into a sacred object called the Staff of Darkness. They protected the staff ever since, never using it's power even in desperate times.

Angi the Purifier: The immaterial essence of Solaris, the living soul made of white flame. It takes the form of a glowing ball with wings of light, which is the source of its power of purification. It heals wounds, rid of corrupting influences, and offers shields for protection.

Iblis the Immeasurable: The raw strength of Solaris, the living body of crimson flame. It takes the form of a dragon made of lava, commanding the power of fire as a destructive force.

Mephiles the Dark: The benevolent will of Solaris, the living mind made of azure flame. It takes the form of whatever shadow it steals, turning into an exact copy of the shade. It manipulates darkness to it's will


Silver Torch: A sacred object made of pure silver, used as a placeholder host for the Soul in case there are no princesses to take it.

Jeweled Scepter: A staff lined with precious gems, crafted by a wizard as a gift to the Ambra royal family. It is a magical item that harnesses the power of light.

The Sun Tower:
A towering structure located in Apolleca, containing a sun emblem made of pure gold. It is a placeholder host for the Body in case of no available living host for it.

Staff of Darkness: A sacred object created and blessed in moonlight. It currently holds the Mind of Solaris as a host object, and the staff is a conduit of its power.

Chaos Emeralds: Mysterious 7 emeralds that are legendary around the world, contains wondrous unlimited power in each one. When all seven are collected, it is said they have the power to perform miracles.

Master Emerald: A large green emerald that is one of the ultimate powers on Earth, able to have control of the 7 emeralds. Most doubt it's existence, as it hasn't been seen since ancient times, but has been worshiped by the majority of the echidna race.


Dis, The Mad Phoenix King:
There was once a member of the Ra tribe named Dis, brother of the Clan Master, Garuda. He stole the fires of Solaris for himself, turning into self proclaimed Phoenix King and misused the God's power for evil purposes. He was defeated by his brother Garuda, the Fireclaw clan's greatest warrior, Apollo, and the echidna shaman, Mazda. After his defeat, he was punished by Solaris by sending his soul to suffer in eternal darkness, his name cursed around the world as the mad near deity.


Solaris Worship: The major religion of the three allied nations that worships Solaris, the Eternal Sun, founded by the Tribe of Ra and spread to the other lands after the fall of the Mad Phoenix King. Its worshippers are predominantly Mobians, but does accept human converts.
Belief: Solaris is the child of the Sun, sent to Earth to bring spiritual guidance, prosperity and unity to the fractured land of Ra. It split into its three aspects to bring the tribe together, and soon enough, the Fireclaw Clan and the Echidna Tribe into the fold. They also believe in reincarnation, that sometimes, the soul returns to Earth by the blessing of the Sun.
Symbols: The Phoenix, The Great Eagle, The Trinity, The Hand and the Sun, Sunlight, Fire, Gold Dust, Crystals
Message: Prosperity, Unity, Guidance
Bibliography: Scripture of the Phoenix, Tome of Ra, Golden Book, Hymn of the Trinity
Doctrine: Unification of the Trinity, Voyage of the Faithful, Purification
Confirmation- New converts attends church or sacred grounds for initiation into the faith.
Congregation- An assembly attending church once a week, Sunday is considered the holy day for mass.
Marriage-Marriage between two people of the faith takes place on sacred grounds, presided over by a holy man. Marriage customs varies between the three nations.
Ritual of Ash: After death, the body is cremated in a holy ritual and their ashes are given to their family or kept in the mausoleum.
Holy Days:
Sunday- The day of mass, the congregation gather for spiritual assembly.
Soul Giving (December 24)- Winter holiday where gifts are exchanged and given.
Summer Solstice (First day of Summer)- Celebration of the first day of Summer where the power of Solaris and the sun are at it's peak and lasting until Autumn.
Festival of the Sun (July 10-13)- A three-day celebration giving praise to Solaris by lighting a sacred fountain by the grand noble family of Soleanna. This is a major holiday in the kingdom, as the Solskya family carries out the lighting ritual.
Summer Farewell (Last day of Summer)- A holiday dedicated to the farewell of Summer to welcome the coming Autumn.
Spring Glory (April 13)-The day in which is dedicated to the Trinity, as they blessing gives new prosperity to nature.
Flora Feast (May 1)- A Day of feasting of Spring related foods.
"May the sun grace you."
"So is the word of Ra"
"The Blessing of the Sun may last finite, but it's child will be forever"
"The Almighty Sun gave it's child to the Earth, and the Great Eagle gave the Trinity to the people of Ra to spread prosperity, unity, and guidance. "

Majade Worship: During the ancient days of Ambra, the major religion was the worship of the goddess of life. It became obscure after the Reclamation of Ambra, but even in modern time, a small portion of the population still practice this religion.

