Closed Wolfess's Personalized Partner Program! Male Edition. (NSFW)

Closed - no longer seeking


Spicy Dragon
Mar 17, 2017
Here, of course!
Just a few things before I get to the reason you're here.
I prefer a mix of story and smut, doesn't have to be an epic but at least a fair balance of both.
I usually do para to multi paragraph posts, but I can go longer or shorter depending on what you give me.
I ONLY rp over DMs, I do not do public threads. Other offsite places are options as well, just ask if you'd prefer one of them.
No real life refs, art only.
Everything is game so long as you follow site rules. Only themes that are off limit are filth and micro/macro.
I can usually post multiple times a day, but occasionally it might be a day before I reply. If I am gonna be gone for longer I'll let you know.
I'm okay with my character being mistaken for a woman but they will refer to themselves as male. This isn't a hard rule but I'd much prefer it that way.

Welcome to Wolfess's Personalized Partner Program! Are you getting tired of being swiped left on [Dating App], none of your friends appreciate your hobbies, no good rivals to keep life interesting? All you need to do is answer a few questions and you'll have a partner made specifically for you!
If you're looking for inspiration or just want to pick out a pre-made partner, look at the attached samples (comments).
Before we get started, we need some information from you
Address/Location(Setting of the rp):
Any other details you think are important for the production and delivery of your partner (Theme, genre, etc).

Lets start with the eye candy first. Check the box on which type you'd most like.

Body Type: [ ]Human [ ]Humanoid [ ] Anthro [ ] Other
If you selected an option besides Human, please specify what type you want:​

General Build: [ ]Lithe [ ]Average [ ]Chubby [ ]Athletic
If you wish to specify a fat/muscle distribution (ex. wide hips and abs), do so here:​

Height: [ ]Short [ ]Average [ ]Tall
If you had a specific height you want, please specify:​

Gender Appearance: [ ]Masculine [ ]Feminine [ ]Androgynous
If you wish to specify a mix or certain areas to appear different than the rest, please specify here:​

If you desire a specific color/theme, please note color and location here:

The mind and soul of your Partner. Do note that there will be variations, each partner is unique and we can only do so much to mold the mind.

Academic Intelligence: [ ]Himbo [ ]Average [ ]Smart

Worldly Experience: [ ]Naive [ ]Average [ ]Experienced

Independence: [ ]Utterly Codependent [ ]Codependent [ ]Independent [ ]Rebellious

Affections: [ ]Madly in love [ ]Constantly thinks of you [ ]Loves you [ ]Kinda likes you [ ]Indifferent
This is the state they arrive in, your actions can/will change their view on you.​

If you desire specific attributes, please note them here:
If you have a specific name in mind, please note it here:

By base, all the following options become discrete outside of arousing situations. If you want these traits to be obvious all the time, please check this box [ ]

Orientation on Delivery: [ ]Gay [ ]Bi-Sexual [ ]Straight
If you pick an orientation that does not line up with your gender, he will have a build in curiosity, you can specify here how they express that curiosity:​

Sensitivity: [ ]Normal [ ]Very Sensitive [ ]The slightest touch gets him erect.

Cock Shape: [ ]Human [ ]Canine [ ]Equine [ ]Other
If you selected Other, please describe the traits you desire:​

Cock Size: [ ]Small [ ]Average [ ]Large [ ]Makes a horse jealous
If you want his girth to be smaller or larger than typical for the length, please specify:​

Ball Size: [ ]Small [ ]Average [ ]Big [ ]Huge [ ]Needs a bra for his balls

Cum Output: [ ]Minimal [ ]Below Average [ ]Average [ ]Above Average [ ]Excessive [ ]Obscene Amounts

Virility: [ ]Shooting Blanks [ ]50/50 chance [ ]Guaranteed Pregnancy

How your new partner comes into your life.

Attire: [ ]Nude [ ]Suggestive Attire [ ]Appropriately Dressed

Delivery: [ ]Arrives at your front door [ ]Found in the wild [ ]Always been there [ ]Other
If you select 'Other' please specify:​

Reactions: [ ]No one bats an eye [ ]People might ask questions [ ]This is clearly impossible

If there are other details you want to specify then attach a document to the forms when you send them in. Upon request there are other experimental options available, we cannot list them here for legal reasons.

Please note that we are not liable for any legal or spiritual trouble you may cause/experience when you use our service. Thank you for using Wolfess's Partner Personalization Program, we hope you enjoy your new partner.
Last edited:
Today's sample partner: Orc Femboy! 1697661198590.png

Body type: Humanoid
General Build: Average
Height: Average
Gender Appearance: Androgynous
Color/theme: Green Skin, Orc

Academic Intelligence: Average
Worldly Experience: Experienced
Independence: Independent
Affections: Loves You

Orientation: Gay
Sensitivity: Normal
Cock Shape: Human
Cock Size: Average
Ball Size: Average
Cum Output: Average
Virility: 50/50 Chance
1697756514936.png Today's sample partner: Human Femboy

Body type: Human
General Build: Lithe
Height: Average
Gender Appearance: Feminine

Academic Intelligence: Average
Worldly Experience: Naive
Independence: Codependent
Affections: Constantly thinks about you

Orientation: Bi-sexual
Sensitivity: Very Sensitive
Cock Shape: Human
Cock Size: Small
Ball Size: Small
Cum Output: Below Average
Virility: Shooting Blanks
1698006452632.png Today's partner sample: Strong Wolf
Body type: Anthro
General Build: Athletic
Height: Tall
Gender Appearance: Masculine

Academic Intelligence: Average
Worldly Experience: Average
Independence: Independent
Affections: Kinda likes you

Orientation: Straight
Sensitivity: Normal
Cock Shape: Canine
Cock Size: Makes a horse jealous
Ball Size: Big
Cum Output: Excessive
Virility: Guaranteed Pregnancy
1698438791045.png Today's partner: Vampire boy!
Body type: Human
General Build: Feminine
Height: Short
Gender Appearance: Mix
Generally feminine build, but with muscles.​

Academic Intelligence: Himbo
Worldly Experience: Average
Independence: Independant
Affections: Constantly thinks about you.

Orientation: Gay
Sensitivity: The slightest touch gets him erect.
Cock Shape: Human
Cock Size: Average
Ball Size: Average
Cum Output: Below Average
Virility: Shooting Blanks
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