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Mx Female The Delivery Corp


Jan 10, 2022
Good day everyone.

Welcome to my thread on this particular story I have been interested in roleplaying for a while.
This is something I have been wanting to do since I played a game similar to this but I wanted to make things with a bit more story.

Before I get into the story, here is a little about me. I am 31 years old. I live in South Africa, and I have been roleplaying for a good 15 years now. I do not mind your IRL gender, so long as you are willing to play out the story that is described here. I tend to write a good 300+ words per response and would like to see something similar. Otherwise I find it difficult to write up a reply or even keep interest with the story we have going.

In terms of kinks and limits, my kinks are all along the lines of cock worship, big cocks going into tight holes, teasing, flirting, banter.
Limits: Anything toilet related, non con and abuse

Now onto the story!

It is the start of space travel, and humanity has not yet perfected long distance space travel. However they have perfected Deep Sleep for the human passengers on the ships. Though that is a problem for any animals or exotic creatures. To that end, those need to be moved through these cargo ships. Designed specifically to hold a human and some creatures. This started the Delivery Corp. A company that guarantees the delivery of any animal or exotic creature/plant from one planet to another. Their ways were very mysterious, but through time it has been found that the way they keep those animals and creatures, calm enough to travel is through sexual intercourse with said creatures. Some need it more than others, and each creature type requires different classifications, as some creatures are more dangerous than others. This roleplay starts with your character, she is just out of piloting school and always wanted to work as one of those delivery women, she will however need to work her way up the delivery chain, ranging from short simple jobs to build money as well as reputation to start being able to pick up longer trips with more exotic creatures.

She however finds in her first ship, an AI that is rather perverted, having worked with one of the better delivery girls before she retired, so the AI would guide the woman, explain how best to handle each creature. Maybe even have its own body it can use, to be honest, for that the sky is the limit so to speak with what we can do.

I prefer to roleplay on this site or on Discord, but will give that out in DMs.
Hope you find it interesting and hope to hear from you soon :D
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