Chaos Worship
The predominate religion of the Echidnas of Angel Island. They worship the power of Chaos, a natural force and the almighty Master and Chaos Emeralds.
Symbols: Emeralds, Chaos Energy, Color Green, Water
Message: Cosmic force of Chaos is a gift, and emeralds are sacred.
Doctrines: Chaos is the lifeforce of the universe.
Bibliography: Runestones of Faith
Rites: Emerald Blessing: Newborn infants are given a baptism in a sacred lake in the Hidden Sanctuary. When they turn 5 years of age, the child is given a necklace with the gem from the sanctuary.
New Year Blessing: The faithful gather around the sacred Master Emerald on the dawn of the dawn of the new year to be washed in its presence.
Rite of Guardianship: An sacred rite where the title and duties of guardian of the Master Emerald is passed down to a successor.
Holy Days:
Friday Ceremony- Religious mass that begins on the last Friday of the month.

Offshoot Religions:

Sect of the Saint of Souls
Belief: This religion is dedicated to the Soul of Solaris and the first host, Isis, who is considered the mother of souls. They are held in high regard as the soul represents spiritual healing and flight. They also sanctify past and present princesses who were hosts of the Soul. Its worshippers are mostly women and is mainly practiced in the Kingdom of Soleanna.
Symbols: The Soul of Solaris, Isis, White feathers, Lavender, Purple color flowers, Purple and White
Message: Healing, Purification, Peace
Doctrines: Spiritual healing
Bibliography: Word of the Saint, Lavender Scrolls
Rites: Spring Mass: Every Saturday during Spring is mass, the congregation gather for spiritual assembly.
Lavender Giving: New converts are given lavender as the Saint now graces them. Other flower options are available.
Holy Days: Day of the Sanctified Lady (April 3): Saint Isis's birthday.
Blessing of the Soul (The day when the princess becomes the host)
Spring Glory (April Sundays)-The days in which is dedicated to the Trinity, as they blessing gives new prosperity to nature.
Lavender Bloom (April 25)- The day when Lavenders are in full bloom near Kingdom Valley. They are gathered and made into wreaths or embroidered.
"By grace of the Saint/lady/priestess/mother/Soul of Solaris"

Sect of Strength
Belief: The Body of Solaris is worshiped as a mighty force, as it represents physical and spiritual might. It is mainly practiced in the Kingdom of Ambra.
Symbols: Body of Solaris, Fire, Yellow Garnet, Gold, Peony, Yellow colored flowers, Gold or Yellow Spheres
Message: Spiritual and Physical Strength
Doctrines: Strengthen the body and spirit against all obstacles
Bibliography: The Sun Seals, Book of Power
Rites: Sandbathing: Once a month, the faithful are to bath in white sand in Sun temples and other holy sites to cleanse their bodies.
Fasting: On the last day of January, members are to fast for 24 hours, not eating or drinking anything except for water and a special juice called Easir for breakfast and dinner. Usually before this day, it is recommended to have a big dinner before midnight.
Winter Fasting: On the first day of December, members are to fast for 24 hours, abstaining food and drink during this time with the exception of water.
Dew Harvest: During Summer, members travel to oasis to gather due from specific plants and crystalized them.
Holy Days:
Mass- Third and Fourth Fridays of the Month is Mass.
Holy Harvest (Early November)- Harvest season starts around this time, and this marks the day of holy feasting.
Holy Adornment (Dawn of January 1)- Before the New Year Sun, there is a mass with the faithful adoring gold to greet the rising of the sunrise.
Blessing of the Body (The same day of the Hosting Ceremony)

Sect of the Eclipsed Sun
Belief: Rather than worshipping the light, it is instead dedicated to the Eclipsed Sun, known as the Shadow of Solaris. Another belief is reincarnation, that the soul goes into the afterlife after death, but reborn into the mortal plain as a new Echidna. It is mainly practiced by the echidnas of East Eclipse Island.
Symbols: Dark Sun, Shadow Bird, Black and Dark blue feathers, Blue Amber, Eye of Knowledge
Message: Knowledge is power, only to be used for the greater good.
Doctrines: Pursuit of knowledge to better improve your life and the people around you.
Book of Dark Iron, Eyes of Wisdom
Rites: Rite of Life: New born infants are gifted with rune stones which they will carry for the remainder of their life, however, no new converts are gifted these ruins.
Renewal Passage: On the last day of each Solstice, children who turned 17 years of age are to take part in a coming of age ceremony where their ruins are blessed by the power of the Staff of Darkness. Afterwards, there is a large celebration of them entering adulthood.
The Returning: After death, the family of the deceased or a holy priest takes their runes and placed it in the water where it came from, for when they return to the mortal plain, they will have their runes returned.
Holy Days:
Day of New Veils (January 1)- On the day of the new year, members wear embroidered dark veils that are newly crafted and burn the old ones from last year.
Day of Reflection (January 2)- Members are to bath in pools and reflect on themselves.
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Soleanna Society

