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Fx Any Blood's Seemingly Eternal search


Mar 23, 2021
The Void
Please PM me if interested with which thread you found me from [Male], [Female], [Non-Binary]

[Check here for writing samples]
Example one:

Hardly two months had passed him by. Hardly two months sense he left behind his kingdom, his family, his soldiers, his fate. Two months since he settled, on land which his people had been so cautious of. This Trident City as they called it had become his new home far less mighty than that of Atlantis, but a marvel in its own right. This city forged by the hands of surface dwellers did carry its charms, though these charms be much less elegant than his own home. It had been two months since he walked up from the deep, breaking away from common Atlantean reclusion. He braved the air and made his way into Trident, braved his way into a kingdom away from his own kingdom. His being on land did not lessen his status, for someone with power within the ocean, help power everywhere. Someones whose home was the ocean, held home everywhere...but it sure was hard to feel that way. In the two months that the Atlantean had risen from the depths he had secured a fairly nice home, or well...his family had made prior arrangements for him. He lived on the beaches, a nice mansion and everything so that he might be as close to the sea as possible. He managed to gain himself a job, a job at an aquarium due to his aquatic nature and ability to truly manage the animals where simple surface dwellers could not. He familiarized himself with the various human languages where he previously only knew of the ancient tongues and outer tongues. However, he still had adjustments to make.

Sitting within the glass that the surface dwellers looked into Crispin had been speaking to turtles. The stares he received hardly bothered him. The aquarium was comforting, surrounded by creatures he had contact with on a daily basis. Their words were not vocal, but mental..a language only the aquatic creatures really shared. They spoke on the human, the turtles explaining to him, as others have, what they had observed of humans during their lives. They were not bad creatures, noisy yes...but they were far from bad it seemed. Crispin told them of happening within the ocean that he would sense, and of news he would get on occasion though they did not always understand, but were happy to hear the tales. He enjoyed this time every day, once he finished his actual duties..he would relax and speak. He would sometimes even converse with less water-inclined though often they asked about his appearance, who he was, what he was doing, and other questions. He understood why of course as Atlanteans did not really interact with the rest of humanity. He himself was a bit of a rare case amongst them and so it brought question.
Realizing that it was time to leave he crawled his way out of the tank, wet, wearing little but the fairly tight pants he normally always wore, at least now that he was on the surface. He picked his trident up from his locker and left work.

He made his way from the aquarium a bit before nine and began to try and make his way home, but as he walked he began to notice the situation change and the city became unsettled. However, having been through a war, Crispin did his best to simply ignore it. Surface squabbles were out of his hands and unimportant to him. He continued to try and make his way home despite how violent and cruel people seemed to grow. He could hear the nearby reports of some syndicate causing trouble for everyone, but it hardly concerned him for now, at least until he saw a young woman and her little brother being threatened by thugs. A small sigh, a shake of his head...the atlanteans honor could not simply let this come to pass. He could deal with the looting, the vandalism and the like, but he could hardly stand by and watch innocent come to harm. He made his way over slamming his staff on the ground as sparks flew from the bottom, a result of the magically enchanted metal. The men looking to him, all staring at the strange blue man who caught their attention, but instead of some heroic speech or whatnot all they revived was "Leave." Crispin's voice impossibly deep despite his fairly gentle appearance. His red eyes scanned them, his face stern. He had no fear of simple people such as this. It appeared however that they had no fear either and one drew a gun and pointed it at him.

Crispin only raised a brow, unfamiliar with such a device, at least of human make, until he heard a pop. Something impacted against his blue flesh and slightly moved his head. There were shocked looks and terrified glances as he reached up to pull away the crushed metal. He observed it "Curious." he dropped the destroyed bullet to the ground as he raised his trident, its tips glowing as he pointed it at the man a beam of energy emerging from its tips. They slammed into the man, doing serious damage, nearly caring away the hand that held the gun, burning it with pure raw magic. The Atleantean shot a ball, this time it had the effect of being a more concussive blast as it exploded, sending the man and his companions flying. Outcold.
He made his way over to the young woman and the young boy and nodded "Get home safety. The barbarians own the night." he then moved on, walking on. This was strange, he knew there was crime, but were the warriors here not trained well enough to handle a few minor threats?

He heard and saw an explosion in the distance, a curiosity overtook him. This act was not normal for such meager threats. He advanced towards it, like a warrior ready to go to war his eyes were steeled, his heart was pumping in anticipating. His grip on The SeaFang was strong. Neptune aid these fools. he called to his god.

He stumbled upon a scene of a man currently threatening a girl with red hair, claiming that he was a god and that he would punish her. He could tell this man was no good man, and it hardly seemed as though the girl had done anything...her eyes held a nervousness in them. She seemed innocent. His eyes narrowed as he stepped forward "Paltry creatures such as yourself should not compare themselves to gods. It is insulting." he spoke, his tone neither friendly nor aggressive, but it did seem to be a slight tinge of annoyance backing it. He stood a bit away from Keliah, but it was clear he was not here to attack her "The only ones who compares themselves to gods are misguided villains and the gods themselves. I do not think you are the latter." he looked around to see slain innocence. He could not let the villain who did this simply escape, it was against his own code. He brought himself into it rather than ignore it, now he had to do something about it.

Example Two:
Alva stirred gently in bed even as Alex moved. The fake being hadn't minded much when Alex came to its home with news of the sad fate that had befallen his marriage. Alva willing offered to share its bed, its home with the reaper who had visited many times before. It was honestly like Alex had the home to himself when he was there, for the simulacrum was a quiet being. It was always willing to offer word and comfort to the reaper, never a suspicious or inconvenienced expression gracing its gentle face.

She (As what Alex saw her) would slowly sit up in her bed. Her dull white eyes slowly scanning the room until she caught sight of Alex on the opposite side, phone in hand pondering over his situation. The simulacrum did not bother him, instead rising from her own bed and to her dresser which she opened slowly. Alva did feel terrible about it, but it was not her feelings that mattered here. She was designed to help people, to take their pain and bear it all on her shoulders and yet...she only added to his. She wished she was able to console him, but the way she was it was hard to afford words that carried the emotion Alex needed.

