Fx Any Dark depravity; punishment and pain... (non-con, ryona, fandoms, prompts!)


Oct 17, 2023
Hello again, Blue Moon.

I've been away for a little while and this thread could use a fresh-up. I have some very particular likes and dislikes, and a few themes I love to explore in most roleplays. Have a look at my F-List which should help give you an idea of what I'm into. I definitely prefer more of a player-type role while my partner takes a more directive GM role in the narrative, and exploring dark themes that include Non-Con situations with my character as the victim. Specifically, I like most RP's to involve some form of kidnapping, interrogation, and torture/punishment as a significant plot point. As for genres and fandoms, I tend to prefer Sci-Fi and Fantasy to modern era. I love horror, but I like to think of it more as a spice you can add to anything. ;)

Below are some prompts for potential RP's. Some are one-shot "Quickies" that are only meant to be short scenes, others are more intimate roleplays. I'll list some specific fandoms I'm interested in below, as well. If you'd like to discuss one of these, or propose a similar type of RP scenario, feel free to message me!

Star Wars:
Me: a Smuggler on a prison ship, sentenced to a labor camp.
You: the warden.
On arrival, all the prisoners are scanned -- and my name has recently been flagged as a Rebel sympathizer and possible operative, for running supplies to their bases. The ISB is sending an interrogation team -- but the prison is remote, it could take weeks. If you could get the intel from this smuggler, you'd finally earn a promotion off this rock.


Star Wars:
Me: a Rebel Spy/Saboteur.
You: Imperial interrogators.
This could begin with me in captivity, or involve a little cat and mouse play into my capture. My character would not be force sensitive or a Jedi, but more of a spy who gathers intel and plants explosives under the guise of an officer or maintenance worker, etc. Like a fictitious boogeyman plaguing the Empire, until she finally gets caught -- by you.

Supernatural (CW Series):
Me: A victim.
You: (any) captor(s).
I like RPing the victim in interrogation scenes, and this show was full of interrogation scenes! Hunters torturing demons and vampires, demons torturing basically everyone including each other. Werewolves, Witches, Djinn, Angels... Jefferson Starships... And more. Pitch a scenario and we can run with it.

Caught by the Drow:
Me: An adventurer that helped hold the line against a Drow surface raid.
You: a Noble of the house behind the raid.
Though the raid was thwarted, the Drow caught a few prisoners -- my character among them. Now you get to exact a little revenge for the insult and the embarrassment caused to your house; not to mention interrogate a surface dweller who might know some lucrative targets for future raids.




G.o.T. but Not:
A setup similar in style, but a different setting than Westeros. I want the themes of intrigue and noble families from Game of Thrones with a more magical setting, where we won't be tromping over an established canon. Let's get deliciously vague yet twistedly complicated!

ME: A Noblewoman, 18 to 20ish, from family A, living with family C and betrothed to one of their sons, currently off at war.

YOU: A noble of family B, sworn enemies of families A and C. As we begin, your armies have just conquered the city and castle where my character has been living. MC is a valuable hostage, but also knowledgeable about her own family and her new one. YC is tasked with getting MC to talk without killing her...

I'm open to a ton of variables here. The main beats I want to hit is that this game is mostly your character serving as inquisitor to my character, and the interaction between them -- and I do expect you to be mean. My only lines are permanent mutilation, death, and scat. We can discuss specifics by PM, like how magical you want the world to be, limits and boundaries you have or would like to explore, or any extra plot twists you have in mind, etc.

Two by Two, Hands of Blue... River Tam wasn't the only subject experimented on at the Academy, and there had to have similar places with variant experiments taking place.

Me: I don't want to play a carbon copy of River, but the gist is similar; a young woman (18+) who has been subjected to experiments with psychic powers on the run. Aloof, withdrawn, and definitely in need of help.

You: (any), be my Serenity. Take me away in your ship, maybe as a fare or a stowaway at first, but reach me and connect with me as the story progresses. I don't expect a full crew, but if you want more than one GMPC I can work with that, too. Yes, my character might have powers and psychic abilities -- but she's scared and fragile, and being hunted... She needs a hero.


I have an absolute love for Fallout, the world with its setting and its themes, the creatures, the characters -- the enemies and aesthetics! If you play the games and read the terminals, play the holotapes, you know there are some seriously heartbreaking stories behind the jokes and weirdness, too. It's a total package. A beautifully bleak playground.

Me: A Vault Girl. Maybe old world, just unfrozen. Or fresh out of 76 on Reclamation Day. Maybe from some weird experiment Vault, or a comfy control Vault -- or even some sort of Enclave Vault? Whatever the case, she has some technical know-how and experience with things most wastelanders just don't understand these days; mechanical, medical, technical, etc.

