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Mx Any Looking for Quick Smut with the Potential for More Story


Sep 10, 2020
Hello, hello!
  • My name's Ryuki and I'm in my mid-30s. Been RPing about 20 years now. (Ugh, wow. That's a lot.)
  • I live in the CST timezone and tend to RP randomly through the day.
  • When I'm manically into RPing, I can shoot off multiple posts a day.
  • When I'm not manically into RPing, I might need a bit more time between posts, but it'll only be 1-2 days.
  • Heavy preference for MxM or MxNB, but can be convinced to do MxF.
  • I do not use image references, unless I draw them myself.
Check my main RT for more about me and what I expect.*
*the main difference is this thread is more open to smut-focused/short-term stories. Long-term/story-focused is totally allowed too!

Oh, here's my F-List.

What am I looking for:

I'm having a hard time putting what I want into words, since I haven't played a male in awhile.​
  • MC will be a non-human
    • Alien, anthro, monster, robotic, etc
  • YC can be male, trans male, femboy, female, trans woman, or non-binary.
    • YC is completely your domain. Just be 24+.
    • Can be human, anthro, non-human, etc.
    • Can be fiery, bratty, submissive, needy, whatever. Just give me something to work off of.
  • Not looking to play a trans woman or "futa."
  • Con, dubcon, or non-con on the table. But I don't want traumatizing non-con, if that makes sense.
    • MC can be forceful, but no so much it hurts YC too much (or won't hurt YC at all. Whatever is your pref.)
  • If mostly smut, the RP will likely be short-term. Long-term needs romance or drama of some sort.
  • I'm not against mpreg or threat of mpreg.

I can play:
Orcs, trolls, "tusk-kin"
Eldritch monsters
Tentacle monsters
Robots, animatronic, androids
Naga, serpentine
Dragons, Dragonborn
*Not particularly into vampires, so this is a hard sell.

Some Ideas

Conqueror x Conquered
MC is the leader of a monster faction that has taken over YC's kingdom. Looking to establish a stronger foothold in the area, MC is looking to reproduce with any of the royalty/previously ruling members. Because there is magic in this world, mpreg is available in this idea.

YC could be the king, queen, princess, or prince.

Not looking for incest or royalty under the age of 24.
Sacrifice or Offering
YC is given to MC as an offering or sacrifice. YC can try running away, etc etc.
MC can be a monster or god, likely non-human or able to take a non-human form.
Home Intruder/Kidnapper x Victim
Self-explanatory, I think.​

Teacher x College Student
YC is a college student (again 24+) struggling to pass MC's class. MC pitches some ideas to YC on how to get extra credit.
Again, still want to play a non-human, even in contemproary settings.​

Demon x Summoner
YC summons MC, either on accident or on purpose. This will be more of a back-and-forth power struggle I think.
YC will have some way to keep MC in line, but MC is just overall more powerful than YC.
Captain x Stowaway
Can be sea-based or space-based. YC is a stowaway and MC is the captain of the ship. They need to come to an arrangement.
Feel free to suggest something!

Random Inspiration

Medieval Stocks
Whether guilty or innocent, YC finds themself in stocks. When night falls, they are a sitting duck for any person or monster - or multiple - that happen by.
Would prefer this to be part of a bigger story line, like YC joining MC (or the crew) after being freed.
YC could also have been put in stocks as a "sacrifice" to monsters messing with the town.​
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