They carried their attire, and their self to their bathroom where they took care of their appearance, their hygiene, and dressed for the day. Alva stared into the mirror, looking past their own nonspecific visage to the crack in the bathroom door to the bedroom. Silent. It was something Alva was used to but they were not quite used to it being so silent with another around. It wasn't a peaceful silence, but a pained one. Alva knew Alex was not a bad man. A bad man did not hurt like he did, but like them...he was slave to himself. They did nothing to help that. Looking at the eyes staring back at them they let out a small sigh.
Once things were done, they cleaned the shower briefly though they rarely had filth to wash off so the job was easy, they stepped out and made their way to the entrance of the bedroom. Alva looked back to the solemn figure, her eyes scanning him up and down. Longing for his wife to return to him, to at least exchange words with him about where they go. Alva had seen it many times, and she had been the other woman many times. She was always the other woman, always the knife. It was inevitable of course, but she was involved.

She gently rapped on the white wood frame to catch his attention. She nodded "I will be preparing breakfast. are free to join me." she offered him. It would be the first time she really cooked for him if he really did feel the need to join "My house is your home so long as you need." she said, her tone gentle and soothing as he may have always heard it. She wondered when he might vent, when he might break....but for now she was content to play the host, the friend, the doll. She was always ready to be whatever it took to help, especially with someone she had finally gotten to call a friend.

The androgynous creation made its way downstairs and to its kitchen where it would begin to prepare a meal for them both. Breakfast was simple, probably not as luxurious as Alex preferred. The thing was a simple creature itself and lived simply so breakfast reflected this though it could make a simple thing heavenly. Eggs, toast, juice though they had their own orange juice , homemade jam, ham or bacon. They figured they would be done by the time Alex decided to come down.

Example Three:
It hadn't been their first contact with this...small species. Advanced enough to reach the stars, but still fledgling they had foolishly sent a crew out on a scouting missions....and that is when they first struck. They found them a curious race. Hardy. Intelligent. Their qualities made them good pets, better breeders, and by their own measure decent warriors. They couldn't keep them and instead sent them back with broken memories and subtle allegiance. That is when they became aware of Earth and its people, and the value they might have. They slowly infiltrated, sleepers here and there primed for the hunt. A takeover. The Crius they were being called by those they had sent back, but they were not believed. Mankind was foolish and confident in their superiority.

This small cargo ship had wandered further into their space. They were familiar with the type, though not the model. Humanity was not the first species they had ever infiltrated, not the first they had conquered. They would be added to the list, but they were not the type of open war. That was wasteful and useless, they preferred subversion. Enslavement. Man had weapons, but they didn't have the tools needed to stop such tactics, no way to detect their race. They were open to various methods. A small party had been sent to capture this cargo vessel, and they would meet with others for the military vessel it was set to meet with later.

The advance party would take over the crew fully and use time for research. The first few had a brilliant idea to take a lonely woman. She had obvious knowledge of the ship, access to its weak points. Some were invisible and a few were blended in. These weak forms were not to their liking, but it'd be necessary for now. Those tailing the electrician however, settled for their cloaking tech. One of them had severed the power to their human eatery knowing this one would go for it alone. They had done some watching...she was perfect initial prey.

Efficient, but she seemed to have some sort of sense for danger. Cute. They were quiet hunters, using advanced material to blunt any sound their large frames made they would not be seen except in small shimmers impossible to spot in the darkness area, hard enough for even the most trained eyes. They followed her deeper in....until they felt it was time to strike.

One of them popped down in front of her, forcing her to hit what would feel like a brick wall she could hardly see. The other two moved behind her, cutting off her exit. They wanted to toy around a bit....enjoy the first capture. The first would de-cloak to reveal itself. It was a damn near 9 foot tall mass of muscle. It was wearing armor, that occasionally gave way to skin. A face that was somewhat bestial like a lions, and sporting mean golden eyes. And he was looking right at her.

Example Four:

Nothing took ones mind off the crushing monotony of peace than the constant training of ones mind. Training by the beach was satisfying, the runs were long and the swims could be harsh but it provided a scenic training ground. The presence of other souls on the beach meant little, but with the weather so uncharitable the handsome warrior found himself solitary. His feet carried him across sand wet with surging sea and falling drops. His hair pulled back so as to avoid clinging to his face. It was a gloomy day, but not even the grey clouds could cast a shado on the old warriors ethereal glow. He had fought wars in hurricanes, slain beasts in the donpour, and made love in the storms of godly rage. The white shirt clinging to his well earned musculature would have only provided the few passer-bys with a wonderful show.
He loved the run, but he was soon brought to a half nearest the rocks as the moddern device in his pocket vibrated suddenly. He had received a call from a rather interesting figure that had come into his purview during one of his shifts at the salon. A meeting at the Starfish, another round of drinks. Standoffish as she could be, she made for a phenomenal drinking partner and a wonderful partner in bed. He smiled gently at the faily glowing screen. That was the proper way to cap off training.

Once the dates time was set he moved to the next portion of his simple training. The short, golden blade hanging off his hip was gripped in hand. He made note of the time and soon began to swing. Practiced. Direct. The golden blade cleaved the air, striking droplets before being drawn back. It, too, as a perfect companion. It had seen him through these many storms and served as a wonderful conversation piece. He practiced these swings until his mind came to his date. He was aware of its encroaching call and began to make his way there when that sultry voice greeted him. He could never say no to hearing those tones speaking to him even over that device he was non-too fond of.
"Five minutes."
"Two." upping the ante, but by the the the time the fox had decided to grace his ears with her voice he was already on his way. What gentlemen arrived on time? Only a fool came late to meet a lady. He pressed forard to arrive with expedience.

He began to jog, blade swinging lightly off his hips as he set off at a leisurely pace. He timed himself, pushed, and within that time he had set and the clock had ticked down to a minute thirty his hand was on the door and opened. The word of a warrior needed to be iron clad, and Etana was a warrior to his core. He found the sweet smell a success, but even more so was the vision of his drinking partner, beautiful beyond belief that mystical woman "A gentlemen like myself shows up earlier than he says he will especially when a lady is calling." answering a question he had not heard. Humble figure as he as he didn't choose to dell instead moving with triumpth and purpose at haivng exceeded his own works. He only calmed to exchange a knowing smile with his companion. No doubt she was charmed by his antics, but more so he found her gaze intoxicating. He took in all of her, before turning somewhat towards the bar and relaxing.

His appearance was par for the course, a creature of pride as revealed by his own stories. His white hair flowing freely, his toned body on display from the confines of an opened shirt. The pants were clean despite his activities and the shoes comfy. His belt had his trust companion lingering off it, bouncing gently with the move but easily within reach should he needed it. He was rarely without his weapon, even when certain venues necessitated one of a different sort.