Grand Nobility
Grand Duke/Duchess- The current ruler of Soleanna by right of ceremony under the blessing of Solaris.
King/Queen- Former titles of royalty signifying the rightful rulers of Soleanna, now obsolete.
Duke/Duchess Dowager- The widowed consorts of the deceased former rulers of Soleanna who relinquished the throne to their chosen heir who will take their place. Still have some significant power and respect.
Noble Consort/Duke/Duchess Consort- The spouse of the current ruler.
Crowned Heirs- The chosen prince or princess that will be the next ruler of Soleanna upon their ascension.
Prince/Princess- The children of the ruler and their consort either by birth or adoption. This title is also for the dowager's children who are unmarried and untiled.
Noble Steward- In the case of a ruler's untimely death or an event that leaves them unfit to rule, a steward is appointed to the throne and temporarily acts as ruler until an crowned heir takes the throne. This position is usually given to the Noble Consort, a Dowager or a trusted family member/friend to protect the throne and grand noble family.
Princess of the Soul- A very special title given to the host of the Soul of Solaris. The requirements for such as follows:
1) A child born in the Royal Kinship houses
2) Must be female
3) Candidates must be between 6 to 17 years of age
Normally, princesses of the ruling house of Soleanna are chosen, but in the case of no princesses that qualify, then they would pick a eligible daughter from one of the kinship houses and unofficially or sometimes officially adopts her as a princess. A soul princess can still become crowned heir and ascend into Grand Duchess but this rule however, is bared from adopted princesses from the other kinship houses whether it is official or not. Regardless of status, she can still be married.


Royal Kinship of Garuda: The royal houses of Soleanna who are descendants of the first king Garuda and the first queen Isis.

Leandesia (Extinct)
Ajell (Extinct)
Carrozzi (Extinct)

Honored Guest: When guests enter into a household, the host greets them then offers them customary sweet or savory light snacks or meal. During their stay, guests are respected by the host and vice versa until they depart. Breaking hospitality by either party is considered rude and will be cursed with bad luck by the offended Solaris unless they beg sincerely for forgiveness. It is optional for guests to bring gifts for the host.

Fruit Cocktail
Mini Tarts
Fruit Bruschetta
Scones with Jam

Tea Sandwiches
Cold Cut Salami and Cheese
Cherry Tomato Mini Tarts
Roasted Garlic Butter Crostini
Cucumber Canapes

Water/Sparkling Water

Science and Technology
Soleanna has advanced technology thanks to the various corporation stationed in Onyx City. It is also very scientific, mainly focused on harnessing solar energy as an unlimited source.

Schooling starts for children at six years of age, beginning in Primary until they turn 11-12. Then they start lower primary that takes 2 years before moving to high secondary. Post schooling is optional by attending college or university for higher learning.

Music and Art
Music and art have been a stable of Soleanna for thousands of years, as its style and technique have been recognized as being one of the best and well loved.

Food/Drink and Mealtimes
Traditional Soleanna cuisine is usually rich with Pasta, Bread, Fish, Coldcut Meats, Cheese, Fruits, and Vegetables. Each region have their own cooking styles and ingredients, and can be enjoyed across the kingdom.

North: Cheesed Stuffed Pastas and savory pastries, baked cheese, and herbs
Central: Rich Pasta dishes with meat sauces
West: Shellfish and Root Vegetables
East: Fruit, Rice, Bread, Dairy.
South: Fish, Red Sauce, White Sauce, Herbs

