Mx Female Looking for someone to play a working girl at a Soapland brothel


Silly Lil' Guy
Apr 11, 2015
Europe (CET)
Hello, everyone! Welcome to my specific craving thread.

About me and my writing

  • I've been roleplaying on-and-off for about eight years
  • I've been writing both prose and poetry as a hobby for about ten years and have been published in some magazines and on a few websites
  • I can RP over PMs, threads, or Discord
  • I generally prefer a 50/50 smut-to-story ratio but this can vary widely from story to story
  • I can play a dom, sub, or switch character depending on the scenario and dynamic we're trying to create
  • I am open to playing multiple characters if it's within the needs of the RP
  • I am open to short and long-term RPs with the right partners
  • I can reply a few times a day to once every couple of days depending on my availability
  • I typically write 300-700 words (2-8 paragraphs) per reply, although this is not fixed and I am willing to go longer or shorter than this if the situation demands it
  • I am literate to advanced literate in terms of quality
  • I prefer to RP in third person past tense (though present tense is also fine)
  • I'm quite flexible and easy going when it comes to plotting and collaborating
  • I enjoy OOC chatter but do not require it

What I'm looking for in a partner

  • This should go without saying but any potential partner needs to be of legal age
  • Someone to match my reply length and literacy level (although the occasional grammar/spelling mistake is not the end of the world)
  • Someone I can have fun with
  • Someone I can craft amazing (and sexy) stories with
  • Someone who can communicate any issues/needs that might arise over the course of our writing together so that we can properly address them
NOTE: I understand that real life and responsibilities can get in the way of replying and that's completely fine, I only ask that you notify me if you cannot respond for longer than a week or if you want to completely drop our RP. That said, I will never hound you for replies and if I do not hear from you for more than two weeks I will consider the RP dead. Accordingly, I will never ghost you and will always try to keep you informed about my availability.


Writing Samples

The bitch… he wasn't used to being teased like this and her words put an immediate frown on his face. His brow furrowed as he admitted to himself that there was quite a bit of truth in her words. His rock-solid erection and leaking precum were evidence enough that she was driving him crazy, too. No wonder, either, considering how long he'd been stuck in this castle with nothing to fuck.

"Heh, clever," he said squeezing her face tight with his hands, making her cheeks puff up as if she were a blowfish. His eyes burned with a resentment for being called out the way he was, but there was no denying the rhythmic rocking of his hips in tandem with her own, his cock desperate for her moist folds.

"I hope you're ready."

He let go of her face and brought his own close. For a moment they were on the cusp of kissing, their genitals all but united. He could smell her sweet breath. A drop of his sweat trailed down the tip of his nose and landed on Hiyokuna's lower lip. Then, with little warning, he slammed his erect cock all at once inside of her, feeling little resistance as he was enveloped by her slippery pussy.

A rough grunt escaped his lips as he leaned his forehead on hers.

"Heh, fuck…" he said with a grin, almost admitting a bit of defeat at being so overwhelmed by the feeling. However, he didn't let that deter him from a mere second later putting on an absolutely rabid face and beginning to rapidly pump in and out of her, holding her legs with his hands as her hands remained tied behind her. At the same time, he attacked her defenseless lips and neck, devouring them ravenously and treating her to the odd bite, even going so far as to draw blood in a couple of places and stain her porcelain skin.

Had Petar really known that Carola was crazy? Eccentric, maybe, but definitely not crazy crazy. Her spontaneity was definitely not an irresponsible one that put people in danger. She was smart and caring, though she had her moments of whimsy. Besides, Petar had used that word only because he didn't know how else to completely dissuade her from the trying-on-skirt idea.

"What I was getting into?!" said Petar, completely ignoring the fact that the phrase asked me out heavily implied a date. "I thought I was getting into fun arcade games with my project teammate, not trying on girls' clothing!"

Then Carola started to get closer and Petar's eyes widened. His breathing became laborious as she brought the stool over and sat down on it, so close that he could smell her citrusy shower gel. Could he feel her breath? There was something about her voice, something bewitching, as if each word was drawing out a piece of his soul and trapping it behind those moist lips.

