Mx Female Toxic, insufferable, addictive


Nov 8, 2023
Hello, fellow writers! And welcome to my request thread!

A quick disclaimer: I haven’t written one of these in ages. I imagine this post will undergo many changes in the near future as I sort out how I want it all laid out, so please bear with me.

I hope you’re having a good day, reader. I’m BullyRomantic, but you can just call me Bully. Or “hey you.” Or “that’s dumb, I’m not going to call you that,” if you want to be a little twerp about it.

I have roleplayed for a long time now, in various styles and forms. And I’ve found that I tend to prefer long-term, long-form roleplay with partners who enjoy plenty of planning and talking back-and-forth beforehand and throughout our creative process. I tend to write multiple paragraphs at a time, but the specific numbers changes depending on the story and how much my partner writes.

I want to make it clear now what I’m not looking for: I’m not looking for a quick sexual release or for characters who just do what we want because we tell them to. I do not want to write stories entirely thought up by either me or my partner. And I do not want for our roleplay to feel like a burden for either of us. I won’t be able to post every day. Real life happens, and that’s okay. This is supposed to be leisure, not work.

As for what I want? I want to bounce plot ideas back and forth and get to know what makes each other tick. I want to learn what you like in a male character and in our characters’ dynamics. I want stories that are character-driven before anything else. And I want any and every partner of mine to be excited for my next response.

I have to be honest, I’m open to any major setting. My big ask is that if we do something fantasy, the magic wielding is kept to low-fantasy or less. I am a particular fan of any setting before the popularization of cell phones. Instant communication tends to resolve a lot of drama before it can get out of hand.

Favorite Dynamics (my roles are BOLD):

These lists are not exhaustive, or even meant as suggestions. They’re just examples of setups that tend to pique my interest, especially when combined with the kink list below.

Slice of life:
  • School/office bully x victim
  • School/office bully x victim’s partner or family member
  • Fed-up nerd/loser x popular girl or bully
  • Anyone x runaway
  • Rival x rival
  • Boyfriend/husband’s friend/rival x girlfriend/wife
  • Reforming abuser x anyone
  • Criminal x cop
  • Desperate/Jealous best friend x best friend
  • Ex-Master x ex-Submissive who moved on (Or did she?)

  • Demon/evil army member x shrinemaiden/nun
  • Warrior x escort mission
  • Escort mission x warrior
  • Noble x noble
  • Street urchin x noble
  • Roaming bandit x tavernkeep
  • Roaming warrior x tavernkeep
  • Invading army captain x brothel owner

Favorite kinks:

Disclaimer: Everything here is negotiable. I’m not having fun unless my partner is excited for revert scene and chomping at the bit for more. I’d want to discuss everything kink-related with you before we get into any of it, just to make sure we’re on the same page and we’re both enjoying ourselves.

  • Forced cheating/NTR
  • Blackmail
  • Dom/sub
  • Size kink (Specifically that MC's size is more than YC wants or is capable of handling)
    • Sexual pain (Due to the above kink)
    • Multiple/uncontrollable orgasms for YC (This does not mean YC suddenly enjoys/wants the sex)
    • Moderate/heavy fear from YC towards MC (Sexually and otherwise. Just imagine a praise kink, but for wielding fear rather than love)
  • Mind break
  • YC feeling “ruined” (For her partner or just in general)
  • Forced breeding
  • Bad ends for YC
  • Literally any age/shape/size/proportions woman you want to play

  • Romance
  • Cheating (On side characters, not MC or YC)
  • Dom/sub
  • Brat/tsundere
  • Size kink (Specifically that MC's size is more than YC can handle for traditional heterosexual thrust-fests. If MC fully cuts loose, YC may end up in tears. Instead, the two have to navigate this dynamic during their scenes with lots of build, foreplay, and controlled pace, while quickies will involve more outercourse and non-PIV fun. YC may sometimes opt to finish MC with her other means after she's spent. This also opens the door to YC "gifting" MC short intervals where she does her best to grit through as MC gets rough with her)
    • Sexual pain (Due to the above kink)
    • Hurt/comfort
    • Multiple potentially uncontrollable orgasms for YC
    • Fear of sex/romance with MC (Potential relationship stumbling block?)
  • Codependence/toxicity within romance
    • Starting out non/dub-con and moving towards romance
  • Breeding
  • Breaking down YC's emotional walls during sex
  • Literally any age/shape/size/proportions woman you want to play

If you’re interested in anything I brought up, shoot me a message! I’d love to hear from some new friends.
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