Breakfast (6:50 am-10:00 am) The first meal of the day, usually hearty with morning proteins, eggs and cheese. Bread, pastries, raw vegetables and fruits are accompanied with the meats.
Morning Tea (10:15 am-11:30 am): Light snacks and drinks in between, predominantly sweet pastries and fruity teas and juice.
Lunch (12 pm-2:00 pm): Middle of the day meal, consisting of warm meals accompanied with soups, salads, cold cuts, and cheese.
Afternoon Tea (3:00 pm-4:30 pm): Another period for light snacks, but has more savory along with sweet treats.
Dinner (6:30 pm-9:00 pm): Evening mealtime, usually filling.
Dessert: Sweet dishes that can be served immediately or thirty minutes after dinner
Bedtime Ambrosia: Warm or hot drinks that are usually served before bed, helps as an aid for sleep.
Dinner feasts: Dinner events that are used for special occasions, consisting of several courses to feed large groups.
Aperitivo: The start of the feast, serving alcoholic/non-alcoholic bubbly drinks to stimulate hunger. Can also be served during other courses.
Antipasti: Appetizers that are light and usually served in bite sized portions, cold cuts, leafy salads in light dressing, olives, nuts, and cheese.
Primi: The first main dishes that includes pasta, soup, and risotto. Does not have any meat, but can have fish and shellfish.
Secondi: The second main course, very hearty dishes that has meat, seafood, and heavy sauces.
Contorni: Side dishes that consist of salads and cooked/raw vegetables that is served with the Secondi.
Formaggie Frutta: A mid serving after the main meals consisting of cheese, fruit, and wine/sparkling wine. This is usually served during Autumn and Winter feasts.
Dolce/Caffe: The end of the meal, dessert is served or alternatively, black coffee.

Agriculture and Farming
Large acres of land are dedicated to agriculture and farming. The west has dairy and ranches which has beef, pork, poultry, and rarely sheep and goats. The east has wheat, grains, fruits, and vegetables. The north has herbs and spices, and the south is mainly used for fish farming. Soleanna is also famous for its vineyards that cultivate, harvest, and process grapes for juice, wines, and champagne.

1) The age of maturity is 18, so they are eligible for marriage.
2) It is illegal for those underaged to be wedded
3) Only two people are bonded in matrimony, polyamorous marriages are illegal.
4) Incest marriage between those who share blood is illegal.
5) Infidelity, although not illegal, is punishable by paying high amount of fees to the wronged spouse during the divorce ruling by the offending parties.

Pearls are given in the form of rings or bracelets to show their partner's intent to marry. If accepted, then they are engaged to be wed. The wedding planning is conducted usually by both the bride and groom and can include their family in the process. A week before the wedding, both man and woman are to wear bronze necklaces symbolizing a male and female eagle. During that week, the bride and groom are not to see each other until the wedding as they will spend that time with their families.

The color of the bride can be either blue, lavender, or yellow. Only women of noble blood are allowed to wear white. Additionally, they are only allowed to adorn pearls and/or labradorite. Unless given permission by the bride, the wedding party and guests are not allowed to wear the same color as the wedding dress.

The color of the Groom is either black, blue, or silver. Unlike with the bride, the wedding party and guests can match color of the groom, but white is still not permitted unless given by the noble bride and groom.

Guests are invited via invitation, and can bring wedding gifts in the form of money, silver and sapphire jewelry, high quality candles, pottery, or phoenix tokens.

The newly wedded couple have the option of taking a honeymoon after their wedding, although it doesn't have to be right away.

The wedding takes place inside of places of worship under Solaris or other deities of worship. In the former's case, guests are gathered into the church and being seated.

At the beginning of the ceremony, the groom goes to the alter with the accompaniment of his party. Then the bride walks with the priest as her guide with her party. At the joining, the priest lights a torch or candle and began speaking, as the best man and maid of honor removes the bronze necklaces and the pearl engagement token to be replaced by gold rings on their fingers. Finally, the bride and groom hold the touch and say their vows under Solaris and kiss, marking them as an official married couple.

Afterwards, the bride and groom leaves the alter as the guest celebrates their union and are escorted to attend the wedding feast. Usually, the married couple would switch gown and tux if they have it and join the guest in the feast. There is eating, music, dancing, and fun activities until the night.

Holidays, Celebrations, and Ceremonies
New Years Eve (December 31): The day before New Years Day
New Years Day (January 1): The official beginning of the new year, marked by the time of 12:00 Am.
Sacred Heart Days (February 14): A day for lovers to express
Soul Ritual (Spring Equinox): A special day on the first day of Spring when a new host
Spring Break (Third or Fourth week of March): A school only event where students are on break for an entire week
Spring Glory (April Sundays):
Mother's Honor (May 10th)
Knight's Day (May 26)
Summer Break (June 5-August 25)
Father's Honor (June 17)
Festival of the Sun (July 10-13)
Sugar Harvest (October 31)
Harvest Feast (November 13)
Winter Break (December 20-January 2)
Founders Day (December 20)
Blue Soul Giving (December 24)

Ascension Ceremony: When the previous ruler relinquishes the throne or pass away, the crowned heir is next in line and usually ascends a week or two after their 20th birthday. It is an event that is attended by all the noble houses, taking place in Soleanna's Phoenix Cathedral in Kingdom Valley. It is presided over by the Grand Priest, as they present the three treasures (An embordered gold silk phoenix cloak, an orb adorned with rubies, and a winged scepter.) By wearing these three treasures, the ceremony is complete and Soleanna has a new ruler. A feast and ball is held afterwards inside of the main castle and last until midnight.