He took his seat next to the darling Vixen and took her hand, placing a gentle kiss on it "It is good to see you again." he said before looking to the bartender "Beer. Just keep them coming it'll be awhile before it starts to make a difference." wasn't in the mood for elegance but company. Beer was good for company.

The Basics:

> All Genders are completely changeable (I have a preference for playing Futanari)
> All of these have plots on request.
> Everything here is malleable. Don't be afraid to take something here and suggest something new to me.
> Will play mostly dominate roles if such role division is applied. I am not very good at playing submissive though I will play switch for those who have been my partners for some time if we get along, or if I like the idea enough.
> I Prefer longer rps with a greater balance of story to smut, and no interest in short-term plays.
> I'm a massive comics fan.
> I do not care about your actual gender, we're just here to have fun together right?
> Genres are not set, they just happen to be the general mood I wrote them in when I thought them up.
> Drawn faceclaims preferred
> I'm a big fan of Futanari and milfs. Just a little note about me.
> I have spurts of rapid response and taking some days to myself. I always come back but give me a poke.
> Best if you tell me your limits and what you want. I'm a simple sort with a lot of interests so I focus more on a partners wants and needs.
> My F-list (I really do suggest giving it a looksie)


[-] (( This will be used for roleplays where we each only use one character, standard))
[=] (( This means we both use two characters we can switch POVs between within the rp))
[E=] (( We both have three characters we switch between))
[*] (( One person in the roleplay has multiple characters they can switch between, or play at the same time while the other only has one!))
[Not set, can be changed these are just initial]

Plots - Pairings - Ideas
[Don't try to open all of these at the same time. They're not the same size.]

> Has small snippits that cover the plots I thought up at the time included for the first two in each category.
> Plots available for all of them if wanted.
> Listed as pairings because its easier for me to keep track of.
> Nothing outside of Expanded Plots is set in stone (and those are actually fairly flexible)
> Genre categories can also be proposed.

Plots may be stupid conceptually. I was too lazy to change all of my pairings.

gotland-kantai-collection-drawn-by-lynchis-sample-3a82f38bc4029e29782f5df40aa1ce0b-cutout.png collage.png hakurei-reimu-and-kirisame-marisa-touhou-and-1-more-drawn-by-piyokichi-sample-5389555228069b08...jpg n-and-m-xenoblade-chronicles-and-1-more-drawn-by-ui-frara-sample-190463cdb8e1de46c9a374b2d0c06...png oma-kokichi-danganronpa-and-1-more-drawn-by-very-fruity-sample-85a445f30f0e8e3ca0b9977c4ef4ee1d.jpg gwendolyn-and-brigant-odin-sphere-drawn-by-monikano-sample-337f385cb1c247b311cc26815fd49671.png
Mundane stories even for the non-mundane. Not devoid of excitement but focused on the day to day. Relationships already in motion, or relationships where one party is suddenly surprised that they're in one.Romantic stories from the first meeting to possibly their last breath. Romance is the focus above all else. Tragic and gut wrenching. Happiness is hard fought and the stories here may not end well. Dark. Bloody. Miserable. The affairs here are grim and miserable and full of horrid things. Figures with a lot of power are laid low. Kings, queens, knights, and all others lose their power.
- President X Boyfriend
[Leading is a big responsibility. Its even bigger when, whether through rigorous campaigning or unforeseen luck you're elected. The constant balancing act of keeping a nation on its feet, pleasing your constituents and future rivals, and above all being seen as the future. Its never a easy job and even more than when you're the most powerful figure in the nation is a nightmare. Its normally suggested you be married, or stay single when in office but for a newly and freshly sworn in Commander-in-Chief of Ikamoerica (Basically a mix between America and Japan) that wasn't exactly in the cards.

Whether they met their boyfriend after being elected or they were dating before somehow managing to win, dating life just got a whole lot more complicated. It definitely go more complicated with the reality that the presidents object-of-affection is just some average Joe. Now the two sweethearts must navigate love day by day in a fairly strange nation, with strange politics, and stranger neighbors.]

- Secretly Skilled Racer X Partner
[Who doesn't love a good race? The heart-pumping adrenaline of pushing a machine to its absolute limits in a bid to outdo the other racers for glory. Racing grew and for many became a way of life. A skill that few could master. One racer honed that skill to perfection. It was from the day they first stepped into their machine hat they proved to be a force on the roads, and with a will to reach the top there was little that could stop them if only they had he opportunity.

That opportunity would finally arrive when one of the most prestigious racing associations would finally put out a call, and with the help of a friend they'd finally get in or at least....that seemed to be the idea. There was a catch. They would be placed on a team with another established racer to be trained and developed by them. A secret to finally fulfill a dream. Racing is a way of life, and life could be complicated but...interesting on the way to the top.]

