Mx Female Fandom Inspired Ideas, Settings and Alternate Universes


Feb 28, 2016
United States
What I'm Looking For

First of all let me start be saying that I am willing to role play over PMs or possibly over the forums. I don't like instant messengers. I'm looking for female partners that are willing to read and write at least a couple of paragraphs per post. My sweet spot is about 3-5 paragraphs but I can easily manage a little more for moments that require a bit more detail...however I am also a very busy guy so I'm not looking for borderline novella writing.

While I am looking for a lot of erotic content I also love to have some kind of good plot/story mixed in to keep things interesting. Having small time skips or "episodes" where we play out different scenarios can work really well to make sure things don't get stale/repetitive - plus it can help with advancing the story, plot elements, and character development.

If anything catches your attention then please send me a PM. I would love to brainstorm some ideas and potentially get a story going. Feel free to send me your own ideas and cravings, or even just link me to your own threads so I can check them out.

Canon Character Note: Not really into playing canon characters myself, I typically like to play original characters that give me more freedom with my choices. I may be persuaded into playing a canon character in an alternate universe/setting if the idea is intriguing enough and if it gives me a bit more wiggle room to play/develop the character in my own style. I don't really have any issues with my partners playing as canon females if they would prefer just mention/ask about it in a PM!


My Hero Academia // X-Men // Gifted School

I'm basically interested in any setting involving some kind of school/academy for "heroes" or those gifted with special powers/abilities. Personally I would lean toward something more MHA inspired with Quirks, but I have nothing against mutants or the Marvel universe either. Of course I'm also down to just take elements from these fandoms and brainstorm/create our own setting. Even if we do lean into one of the fandoms I would like to focus more on our own original plots and characters - some kind of alternate universe kind of deal that gives us freedom to write the story as we please without getting weighed down by the canon events.

My character's powers/abilities would vary depending on the setup and my writing partner, this is another detail I would like to discuss and work out. Sometimes I like to have his abilities compliment that of my writing partner's character, thus making them a good match/tag team. Having their powers as polar opposites could also be quite fun depending on the dynamic/situation.

Ark // Jurassic Dominion // Dinotopia

Basically a survival situation with the danger being the various dinosaurs that are roaming around. This can take place on some Ark (similar to the game), or it could be a "lost island" where our characters get stranded, or it could be a post-apocalyptic type role play but instead of zombies the issue is dinosaurs...and maybe some zombie dinosaurs? Of course how this happens is up for debate, but it could be something like the Jurassic Park/World series where experimentations with dinosaurs just kind of get out of control and they spread across the planet.

I could see this being somewhat "tribal" with how our characters are adapting/surviving. I'm willing to play it out with our characters being a part of the first generation to deal with this new problem or having our characters be born into such a setting. Would definitely be interested in establishing ways for our characters and their community to start taming/breeding dinosaurs and things like that. Hit me up if you are interested and want to discuss the dino-details!

Spider-Man Multiverse // Into the Spiderverse

With the introduction of the Spiderverse/Multiverse it has been established that there is essentially an infinite number of different Spider-Man and their storylines out there. I would love to play a in our own established setting/universe where I play my own version of Spider-Man. This could just be another version of Peter Parker or I might change the name up a bit if my writing partners doesn't mind. Could be one of those scenarios where Peter Parker tragically dies in this universe/timeline and my character was a close friend of his that ends up with powers as a result.

My writing partner here has the freedom to do as they want with their character since this is an Alternate Universe. Your character could be a version of Spider-Gwen, Ghost-Spider, Spider-Girl, Spider-Woman, Silk, Scarlett-Spider, etc. if you wanted her to also have spider powers...or she could be the alternate version of another hero (Black Cat, Black Widow, Scarlett Witch, Iron Heart, etc). The idea is our characters would tag team criminals and protect people, maybe even join some young Avenger team or something.

Pokemon Adventure

Honestly for this I'm just looking to play as a teenage Pokemon trainer out on an adventure/journey as he hunts for new Pokemon to capture/train and takes on the gyms and other challenges. What region we start our adventure in matters little to me, but I would like it so that both of our characters are "beginners" with only a couple of Pokemon at first. Maybe we could even use a random encounter generator to determine what Pokemon they run into in the wild? Of course there could be a plot involving something like Team Rocket or whatever!

I would like the female partner in this to be his traveling companion. They could be related (siblings or cousins) or childhood friends, or maybe our characters just happen to meet up for the first time somewhere along their adventures. I want our young characters to start to openly explore and experiment sexually with one another as they also explore the world. We can have fun with various sex scenes as they camp together, swim/wash up in rivers/lakes/streams/waterfalls together, pinned up against trees or rolling around in the grass...all that good stuff. Maybe they occasionally splurge their battle winnings and rent a motel room for a night to share a shower and bed...the possibilities are endless!

Note that I'm not looking to include sex with Pokemon, but if your character wants to be a Pokemon breeder as a goal/occupation then that is fine...just no actual Pokemon x Human relationships please!

Digimon Tamers

Very similar to the Pokemon idea but with our characters as Digimon Tamers instead. Just want to have some fun with two teens trying to save the world with their Digimon companions. We can have scenes of them exploring the Digital World together and battling the evil forces and corrupt viruses. There can also be scenes in the real world where Digimon are coming through dimensional rifts/portals and our characters have to protect the city/citizens.

Something similar to Digimon Tamers would be a lot of fun, I especially like the mechanic of being able to swipe cards through the Digivice to power-up and buff our Digimon. Also Bio-Merging together with the Digimon to become Mega Level and fight along with them is also fun and cool. Not really looking to include our human characters having sex with Digimon, but our Digimon partners could also have an intimate relationship with one another if so desired.

That being said, I might be potentially willing to play as a male Digimon for a female Tamer and explore an intimate relationship between the two of them. If we go this route then I would want to play a somewhat humanoid/anthro Digimon. Examples being Leomon, Weregarurumon, Flamedramon, Wargreymon, Angemon, Devimon, Ogremon, etc. Would love to play off the very special bond that Tamer and Digimon have and have that reflected physically between them.


Other Fandoms I'm interested in but don't really have an idea for at the moment:

Arcane (League of Legends)
Dragon Ball Super
Harry Potter
Avatar (TLA and LOK)
Soul Eater
Jujutsu Kaisen
Attack on Titan
Fullmetal Alchemist
Baldur's Gate // D&D
Cyberpunk (2077 and Edgerunners)
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