Mx Female 50% Kink-Serving Plots - Add Your 50% For The Perfect Blend

Oct 19, 2023
Magicaddict's Currently Self-Serving Kinky Smut Zone
Plot Hooks Waiting for Reciprocal Kink Service

The following plot hooks are, I freely admit, entirely focused on my niche little basket of Ons (which I encourage you to check before reading), and how they can best be served, quite one-sidedly so. They are intended to be hooked up with one of your interests to make a blend of something we find mutually fun. If you happen to take a look at these, and you think there's something there that could be expanded to serve your interests as well as mine (or the stars align and what I have written looks good to go for you), rest assured I would be all ears.
As mentioned above, some of these are a little...out there. Please be aware they are just things to keep in mind that I will like the most. If you think that some of your ons match mine (or things I would like to try), please feel free to PM me and we can work out something mutually fun.

Very, Very On
Physical effort and exertion: Okay, so this one is a million times yes. While it is not a must-have (none of my kinks are), there is never a situation where this will not be a welcome addition to a roleplay from my point of view. This sight, and the sound, of a woman physically straining her muscles, be it to lift, pull or push something, overpower someone else in a test of strength, struggle against a predicament, or anything else that pushes her to her limit, is red smoking hot. The harder she tries, and the more loud, determined, inelegant and unladylike her effort becomes, the hotter it gets. If you're willing to have YC try ugly hard to do something, you are guaranteed to have my attention.

Certain costumes: Nudity is hot, but certain costumes are even hotter. Depending on the setting, clichéedly close-fitting or revealing fighter/ranger attire (close fitting can be both hot and practical, revealing just hot), and in more modern times, any of the below are wonderfully hot:

Mud: A subset of WAM, and probably my silliest kink of all, there is something about a woman anywhere from ankle to hip deep in mud, particularly if she is wearing boots, even more so if she is struggling to pull herself - or something else - free.

Gentle Dom/Sub: A lot of my roleplay ideas involve the partner character submitting to the will or control of my character. However, I favour the gentler dynamics of willing submission, such as CG/lg or DD/lg, over violent or fear-based domination.

Punishment: That said, I also quite like a moderate degree of sadism. Whips, canes, crops, paddles, hair pulling - pain as a means of discipline and enhancing my character's control, rather than causing extreme pain or damage. I am more happy to have my characters make yours squeal, but don't expect them to hit yours so hard they bleed.

Masturbation and handjobs: Something very hot about using one's hands to bring themselves, or another, to orgasm. To me, receiving a handjob is hotter than receiving a blowjob.

Incest: Originally a maybe, but finding myself more and more interested - would like to try perhaps playing an older brother to either a very innocent, or very adventurous, younger sister (all characters would be of consenting age).

Definitely, Definitely Off

Underage characters in sexual situations: Should go without saying. Saying it just in case.

Heavy non-consent: I cannot consider sexy something sexual that has not been, on at least some levels, consented to.

Vore: Never been interested in eating someone or getting eaten by them.

Heavy mutilation: Not interested in cutting, either to draw blood to to hack off a limb.

Bestiality: Humanoids (though this could include anthros) are the only creature-type that attract me.

Playing submissive characters: While I do not flat-out refuse to consider it, I have never been turned on by submitting.
Anything that isn't on this list, please feel free to ask. The very worst I can say is no, and even if I don't know for certain it is going to be an On, I will typically be more than willing to give it a try and see if I like it.

The Plots

Once again, these are currently quite one-sided. I am interested to add to them with your interests so we can make something we both enjoy.​


The Love Angels

This premise is ostensibly a means by which YC serves MC's every sexual fantasy (again, my specific Ons will figure heavily), but has space for actual character development, kink reciprocation, long-term romance, and dramaz.

Sexual revolutions can come about through different circumstances. Taylor's Virus was not one that anyone had expected.

It started with some men starting to find it harder to climax, and others starting to find it impossible to last. What it actually was was mother nature recalibrating the way that procreation would take place in the future. The viral contagion that spread like wildfire through the population had no effect on women, but in men, it had two very distinct effects: Firstly, it hard-coded certain genetic effects into the subject's sperm. A man's offspring would not be clones of each other, but would all share certain genetic traits - height, build, intelligence, beauty, aptitude...all now discernable from a sample of the subject's sperm. Secondly, it offered a natural clue as to the traits the subject was carrying - the better the genetic makeup of the sperm, the harder it was for them to produce it. The virus left some men unable to even last long enough to get an erection before they came, and others unable to finish in all but the most perfect of circumstances.

