Welcome! This thread will list my various OCs; none of the pictures here are mine. (Please don't post in this thread. If anyone here particularly interests you, PM me directly.)
Thank you much, and enjoy!
1. Hatori (Avatar the Last Airbender/Legend of Korra)
*I’m operating under the very real possibility that, just as the Harmonic Convergence resulted in “awakened” Airbenders, it also awakened the latent potential of countless Earthbenders, Firebenders and Waterbenders. This conflict of the traditional/orthodox styles depicted in the show versus the innovations of the “new school” (think about how Tenzin originally viewed pro-Bending as a bastardization of true Bending) could be interesting.
Potential Roles
▷ Former thief turned wandering healer/bonesetter*
▷ Wandering good-hearted vigilante
▷ Low-ranked diplomat for the Northern Water Tribes
▷ Pro-Bending fight doctor (in the Korra era)
▷ Member of the United Forces (in the Korra era)
▷ Diplomatic tea shop bouncer (in the Korra era)
*This is whether he's traveling solo, or with made up multi-nation Red Cross-esque organization called the "Jade Lotus".
Hatori’s a bastard by birth (a funny story in his eyes, the classic comedy of an upper-class woman and a charming blue-collar commoner), but not by personality. With his good-natured humor and sincere kindness, he respects the qualities of others and tolerates common flaws, and in the end it's his acceptance of those who mean well and genuine concern for others that speaks for him most. His savvy optimism (best defined as “Trust, but verify”) and dedication as a healer has been used against him and manipulated more than once, or sneered at as naïve foolishness. Rather than form a callus around his heart, the Waterbender’s learned how to cunningly handle such situations without compromising himself or his standards, and indeed enjoys being able to subvert those expectations. Where someone like Asami looks to the future and Zaheer is someone who finds answers in the past, Hatori is very much a young man of the present. He finds truth is what he sees around him, for in his mind the past and future are linked in a steady flow: The truth of the here and now is a result of what was and may yet flow to impact what will be.
Hatori generally admires and appreciates those that genuinely and continually work towards 'bettering' themselves in some way, who overcome adversity and become successful in spite of it…even against his own will. When he sees someone with such potential, he’ll go out of his way to push them in a proper direction. (Whether the person in question will accept…that’s a different story.) Part of this hints at a strong empathy, particularly if he thinks there was good intent behind someone’s actions; he’s the first to think that if a person’s situation was different, they would be better. If he can, he’ll assist in making those necessary changes. For all of the things Hatori’s been exposed to over the years, he’s not as jaded as most would be; he still sees the good in people and will search that out where he can. (After all, others saw the potential in him back in the day; not doing the same would tarnish their memories.)
While he may take some pride in his work, he doesn’t do it for fame, glory, or even out of clear-cut justice…it is out of compassion. For quite a while Hatori lacked genuine direction; aimlessly drifting from one place to another while doing odd jobs to get by, he saw people around him find fulfillment and purpose he himself longed for. Becoming a healer was hardly “destiny”, as that spindly old man claimed; he’s seen many former associates fall down dark paths (and has personally seen some of them taken in) to know that a single decision, that one chance, is all it takes sometimes. This sobering realization fuels Hatori's actions to look out for the disadvantaged and help them make that “right” decision. As a result, he has a tendency to help those others consider hopeless…the misguided and lost, not the malicious. He doesn't look down on people just because they may live in a manner that society finds distasteful, or even if they've turned to illicit dealings to get by. Seeing healing as beyond the mere physical, he does his best to help others in their struggles, whether by some act of kindness or pointing people in the direction of someone more able to assist them. Keenly aware of the trouble it can get him into, Hatori can be annoyed when he's forced to help somebody he doesn't like…but since he cares, he really doesn't see himself as having a choice.
He isn’t a Bending prodigy, doesn’t have tremendous financial/political resources to bear, his bearing may be casual and common, and he can’t save the world by himself (or with a small group). But he can still do something to make the section he lives in a bit better for others, so he will. That’s it.