- President X Girlfriend
- Queen X Peasant
- Neko X Mermaid/Man
- Cherub X Loner
- Contest Prize X Contest Winner
- Insane Doctor X Sane Doctor
- Dancer X Music Producer
- Serious Spy X Newbie Spy
- Kidnapper X Alien Kidnape-e
- Incompetent Alien Invader X Human
- Royal Guard X Insane Queen
- Ninja X Vampire
- Hunter X Huntress
- Hunter X Animal
- Assassin X Servant
*All female crew X Last Male
*All Male Crew X Last Female
*Angels [[warriors or princesses // Princes]] X Human
*Demon's [[warriors or princess // Princes]] X Human
-Carefree swordswman X Swordswoman
- Online game NPC X Trapped Human
- Dating Sim Character X Trapped Player
-Pilot X Co-Pilot
-Bodyguard X Guard-e
-Guard X Owner of business
-Guard X Prisoner
-Distant Brother X Distant Sister
-Busy Mother X Busy Father
-Crash Survivor X Survivor
-Journalist X Murder
-Journalist X Boss
-Journalist X Newbie
-Ship Captain X Subordinate
-Ship Captain X Passenger
-Vampire X Chef
-Weakened vampire X Boy
-Weakened werewolf X Newbie hunter
-Kidnapper X Captive
-Doctor X Dying patient
-Cop X Rescued married woman
-Doll X Human
-Worker X Co-Worker
-Mother X Estranged Son
-Ex spouse X Ex spouse
-Landlady X Tenant
-Traveling Merchant X Orphan
-Dancer X Photographer
-Actor X Actor
-Cop X Cop
-Mechanic X Beaten-Married Woman
-Cook X Orphan
-Martial Arts Master X Student
-Big Brother X Little Sister
-Big Sister X Little Brother
-Musician X Gamer
-Homeless Man X Worker
-Waitress X Man
-Waiter X Woman
-Butler / Maid X Master
-Pilot X Unaccompanied Minor
-Island Survivor X Island survivor
-Teacher X Teacher
-Father X Daughter
-Mother X Son
-Gamer X Gamer
-Driver X Star
-Patient X Doctor
-Guard X Patron
-Writer X Fellow-writer
-Vampire X Orphan
-Teacher X Parent
-Director X Star
-Musician X Musician
-Tamer X Tracker
-Thief X Thief
-Librarian X Student
-Artist X Novice
-Ex-boyfriend X Ex-Girlfriend
-Cop X Criminal
-Writer X Teacher
-Young Vampire X Young Werewolf
-Musician X Fan
-Prison Guard X Falsely Accused Criminal
-Care taker X Disabled person
-Super hero x Admirer
-Boss X Assistant
-Daughter X Strung out Father
-Father x Hateful Daughter
-Son X Depressed Mother
-Mother X Hateful Son
-Experiment Child X Experiment Child
-Teacher X Student
-Knight X Peasant
-King X Queen
-Queen X Knight
-Queen x Merchant
-King x Weaver
-Queen x Weaver
-King x Merchant
-World Conqueror x World savior
- Time Traveler X Past Warrior
- Distant Brother X Clingy Sister
- Clingy Brother X Distant Sister
- God X Unsuspecting Human
*Card Spirits X Duelist
- King X Serving Girl
- Queen X Childhood Friend
- King X Childhood friend
- Junior Dragon Slayer X Dragon
- Delinquent X Straight-laced Soldier
- Nure-onna X Orphan
- Shinigami X Unpurifiable spirit
*Maids X Master
- Treasure Hunter X Guardian
- Guardian Angel X Crazy Human
- Treasure Hunter X Ancient Princess / Prince
- Treasure Hunter X Ancient Warrior
*Butlers X Mistress
- Okiku X Accountant
- Common Yuki-onna X Mountain-climber
- Angry Yuki-onna X Ex-spouse
- Normal Person X Weirdo Adopted sibling
- Normal person X Supernatural Babysitter
- Normal person X Supernatural Adopted sibling
- Supernatural Partner X Human Partner
- Oni X Righteous Priestess/ Priest
- Ninja x Modern Master (Master slave type rp)
- Forced Marriage (Alien X Human)
- Witch X Apprentice or helper
- Witch X Helper
- Tamamo-no-Mae X Love struck Prince
= Ninja / Ninja Master X Parent and offspring
- Robot maid / butler X Master
- Hunter X Half-Dragon
- Samurai X Modern Person
E= Samurai / Master / Villain X / Mother / Sister
- Monster Hunter X Half-Monster
* Sisters X lover
- Pirate X Alien
- Pirate X Mermaid
- Pirate X Ninja
- Adventurer X Lord of Darkness
- Alien Princess X Human
- Wizard X Apprentice
- Wizard x Watcher
- Shape shifter X Scientist
- Adventurer x Adventurer
- Ninja X Alien
= Priestess / Evil Sister X Knight X Demon Knight
- Alien X cop
- Witch X Knight
- High class summon X Summoner
- Robot X Creator
- Dog turned human X Owner
- Cruise-ship Captain X Passenger
E= Wizard / Arch-mage / Student X Witch / Powerful spirit / Fellow Student
*Teacher X Students
- Lovestruck teenager X Fellow-student with double life
- Evil Doctor X Assistant
- Super Hero X Super Hero competition
- Jorogumo X Investigator
- Monster X Amateur crypto-zoologist
- Demon summoner X Lonely Samurai
- Kitsune-Tsuki X Monster Tamer
- Kiyohime X Priest ((Sort of Super-hero like))
- Foolish Kuda-gitsune X Wise-wizard
- Nekomata X Merman
- Raijū X Priest
- Anthro x Anthro
- Amnesiac Monster X Traveling fireworks maker
- Memory lost Raijū X Samurai
- Sazae-oni X Human Writer
- Succubus X Human
- Succubus X Ex
- Explorer x Accidental Stowaway
- Explorer x Lost Island Beast / Spirit
- Succubi X Ex-Girlfriend
- Serious Cop X Laid back cop
- Mage X Cop
- New Adventurer x Accidentally acquired slave
- Criminal X Unwitting cop
- Cop x idiot partner
- Lost Ghost X Ghost Hunter
- Ghost-spouse X Loner
- Alien Beast X Lonely Samurai
- Ghost Wife X Ex-spouse
- Last human X Vampire protector
- Last Vampire X Human protector
- Last Werewolf X Vampire protector
- Last Vampire X Human protector
- Last Human X Werewolf protector
- Ghost Girlfriend X Student
*Magic Students X New kid
*Magic Students X Teacher
*Magic Students X Demon King
*Dark Magic Students X Holy Student
*Super Creatures X Normal level creature
*High-level creatures X Human
*Summoned Warriors X Warrior
*Vampire Princesses X Human
*Vampire Princes X Human
*Witches X Human
*Wizards X Human
*Girls X Hero
*Boys or girls X Idol
*Super-heroines X Hero
*Super Heroines X Heroine
*Monster Girls X Human Boy
*Monster Guys X Girl
*Alien Princess X Demon King
- Alien Warrior X Nerd
- Ghost x Medium
- Student council President X Childhood friend delinquent
- Club President X New member
- Childhood friend X Insane childhood friend
- Athletic Club friend X Nonathletic friend
- Musician Friend X Admirer
- Bathhouse owner X Space Soldier
- Student X Space Soldier
- Teacher X Student
- Student X Student
- Secret-crush student X Oblivious Student
- Secret-engaged student X Oblivious Future Spouse
- Mythical Creature X Explorer
- Celestial Being X Human Crush
- Manga Writer X Idol
- All Girl school student X Male Transfer
- All Guy school student X Female Transfer
- Office Worker X Silly Boss
- Dojo Student X Dojo student
- Singer X Fellow Singer
- Videogame creator X Created Character
- Brother X Overbearing Sibling
- Little sister X Overbearing Sibling
- Racer X Fellow Racer
- Explorer X Scientist
- Artist X Muse
- Mech Pilot X Gifted Partner
- Super Villain X Sidekick
- Normal Guy X Strange Girlfriend
- Space Traveler X Human
- Cultist X Researcher
- God Child X Chosen Life mate
- Super Hero X Sidekick
- Angel Queen X Human Childhood Friend
- Demon Protector X Ordinary Human
- Angel Protector X Ordinary hunter
- Lost Deity X Human
- Serious Swordsman X Care-free Swordsman
- Serious Swordsman X Care-free Swordswoman
- Ancient Idol X Last Believer
- Galactic Soldier X Alien
- Commander X Newbie Soldier
- Sidekick X Sidekick
- Fighting Doll X Master
- Super Villain X Sidekick
- Princess X Care-free blacksmith
- Cop X Crazy Partner
- Loose Cannon agent x Straight Lace agent
-Already Married ((Assassin X Target))
[An assassin has been enjoying life with their spouse for some time all while carrying out their missions, but when one day hey receive a request to kill a mysterious target to come to understand that....its their spouse. Faced with his understanding the assassin must come to understand why their spouse is the target, who ordered it, and and whether they'll fulfill the request or go after those responsible.]