But there was another note to it as she continued speaking. She wasn't just here to boss him around, her voice seemed to signal. There was a caring empathy there as well, as if the overtones of each word contained the phrase you can trust me.

Other girls? How much did they matter, anyway? Especially Hannah, whom Arnold seemed to fancy. Regardless, the only part of that sentence that stuck in Petar's mind was that she, Carola, found it cute when he fumbled his way around speaking. He knew that she couldn't really find it explicitly sexy or attractive, but he hoped also that calling it cute wasn't just a consolation prize. Unfortunately, Petar was much too busy sweating and turning red to actually say any of these things.

The situation began to get even more out of hand as Carola placed her leg right in front of him. He understood that she wanted to give him a kind of exposure training, but surely this was taking it from one to a hundred. He began shaking, looking at her pretty foot and well-sculpted leg. The Slav boy had never dreamed of being this close to such an intimate piece of Carola's body. But what was so special about this? He'd seen girls in short shorts and he'd probably sat next to them in public transport as well as other places. It was the fact that this leg right here was being presented freely by Carola and specifically to him and nobody else.

Petar swallowed hard, his eyes almost jumping out of his head as she flexed her toes. Was she aware of the effect such an action could have on him? He vaguely heard her mention something about inviting him over to the pool. A feeling of lightheadedness came over him and he could barely even remember that he didn't like the pool that much in the first place. But you'd get to see Carola in a swimsuit. Fuck, don't think about that now!

But then there was a sobering moment when Carola mentioned Hans and then seemed to regret it. Petar looked into her blue eyes and saw himself reflected in them. There was not a hint of disgust on her face, unlike when she'd talked about Hans. If Petar didn't know any better, he might even have concluded that this incredibly attractive girl fancied him a little bit.

And that thought, no matter how far-fetched in might've been, seemed to fill his blood with newfound courage.

As she stood up and removed the skirt, there was scarcely a worry in his mind. If anything, there only hung a strange sense of loss. Perhaps if he'd been more confident and upfront, he might've reached out and touched Carola's beautiful leg, and that could've led to him touching other parts of her. When Carola took her skirt off of his crotch and commented on his problem, however, he remembered the original reason why this whole line of conversation even began.

He stared at her, dumbfounded. He wasn't even scared or panicky. There just didn't seem to be anything he could do at that moment. "I…" he began, "I'm sorry. You can't expect me to look at you and… not feel things."

Petar looked away as he half-whispered that, embarrassed by his own sudden honesty. He spent a couple of moments like that and then looked back at her. "And, yes, if I saw a girl like Hannah or someone else in this kind of situation it might've caused something like this to happen, too, but…" and here he felt a similar hesitation as when he they were together in detention and he was going to be honest with her. "But… the oohs and aahs are for you. I don't know why but no girl has made me feel this way before. And, sure, I haven't had a lot of experience with them, but the only things I've felt so far from girls are longing and intimidation. But you? You properly scare me. You scare me so much and yet…" and here, her reached out and put the tips of three of his fingers onto her left thigh, "and yet I feel like I can trust you with my life."

He took a deep breath as the electric softness of her skin raced through his nervous system. With his other hand, he took her right hand and guided it to the pulse point on his neck.

"What do you think? Pretty fast, I know, but I'm able to have a conversation this time, at least," he said, looking her straight in the eyes. Oddly enough, however, his problem had disappeared.

Raul struggled to catch his breath as he was confronted with Isa's forwardness. The young sailor was pinned down onto his bed before another thought could enter his mind. He blinked rapidly in sudden surprise and couldn't find any words to utter as he felt her bare ass, so soft an unlike everything he'd been touching for the past few months.

His penis was immediately hard and felt like her tracing a finger down his chest would make him go completely insane.

"K-know each other b-better," he repeated like a moron as she freed his pulsating length from his trousers, touching it with her face and then proceeding to suck on one of his balls. The poor soul was becoming completely overwhelmed. He'd already been finding it difficult to communicate with such a hottie, but the things that were now happened simply blew the top of his head clean open, metaphorically speaking.

It was all he could do to dumbly stare at her as she ran her tongue up and down his shaft, her eyes seeming to fuck his very soul. Any spare thought that managed to enter his mind was questioning whether or not this was all real of merely some kind of dream. For him to get so lucky seemed impossible. Either way, there was no use resisting her.

