Mx Female rabbit’s plot distillery ⋙ 🥃 (10/22 added new plot)

Inferior Rabbit

Jul 22, 2014
Cincinnati, Ohio
a good story can’t be written, it must be distilled.

The name is Normie, or Max if we become friends. Honestly, if we get a good story going, chances are that we will be. I am in my mid-twenties and a social worker. I've been roleplaying since 2010, beginning this hobby on the guilds of Gaia(I was in a LOT of really cringy Kingdom Hearts RPs lmao). After ten+ years, I'd like to say I've come pretty far since then, haha. That said there is always room to improve, and that's why am hoping to get back into doing 1x1's and I remembered I had an account I barely touched on this site lol. It's been a few years at least since I made a fresh thread like this anywhere, so pretty please be gentle with me when reading through this. I do not doubt there is going to be some mistakes.

I know this matters to many on this forum, so I will say right away I am a straight cismale in real life, and that is why I only ever play heterosexual males in my roleplays. I understand why other writers have their preferences when it comes to writers, but I do not care who you are as long as we vibe as writers. I do not mind playing those of different identities and/or orientations as side characters to serve as a part of the story, but my primary character will always be a straight male. They are very imperfect, and may be struggling with their own demons, or simply trying to make sense of their place in the world. With that in mind, I enjoy pitting these characters against other characters who will challenge them and their way of living and thinking. I want them to have a chance to undergo some great change, and they need another strong character to do that. It's my hope that they change your characters in a meaningful way as well.

I am not someone that puts posts through a word count, but I do enjoy someone who consistently writes as much as I do per post, with 800-900+ words per post, but I've been known to go well beyond 1,000. I am by no means saying that every post has to reach this minimum. Sometimes there are "filler" posts where little happens and we simply need to move things along. It happens. However, I can't tell you how disheartening it is to work for hours on a hellish post, just to get back two small paragraphs. As long as you try your best with every post, then so will I.

The settings I enjoy most are modern, fantasy, and the medieval.Almost every story I engage in involves at least some combination of these. The settings I least enjoy, despite being a fan of both in some form, are apocalyptic and sci-fi stories. In my experience, these settings always seem to create stories that can be a bit cliched and tired. Of course no setting is off limits if the idea is good enough. So please feel free to share. The genres depend on the setting, but I love crime, war/rebellion, noir, political intrigue, adventures, supernatural, and survival. Genres are not limited to these by any means, and I probably just can't think of much more right this second.

Because of the way these tables are formatted(and the fact I’m doing this on my phone) the descriptions are brief, but I will be more than happy to elaborate on them if you show interest. I am also not at all limiting us to these or how they are detailed. Please share your own ideas if you have any.

Light and Dark​
For centuries now, humanity has unknowingly been caught in the crossfire of a war between two gods, the gods of Light and Dark. The two choose their avatars to act on their behalf, and they set them loose on each other. These avatars have a long and terrible history of bloodshed, and until the last cycle, when the God of Light did something he shouldn’t have… he broke the rules, and cursed the previous avatar to reincarnate forever, locking them in an endless cycle of death and rebirth, forcing them to remember their previous lives while ensuring that the dark would never prevail again.​
Violence, trauma, hate, powers​
In the Water’s Reflection​
Well over a thousand years ago, when the kingdom as we know it today was first founded, the crown prince at the time had a childhood friend with whom he shared everything. She had been an immensely talented sorceress, and she had always served him as an aid. He had considered her his dearest friend, but she had been terribly in love with him, and her heart knew that when the day came that he was king, it would be her who was king. Except, when the day came, she learned that he had already promised himself to a foreign princess, in order to secure his nation’s future. In her rage, she murdered the princess, drowning her in the pool the two had played in as children. When he learned of this, he had cursed her to remain in those waters forever. For so long she remained in those waters, eventually forgotten to time. Only a member of the royal line could release her from this, and after so long, who else but the descendant of the man she loved would come to the water’s edge, curious about the sequestered pool.​
Wounded Hand​
Period Piece,
Crime, Romance​
The year is 1925. The United States is years into the Prohibition, and the sale and possession of alcohol is now a crime. In the small West Virginian town of Little Creek, the hardy folk there make their living by distilling moonshine in the mountains surrounding them, where the law will struggle to find them out. My character is one of these distillers, a quiet man who runs a general store by day. He once thought of being a musician in the big city, but after his hand was injured in the war he had to give up on those dreams. Now he finds himself in need of help running the still, after his last employee up and left in the middle of the day. That's when your character walks into the store, asking about a job...​
Slice of Life
A lot of booze lol​
Night by Night​
In the city of Chicago, the Bloody Buckets are one of the most powerful gangs running the streets. Primarily, they make their money serving as muscle for the local crime family and smuggling illicit goods, whilst occasionally dipping their toes into more violent work. Their leader is a powerful man, and unfortunately a busy one. He has no time to put into friendship or a relationship with a woman, making his life quite the lonely one. To help blow some steam off of his very stressful life, he begins meeting with a call-girl that comes highly recommended by one of his business associates. She is an independent, unaffiliated with any of the gangs or interprises within the city. She does serve some very powerful clients, and has many connections. She is expensive, and very picky because she can afford that luxury. She is intensely beautiful and very good at what she does. The two will begin meeting, and as they learn more and more about one another, their professional boundaries will begin to blur, for better and worse.​
The Return​
Dark Romance
The prince has long been a taboo subject for the royal family. The royal twins had been born twenty-five years ago, their mother dying during the birth. It had been hard for everyone to accept their death, but in spite of that the two children were healthy, and they were close as they grew together, nigh inseparable. Nobody thought ill of it, until a servant caught them in the garden, embracing in a way which was improper for twins. As the male, the brother was blamed for corrupting his sister, and as a result was quietly exiled to the western front of the current war to avoid embarrassment. There, he would serve the military and (hopefully) die for his country. For ten years, nobody heard from the prince, and it was assumed he died. All for the better. The princess grew, putting the memory of her brother behind her as her marriage to a foreign lord was settled upon. Their father had only recently died, and with a vacancy in the throne now, she and her betrothed were set to ascend the throne. So of course, the prince suddenly returns to the court, a changed man demanding that he be given the crown. It’s been ten years, how could the two of them have changed after all that time?​
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