Name: Razini Occupation: Monk/cook, though can have other roles (see “Potential Roles” section) Race: Saiyan Birth World: Planet Vegeta, Universe 7 Home World: Planet Togashi, Universe 7 Age: Mid-Late 20s
▷ Classic wanderer and Martial Medic exploring different cultures
▷ Hired bodyguard (perhaps being a bodyguard/Ambadassador for U7’s Supreme Kai Shin, or conscripted into that role by an AU treasure hunting Bulma)
▷ Cook (a high-end bistro; warrior-chef for the Time Patrollers; personal chef to a Supreme Kai or God of Destruction)
▷ Stuntman and action star for Earth superhero/martial arts movies (able to create his own special effects due to ki control)
▷ Combat instructor for the Frieza Force, and member of Emperor/Empress!Frieza’s Honor Guard (most likely route to being Lawful Evil-ish)
Like every other Saiyan baby born on Planet Vegeta, Razini had his power level judged the moment he left the incubator…and was found wanting at a mere 8. He never knew his mother or father, and was far too weak to immediately be conscripted into the Saiyan Army. So like other low-level warriors, he became an infiltration baby: Tossed in an Attack Ball and fired at a planet ripe for conquest, he would either takeover said planet—and thus potentially become a higher-class warrior—or die ("trimming the fat" as the Saiyans thought of it). Several weeks before Bardock’s fateful rebellion and Frieza giving the Saiyan homeworld the finger (of doom), Razini's Attack Ball landed on Planet Togashi, a world of warrior-monks of differing clans and cultures.
Two members of a large mixed group of traveling monk-rogues came across the metallic spear, heard the squalling baby wailing within, and brought Razini to his fellow elders among the clan for judgment. All were well-aware of the Saiyan race’s reputation for overwhelming strength and ferocity, one so common the Galactic Police made it standard policy to kill any Saiyan baby they found (and to kill the planet’s civilization if that wasn't an option). Smiling beatifically at the baby who had fallen silent, as if somehow aware the conversation was a matter of (his) life and death, the leader of the clan spoke so all could hear. Condemning a child for his birth or abandoning him to certain death was not their way, nor was turning away a potential acolyte. And what better way to test the truth of their philosophies than this? The child would be raised among their ranks, the youngest of their clan, taught their ways when the mind and body were still in bloom. Razini's main philosophy in life is centered around five tenets he blended from the various clans:
▷ "All existence is conflict" from the Kokujin warrior clan
▷ "Enlightenment is honor" from the first-among-equals Togashi
▷ "Adaptability is strength" from the cunning Hitomi stalkers
▷ "The supernal is the self" from the spiritual Tamori ki masters
▷ "Service is mastery" from the Hoshi healer/guardians
▷ A Chef of Iron (Fist): Razini has used his culinary skills for obtaining favor, friendship, and as an alternate form of conflict resolution that once determined the fate of an entire planet. Consequently, the monk is capable of kicking someone’s ass, and then preparing an incredible meal for them afterwards. (And because he tends to make portions meant to satisfy a Saiyan appetite, there's typically a lot of leftovers.)
▷ A restless soul for a monk: Razini doesn't do "idle" well for a monk; one might say that is partially due to his Saiyan blood. (Ideally) peaceful exploration is what fuels him. While far from brash and reckless, once committed to a choice of action, he views any further deliberation as a waste of time. Very much prone to getting involved when he sometimes really shouldn't, more out of personal whims than duty or obligation.
▷ A Technical Pacifist (for a Saiyan): Much like with Goku, it is the pure enjoyment of testing himself against worthy foes and constant desire for self-improvement that drives Razini, rather than a Blood Knight love of brutality and dominating opponents. Having a strong "fair play" philosophy, Razini will typically refrain from using any undue advantage (if an opponent can't fly, then he won't) and sticks to predetermined rules due to both innate honor and besting an opponent under their own terms.
Aside from honorable combat and sparring, it is exceptionally rare for the Saiyan to land the first blow in a fight. That said, while Razini is calmer and more peaceful than most full-blooded Saiyans, there's certain things he will not permit to pass his fists. He isn't a killer and taking someone's life is never a cavalierly-chosen option, as it permanently stops someone's potential for growth and improvement. As he sees it, his hands are equally capable of preserving life and taking it; while he vastly favors the former, he is able and willing to do the latter if so pushed.
▷ “We grow by learning, and we learn by daring”: Razini disdains the idea of a perfect, "invincible fighter”; in fact, he views that as a living Hell. Rather, he views other fighters as warriors walking the path of martial enlightenment rather than "rivals". While the monk isn’t foolish and would never recklessly endanger others with this quest for self-perfection, Razini will eagerly endanger himself if he thinks the potential gains outweigh the risks.
