MILF Time Machine (Me as a GM version)

Mar 7, 2015
First off, all characters will be 18 yrs or older. Now, to the story idea...

Hey guys and girls, please forgive me because this is a developing idea and I have not had a lot of time to find face claims for characters, and add more to this thread. Give me time, that will come but for now I want to get the idea out there.

Thinking about the movie Hot Tub Time Machine, what if a group of milfs somehow woke up one morning back in their teenage years. They would keep their milf bodies but people will look at them as teenagers. They would also retain their memories and experiences.

From this, a string of taboo relationships would spark up. We can either do them in a mature, serious fashion or something romantic comedy like. Could be very much in the vein of Desperate Housewives.

Here is what I've figured out so far story wise...

In 2006, The Williamsville Tigers were predicted to be one of the favorites to win a state championship in women's basketball. A long the way, injuries and personal issues pledged the team until the season of dreams became another what if tale? Seventeen years later, the team was honored by their old high school and for the first time in over fifteen years, old team mates enjoyed each other's company. They talked about their lives and their glory days. Somewhere along the way, the question was asked what if they could change the mistakes they made? What might have been?

That night, they each went their separate ways but each were in for the shock of their lives. The next morning, when their alarm clocks went off… something was different. Looking in a mirror, they looked the same but all seven girls were somehow transported back to 2006. While the mystery hangs over their heads, how did this happen? They each realize this is a second chance… to get a lot more in their lives right this time around.

Savannah Savage
Kassidy Kruger
Madison Music
Bianca Axel
Nikita Avery
Riley Ridge
Allison Miller
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