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True Grave

Make The Wrong Things Right
Jun 30, 2010
Where The Fight Takes Me
Earth One is our beloved blue and green ball of a planet. On this planet is a collection of heroes from all walks of life.

Team Firestar: The greatest and most powerful heroes on Earth that fight the most powerful threats.

Kenjiro Akiyama, age 18 at the start of the story, known to United Clans outsiders as Lone Wolf, is the leader of the Wolf Clan, the most powerful faction within the United Clans, a collection of martial arts clans living in social harmony. Lone Wolf is the greatest martial artist on Earth One, an impressive feat to have accomplished at the age of 18. Lone Wolf is brave and kind, though sometimes rigid and unyielding. He has no powers. Lone Wolf knows many martial arts, but primarily fights using Japanese Karate.

Eric Coverdale, also known as Spirit Rider, age 18 at the start of the story, is a mutant with wind abilities. As well as being able to control the wind, he has a ‘vessel’ tethered to his soul that he gained as a reward for a heroic service to the Wind God. This vessel takes the form of a motorcycle. Eric can make his vessel fly and ride on any surface, including water. He is known for his laid-back, relaxed personality. A graduate of Shadowgreen who despite being so powerful did not join the Shadow Force. He does not practice martial arts, but the mental and philosophical principles behind them aid his unique fighting style.

Lithuel is a half-angel, half demon hybrid (nephilim) who was born on the planet Hell. He can use both divine and demonic power, shift his form, fly, and move at a speed beyond most mortals. In personality, he is cocky, brash, and a shit talker. Age means very little to him, though his appearance is that of a 21 year old. When not using his hands, he wields a magic sword that can shift forms based on whether it is channeling divine or demonic power. He cannot truly die and so fights fearlessly. He practices both angelic and demonic martial arts, which partially resemble human martial arts but are meant for supernatural creatures. Lithuel considers Crusader his best friend and has a friendly rivalry with him.

Marcus Trelawney, also known as Existence, age 86 at the start of the story, is an Omega-class mutant with psychic and reality-changing powers. He was educated at the Shadowgreen Institute in Nice, France in the 1950’s. He attempted to become Prime Minister of France, but his choice to be open about his mutant nature prevented this from happening. Disillusioned with humanity, he became a wanderer. Being over 80 years old, he is wise and calm, though more than a little bitter and cynical. He is the most powerful mutant on Earth, and so a logical choice for membership in Team Firestar. Like Spirit Rider, he does not practice martial arts but does use the principles behind them in his unique fighting style.

Scott Young, also known as Crusader, age 18 at the start of the story, is a human implanted with a Voltari Soul named Valor. Through this bond, he can manifest the impenetrable Voltari shell as armor. He can also use spiritual power based on his trust and bond with the Voltari known as Valor. Scott is brave, humble, kind, and compassionate. Valor shares all of these traits, but is also as calculated and analytical as a computer. Through the Soul Bond, they are capable of tapping into enough Soul Energy to become a Destroyer, a god of destruction. He is an enhanced human, since the source of his power came from outside of his body. Before being chosen to receive a Soul Bond, Scott was a professional MMA fighter who practiced Muay Thai and Freestyle Wrestling.

Valor, age 18 at the start of the story, is an armored worm living underground on the planet Kash-Volt. He volunteered for the VAWS (Voltari Armor Weapon System) project after the death of his father. His soul was bonded to Scott on Earth One. Valor is cautious, analytical, and strategic, but also brave, warm, and compassionate.

Nick Baker, age 18 at the start of the story, also known as Shell Shock, is a member of the Shadow Force. His powers are based on Soul Energy, including energy blasts. His older brother is Richard Baker, also known as Rocky. He has a friendly rivalry with Spirit Rider. Nick can be hot-headed, impulsive, and sometimes reckless. He is also cocky and tough. Known for charging in, he can sometimes bite off more than he can chew. When not fighting, he likes to party and particularly enjoys relations with women. Any day that doesn't end with him getting laid is a bad day for him. He practices Combat Sambo and blends it with his energy blasts to create a unique fighting style.