Raul, stimulated out of his mind, began shaking as she rubbed her pussy against his now almost painfully erect cock. It throbbed with anticipation but was not prepared for the warmth and slippery smoothness that awaited within her hole. Her folds took him in and everything he'd ever heard about sex turned out to be a pale shadow of the bliss he was now experiencing.

He was reduced to an almost babbling mess as she bounced on top of him, drooling and half-subconsciously thrusting up into her in reflex. Very different, he thought. Very different from my hand.

Every now and then the sailor would manage to wrestle his eyes from the lure of her bouncing breasts and look up at her own, which she dutifully kept fixed on him, her face the spitting image of pure eroticism. There was no way that the inexperienced youth could last long in this flurry of sensations consisting of her moist pussy, glassy eyes, as well as pillowy soft ass and thighs.

He accelerated his pumping and, taking a sharp in-breath, he realized that his entire pelvis was tensing up and felt the warmth of an oncoming orgasm.

"Fuck, fuck, I'm—" he tried to utter but merely gasped as pleasure engulfed his entire body and he ejaculated jet after jet of thick cum inside of her, his limbs practicallly convulsing in pleasure and his fingers sinking deep into the soft, supple flesh of her ass.

As his breathing calmed down, he turned to his side, which had the effect of taking his dick out of her and having her lie down next to him. He opened his eyes a sliver and saw his green-haired goddess lying next to him. "I-I'm sorry," he said, at the same time somehow both knowing and now knowing why he was apologizing.


The sailors below deck all smiled and giggled to each other as Lady Caroline took a seat amongst them. Although they might've been horny and hungry for female flesh, they understood both her position and general purity. This was a lady, not some common tavern wench that they could pass around each other. The captain has also made sure to point this out. Thus, the feeling they had for her was more protective than anything else, though each of them probably had some type of crush on her in the privacy of hisown mind.

"I've seen one," said one of the sailors, a bald chap with a heavy, wavy accent in his voice. "The kraken itself."

The crowd erupted in laughter. "Bullshit," said the oldest sailor. "Nobody has ever actually encountered the kraken and lived to tell the tale."

"Well, let me reiterate a point you made before, wise guy," the bald man replied. "If nobody lived to tell the tale, when where do the tales come from?"

Ooohs erupted from various sailors' mouths. It was getting interesting. While the two men continued their squabble about the differences between legends, fairy tales, and personal accounts, the young, mild-faced sailor sitting next to Lady Caroline leaned over and whispered: "This is how it usually goes, my lady. Everyone here wants to convince the rest that they're some sort of heroic seafarer who's stared at the very face of Death and defied Him."

Meanwhile, above deck, the sailor speaking with Thalia sighed as he looked out into the open sea and gave her the following response to her question: "The captain's gotten a bit on in years… but he's got a sound head on his shoulders. He knows the sea better than any other person on the ship, that's for sure. If he says that he feels something's off… then that's enough to get me to worry, if even just a little bit.

The sound of boots on wooden planks and the following spin of spurs would be the thing to tear Vanessa from her reverie of simply polishing her pistol. A man dressed in a dull grey with a wide-brimmed hat a serape around his neck and shoulders approached her. He was clean-shaven and had tidy, cropped hair.

"Great choice of oil," he said, grinning deviously. "If you're planning to get rid of that thing within the year, that is."

He did little to conceal the two guns in holsters hanging on his belt.

Little did any of them know that in little more than a couple of more minutes their entire world was about to capsize as the Sankaari forces gathered and lay in wait, hoping that this last ditch effort to preserve their species would work.

Trevor groaned and grunted as he pumped in and out of Vylleth's pussy, his hand on her neck having little regard for her safety. She certainly didn't seem to mind—not that it mattered much at the moment. A feral madness had taken him over so that his eyes were void of almost any human sentiment. This was a beast fucking a demon and it would get ugly accordingly.

The man had been rough in the past, of course, with partners who were into that sort of thing. However, he had never abandoned reason to this extent, so fully let himself be controlled by his lustful, violent urges, gathered and marinated in the oily trauma of his past, now stoked and let loose by the spark that was Vylleth the Succubus.