Soul Ceremony: An important ceremony when a woman with the blood of Garuda and Isis becomes the host of the Soul of Solaris. The usual candidate is a princess of the grand nobility between the ages of 6 to 17, but on the chance that there is no girl in the family, then one is unofficially adopted from the Royal Kinship noble families and takes the title of princess, but will not be made the crowned heir even if they are officially adopted into the family. The girl is chosen by the grand priest and once a year on the third day of the Festival of the Sun, she is to bath in holy water.

The Ceremony takes place on the Spring Equinox when the princess turns either 18 or 19 years old and she and her family travels to the Phoenix Cathedral to meet with the priest and priestess. The ceremony is kept very private so the details on how it is performed is kept secret only known the priests and the Grand Noble family.

Fire Lighting Ceremony: A sacred public ceremony that happens on the last night of the Festival of the Sun. The royal family is carried on a boat through the canal until they arrive at the fountain where they give praise to Solaris and says a prayer for its blessing before lighting the fountain aflame.

New Year Fire: A public new year celebration that happens on the eve. It is similar to the Fire Lighting Ceremony where the royal family lights the fountain, but in tandem with the midnight hour, where it is accompanied by dazzling fireworks and celebration.

Arrival Shower: An event for newborn infants after a month of their birth. The party is organized by the female relatives of the mother to celebrate the first baby of the married couple and also offering gifts. This is usually exclusive for the first born child, but it is optional for new additions.

Kristra Carnival: A local carnival only held in the capital city, Kristra for two days, where participants wear elaborate costumes and masks.

Soul Blessing: A private affair that happens a day or two after the Soul Ceremony, solely for the new Princess Vessel. Her family gifts her with a special tiara made for princesses of her rank to wear to formal events. She is also given a special pastry made from a rare fruit only found in the kingdom and consumes it, symbolizing that she graciously accepts this blessing.

Autumn Apple Festival: A local festival celebrating the harvest of apples.

Naming Rules
A citizen born in Soleanna has three names beginning with their first and middle names given by their parents, with their family surname being last. For common born Mobians, they sometimes consider their middle names as their surnames, as it is very common for their last name is the animal that they are born as. Noble Mobians have true last names that represents the house that they are from. Traditionally, a noble wife takes the surname of her noble husband. A spouse wedded into the Royal Kinship take their last name and become apart of their household regardless.
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Ambra Society

Royal Titles
King/Queen: The current sovereign of the kingdom, rightful rulers under Solaris.
King/Queen Consort: Royal spouses who married to the sovereign rulers.
King/Queen Dowager: Widowed consorts of the sovereign rules.
Crown Prince/Princess: Heir to the Ambran throne given by the current sovereign.
Prince/Princess: Royal children of the ruling family.
High Prince/Princess: Children of the former sovereign rulers, usually unmarried and/or untitled.
Regent: A steward who is a temporary ruler in case something happened to the current sovereign.
Vessel of the Form: Hosts of the Body of Solaris. They are usually members of the royal family and regardless of blood, can ascend the throne if they are crowned heirs.

Noble Titles
Archlord/Archlady: Royal nobility titles for living retired rulers and their consorts who abdicated the throne for their successor.
Eupatridae: A class group of major nobles, equivalent to Dukes, Margraves, and Counts.
Geomori: A class group of minor nobles, equivalent to Viscounts and Barons.

Guest Rights: When guests are invited into a household, they are greeted and are offered Pita or a specific type of tea meant for visitors. Eating and drinking under the host's house is under the protection of said house and host until they leave. At the same time, guests are to treat the hosts with respect while under their roof.

Science and Technology
Technology in Ambra relies on water energy, using the largest water source in the kingdom to harness it.

Children start school at 5, starting in Kindergarten and a year after that, primary schooling. Then after that, it's three years of secondary schooling and three years of high secondary school. After which, there is an option of going to University or College for higher learning.