✪Great Ape
The first time Razini transformed into a Great Ape at the light of the moon was viewed with deep concern and horror (all the more given it was during a sacred festival). It was initially deemed a barbaric curse the Saiyan could, at best, learn to live with but never overcome. One of his older "brothers", a bloodthirsty tiger-headed warrior among the Kokujin, took a far more optimistic view: This was a powerful natural weapon at Razini’s disposal, to be harnessed and fully mastered with the…proper training. When the moon shone again and the Saiyan transformed into an Oozaru, the Kokujin would beat him into submission, stopping only when he collapsed into unconsciousness and continuing once the transformed Razini got back onto his feet. As brutal and destructive as these "sparring matches" were, they were painfully necessary. Despite his considerable power being multiplied tenfold in his Great Ape form, initial animalistic rampages and a heedless thirst for devastation were wholly ineffective against the tiger master's honed fury. This forced Razini to focus his mind and will in that beastly form if he wanted any chance of victory or even survival.
Through arduous training and effort, Razini is able to access this form while fully maintaining his capacity for higher reason and thought. The large amount of exertion and energy required, which can be a fatal distraction in heated battle—especially given the payoff’s considerably lesser than his other forms—makes it generally awesome but impractical. Still and all, even a fighting monk—or especially a fighting monk—can fully appreciate the Rule of Cool. And yes, the Saiyan still has his tail; pulling it doesn't hurt him or hinder his combat skill at all (though it's still incredibly rude to do so without consent).
✪Wrathful/Wrath State
The initial solution to deal with Razini going Great Ape (see above). His adoptive mother used mystical cuffs around his wrists to seal his ki within his body; they not only served as strapping weights for his chi, but demanded harmony of mind and body to move a single inch. This was done so that he could truly appreciate its gifts, as well as force him to hone his physical skills. This provided an unexpected boon combined with the Kokujin helping him master his “Great Ape” form: Due to the length of Planet Togashi’s moons and their intensity (which could last up to a week at a time), Razini became able to access the Great Ape’s power and strength without needing the actual transformation.
✪Super Saiyan (SS1 Second Grade, SS Full Power)
Still sensing a thin psychological barrier keeping him from greater truths, the Togashi elders sought to help Razini break through that wall. It was not to be until a force from the Galactic Police, led by a fanatic rogue commander, descended upon the planet. He judged that because the group of monks took the Saiyan in as a baby instead of slaying him, forging him into a potential weapon, the entire planet had to be wiped out to destroy the Saiyan scourge. The threat of millions being slain, his home and family being wiped out, shattered that barrier. Razini's unrestrained anger spiked, letting him tap into the Super Saiyan state and decimate the force in a wild destructive frenzy, savagely beating said rogue commander within a literal inch of his life.
Razini is only aware of—and capable of using—the first Super Saiyan form, which was fully mastered to its ultimate level through intense physical and mental training in energy mastery/control. Resultingly, Razini can display incredible delicacy and frightening intensity at the same time, using ki in a wide variety of ways both martial and mystical. This mental focus also has resulted in insane endurance and stamina in a fight, enabling him to comfortably take hits from those several classes above him. (Word of Dende notes Super Saiyan 2 and 3 are "just powered-up variations of the first Super Saiyan state" and fully mastering SS1 would make them outmoded, which is the mindset I'm working with here.)
✪Evil Aura/Super Saiyan Berserk (controlled)
After an incident wherein Razini unknowingly consumed a rare fruit from the Demon Realm saturated with evil energy, combined with the lingering fury that sparked his initial Super Saiyan transformation, he unintentionally unlocked the Super Saiyan Berserk form. Said energy coalesced into a demonic replica of himself who sought to control his body; after a life-threatening battle of wills in which he dispelled said malignant corruption, he was able to obtain—and ultimately master—the Super Saiyan version of SSGSS Controlled Berserk. Rather than risk this being an exploitable weakness, Razini focused on mastering this “Evil Aura” so it would not master him. Through rigorous training of mind and spirit, he has become able to magnify/intensify aggression, violence and primal emotions in others when using his Evil Aura while maintaining perfect self-control, allowing an opponent's anger to seal their fate.
