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A Lack of Finding a RP partner


Nov 28, 2021
Have you felt like there's so many people wanting to RP with but none of them who you want or looking for?

For me, it feels like that but a hundred times worst.

Like I don't want 5 or 10 different RP partners, I just want to find 1 that we have similar likes, kinks and knowledge on certain stuff from Anime or other stuff, availability to RP and won't straight up vanish from the face of the Earth and just have a good time. I've met like what... 5 with similar likes and the results always end with "Busy with RL stuff for ridicules amount of time", "I'm too stressed to do this anymore" or "..." as in no answer for over half a year. Like I get it, I too have a busy RL but like I have time for an hour or 2 or 3 so why can't others have that much time. And going back to the stress part... NO. A RP shouldn't cost stress and if it was; let me know so this person can rest up and we can RP again when this person feels better. BUT NOPE, just told me "I can't anymore" and that pisses me off.

And then there's other people with similar likes but like... have the worst of ideas or responses. 1 line... I'm not against it but when one person carries the story more than the other; that just becomes turn down and it's not worth it.

Then the ghosting- EH, I'll admit I've done it once but that was when I was starting and began being more direct with "This isn't working for me". Would be nice that one partner said that to me... after we had a good time ONCE and never answer again! LIKE... WTF.

Also there's the timezone issue. Had try this with a guy from Europe and it wasn't great to get a reply so late when I am sleeping at that time.

And now... some guy ditch me before we could RP because he prefers the forum here than in Discord. I get that so why ask to RP off-site? SIGH.


The point is, it sucks not finding a RP partner with similar likes and kinks, finding one to only have major stuff going against you and not getting any results. I'm not the only one and I'm sure one day we'll all meet the right person to have a good time.

But that's all I will say about it. Just needed to rant and this really depresses me. It also questions why I'm doing this and I think giving up is the best course of action. That's all I can say. Maybe... I'll meet the right person. If not... pff, well take your pick why.
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