Food/Drink and Mealtime
Ambran cuisine is hearty, consisting of meats and fish, and the ways to cook them. They are either pit roasted, grilled, or BBQ, also having cooked vegetables for side. The meals are usually accompanied by seasoned rice and unleavened bread.

Breakfast (5:00 am-9:50 am): The first meal of the day, usually the least hearty mealtime. It mostly contains bread, dairy, eggs, fresh fruits, and roasted vegetables. Pork is usually the only meat served during this time, but can be swapped with other options.

Noon Snack (11 am-12:30 pm): An optional light snack time to hold over until lunch, containing sweet pastries with juice, tea, or coffee.

Lunch (2 pm-3 pm): Afternoon mealtime, usually very hearty with meat and fish, the most filling meal of the day.

Dinner (7 pm-10 pm):Evening mealtime, can either be light or heavy.

Dessert: Sweet dishes made of dairy and fruits usually served after dinner.

Celebratory Feasts: Large meals during special occasions and holidays, serving large portions of bbq meat and grilled fish, along with various sides, sauces, and drinks. Dessert is served afterwards.

Agriculture and Farming
The south and west is dedicated to the raising of beef, pork, lamb, goat, and poultry, along with dairy and eggs that are shipped all over the kingdom. The east is for coastal fishing, while the north is for farming rice, wheat, herbs, spices, coffee beans, fruits and vegetables because of the perfect climate and soil.

Laws: The laws are relatively the same as the other nations.

Engagement: Garnet, Opal, and Peridot rings are signs of engagement, although those of the royal family are the only ones allowed to give their intended other Amber and Rubies. Once the recipient accepts the proposal, than they must inform their local Sun Priest if they are Solaris worshippers in order to be officially engaged. They are to plan their wedding which will take place inside of Sun Temples or Holy Oasis.

Colors for the bride are red, orange, and grey. Gold is exclusive to royal brides and consorts, no guests except for the royal family are allowed to wear these colors. Also royal brides and consorts are the only ones to be adorn with amber and rubies.

Grooms colors are the same as the bride, and so are the royal colors of gold.

Weddings take places in sun temples or holy oasis for those who worship Solaris. The Groom and Bride's family are lead to the alter which is followed by the groom. The Bride is followed by a small precession of priestesses wielding torches as they lead to the alter, in which a priest presides over the ceremony. Bride and Groom drinks from a cup made of crystal which contains golden lily extract before making their vows under Solaris, and thus ends the ceremony.

Afterwards, the Bride and Groom are carried away from the temple/oasis and towards a banquet hall for festivities ranging from dancing to feasting.

Holidays, Celebrations, and Ceremonies
New Years Eve (December 31)
New Years Day (January 1)
Sacredheart Day (February 14)
Body Ritual (Summer Equinox)
Spring Break (Third or Fourth week of March)
Mother's Honor (May 10th)
Summer Break (June 5-August 25)
Father's Honor (June 17)
Sugar Harvest (October 31)
Harvest Feast (November 13)
Winter Break (December 20-January 2)
Blue Soul Giving (December 24)

Holidays and Ceremonies
Royal Coronation: A royal ceremony where the heir to the throne becomes the next sovereign of the kingdom. It is a public event that takes place in front of the royal palace presided over by a priest or priestess, the royal heir and their family are in attendance where they are blessed in drinking sacred nectar. The heir is then given the royal crown, thus becomes the official sovereign and a feast and celebration is followed.

Body Ceremony: An important ritual to transfer the body of Solaris into a host, usually a member of the royal family or noble house. Since the ritual is a private affair, all it is known is that it takes place in the Sun Tower in Apolleca and the chosen undergoes a sacred ritual in being the host of the Body.

Naming Rules
Naming rules are the same as Soleanna.
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Archipelago Society

President- The elected leader of Central island and it's colonies.
Vice President- The elected second hand of the president.
Island Commander- An official who is the leader of an entire island, a similar role to the president.
Mayor- An elected official of an entire city.

Households have their own traditional guest rights, but the basics is that both hosts and guests shows respect for one another.

Science and Technology
The islands develops various types of technology that is friendly to the environment, often making synthetic material and drawing energy from sun and wind.

Children start their education at 5 years old, though in Central, children starts in pre-school at 4 years old. Primary school lasts for 6 years before moving on to middle school which is two years. Afterwards, high school lasts for four years and after graduation, there is optional higher learning in the form of college and university.

Food/Drink and Mealtime
Central, South, and Westside cuisine is influenced by various cultures that they adopted in making their own cuisine.