When using his Super Saiyan Berserk form or Evil Aura, Razini's ki radiates intense controlled evil despite his fundamentally decent nature, which has caused several unfortunate diplomatic misunderstandings in the past. (For his part, he accepts this as inevitable, but considers that far preferable to leaving that energy unmastered.)
✪Super Saiyan God (completely optional)
Razini obtained the Super Saiyan God form being forced to enter some intergalactic fighting tournament on behalf of an elder, the promise of being “onto a god” the offered prize. Only in this case, it turned out to be a centuries-long scam due to a cruel yet powerful warlord who is considered divine, stealing the victor’s body and imprisoning their soul. (I have a more detailed idea for how this could work, but this form certainly isn’t required in a line.)
✪Super Saiyan Rosé (completely optional)
I could picture Razini obtaining the Super Saiyan Rosé form while in the service of a Supreme Kai as a student/bodyguard, or as the chef of a God of Destruction. Also, I could picture him having reached Super Saiyan Rosé 2 at some point. (Much like with Super Saiyan God, this form isn’t necessary, but I have some ideas for how he could reach it.)
Name: Marion Nicknames: "Weird Story Boy", "Pretty Eyes" Age: Early-Mid 20s Profession: "Pokémon Bard" (self-titled blend of storyteller and Pokémon trainer/Coordinator); graphic novelist Hometown: Veilstone City (Sinnoh) Family
▶ Mother: The head Veilstone City librarian, a sweet-tempered and strong-willed woman whose petite size and Southern Belle appearance hides a creative mind with photography and a heart as big--and fierce--as a Mega Gyrados. Their constant nature walks instilled in Marion a quiet appreciation for the outdoors; on bright sunny days, it's common to find him sitting under a shady tree with a book.
▶ Father: A blue-collar, down to earth carpenter whose definition of "manliness" is more mental and psychological (showing respect to others, owning every word you say, valuing hard work, taking pride in what you do, being a good loser and a noble winner, etc.) than the hardass emotionless tough-guy routine one would assume by his rugged old-school appearance.
Beyond just a love of literature (he considered the Veilstone City Library a second home), as a little boy Marion would always dash to the Story Corner in hopes that old gambler was there, spinning yet another of his endless yarns for a crowd of little kids like himself. Great battles and adventures, silly tales and sad remembrances, myths and fables and aphorisms and all sorts of stories. But above all, she would spin trickster tales, of cunning trainers and quick-witted Pokémon defeating much stronger adversaries and ingenious traps with wisdom and insight. This became a major aspect of his life: While other kids dreamt of battling Cynthia and Marshall, he dreamt of meeting the Trick Master or joining the Black Arachnid on a heist.
At school, Marion wasn't a rude student or lazy--he was roughly a "B+” student overall--but was exuberant and often required some slight...correction. (Basically, the exasperating yet lovable reason his teacher became a silver Delphox ahead of her time.) That overactive imagination often had him create stories, often writing them down during classes instead of taking notes, paying attention or even whispering them to his classmates (viewing him with amusement or annoyance, depending on the person in question). One day, his teacher told Marion to come to the front of the room; since he liked to tell tales, she intoned, here was his chance. Perhaps it was her way of stemming this trait of his once and for all, much like how some stand-up comedians deal with a heckler in the audience by giving them the mic and watching them crash and burn. The spotlight was on and, with a deep breath, Marion nervously began. That nervousness, over the course of minutes, started to slowly melt away as the boy thought of his parents--his father's words to "own what you do" and his mother cheering him on--truly got into it and feeling a genuine ease. The fear of being made fun of, his hesitancy and self-consciousness faded, as that comfort took over, providing an odd nobility to it all. The story lasted over 20 minutes, him not having missed a beat. His classmates were left enthralled; even their class Chatot fell quiet, eyes never leaving those of the young lad.
The teacher watched him for a moment, before quietly asking him a question: “How do you, a child who rarely pays attention in class, have such talent?"
Marion's grand and slightly embarrassed reply? “Dunno. I just like stories.”
From that day forward, Marion was used as a “weapon” for his teacher’s class (“If you don’t behave, I won’t have him tell you a story”). Story time was his time; with help from some of his teacher’s Pokémon (and eventually his Gastly), he’d tell tale after tale, making up some on the spot while twisting others, adding sound effects and multiple voices. More than once did story time extend because the class wanted him to finish his tale, and other teachers had their students join in as well. What others initially mocked him for gave Marion a quiet confidence that helped him to grow when he started the dual path of a Coordinator and trainer. (He couldn't decide which appealed to him more, so he walks both paths.) Even if he was still a geek, as he would quote many years later, he had found the path of his chic.