It felt good.

His whole body seemed to be on fire as his frantic rhythm sent her moaning with barely a breath to do so with. He pinned her down to the table roughly and his hand tightened even more. You'll kill her if you're not careful, a voice in his head whispered. Good, another replied.

Somewhere in the frenzied mess of flesh and fluids, the demon found enough air to speak to him. The words she said only added more fuel to the fire, as she'd all but severed the last threads of self-control stopping him from unleashing the basest of his instincts upon her.

"You want me to fuckin' break you?" he said, taking one of his hands off of her thigh and grabbing hold of her cheeks, squeezing his grip so that her lips puckered. "I'll teach you the most painful fucking lesson of your entire life."

Because of his quick movement, Trevor was unable to notice any subtle changes in how Vylleth's moist walls moved or contracted. Had he done so, he might've had some warning for what was about to happen. Nevertheless, he continued looking her straight in the eyes, in the face of the succubus now struggling to breathe because of his rough handling, sweat covering her body as she writhed and whimpered under his relentless assault.

"I'll teach you to take mens' souls after seducing them, you sick fucking freak," he breathed into her face, having brought it so close up to himself that their noses were almost touching.

Suddenly, Vylleth stopped any sort of vocalization as her eyes rolled back into her head. For a moment, Trevor suspected that she might've passed out before he felt the fluid streaming out of her and splashing on the floor. At least she's alive, he said as he continued, the fact of her squirting and the added sensation of wetness bringing his own orgasm closer and closer.

He accelerating his fucking even more, moaning as his glutes buckled and flexed in preparation for the big finish. Completely left to his instincts, he spit inside of her puckered and opened mouth, squeezing her neck and checks ever harder with his hands.

"You fucking man-eater," he rasped at her, slapping her hard across the face, the sharp sound ringing out in the sudden silence. He then bit down hard on her lower lip as he felt the warmth rush to his groin. Blood flowed from the bite as he clamped down even harder, whimpering as an almost indescribable energy flowed through his entire being, emanating from his center and saturating his limbs. His ass and leg muscles flexed as he ejaculated jet of hot semen after jet of hot semen inside of her overflowing cunt, his mouth and hands unmoving.

The Craving

This specific craving has to do with Japanese establishments that are referred to as Soapland. This is basically a place that offers bathing services for men but doubles as a brothel. They try to circumvent anti-prostitution laws by rationalizing it as the client coming in, getting a bath from a girl, and them getting acquainted just enough to have sex that just happens to be paid. Completely transparent, I know, but hey if it works it works.

Now, as far as I know, prostitution is legal in Japan as long as there is no actual penetration, so that’s the thing I’d like to experiment with here. Basically, MC would be a foreigner who has traveled to Japan and visits one of these establishments, but one that doesn’t actually try and get away with actual PIV sex. So, what I would be looking for is someone to play the part of the girl (who would be a professional prostitute/courtesan) and offer the range of services to MC. The interaction would include everything from their initial meeting up through the bath and massage parts and finally concluding in a sexual encounter. Of course, without penetration, this sexual encounter would focus more on things like manual and oral stimulation, outercourse, intercrural sex, etc. In a way, I suppose I’m looking to have MC’s mind blown with the quality of service.

I realize that this might sound like a slightly one-sided request but that’s sort of the fantasy. However, I am more than willing to put in my fair share of the effort and create an interesting roleplay alongside you. Although this would probably be a one shot, short-term, smutty kind of thing, I would still be open to our characters having their quirks and all that good stuff just to keep it interesting (YC would also probably have a layer of professionalism on top of her personality and it would be interesting to see how she constructs her act).

I'm looking forward to your messages!

Feel free to get in touch if you like some parts of my idea(s) but would like to add your own elements, too! I'm fairly flexible and open to experimentation. These are just rough sketches. We would plan the details together, taking into account each other's kinks, preferences, and availability! I'm also open to exchanging more writing samples for further confirmation of our potential compatibility.

P.S. To all of my wonderful current RP partners, rest assured that I am not replacing anyone.
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Bump! Revamped this specific craving thread completely and narrowed it down to a single thing that's most relevant for me at the moment.
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