Breakfast: (5:45 am-11:30 Am): First meal of the day, can be served heavy or light, hot or cold. Meals include Pastries, cakes, waffles, sausage, pork, eggs, vegetables, fruits, oats, dairy, cereal and bread. Milk, fruit smoothies, orange juice, tea, and coffee are usually accompanied.
Brunch: (10:30 am-1 pm): An optional mealtime that combines late breakfast and early lunch, and can be replacements for both. Champagne or morning cocktails are optional accompaniments along with the usual drink varieties. Usually very popular on Sundays.
Lunch: (12:00 pm-3:50 pm): Midday meal which can be heavy or light. Can be served either hot or cold.
Afternoon Snack: An optional period for very light meals to hold over until dinner time.
Dinner: (5:30 pm-9 pm) Usually the most filling meal of the day, consist of hot meals that are large in portions.
Dessert: Sweet dishes that are served after dinner.
Late Supper: Dinner served late in the night when regular dinner is skipped.
Feast: Large meals that are served during holidays and special occasions. Can be served at any mealtime.

Agriculture and Farming
Central- This island has the largest dairy, ranch, and wheat farming in the archipelago.

South-Rich with herbs and spices, along with fruits and vegetables.

Westside- Has fishing, shellfish, and kelp farms.


Central- Diamond studded engagement rings are very popular, they are preferred gifts to give the one they intend to marry. If accepted, then they are officially engaged and both parties plan the wedding.

South & Westside- Modified gold rings are popular among the mobian population on their choice of engagement item. If accepted, then the couple are officially engaged and the wedding planning begins.

The Bride traditionally wears white for the ceremony, and unless given expressed permission from her, guests are not allowed to wear the same color as the bride. The groom meanwhile wears either black or white tux with a red or white rose boutonniere on their person.

The event takes place in either churches, outdoor venues, or hotels that allow wedding venues. When it begins, the wedding precession walks up to the alter followed by the groom then the bride follows after to join the groom at the alter with her father or male member to accompany her down the aisle. The priest begins the ceremony by reciting sculpture, and the best man and maid of honor present rings so the bride and groom can place the objects on their finger after citing their vows to another then kiss to end the ceremony. Afterwards, the newly wedded pair leaves the alter for the reception where there is a feast for the guests to enjoy.

Holidays and Ceremonies
New Years Eve (December 31)
New Years Day (January 1)
Sacred heart Day (February 14)
Spring Break (Third or Fourth week of March)
Mother's Honor (May 10th)
Body Ceremony (Summer Equinox)
Summer Break (June 1- September 1)
Father's Honor (June 17)
Silverwave Day (July 1)
Sugar Harvest (October 31)
Bountiful Supper (November 22)
Winter Break (December 20-January 2)
Blue Soul Giving (December 24)

Naming Rules
It is the same as the other nations.
Noctis Clan Society
Clan Master- The head of the Killari lineage and leader of the Island.
Priest of the Eclipse- The head priest/priestess also the guardian of the Staff of Darkness.

Guests can enter into the host's abode without prior warning, and is sometimes offered coffee or other refreshments.

Science and Technology
Technology is powered by energy stones that absorbs celestial light from the sun and moon.

Education starts at 5 years old, although preschool is optional a year prior. The children spend the next six years in school, then two years of junior secondary school. Afterwards, they have a choice in going onto high school or a specialized school that trains those to become priests.

Food/Drink and Mealtime
Breakfast: (5:55 Am-10:00 Am)The first meal of the day, usually heavy with fruits and vegetables with eggs and pork as the only meats. Coffee is mostly consumed at this time, alternatively drinks made from milk and cocoa.
Lunch (2 Pm-5 Pm) Midday meal, sometimes the largest meal of the day usually composed of wraps and hearty soups.
Dinner (7 Pm - 9 PM) Evening meals, can be either light or heavy.
Dessert Ambrosia: Dessert drinks that are made of milk, flavored syrups and fresh fruits that are usually served after dinner.
Feasts: Large meals that are served during holidays and special occasions.

Agriculture and Farming
The main diet is mostly fruits and vegetables, favorite among them are corn, coffee beans, and peppers. The only meat being raised are beef, pork, chicken, and shellfish.

Moonstones in the form of necklaces are given to an intended partner, and if accepted, then the two are officially engaged. As tradition dictates, the couple visits their ancestral shrine for their ancestor's blessing for their future union and joining of their families. A month before their marriage, they are to visit a Priest or Priestess for additional blessings for their upcoming wedding and other important matters.

Depending on the season, the bride and her kin wear the colors that represent said season and the symbols of Solaris and maiden clan. The groom and his kin wear dark purple or bronze and the symbols of his maiden clan.