Skilled in mimicking voices and mannerisms, he weaves words with the grace of a Butterfree’s String Shot as his faithful Gastly “Veil” uses his illusory powers to provide imagery and even sensory stimulation. Marion just loves storytelling as a teaching tool and seeing the eyes of children and young ones light up as they learn and laugh at the same time, wanting to provide that same spark ignited in him those many years ago. (Seeing some of his greatest blunders replayed in front of him keeps him grounded; on an aside, he loathes “humble-braggers” and false humility.) It is that power to influence with stories that he is addicted to, and is quite a change from the normally quietly humored boy, though battles can also ignite that sparkle in his eyes.
"Demise demands that I serve as his champion and lead the forces of darkness, to enact his ages-long grudge against the Hero of Courage and Princess of Wisdom and ultimately fall. But I choose to be your friend. No one demands anything of me."
In this headcanon, the short version is that Demise, tiring of multiple failures, attempted to usurp Ganondorf's soul and tear the Triforce of Power from his being. In this case, Ganondorf had been much more focused on ensuring prosperity for his Gerudo people, that benign focus serving as a shield against the naked pursuit of wielding power for its own sake. Thus, he was not cast out or banished from the Gerudo, remaining their respected and beloved leader, the younger brother amidst an entire tribe of "sisters". Forging a new body for himself from hatred and malice, intending to use the Triforce fragment as its battery, he was convinced its unfettered might without being bound by human "frailities" would put an end to things.
But here is where he makes his fatal mistake. After all, Ganondorf is the bearer of Power; he bows to no one and is pawn to no being, mortal or divine. Pushing too far and underestimating his steely resolve--a resolve that ultimately had him seek out the Princess and Hero to break this chain--he was able to purge himself of Demise's influence, locking him out of the cycle entirely. Driven to a blinding mindless rage by this act of defiance, Demise's hatred spiked, allowing him to complete his plans and be bodily reborn. Yet, while the God of Evil may have held the Triforce of Power, Ganondorf was its true master; in a titanic battle of wills (oddly-fitting image), the Gerudo King ripped the divine artifact out of Demise, purging him of his darkness. With no further bond to the Gerudo King, sealed inside his own formed hatred with nothing tethering him to this world, a combined assault by the three Triforce Holders ensured the God of Evil's ultimate--and final--end. In attempting to subvert the cycle, Demise set the stage for...well, his demise.
...Again, this is a short version of a headcanon, and we honestly don't even have to involve it. I tend to play this Ganondorf as commanding (Nabooru being his second-in-command) and level-headed, with an affable and charismatic demeanor. Fitting the Gerudo King of Thieves, he is cunning and powerful, clear-headed and reasonable yet unwilling to brook disrespect to his name, an ultimately honorable man with a hidden soft side who views power as both a privilege and responsibility to be used for the betterment of his people, rather than for pure ego or self-aggrandizement. (I also have an idea for another AU!Ganondorf, one who ended up possessing the Triforce of Wisdom while Zelda obtained the Triforce of Power. This one, I imagine, lends itself a good deal more to femdom stuff.)
And here are a few comics from the Manly Guys Doing Manly Things webcomic that kinda reflect this AU!Ganondorf as well:
It was the same old story repeated throughout eternity. A wicked King of Evil, seemingly risen from the darkest depths of Hell with appropriate malignant might, would arise to blight the world. Whether bent on the conquest of Hyrule or its outright annihilation, his unspeakable presence awakened the malevolence in both nature and man, making him a danger to all. As if in natural response, the Goddess Hylia would reveal herself as a Princess of Destiny, shielding the people and using her near deific wisdom to blunt and outwit the Evil King's advance for as long as possible. Yet even godly wisdom alone rarely proved sufficient to stem the ruthless onslaught of evil's might, the Evil King caring nothing of how many lives were sacrificed in his ambitions. For this, the holder of Wisdom would summon her Hero. A noble-hearted champion of good blessed with man's boundless capacity for courage and virtue, he would rise from obscurity and humble origins. Wielding the legendary Master Sword and bolstered by his allies, he would dispel the darkness, restore hope back to the downtrodden, and vanquish the Evil King by sealing him or imprisoning him anew.