Alan Arnan, also known as Firestar, was born human. He was educated at the Shadowgreen Institute in the 1990’s. The Fire General of Hell possessed him and nearly used him to open a portal between worlds. With help from the God of Fire, Alan freed himself. Having saved the world and gained incredible control of fire, he was rewarded with an apotheosis to the status of God of Fire, effectively fusing with the previous God of Fire. Firestar became the New God in possession of Earth One. He cannot directly fight on Earth anymore but does assist his Team with Fire Paths, portals that let them instantly travel all over the world, as well as unlimited financial funding and the use of his old house on Earth as team headquarters.

The Second String: Heroes that protect their countries and/or don't fight foes capable of destroying planets.

Yvette Duchet, also known as Madam Shadow, age 40 at the start of the story, is the current Director of the Shadowgreen Institute. She is also the leader of the Shadow Force, who deal with domestic threats not rising to the planetary level. Her mutant powers are based on the use of shadows. In personality, she is coy, mysterious, and charming, as well as intelligent and cunning.

Richard Baker, also known as Rocky, age 19 at the start of the story, is a member of the Shadow Force. His mutant powers are the ability to manipulate the earth, including being able to cover his body in stone to be used offensively and defensively. His younger brother is Nick Baker, also known as Shell Shock. He is sometimes cautious to a fault, though good in the field.

Michael Clark, also known as Sandstorm, age 19 at the start of the story, is a member of the Shadow Force. His mutant powers are based on the manipulation of sand. He is often the voice of reason that can rein in wild Nick and cautious Richard to work together. He is also Richard's best friend.

Julie Jameson, also known as Siren, age 10 at the start of the story, is a member of the Shadow Force. She joined Shadow Force at ten years old but was already a graduate of the Shadowgreen Institute as well as a gifted psychic by then. She is innocent, kind, compassionate, and gentle when her mutant powers are not needed. When not on a mission, she lives the life of a fairly normal girl.

King Adolphus, also known as Liberator, age 30 at the start of the story, is the deceased king of the Kasha, a humanoid people that live on the planet Kash-Volt. To try and defeat the Grymwar, he took a Voltari Soul named Honor into his body. However, the bodies of the Kasha could not withstand this process long-term. Though Adolphus fought magnificently, his strength slowly drained away until he was ultimately killed in battle. The heroic sacrifice of these two are an inspiration to everyone who lives on the Planet Kash-Volt. Crusader, being human, withstood the process and succeeded where his predecessor failed.

Queen Enjela, age 30 at the start of the story, is the Queen of the Kasha. After her husband’s death, she searched for his successor before finding Scott on Earth. She treats Scott and Valor as if they are her sons. She is wise, brave, compassionate, and capable.

Honor, age 30 at the start of the story, is a Voltari and the father of Valor. Voltari names do not use the alphabets of Earth, so they pick a name based on the native language of those they are bonded to. He died alongside King Adolphus.

Omega's faction: These are the people that Omega uses to try and kill heroes of the light.

Dulzak, age 50 at the start of the story, is a Grymwar from the planet Grym. Backed by Omega and using arcane Blood Magic, they became conquerors. He is a Blood Saint, which is a mix between a high priest and a chieftain. He killed King Adolphus and Honor. Team Firestar is his hated enemy. He is bloodthirsty, cruel, and vicious. He mercilessly kills any who oppose him.

Vizharr, age 18, at the start of the story, is a Grymwar warrior who Soul Bonded with the evil Voltari named Jukei to become Conqueror. His Soul Energy is on par with Crusader, though he does not have an equivalent Destroyer form (yet). Though he can be bloodthirsty, cruel, and vicious, he has a code of honor based on wanting to know if he is truly stronger than his opponent. Thus, he will often toy with his food rather than killing outright. Vizharr is the Chieftain of the Grymwar, the leader of his people, following the revolution on Grym.