Autumn: Yellow or Purple
Winter: Blue or Silver
Spring: Green or Pink
Summer: Blue or White

The wedding takes place outside in the late afternoon or in an Eclipse Temple which would be presided over by a priest or priestess. The bride and groom are led together to the altar by the priest and are followed by the wedding party. The ceremony begins as the couple cements their affirmation of love by purifying their runestones together in sacred water. The priest blesses the couple under Solaris and the two are married. Afterwards, a feast is held for all of the guests to honor the newly wedded couple.

Holidays and Ceremonies
New Years Eve (December 31)
New Years Day (January 1)
Silver Veiling (February 27)
Awakening Day (Spring Equinox)
Day of Rebirth (April 13)
Mother's Honor (May 10)
Father's Honor (June 17)
Scepter Purification (Summer Solstice)
Day of Darkness (Winter Solstice)
Blue Soul Giving (December 24)

Scepter Purification:
An event that happens once every fives years to calm the Scepter of Darkness in the purifying waters.

Clan Master Ceremony:
A ceremony in choosing the next Clan Master that would be the leader of the East Eclipse island. The ceremony begins two weeks after the successor's 22nd birthday, taking place outside of the Killari Monument where the Priest of the Eclipse anoints them with oil from Darkglow flowers and lavender. They are then given the ceremonial runestone and hold it up to the celestial lights, making them the new Clan Master.

Naming Rules
Naming conventions is different as it compose of four names. The first is an Echidna's given name, the second is either the name of their earliest known male/female ancestor or the clan of their father/mother. The third is their given middle name, and the fourth is their surname.
Angel Island Society
Island Master/Mistress-One of the three leaders of Angel Island, protector of the island and its people.
Great Chaos Priest/Priestess-One of the leaders of the island, head of the Chaos religion and master of ceremonies.
Master Emerald Guardian-One of the leaders of the island, the protector of the Master Emerald through the Awaq lineage.
Clan Master/Mistress- Leader of their respective clan.
Clan Lady/Sire-Consorts of the island chieftains/clan leaders.
Clan Heir-Chosen offspring who would be the next leader of their respective clans.

High Clans- Clans that are considered nobility in society.

Guests are invited inside of a home, and usually gives hosts small gifts. Females gives sweets, while males gives tea or coffee. On special occasions and holidays, special offerings are given to a household to bless them.

Science and Technology
Their tech are powered by chaos crystals, natural forming crystalized chaos that are mined in the Red Mountains. Other crystalized elements are used and mined for everyday life.

The Education system is similar to Noctis Island.

Food/Drink and Mealtime
Breakfast (6 AM-10 Am) The first meal of the day, which is rich with hot rice and breads as a staple. Another stable is chocolate coffee as a drink for adults and cinnamon milk for children.
Lunch (11 Am-3 PM) Midday meal, which consist with heavy vegetables and lentils.
Afternoon Coffee (4 PM) Afternoon Coffee time, mostly enjoyed alone or with a baked snack.
Dinner (6 pm-10 pm) Usually the largest meal of the day, filled with various vegetables, meat, and breads.

Agriculture and Farming
Amaranth grain, lintels, and rice are the main grains grown on the island. Cocoa and coffee beans are abundant as well, along with fruits, vegetables, and spices. Wild game are hunted such as wild boar, deer, fowls, reptiles, and fish. Cows, rabbits, chickens, goats, and insects are farmed and has a verity of uses.

Within High Clans, parents/guardians betrothed their children during their youth to prepare them for marriage when they become adults. To show their betrothment, both children are gifted with matching jade bracelets to signify their future union.

In the case of normal engagement, jade pendants are given to their intendent future partner, and if they accept, then they are officially engaged with a priest/priestess' blessing.

A chaos priest or priestess chooses the wedding date for the couple depending on a ritual. Afterwards, they help the couple prepare for the ceremony. A week before the wedding, the couple must not see each other until the day, undergoing a few blessing rituals.

Depending on the season, the bride and groom are to wear the color that represents said season, along with clan representation.

Autumn: Bronze
Winter: Lapis Blue
Spring: Fuchsia
Summer: Emerald Green

The ceremony takes place in in a Chaos Temple, where the guests are placed in attendance. The bride and groom are lead by the head priest/priestess towards the alter followed by their parents/guardians to give them away. They are given rings made from their jade necklace and say their vows before officially being married.

Holidays and Ceremonies
Coming soon

Naming Rules
It is the very same as their Noctis counterparts.
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