A lot of things changed, very quickly. Suddenly, desirability had a new, random aspect to it. A classically attractive man might be biologically guaranteed to father the equivalent of genetic garbage, and otherwise unremarkable men may find themselves carrying a genetic jackpot, if only they were able to produce it. Within five years, the underworld black market of rich want-to-be parents paying for sperm samples with the genetic traits they desired had gone grey, then legal, then incorporated. Across the world, men with "the right stuff" could make an excellent living regularly donating their "White Diamonds", and private clinics had become awfully good at providing them the motivation they needed to produce it. Men who qualified would live at the clinics as professional sperm donors, working in partnership with a specially selected "Angel" - highly paid, highly trained, highly skilled sex workers whose job it was to stimulate their partner by any means necessary, serving their most erotic desires with a backing of an almost unlimited budget, and ensuring a constant flow of top-quality product. To be an Angel was a good job - part sex therapist, part erotic muse, part project manager - and was paid well enough that a successful Angel could make enough to retire in as little as a decade if she wished.

In this RP, which can be set anywhere, at any modern or future time period, MC is a newly-certified diamond standard donor. Before the virus, he may have been entirely unremarkable, maybe even awkward, maybe a career singleton - not a bad guy, just not lucky in love. After the scan revealed his top-drawer genetics, the thought of becoming so artificially popular didn't sit well with him, and offers to live in privacy in one of the highly exclusive clinics seemed a much safer option. YC is the Angel assigned to him at the clinic by mutual agreement, responsible for (confidentially) finding out his desires, deciding if she is well-matched to them, and if so, arranging to serve them.

While this RP could be seen as just a set of one-shots, there is lots of potential. How experienced is YC as an Angel? Is this her first donor, or has she done this before? Does she find MC different? Attractive? Repellant? Does the relationship stay entirely business, become companionate, or become romantic? Does he want to reciprocate, and start serving her secret fantasies as well? If they fall for each other, how does that change their working relationship? Do they dare running away and defying the clinic? What happens if they do?


Teacher's Star Player

A student/teacher roleplay focused on physical education, physical effort and kinky british costuming.

You are one of the stars of the sports teams at your finishing school deep in the British countryside - you captain the track team and the gymnastics team, because you're simply so much better than all the other girls in the class. You're fitter, stronger, faster and more able than anyone else - the only downside is that you know it, so you don't ever bother trying when you're in competition with the other girls.

You, along with seemingly every other girl in the class, have set your sights firmly on the gym teacher - he is DEEPLY gorgeous, and you want him so much it hurts. You have been looking for a way to make him absolutely yours for some time now, he's been caught looking away on more than one occasion, but none of the girls mind, because they're all hoping that one day he'll do more than clandestinely glance, and actually start staring at them. They all want him as bad as you do, and the flirting would be intense, if it were not for the fact that it's so hard to do that when one of their peers is outdoing them hands down all the time, and that appears to be what impresses him.

You also know what he likes - in his lessons, you've done arm wrestling, thigh wrestling, played tug of war, mercy, every test of strength you could possibly imagine, and at one point he even had you wrestling each other; you've seen him praise those who 'try their best'. The other girls know too, and have absolutely mortgaged the farm trying to beat you in the past to impress him - you've had the odd sort-of struggle, but you've never been beaten, and have left a string of other girls' sore joints and pulled muscles in your wake.

When he summoned you for a private lesson, you thought you were going to seal the deal. However, to your initial surprise, he told you that was actually a disciplinary lesson. While hugely impressed with your ability, he said he is not remotely so with your effort. Unless you can show willingness to put everything you've got into something, you're going to disappoint him immensely, and will be thoroughly punished for your laziness. If you can prove your commitment, however, he rewards as much as he punishes, and thinks there is the chance of the two of you being able to work together very closely, on a far more regular basis.

He has designed a series of tests to see how hard you are willing to try to succeed - the difference this time being that the opponent isn't one of the girls. It's against weights, gym equipment...things that you can't beat, only perform well against. He doesn't care whether or not you succeed - all he cares about is how hard you try, and he will be quick to punish any laziness whatsoever.

The thought is enough to make you weak the knees. Showing how much of a good girl you can be for sir? A proper chance to show off your very best efforts? The feel of the cane when he is inevitably unsatisfied at first?

Oh. Hell. Yes.

One session of straining your guts out, and if you impress him enough, he's going to make you his in every sense of the word. You'll be able to parade round the school, knowing that you've got what everyone else wants, and there's not a blind thing they can do about it. For that, you're willing to be his submissive little gym bunny and strain your muscles like they've never been strained before. It'll be in private, so there's no-one but him to see you or hear you - you can be as noisy and as obvious as you want. Every grunt and groan, every growl, gasp, moan, squeal, puff and pant will bring you one step closer to the prize you want, and you have absolutely nothing to lose. The best things in life, after all, are worth the struggle.

