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Canon Superhero RP


Oct 21, 2023
What I'm looking for: I greatly enjoy Fandom roleplays, and while I am not opposed to original characters, I would like to include some canon ones as I find that the 'What if" elements with familiar characters to be the most enjoyable elements of a roleplay. I don't want to narrow the field too much by naming specific plots, as I find it works better when you decide on the characters and let them write their own story with input from your partner, so I thought I would list some characters I was hoping to play against. If you have any interest in playing any of the below characters, please let me know, preferably via PM, and I'm sure we can work out a fun story for both of us. And I am not opposed to using characters from different fandoms in the same role play...the 'What if' factor again.

Preferred Relationships: Male and Female, where I play the Male characters

Current Ideas: Open to suggestions, and I have plenty of my own. It really just depends on which characters you'd like to play, and what limits we decide to impose on the story.

Nora West-Allen/XS
Alex Danvers
Jessie (Quick) Wells

Agents of SHIELD
Jemma Simmons

Young Justice/Justice League: (I have a thing about superheroes, what can I say. All characters will be aged up to over 15 to comply with site guidelines.)
Wonder Girl
Black Canary
Wonder Girl

Terminator: Sarah Conner Chronicles

Veronica Mars
Veronica Mars

Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Buffy Summers
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