Jukei, age 18 at the start of the story, is a Voltari who was once Valor’s best friend. He was taken from Kash-Volt and Soul Bonded with Vizharr using Omega’s power. He is extremely jealous of Valor and only desires revenge on him.

Omega is the Universe Incarnated. He hates all that lives and desires a return to unending darkness where only he exists. He uses the Grymwar and others to exterminate heroes while secretly plotting their destruction. Blood Magic is a diluted form of his own power. Omega is an Old God and extremely powerful. He is particularly terrifying in that he can never be truly killed.

Sergio Gregori, also known as Blood Wolf, age 35 at the start of the story, is a werewolf augmented with power from Omega. He can turn the moon red and transform his victims at will. He also has Blood Magic in his fangs and claws, making him dangerous to even Earth's mightiest heroes since he can negate Voltari Armor and withstand a ton of punishment. Gregori himself is in the music business, which provides him easy access to young victims.

Hell: The realm ruled by Satan, one of the Old Gods. Lithuel is from Hell.

The Nine Generals: The nine most powerful demons in Hell. They have long sought to conquer Earth and so have clashed with Team Firestar on several occasions.

Interdimensional Beings: Invaders from other dimensions.

Rise, age 18 at the start of the story: An Omega-class mutant from a post-apocalyptic world. He was used by Omega to clash with Team Firestar.

Zior, age 30 at the start of the story: A militant general from Runalda, a planet in the Estegon system in a different dimension.
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The story in order:

The Team Firestar Arc: Scott and Valor Soul Bond to become Crusader and train under Firestar. The origin of Team Firestar is told.

The Dulzak Arc: Omega unleashes Dulzak and his Grymwar on Earth, forcing Team Firestar to defend Earth.

The Blood Wolf Arc: Omega grants a werewolf his power and Team Firestar must defeat him to stop a global invasion of werewolves.

The Lithuel Arc: Lithuel hones his skills on planet Hell and goes to Earth, where he fights Team Firestar.

The Hell Arc: The Nine Generals of planet Hell invade Earth and force Team Firestar into a global battle.

The Rise Arc: Omega tosses an Omega-class mutant from another dimension onto Earth One. Team Firestar is forced into a global battle against him.

The Conqueror Arc: Omega constructs a champion of his own, a Soul Bonded Grymwar Chieftain known as Conqueror. Team Firestar must deal with him.

The World Tournament Arc: Crusader leaves Team Firestar to train as a Destroyer on Combatia. A new Champion of Earth One must be crowned.
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Major inspirations for Valorverse are:

The anime S-Cry-Ed, for inspiring the Voltari Armor and Fist of Valor technique. Scott was somewhat inspired by Kazuma the Shell-Bullet.

The anime Fist of the North Star, for inspiring the Million Punches of Valor technique. Scott vs. Vizharr is also an homage to Kenshiro vs. Raoh. Lone Wolf was inspired by Rei.

The anime Dragon Ball, who inspired much of the fighting and the character of Nick Baker/Shell Shock.

The comic X-Men, for inspiring Shadowgreen. Existence was inspired by Charles Xavier's son from the X-Men anime.

The martial arts and MMA in general for inspiring so much, including United Clans.

The Magic Guilds from The Elder Scrolls video games for inspiring Wintergreen and the demons being similar to Daedra.

Yu Yu Hakusho for helping to craft a demon realm. The character Sniper also inspired Eric Coverdale/Spirit Rider.

The concept of stasis and change to help craft Omega.

Multiverse theory to help structure an endless array of mortal realms tied to an ever expanding Universe of Gods.

Rock and metal music in general. The character Rise was inspired directly by the song "Rise" by H.E.A.T.

Greek mythology in general.

Religion in general. Lithuel was partly inspired by Christian apocrypha.

Sci-Fi in general.

Devil May Cry for partly inspiring Lithuel.
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