-Mysterious Lover Appearance ((Lost Legendary Warrior X Knight))
[A knight is one day confronted by a legendary warrior thought lost in a final battle with malignant force. The lost legendary warriors claims to be the knights lover, finally back after their climactic battle but the knight has no memory of such a thing. The couple must come to come to terms with what they are, all while a dark evil force rises that threatens to tear them apart.]

-Already Married ((Spouse x Spouse))
-Already Married (( Explorer X Explorer))
-Already Married (( King X Queen))
-Already Married ((Pirate X Soldier))
-Already Married ((Aquatic Creature X Pirate))
-Already Married ({God or Goddess X Pirate))
-Already Married (( Royal Warrior X Queen))
-Already Married (( Legendary Warrior X Legendary Warrior))
-Already Married (( Futuristic Shinobi X Futuristic Kunoichi))
-Already Married (( Secret Agent X Normal Spouse))
-Already Married (( Cyborg X Human))
-Already Married (( Sailor Soldier X Mortal))
-Already Married ((Secret Agent X Normal Spouse))
-Already Married ((Ninja X Normal Spouse))
-Already Married ((Omnipotent Girl X Guy))
-Already Married ((Omnipotent Guy X Girl))
-Already Married ((Rich girl X Poor Guy))
-Already Married ((Superhero X Galactic Soldier))
-Already Married (( Super Villain X God Hearted spouse))
-Already Married (( Super Hero X Normal Spouse))
-Already Married ((Mech Pilot X Mech Pilot))
-Already Married (( Murderer X Cop))
-Already Married (( Martial-Artist X Nobleman / Woman)))
-Already Married ((SuperHero X Supervillain))
-Already Married ((Super Hero X Super Villain))
-Already Married ((Elvish Queen X Human Traveler))
-Already Married ((Dark Elvin Queen X Human Traveler))
-Already Married ((Prison guard X Prisoner))
-Already Married ((Nurse X Doctor))
-Already Married ((Murderer X Normal Spouse))
-Already Married ((HitMan/wOMAN x Spouse))
-Already Married ((Galactic Soldier X Human Spouse))
-Already Married ((Sailor Senshi X Normal Spouse))
-Already Married ((Slave Maid X Master))
-Already Married ((BlindSwordwoman X Samurai Gunner))
-Already Married ((BlindSwordsWoman X Ronin))
-Already Married ((Master Thief X Detective))
-Already Married ((Detective X Detective))
-Already Married ((Guard X Ship Captain))
-Already Married ((Samurai X Fellow Traveler))
-Already Married ((Blind Swordsman X Yakuza Girl))
-Already Married ((Cop X Yakuza))
-Already Married ((Summon X Summoner))
-Already Married ((Freedom Fighter X Government official))
-Already Married ((Mech Pilot X Scientist))
-Already Married ((Ghost X Human))
-Already Married ((Werewolf X Vampire))
-Already Married ((Princess X Student))
-Already Married ((Jorogumo X Human))
-Already Married ((Witch X Mortal))
-Already Married ((Phoenix X Thunder Bird))
-Already Married ((Mercenary X Spouse))
-Already Married ((Oni X Monk))
-Mysterious Lover Appearance ((Time Traveler X Human))
-Mysterious Lover Appearance ((Angel X Human))
-Mysterious Lover Appearance ((Computer Program X Gamer))
-Mysterious Lover Appearance ((Villain X Human))
-Mysterious Lover Appearance ((Evil Beast X Good-natured Human))
-Mysterious Lover Appearance ((Dragon Rider X Normal Warrior))
-Mysterious Lover Appearance ((Neko X Human))
-Mysterious Lover Appearance ((Superhero X Citizen))
-Mysterious Lover Appearance ((Ghost X Human]]
-Mysterious Lover Appearance ((Angel Queen X Human))
-Mysterious Lover Appearance ((Memory Lost Demon King X Girl))
-Mysterious Lover Appearance ((Ice Girl X Human))
-Mysterious Lover Appearance ((Galactic Soldier X Human))
-Mysterious Lover Appearance ((Galactic ship Captain X Human))
-Mysterious Lover Appearance ((Mysterious Girl X Guy))
-Mysterious Lover Appearance ((Anthro-girl X Guy))
-Mysterious Lover Appearance ((Ninja X Regular Guy))
-Mysterious Lover Appearance ((Space Traveler X Human))
-Mysterious Lover Appearance ((Witch X Human))
-Mysterious Lover Appearance ((Vampire X Human))
-Mysterious Lover Appearance ((Omnipotent Girl X Human))
-Mysterious Lover Appearance ((Swords-woman/man X Samurai))
-Mysterious Lover Appearance ((Swordswoman X Normal Guy))
-Mysterious Lover Appearance ((Blind Swords woman X Normal Guy))
-Mysterious Lover Appearance ((Spy X Unsuspecting citizen))
-Mysterious Lover Appearance ((Demon X Human))
-Mysterious Lover Appearance ((Nurarihyon X Loner))
-Mysterious Lover Appearance ((Raijū X Vengeful Warrior))
-Mysterious Lover Appearance ((Raijū X Loner))
-Mysterious Girlfriend Appearance ((Sazae-oni X Caretaker))
-Mysterious Lover Appearance ((Sazae-oni X Man))
-Mysterious Lover Appearance ((Mysterious Mech Pilot X Seasoned Mech Pilot))
-Mysterious Lover Appearance ((Cyber Soldier X Normal Soldier))
-Mysterious Lover Appearance ((Robot Assassin X Target))
-Mysterious Lover Appearance ((Mysterious Pilot X Fighter-pilot))
-Mysterious Lover Appearance ((Monster Girl X Human))
-Mysterious Lover Appearance ((Alien X Human))