The motivation for 'performing' for sir is entirely negotiable. I'm not big on heavy non-con, and will not consider anything that forces someone into sex entirely against their will, but coercion, blackmail, or choosing to perform in return for getting an outcome you want, I'm happy with. How much sex is involved is also negotiable. This can be purely a 'performance' for Sir to watch, or can become an entirely sexual encounter. Let me know your ideas.

How it develops after the initial scene is another question - does it become a regular thing? Do the dynamics start to shift as YC finds out what she can get away with as teacher's pet? Does it cause conflict between them?


The Warrior Maiden's Journey

Put your most athletic warrior maiden concept into my world of physical challenges, either collaboratively or with me as your (diceless) GM

The land of the nine tribes is a place where the strong, the skilled and capable can find glory and honour. YC is all three of those, as well as being young, beautiful, and desperate for adventure. The newly crowned champion of her own tribe, she sets out to seek even greater challenges, hunting the strongest prey, competing with the best the other eight tribes have to offer, and facing whatever else the land might throw at her, determined to prove herself the strongest, greatest and most powerful in the entire land.

This is a less well-formed idea than my others. What kind of fantasy world is this? Is YC humanly, preternaturally, or superhumanly powerful (and how does that affect the challenges she faces?) What are the lands of the other tribes like? What are the people like? What sort of adventures might she get herself into? Does she typically succeed, and gain the glory and the spoils, or fail, and face the humiliation and/or the forfeits? You would be welcome to collaborate on her story, or leave yourself up to the whims of my erotic fantasy, or anything in between.


The Prized Fighter

A young athlete answers an advert for session wrestler auditions, drawn by the extra money, and finds herself negotiating a seedy world of fantasy service.

YC, fresh from breaking up with her boyfriend, decides to celebrate her freedom from responsibility by doing something crazy, and putting her sporty nature to good use in making a little money.

She saw the advertisement on the internet - a promoter in the city seeking new session wrestlers to both film videos, and to do meetups with high-rolling clients for personal sessions. At tryouts, her youth and athleticism make her a hot property, and after an introductory session with the producer in which he puts her limits to the test, she is hired as his number one draw. In return for session payments that make her more money than she's ever seen before, she has to not only provide exactly the type of sessions that the rich, demanding clients wish for…and go as far as they want her to…but also to provide sessions to the producer to show her "gratitude" for the regular flow of income.

This could be a series of one shots, in which YC finds herself in a variety of erotic wrestling sessions scenarios with numerous different rich, discreet clients. Or, it could be a longer term RP where her relationship with the producer can be explored in more detail against the backdrop of his sessions with her. Or, it could be a combination of both. I would be playing multiple clients, each with different kinks to explore. YC would be a young woman, but her age, circumstances, reasons for signing up, and of course her own kinks, are all very nebulous at this stage. I would want to incorporate enough of what you like, plot and kink-wise, to ensure we were writing for your interest as well as mine.


Superheroine's Demise

An arrogant young superheroine finds that not even her superhuman strength and endurance can defeat a dastardly supervillain and his irresistible lust inducers, and has to learn new ways of bringing him to heel.

YC is a crime-fighting superheroine, safe behind a rock-solid secret identity, who uses her all but unstoppable physical powers to bring down criminals, be the champion of the city, kick ass and take names. She has never met a challenge she cannot defeat, and indeed has swooped in to help when some other superheroes have found themselves outmatched.

She answers the call to investigate a number of high-profile thefts from laboratories across the city, only to find herself up against an enemy who uses cutting edge technology to make himself not only a formidable opponent on physical terms, but also who is not above deploying the most depraved of weapons in his quest to bring her down. How will she fight when she is driven mad with lust in his very presence? Can she resist his power? His orgasmic overtures? His bearhug of erotic doom?

And what happens when she can't?

Defeated at his feet, uses his orgasmatronic technology to turn her into his unwilling, besotted, addicted slave. Now she dresses how he wants her to, does his evil bidding, provides "private services" to him…all so he grants her the climactic release she so desperately craves from him. What might he make her do to get her next fix?

Less Well-Developed Ideas

Other, less developed plot ideas - concepts I would be very interested in playing. In each case, I would play the first character, you would play the second. PM me if you like the look of something and we can work out something more detailed than a concept.

Coach x Athlete

Athlete x Athlete

Personal Trainer x Gym Attendee

Gym Attendee x Gym Attendee

Teacher x Schoolgirl

Older Brother x Curious Younger Sister (all characters of consenting age)

Older Brother x Experienced Younger Sister (all characters of consenting age)

Daddy x Daughter (all characters of consenting age)

Daddy x Babygirl (all characters of consenting age)

Client x Call Girl

Client x Sex Therapist

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