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I can has roleplay?

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Mar 23, 2010
I am new here, but I am not new...

Looking for a roleplay; one x one, m/f, group, m/m, f/f...doesn't really matter. I am pretty good at roleplaying so don't take me at first glance. I am sorry if I am void of storyline ideas right now, but I would rather see what you got first. I am pretty laid back like that. Just hit me up, whether you are male or female, and I will see if it is something up my alley. I do prefer depth, so please do not bother if you are a roleplayer who is used to one-line responses. Also, I can play either males or females, subs or doms. You can reply back in this thread or just shoot me a pm. My favorites are plots in fantasy, sci-fi, and historic...and I am craving either a romance or something with some mild or extreme power exchange. Is there anyone who would like to give me a chance to start something up with them?

~ Love
Love said:
I am new here, but I am not new...

Looking for a roleplay; one x one, m/f, group, m/m, f/f...doesn't really matter. I am pretty good at roleplaying so don't take me at first glance. I am sorry if I am void of storyline ideas right now, but I would rather see what you got first. I am pretty laid back like that. Just hit me up, whether you are male or female, and I will see if it is something up my alley. I do prefer depth, so please do not bother if you are a roleplayer who is used to one-line responses. Also, I can play either males or females, subs or doms. You can reply back in this thread or just shoot me a pm. My favorites are plots in fantasy, sci-fi, and historic...and I am craving either a romance or something with some mild or extreme power exchange. Is there anyone who would like to give me a chance to start something up with them?

~ Love
I'm a dom male. I use normally a dragon changling in my rp's. I can go human but I rarely do. Let me know if your interested. I can work him into a historic scene also.

Crackle stand 5'5 with a stocky build that makes his strong and good with physical labor. He has dirty blond hair that is the shade of aged wheat and his eyes are a dark black brown color that are deeper then any cave. He carries a bow made from his ancestor dragon changeling bones with elvenwood infused around the bones to make the actual bow. He lives in a mountain side cave with a natural fireplace shaped into the cave wall and is settling down and looking for a mate. He is a gentle and passionate lover and protective husband and father. He was a dedicated family man. He had in his eyes a flaw, his cock was not that like a humans, when the foreskin pulled back hard, smooth green scales were revealed and they fanned back and forth, also his cock thought for itself. When he took his dragon form he was majestic green forest dragon that protected his lands as fiercely as he protected his family. Also he didn’t have the same attributes as a normal dragon. Crackle could not breathe fire but he could control the forests around him as weapons and armor.

I don't have any pictures. I made him up completely.
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