Crying Lightning
- Joined
- Oct 19, 2023

Let's start with the stuff no one is really interested in. You don't have to lie to me, I know this isn't what you're really here for! But regardless...hello and thank you for stopping by! I'm Crying Lightning and it's an absolute pleasure to meet you.
I'm a British man in his early 30's. GMT time zone but please don't let that put anyone off, I'm a total night owl and online at some ungodly hours. If you're around I most likely am too.
Around 15'ish' years of roleplay so plenty of experience. Not sure if that makes me a better writer or not, I suppose you'll potentially be the judge of that!
Side note, I'm lucky enough to have a love of writing and a diagnosis of dyslexia (the irony isn't lost on me). While I try to make sure everything is spelled correctly and there's grammar where it's supposed to be I do occasionally miss things. Apologies in advance.
Who I'm looking for
No seriously, I'm pretty open when it comes to my writing partners. Girls, femboys, trans girls, non-binary. Regardless of what you identify as, if you're interested hit me up!
What I'm looking for - This is the part to read!
So I'm admittedly looking for something a little different than the usual setup. It's a step away from the traditional kind of story, a new approach to hopefully give an exciting new spin to things.
I'm looking to play out a story as if two characters are communicating over texts/instant messages rather than in person. That's not to say the story wouldn't lead to meeting up but the beginning would be played out from a distance. Obviously, this would all be done on-site, no trading phone numbers or anything like that!
To add to the excitement even further I'm hoping to include visuals in the story. No personal pictures of course, but linking to pictures and gifs as if they're the pictures and videos the two characters are sending to each other. I might be doing a terrible job of explaining this but I'm happy to provide some examples if it helps.
Now on to the really fun part...the prompts! Bear in mind these are just a few ideas I cooked up to give a little insight into the type of story I'm looking to play out. If none of them strike your fancy but you want to give something similar a try then by all means drop me a message and we'll look at brainstorming up something totally new together!
The Wrong Number |
Long-distance relationships were hard. You and Steve were both fully aware of that fact. Yet when he dropped the bombshell that he was moving to the other side of the country for his dream job you both agreed to make a go of it. You'd been so full of optimism. You could make it work. It wouldn't be easy but you'd manage.
That was a little over 6 months ago. That optimism had waned and you were struggling to manage. You could count the number of times you'd seen him in person over those 6 months on one hand. A girl had needs dammit! Sure you were doing your best to keep the spark alive. Phone sex every other night. Naked face times. Not to mention the endless stream of filthy pictures and videos you sent him. Unfortunately, when sending pictures every day it was easy to fall into a routine. To switch to autopilot and not really concentrate on what it was you were doing. Which is how you landed in the mother of all fuck ups. You'd taken a quick picture in the mirror as you were getting changed for bed. Just a run-of-the-mill nude this time, nothing too adventurous. Then you'd continued to get ready for the night as you put the picture in a message, hitting send just as you dived onto the warm inviting mattress. All settled in ready for a night watching Netflix and masturbating the phone sitting beside you buzzed into life. Glancing over at it you'd expected to see Steve's name. It was then your heart sank in your chest. It wasn't Steve's name flashing on the screen. It was mine. A simple one-sentence text the reply. 'Erm....I think you might have sent that to the wrong person.' |
Tinder Profile Help |
You were getting desperate. 3 years since your last boyfriend and just as long since you'd had a good, satisfying fuck. Sure you had your helpers, an obscene collection of sex toys of all shapes and sizes to coax the much-needed orgasms out of your body. But they were just a substitute for what you really needed. Cock. Or pussy for that matter, you weren't in a position to be picky at this stage.
And so finally, you caved. You downloaded Tinder and took your first step into the world of online dating. You imagined you'd be knee-deep in offers of a good time the second you'd filled in your details. The reality was a little more underwhelming. Not a single match. Clearly, you were doing something wrong, you just weren't sure what it was. And so you find yourself looking for advice. Closing the app down for the time being you instead open up a new text message... "So...I finally did what you said and downloaded Tinder but...I'm getting nowhere! Help?!" Hitting send you lay back on your bed and waited for a reply. |
Outfit Advice |
It was just like your boyfriend to drop the bombshell that he'd booked a romantic two-week vacation for just the two of you. He was nothing if not spontaneous. Of course, you were over the moon about the surprise, two weeks of sun, sea and...well you know the rest. Clubbing, dancing, fancy restaurants, beach days, you were going to be doing it all. Unfortunately, there were a few problems.
Firstly, you were leaving in two days. Not much time to get everything ready. Secondly, and much more pressing, you had no idea what to pack. You needed an outfit for every occasion. After dumping the entire contents of your closet onto your bedroom floor and still not having a single thing in your case, you were getting desperate. It's then you decide you need some advice. Sprawling out on your bed you pulled out your phone and typed out a message... "So guess who's gonna on vacation next week! Exciting I know, problem is I have no idea what to take. Help?!" With that, you hit sent and waited for my reply. |
Starting an OnlyFans |
It was official. The 9 to 5 grind was not for you. You'd tried it, bounced from one shitty job to another without lasting long in any of them. It wasn't your fault your boss was a dick, or the hours were long, or the pay was terrible, or any of the other countless reasons you'd quit. Either way you'd found yourself back without a steady income once again.
After another day wasted applying for jobs you'd probably never hear back from you gave up. It was time to try something different. Drastically different. You had a few friends who did OnlyFans and you saw firsthand the money they were bringing in for what looked like very little effort. It was time you got a piece of that action. Of course, you promised yourself nothing too scandalous. A few bikini pics, some underwear or lingerie maybe but that's where you drew the line. The only problem, you had no idea the kind of pictures men would be willing to pay for. You needed some help, some insight into the male mind. And so you pulled your phone free and opened up a message to me... "So don't freak out but...I'm starting an OnlyFans! I just have no idea where to start. Help?!" |
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