And so it went, this eternal waltz of rebirth and redeath between Power and Wisdom, throughout untold ages. Sometimes the circumstances changed slightly, yet the players—and the play—largely remained the same. For all that prophecy is set-in-stone and unchanging, it could also be remarkably vague as to the particulars. Had it remained a divine conflict between Demise and Hylia alone, such a cycle could continue endlessly. But when humanity—ambitious, clever, unpredictable humanity—was thrown into the mix, it was inevitable that the status quo would be upended one way or another…
After countless failures over equally countless cycles, an incensed Demise had reached the end of his patience. In this cycle, the Gerudo Prince had devoted the bulk of his energy towards ensuring the survival and prosperity of his people. This focus had the potential to hone Ganon into a weapon of evil, but his ultimately benign intentions served as a spiritual shield against power for pure self-aggrandizement. Knowing he held the fate of his people helped ground his ambitions, instilling a pragmatic honor into the Gerudo Prince's soul. In exchange, Ganon maintained the respect and loyalty of his people. When Demise could once banked on his host's banishment from the Gerudo, enabling him to fan the embers of bitterness in his soul until they became an inferno of malice, he found no purchase in this incarnation. Proving the impatience of evil, Demise formed a new plan: Forging a new body for himself from hatred, intending to use the Triforce of Power as its battery, he knew its unfettered might unclouded by human "frailties" would enable him to truly bring about the ruination of all Hylia built. This time there would be no manipulations from the shadows, no using mortals as dupes as he had in times past. If he trusted himself alone, the god of evil convinced himself, the Princess and Hero's deaths would be an absolute certainty.
Yet Demise's fatal error was in underestimating Ganon's resolve. As prince of the Gerudo, the steel-minded man would be a pawn to no one, not even a god of evil. The overt display of power was a beacon to the Holders of Wisdom and Courage, their respective Triforce pieces glowing as if in peril. Pride, determination and the refusal to make the mistakes of the past built the foundation of Ganon's defiance as he struggled with Demise for ownership of the Triforce of Power, a titanic showdown of wills that would have shattered most men in mere heartbeats. Not used to true defiance, unwilling to give in now that his ultimate goal was at his fingertips, the malignant being's hatred and madness spiked to dramatic levels. In an insane storm of darkness and blood that threatened to blanket all of Hyrule, Demise was fully reborn in spirit and body.
But not with the Triforce of Power.
While Demise may have possessed the divine artifact for untold ages, it was Ganon to whom it truly fused. For he sought power, respected it for its own sake beyond mere ego or the potential for destruction. It called out to the Gerudo Prince, sensing its ultimate salvation—and his own—were close at hand. Buttressed by the power and trust of both the Hero of Courage and Princess of Wisdom, bolstered by the spiritual strength and resolve of the entire Gerudo Nation, a vengeful Ganon ripped the divine artifact out of Demise's chest, restoring its purity. (The God of Evil's thunderous scream of agony, it was said, would have driven mortal men to instant madness and suicide.) With his spiritual bonds to both the Triforce of Power and the Gerudo Prince severed, trapped inside his hatred, the time was nigh.
The shining wound deep in Demise's chest from Ganon was corrosive, the Gerudo's focused anger relentlessly ripping at his flesh and destroying him by inches. A barrage of sacred arrows from Princess Zelda, Keeper of Wisdom, embedded itself within that glowing wound to bring Demise down to his knees with a thud that shook Death Mountain itself. And Link, the Champion of Courage, drove the sword of evil's bane, the Master Sword, deep into the evil god's skull with a brutal resolve. All three had poured all their strength into this final assault; it was only by their unified front that the Triforce's full power had awakened for the first time in untold generations. Power, Courage, Wisdom...united as one, Demise's final end was assured. There would be no sealing or banishment: The bards artistically spoke of a beam of heavenly light from the very core of the Sacred Realm that enveloped Demise, annihilating the maddened god completely and wholly. Even the Triforce wielders had to shield their eyes and turn away, or risk permanent blindness from the holy light, yet even that had drained the near last of their life force.
In his attempt to subvert the cycle, Demise brought it—and him—to a conclusive end.