Mx Female A long shot - pick up an old story?


Dec 26, 2022
First... OK this is weird maybe? Female author, but want to play a male character, so... do I put that here? I guess I put that here.

So, I'm going to ask for something difficult; something that will need the exact right person with the exact right mindset and style. Impossible? No. Challenging? Yes.

A few years ago, back when I was experimenting with writing male characters, I wrote a wonderful couple of stories with an equally wonderful partner. it was supposed to be a series, but we only completed two, but it faded out on the third. Lately, nostalgia got the better of me and I went back to read them and, while I definitely miss that partner, I also miss the characters we created, and the world they lived in.

The story was one of love and lust, that really asked questions about free will, trust, and consent. The short description is that a young, beautiful woman, daughter of a very powerful man, was kidnapped and turned into a sex slave for a guy who was basically a nobody. It's also a lot more than that.

I'm looking, hoping, for someone who can pick this story up where it was left, using the first two entries as inspiration and carry it forward. I need someone who will play Vera, the young, gorgeous, intelligent, sexy princess who wants nothing more than to serve the man she has decided is her Master. I'll play Xander, the cargo ship captain who stumbled upon a secret cargo that changed his life forever.

I would prefer a female co-author, please. I love planning and plotting behind the scenes, so communication is very important.

If you would like to read the first two entries, I'll post them below. Warning, the second one especially is rather long.

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If these catch your attention and you're interested, please definitely PM me.


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