-Mysterious Lover Appearance ((Maid X Guy))
-Mysterious Lover Appearance ((Witch X Human))
-Mysterious Lover Appearance ((Raiju X Samurai))
-Mysterious Lover Appearance ((Elemental Spirit X Human))
-Mysterious Lover Appearance ((Jorogumo X Lonely Nerd))
-Mysterious Lover Appearance ((Werewolf X Human))
-Mysterious Lover Appearance ((Vampire X Human))
-Mysterious Lover Appearance ((Demon X Human))
-Mysterious Lover Appearance ((Angel X Human))
-Mysterious Lover Appearance ((Dragon X Knight))
-Mysterious Lover Appearance ((Tenin X Priest))
-Mysterious Lover Appearance ((Pirate Queen X Soldier))
-Mysterious Lover Appearance ((Oni X Samurai))
-Mysterious Lover Appearance ((Ghost X Non-believer))
-Mysterious Lover Appearance ((Arranged Fiance X Long-lost Love))
-Writer X Fan
-Racer X mechanic
-Butler X maid
-Tutor X Apprentice
-Store owner X Crushing Customer
-CEO X Secretary
-Trainer X Gymnast
-Brother X Self Proclaimed Sister
-Baker x Delivery Boy / Girl
-Self-proclaimed brother X Sister
-Film Maker X Actress
-Driver X Actor
-Boss X Worker
-Pilot X Business woman
-Manager x Idol
-Writer X Director
-Movie Maker X Writer
-Store Owner x Hired Help
-Store Owner x Protector
-Biker x Cop
-Up and coming artist X Roommate
-Date Consultant X Desperate person
-[Insert country] star X American Star
-Hiker X Hiker
-Detective X Client
-Detective X Gang-member
-Captain X Ship-hand
-Cruse Passenger X Cruise Passenger
-Manga Writer X Animator
-[Insert country] Actor X American Actor
-Rockstar X Hip-hop artist
-Mechanic X Mechanic
-Student X Student
-Tutor X Student
-Tutor X Parents
-Journalist X Local Hero
-Journalist X Person of interest
-Veterinarian X Pet-owner
-Librarian X Teacher
-Principle X Teacher
-Nun X Church-goer
-Worker X Co-Worker
-Chef X Star
-Musician X Producer
-Cop X Partner
-Cop X Criminal
-Coroner X Cop
-Dancer X Photographer
-Teacher X Ex-Criminal
-Guard X Prisoner
-Scientist X Scientist
-Teacher X Teacher
-Pilot X Flight attendant
-Business woman X Fireman
-Army Solder X Army Soldier
-Sports star X Reporter
-Co-Pilot X Passenger
-Ship Captain X Subordinate
-Ship Captain X Passenger
-Fugitive X Nurse
-Pilot X Nurse
-Soldier X Soldier
-Actor X Actor
-Businessman X Rival Business woman
-Singer X Singer
-Island Survivor X Island survivor
-Writer X Comic-book creator
-Animal Tamer X Tracker
-Explorer X Explorer
-Film Maker X Actor
-Producer X Guitarist
-Mountain Climber X Mountain Climber
-Brother X Adopted Sister
-Sister X Adopted Brother
-Cowboy X Cowgirl
-Musician X Actor
-Kunoichi X Shinobi
-Martial Arts Master X Student
-Boxer X Coach
-Cop X Chief
-Reporter X Supposed-criminal
-Gang-member X Business Person
-Inmate X Inmate
-Mother X Neighbor
-Bully X Bullied
-Insane Girlfriend / girlfriend X Boyfriend / girlfriend
-Barbarian X Conquered Slave
-New Village Elder X Best Friend
-Scientist X Teacher
-Orchestra member X Fan
-Getaway driver X Robber
-Partner in Crime X Partner in Crime
-Fugitive X Fugitive
-Butler X Mistress
-Samurai X Female Samurai
-Maid X Master
-Student X Student
-Writer X Inmate
-Nurse X Doctor
-Cop X Cop
-Clothes Designer X Worker
-CEO X Childhood friend
-Sailor X Shore woman
-Doctor X Patient
-Cop X Nurse
-Baby sitter X Single parents
-Rockstar X Groupie
-Single mother X Single father
-TV producer x Small-time actors
-TV star x Co-star
-Tv Star x Manager
-Legal Representative x Tv Star
-Hacker X Hacker
-Programmer X CEO friend
-Single man or woman X Person who is trying to get you a date.
-Man X Woman
-Caretaker X Disabled person
-Counselor X Person who needs their help
-Lawyer X Client
-Private X Rival Pirate
-Mu-onna X Ex-spouse
[War is a terrible thing that rips apart families, but in that event the spirits of those who fell to such a horrible thing may still rage. One spirit after losing her child in war comes back as a terrifying thing, searching once again for what she cannot have. Her spouse, surviving the destruction of their family, has struggled to live on since then but one fateful night encounters their late wife but does not recognize them but she recognized them.

Realizing that they have another chance the yokai attempts to reclaim the heart of their lover but with what they are, and what they must do the devastating truth that their family will never be the same, and that they may not belong together anymore remains an ever present truth.]

-Pirate Lord X Guard Captain
[Chaos and Order. Law and Anarchy. Pirates have long been the enemy of whose who only strive to uphold law. When an infamous Pirate Lord shares a night with a dutiful, and upstanding guard captain the love blooms between them. It means little at first, merely meeting when the lord arrives but as their hearts grow together the reality of their lives slowly settles in. It was made all the worse when the Pirate Lord is made the official target and soon they are town between both their ways of life.]

