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Mx Female Sexual Awakening [age difference, long-term, detailed] (Highly NSFW)


Avid Roleplayer
Nov 19, 2023

Hello there, my name is Jim, welcome to my request thread! I've been roleplaying for many years and I'd consider myself an experienced roleplayer. I enjoy writing and also sharing my writing. In fact, I've published a few stories. If you'd like to get an idea of my writing style you can check out some of my stories below

  • Setting : Slice-of-life or modern settings are the ones that I'm most familiar with. I'm open to historical settings if the plot is compelling enough.
  • Dom vs Sub : I typically play dominant in my roleplays. I'm happy for my partner to play as highly submissive or alternatively, we can be more on equal terms. I cannot play submissive however.
  • Age Difference : I absolutely love the dynamic of an older woman having an affair with a younger man and for that reason I'm looking for a partner who is comfortable writing a character(s) in the age range 40-48 years old. To reiterate, despite being older, I'm very happy for my partner to be highly submissive, if they wish. I prefer to be dominant as I mentioned despite being the younger one in the relationship.
  • Large Bosom : Likewise I prefer that the character(s) that I play against to be rather voluptuous. I'm not looking for anything obscene or out of proportion but her breasts should be large enough that they'd be difficult to hide even if she wanted to.
  • Detail : I can write between 2-5 paragraphs for each reply and I'm looking for a partner who can keep up. I do not do one-liners. EVER!
  • Plot and Story : Although smut features heavily in all my roleplays, I like to develop a rich story alongside it. The best roleplays for me include lots of character development and world-building. Ideally I'd prefer to have a 30/70 smut-to-plot ratio, however I'm also open to doing 50/50 in some cases.
  • Open Communication : The best roleplays I've done have relied heavily on open communication. I will give and expect to receive honest feedback. If something is not working, let's see if we can change things. I will never ever leave a roleplay without at least saying the reason why. I would appreciate the same courtesy from my partner.
I will preface this by saying that apart from the first two kinks which I mentioned above as well, everything else is optional. If you're not into humiliation for example, we don't have to do it. I draw a lot of pleasure from seeing my partner enjoying herself, so for the most part I'm happy to be guided by my partner's preferences. It makes each story unique even if I might have played that particular setup before. To sum up, treat the kinks mentioned below as optional. On the flipside, the list below doesn't even come close to all the things I've enjoyed in the past, so let me know what you like that we might include. I cannot promise that I'll accept every suggestion, but I will consider everything.

The foundation of the story that I had in mind features my character Jim, a charismatic young man who really enjoys the company of the fairer sex. I prefer to start the story from the moment they meet for the first time, that way we discover each other as the story progresses. Jim comes across an older woman that will turn his world upside down. I'd like to explore their eventual affair, the build to it, the sex, the drama and potentially the bitter end.

Bully & Friend's Mom
In an attempt to get on the good side of the popular guy at his college, Terry begs his mom to rent out his room to his 'friend' Jim. He assures her that Jim is a good guy and just needs a place to stay whilst he's doing an internship for the summer. The roleplay chronicles the gradual corruption of a devoted, loving mother by her son's friend/bully. It could start small with her cooking or cleaning for Jim or wearing certain clothes at his request, all the way to the extreme scenario where she's kicked her husband out of her bedroom and invited Jim instead, letting him to fuck her doggy style whilst she carries his baby.

Boss & Secretary
Jim is a young charismatic business executive who comes across an older woman down on her luck. There's something about her that he can't get out of his mind so he decides to hire her as his personal assistant. As she's introduced to a world of opulence and luxury she also has to make sense of the debauchery and her boss's constant flings with interns, journalists and so on. Does she decide to join in on the fun? Or does she make him see that he doesn't need anyone else apart from her?

Landlady & Tenant
Jim has just graduated and he's moved to the big city for his new job. He rents out a room from a lovely woman in her 40s. The roleplay would start from the house viewing. I imagine this story as a slow burn romance where the boundaries gradually become blurred as the tension ratchets up. We could explore the themes of commitment, passion and even conflict. Maybe in this one, Jim might even have a girlfriend, paving the way for more drama and conflict that would arise from the affair.

Double Booked Strangers
I saw this in another request thread and it stood out to me instantly. The premise is that a unique foul up happens at a hotel. Our characters are booked for the same room. The hotel is full otherwise and it's the middle of the night. How did this happen? What will Jim and her decide to do? This is very much a blank slate which leaves room for quite a bit of enjoyable brainstorming. Having said that, to get the juices flowing here's one potential direction this story could take. They could be business executives in town for few days on account of a conference. The fact that they need to get up early the next day means they might not overthink it too much and decide to stay in the room together, but since he and/or she is married they agree to keep a respectful distance. Maybe build a wall of pillows in between? Maybe on the second night, Jim overhears a telephone conversation between her and husband and finds out her marriage is in trouble, or maybe he spots a vibrator in her luggage. He might try to seduce her on the second night, invite her for dinner or maybe even send an anonymous text to her husband to provoke a fight and have her cry on his shoulder. Whatever the case that wall of pillows won't be effective for much longer.

Teacher & Student (tapped out on this)
Jim is from out of town, he's recently moved in and is due to stay for less than a year until he graduates(could be from university or high school). Chasing tail around the college is no longer fun so the young man eyes instead one of his professors. She's twice as old as him, but sexy as fuck. Luckily as he's emailing her one evening asking for some help with an assignment she accidentally sends him some inappropriate pictures of herself in lingerie and short skirts. The roleplay explores how Jim proceeds to make this teacher his personal doll, dictating how she dresses, how she behaves, slapping her ass in public and banging her after class.

Do you have something that you've always wanted to try but were never able to? If it involves an older woman with big tits, I'm all ears.

These are some potential faceclaims for Jim's character :

If something in this post has piqued your interest, send me a PM. Typically I like to chat a bit to get to know each other first. I love to brainstorm what we might include in the story and how we might go about approaching the characters. Primarily I write over on Discord, but I'm open to writing here on Bluemoon as well.
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