You: The Raiders, however you wish to handle them. One GMPC leader and some nameless mooks? A full crew of nasties to torment me? Whatever your heart's content. They could definitely use my character's skills, and a pretty, healthy Vault girl to play with is a bonus! Of course my character would never willingly help a group of raiders, so it might take some effort to convince her, with a constant back and forth struggle, escape attempts, etc.


Me: A Raider chick. Maybe she's the last of her crew, or maybe she runs with the largest gang in the region and holds some serious intel?

You: Whatever passes for the law. Maybe you're the Brotherhood, or some Enclave Remnants, Minutemen, or some group of your own design. I'd prefer something high-tech, that far outguns simple raiders, as a nice foil to my character. MC was taken alive by YC and your group, and she knows plenty about this area -- the movers and shakers, the good loot drops, where the Supermutants hang, and where the deathclaws prowl, etc. MC might be a brat, a bitch, and a tease; but she could make your job a whole lot easier with a little persuading.

STAR WARS: <--- Oddly specific, and a little different than my typical plots. It was pitched to me on another site, but we never got around to exploring it.

Me: A failed Sith Inquisitor, sold into slavery by her master as punishment.

You: Whoever purchased me. Perhaps a good samaritan looking to release her later? Or a harsh taskmaster with no idea what they're getting into? Perhaps even a force user (light or dark) who sensed her potential, and plans to shape her destiny.

This could be a tit-for-tat torture story like most of my prompts, but it also has the potential to be a little more romantic. In the original plot pitched, my partner was going to play a smuggler her purchased her to free her, and she would have stuck with him because she had nothing to return to. They would butt heads, ultimately fall in love, go on adventures, until her Master eventually came looking for her. But we can mix things up.

Vampire the Masquerade:

: A Malkavian auspex-oracle of some renown within the City's Camarilla. She lives well and is protected by some big names, but also a pawn on many chessboards. A talented seer with a broken mind, she is used to being used... And while some might dismiss her, she's privy to many secrets that could bring some powerful kindred down. When she disappears, some might start looking.

You: A hunter, or group of hunters, who just kidnapped one of the most knowledgeable vamps in the city! What will you do to make me squeal?

Wanted Warlock: <---- Taken!
Me: Warlock PC
You: GM
System: 5e (original, I don't know all the new 2024 stuff) or Freeform
The setting could be an established one like Forgotten Realms or Greyhawk, or a homebrew setting if you prefer. We could get daring and have a tougher setting like Ravenloft or Planescape. I wouldn't want to dally with Dark Sun for this one.

I'd play a Warlock, probably human or tiefling, depending on setting, initial story ideas, etc. We don't need to stick close to the rules, but there are some beats I'd like to hit from the 5E warlock class here. Eldritch blast (surprise) as her main attack, a big Book of Shadows full of rituals, short range telepathy and a pact with some sort of Lovecraftian thing. A few small abilities (invocations) like reading all languages and speaking with animals at will.

My character is adventurous, impulsive, curious, and driven by a patron whose motives she can't begin to understand. She's generally a good person, but prone to hasty decisions. While she wouldn't steal from the needy (and might give her last gold piece to a beggar), she wouldn't think twice about raiding a nobleman's estate if it had a map or artifact she needed. Meaning, she probably has no shortage of local law enforcers, rich nobles, petty regents, thieves guilds, mage guilds, evil churches, cults, inquisitors, and worse who might want to get their hands on her. Not to mention the servants of other Great Old Ones, who might want to know what her Patron is up to...

You would GM, and if you're up to it, maybe run a GMPC and love interest, too. Gender/species makes no difference to me, really. I imagine most of the game being a loop of my character getting caught by various people who are after her, and either escaping or being rescued by your character, etc. Rinse and repeat.

Pathfinder in Nidal:
Me: Player
You: GM
System: Pathfinder 1e or Freeform
This is vague, but it would be a long term RP. If there's anyone out there who would like to GM a PF 1e or freeform game for me set on Golarion, the base setting for Pathfinder, specifically in the nation of Nidal. This would work best if my potential partner was already familiar with Nidal, and Golarion in general. If someone wants to learn, you can read up on the Pathfinder wiki, but without the game books understanding the Kytons/Valstracts (Hellraiser cenobites turned up to 11) would be difficult.

I would be willing to do this as a group game, too. But I would still only want to be a player.

Fantasy, low or high.
Sci-Fi, preferably on the softer side.
Horror! Although it's kind of like a spice you can add to any other genre. ;)
Cyberpunk. Neon everything!
Anything and everything post apocalyptic.
Modern, preferably with supernatural elements.
Historical, on occasion.

Fallout/Wasteland <3
Mad Max
Star Wars <3
Farscape <3
Star Trek
Mass Effect
Game of Thrones
The Boys, show or comic
Hellraiser <3
World of Darkness <3
Several D&D settings
Various MtG settings
Elder Scrolls
Cyberpunk 2077
Conan/Hyborea/Red Sonja
Anything H.P. Lovecraft/Mythos/Pulp horror
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