-Sea god x Pirate
-Pirate King / Queen X King / Queen
-Pirate Captain X New crew member
-Futuristic Pirate X Futuristic Ninja
-Demon King X Angel Queen
-Samurai X Village Girl
-Samurai X Empress
-Explorer x Village Slave
-Female Samurai x Farmer
-Bother X Sister
= Boyfriend / Enemy X Cheating Girlfriend / Cheating girlfriends sister
= Girlfriend / Enemy X Cheating Boyfriend / Cheating boyfriends Brother
-Swordswoman X Emperor
-Swordswoman X Village boy
-Anthro x Anthro
-Pirate X Mercenary
-Assassin X Target
-Native X Stranded explorer
-Patient's Daughter X Doctor
-Experiment X Experiment
-Forest Spirit x Wizard
-Vengful Swordswoman X Righteous Samurai
-Samurai X Westerner
-Samurai X Demon
-Brother X Overbearing big sister
-Little sister X Overbearing big brother
-Samurai X Dragon
-Carefree Swordsman X Serious Swordswoman
-War general X Resistance member
-Surviving War General X Medic
-Murderer X Zombie
-Necromancer X Paladin best Friend
-Psychiatrist X Increasingly insane patient
-Cyborg X Creator
-WerePyre X Werewolf
-Alien Warrior x Earth Warrior
-WerePyre X Vampire
-Shikome X Izanagi's spirit holder
-Last Werepyre X Guardian
-Vampire Queen X Protector
=Human King / Elf Warrior / X Dark Elf Queen / Human Queen
-Interstellar soldier X Interstellar soldier
-Gang Leader X Nurse
-Gang Leader X Undercover Cop
-Gang Leader X Follow Gang Member
-Shinigami X Rouge Shinigami
-Tamamo-no-Mae X royal
-Undead X Ex-spouse
-Angel X Artificial Human
-Widow X Ex-spouse's sibling
-Girl X Unaccepted newcomer
-Slavers Child X Slave
-Undead X Ex-boyfriend
-Former demon X Angel
-Ancient Spirit X Enthusiast
-Angel X Dying Human
-Dark Elf X Human
-Elf X Human
-Orphan X Vampire Mistress
-Former Killer X Victim's family member
-Mech Pilot X Mech Pilot
-Spirit of Vengeance X Spirit of Salvation
-Lord of Darkness X Lower Demon
-Werewolf X Cop
-Oni X Prince/ Princess
-Assassin X Elder Vampire
-Witch Hunter X Witch's daughter
-Gladiator X Gladiator
-Demon X Priest
-Ghost x Medium
-Anthro X Pirate
-Anthro X Owner
-Cyborg X Creator
-Fallen God X Last Believer
-Shamed Scientist X Accomplished Scientist
-Malfunctioning creation x Creator
-Anthro X Hunter
=Guard/Princess X Knight/Prince
=Soldier/Prisoner X Soldier/Prisoner
=Summon/Summon X Summoner/Rival Summoner
=Priestess/Angel X Traveler/Demon
=Traver / Shape shifting pet X Criminal / Hunter friend
-Fighter Pilot X Alien
=Witch / Demon X Wizard / Angel
-Pirate X Witch
-Pirate X Demon
=Paranormal Investigator / Friendly Ghost X Rival / Malicious Demon
-Cop X Criminal
E= Hunter / Werewolf / Anti-Hunter X Partner / Mate / Partner
-Memory Lost Raijū Queen X Traveler
-Memory Lost Raijū X Traveling Samurai
-Demon Summoner X Priestess
-Dark Knight X Paladin
-Bard X Writer
-Witch X Paladin
-Dark Witch X Prince
-Malicious Demon X Summoner
-Succubus X Human
-Spirit X House Owner
-Imaginary Friend X Insane person
-Gladiator x Admirer
-Gladiator x Gladiator
-Gladiator x Senator
-Cop X Runaway
-Assassin X Cop
-spouse X Assassin Spouse
-Cop X Malicious Demon
-Phantom X Stranded Child
-Kitsune X Injured Samurai
-Vampire Princess X Normal Best-friend
-Vampire King X Human Lover
-Vampire Queen X Memory-lost best friend
-Vampire King X Werewolf Warrior
-Captured Alien X Scientist
-Dying Warrior Guard X Charge
-Hero X Alien Invader
-Last hero X Leader of villain corps
-Undercover cop X Gang member
-Manager x Failing Star
-Alien Soldier x Liaison
-Alien Slaver X Human Slave
-Elf Warrior x Human Slaver
-Traveler x Elf Guide
-Angel X Memory-lost Demon
-Social worker X Single Parent
-Swordswoman X Master
-Space Traveler X Soldier
-Demon Protector X Human
-Angel Protector X Human
-Intergalactic Bodyguard X Protect-e
- Shrine attendant X Yakuza
[The winter was especially bloody between the warring clans. Bodies littered the streets, and blood painted the sow. It was all out war, and only one would survive. No honor. No humanity. There was only violence, and after one brawl one Yakuza would stumble onto the empty grounds of a temple where a lone shrine attendant was. Overtaken by their need to help the attendant would take them in and nurse them back to health.
But the Yakuza aren't heroes, and such an act was not likely to bring fortune. That act would bring them into the conflict, perhaps protected only by the thanks of the Yakuza they saved and for the Yakuza a small connection to a life away from that horrible path. There is no escape, for either, at least one they could truly reach. Its a dark world and a bloody winter, not even the gaze of the gods could shield them from it.

-Mech Pilot X Normal Citizen
[How could they have known when the sky would fall? The first invasion left thousands dead. The next? Millions. Humanity was besieged by a threat they could not comprehend and day by day things became desperate. The creation of massive war machines was all that saved them, but also what doomed those who parked in the seat. Day after day with little respite pilots would engage the threat in their machine and few would survive. The life of a pilot is merely one delaying death, and tomorrow could never be guaranteed

Life on the ground wasn't easy either, with bodies piling up and resources being dwindled even for the citizens life could be desperate and at any moment they could be slaughtered. Law barely holds weight and people grow desperate. What had they done to deserve it? No one could say, but survival and a normal life was all they could think of.

The romance of a pilot and a citizen only sounds doomed in this world, and a compounding of misery but for some that small light is worth holding onto but that small life could be snuffed out in a moment.]

