Mx Female Private School.


Nov 16, 2022
Hello and thank you for checking out my Request Thread!

About Me.

I'm a mature dominant man. I've ben writing role play for about 15 years. I am generally very active. I enjoy being detailed when describing character interaction. My posting lengths vary. It truly depends what's going on at the point in the story. I am quite capable of writing multiple characters, both male, and female. I strongly prefer writing in the third person.

About My Partner.

I am looking for female partners who are active writers, to write the role of, ages 17 - 24 years of age. YC will be a student attending a Private School. I expect quality in your story posts. Please understand, one liners are never acceptable! I prefer you write in the third person. If you are interested in writing with me. Please send me a PM and DO NOT post on this thread.


YC will be a student attending a private school. ( If you are interested in writing more than one student Please mention that in your PM. ) We can make the role play more story driven, smut driven, and as dark, as you would like it to be. I would prefer there be at least 40 percent story ratio. The setting will be modern, the school campus will be as big or as small as we want to make it. Of course, there will be school events, interaction with other students, staff interaction, and we can make it as dramatic as we like. I have very few limits and will do most any kinks you would like to include. Please include as much detail in your PM as you like. It will make it easier for me to give you greater detail in my reply.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Thank you!
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