- Yakuza X Vampire
- Time-displaced Ancient Samurai X Historian
- Ancient Samurai X Time-displaced Historian
- Ancient Samurai X Yakuza
*Warriors X Princess
- Shrine Maiden X Demon
- Cyborg x Dragon
- Blind musician X Noblewoman
- Funayūrei X Sailor
- Sword Spirit X Adevnturer
- Ikiryō X Ghost Hunter
-Apocalypse survivor X Apocalypse Survivor
=Martial Artist / Grand Master X Amateur / Parent
-Demon x Priestess
-Witch x Demon
-Ghost x Medium
-Knight X Dragon
-Oni X Holy warrior
-Vampire X Vampire
-Time Traveler X Future scientist
-Astronaut X Alien
-Blind Seer X King / Queen
-Fire Elemental X Star Elemental
-Kitsune X Byakko
-Kitsune X Vampire
-Kitsune X Werewolf
-Monster Hunter X Half-Monster
-Fairy X Mage
-Half Dragon X Full Dragon
-Werewolf X Dragon
-Cop X Demon
-Cop X Angel
-Elder Werewolf X New Vampire
-Experienced pirate X New Werewolf
-Sailor X Siren
-Sailor X Knight
-Pirate X Vampire
-Elder Vampire X New Werewolf
-Elder Vampire x New vampire
-Vampire Lord X Werewolf God
-Sailor X Water spirit
-Wanderer X Spirit
- Mizuchi X Sailor
**** Knight X Spirits of ancient warriors
=Monster Girl / Monster's Mother X Human Boy / Monster Killer
-Last Werepyre X Guardian
-Vampire Queen X Protector
-Mutant X Mutant
-Tsukiyomi X Earth God Incarnation
-Mutant X Scientist
-Mutant X Super Hero
=Anthro / Anthro X Human / Human
=Human King / Elf Warrior / X Dark Elf Queen / Human Queen
=Priestess / Evil Sister X Knight X Demon Knight
**** Bodyguard warriors X Protect-ee
**** Superheros X Normal Woman
**** Mech Pilots X Normal Person
-Last Werepyre X Guardian
-Vampire Queen X Protector
**** Futuristic Solders X Commanding officer
-Blind SwordsWoman X Ronin
-Blind Swordsman X Marriage Runaway
-Samurai X Knight
-Samurai X Samurai
-Elder Kresnik X Elder Vampire
-Young Kresnik X Vampire Caretaker
-Yuki-onna X Lost Traveler
-Knight X Knight
-Vampire King / Queen x Assistant
-Vampure Queen / King x Assistant
-Ninja X Assassin
-Pirate X Dragon
-Pirate X Kraken
-Pirate X Leviathan
-Interstellar explorer X Alien
-Interstellar soldier X Interstellar soldier
-Runaway Princess X Traveling Knight
-Dragon X Dragon
-Guild Member X Guild Member
**** Spirits of Hell X Holy Woman
-Vampire X Vampire Goddess
- Okiku X New-house master
-Vampire X Vampire God
-Grim Reaper X Shinigami
-Zodiac Spirit X Martial Arts Master
-Combatant X Partner
-Cop X Grim Reaper
-Hunter X Half-Dragon
-Hunter X Fairy
-Hunter X Criminal
-Werewolf X Ghost
-Demi-god X Warrior
-Undead X Ghost
-Vampire X Chef
-Werewolf X Werewolf
-Ancient Warrior X Slave
-Adventurer x Slave
-Werewolf X Cop
-Writer X Demon
-Fire Elemental X Star Elemental
-Dragon X Dragon
-Guild Member X Guild Member
-Chimera X Creator
-Mech Pilot X Mech Pilot
-Cyber Soldier X Cyber Soldier
-High-tech cyborg X Human
-Fighter Pilot X Mech Pilot
-Cyber Solder X Virus Soldier
-Alien soldier X Cyborg Soldier
-Fighter-Pilot X Fighter-Pilot
-Golem Maker X Golem
-Spirit Reaper X Ex-Lover
-Spirit Reaper X Childhood friend
-Mage x Cyborg
-Reaper X Fiance
-Martial Artist X Knight
-Red Dragon x Scholar
-Architect x Ancient Golem
-No More Power! [Captain of vessel]
[The captain of a sea vessel after a long serious of misfortune and botched expeditions is suddenly faced with a mutiny brought on by their first mate.. They are rendered powerless by the crew, and must now face the new reality in which they live.]

-No More Power! [Emperor or Empress]
[After getting the kingdom into a war and losing the people revolt, plotted by a new revolutionary leader the head of the kingdom is brought low as penance, but what this means for them is now in the hands of those who did it.]

-No More Power! [Pharaoh]
-No More Power! [Village Leader]
-No More Power! [Princess]
-No More Power! [Witch or Warlock]
-No More Power! [King or Queen]
-No More Power! [God or Goddess]
-No More Power! [Dragon]
-No More Power! [Killer]
-No More Power! [Company Boss]
-No More Power! [Warden]
-No More Power! [Bully]
-No More Power! [Expedition Leader]
-No More Power! [Teacher]
-No More Power! [Super Hero]
-No More Power! [Mythical Hero]
-No More Power! [Post Apocalyptic Cop]
-No More Power! [Villain]
-No More Power! [Lead Scientist]
-No More Power! [Prison Guard]
-No More Power! [Head of Household]
-No More Power! [Alien Lord]
-No More Power! [President of Recently taken over nation]
-No More Power! [Amazon Warrior or Matriarch]
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[Romances between parties that are taboo in their world no matter the mood or purpose][Stories with more solid and set in stone plots.][Devoted to wonderful works, eitther set in the world or using true elements.]

[Mostly unavailable for anything but inspiration unless the pitch is good]
[Sometimes a wordy fight scene is just as good as romance and other pleasures.] [The mind isn't always organized][General genres the rest of the list may not cover on its own. Basis by which to start plotting from scratch.]
- Nun x Mysterious Wanderer
[It all starts after a storm, when the sun finally shines against and the people leave their homes. A small village in the countryside thankful to have made it once again. One of the sisters of the old church that keeps them in light, a beauty in her own right, surveys and offers her services. Not much is known about her, but she is a calming presence to the people.

It all starts after they're found. A mysterious figure lying injured just outside the village. They know their name, their age, their purpose but what they were doing out there during a storm and their past are words they refuse to speak. The nun, doing her duty, brings them into the church to nurse them back to health.
It all starts after the first glance, and the two find themselves locked in a dance that neither should be in and a tale neither was prepared for.]

- Black Knight x White Knight
[The black knight, to most, is death. The utterance of their title bring forth terror, the ruin of kingdoms, and the death of of noble men. Those who bear the title of Black Knight live an existence of blood, battle, and solitude. They stand opposed to all that is good, noble, and just within the kingdoms. The White Knight stands opposed, representing justice, good, and the very greatness of life. Their title is love, and to call upon them is to call upon glory and the the protection of the kingdom. All feels right when the White Knight rides, and wherever they go then all is right.

But on one fateful day during battle the blades of the two meet, evenly matched. Sparks fly in more way than one though the two understand it could never be. Fate would not let them part so simply and as they meet over and over in blade and in bed, they begin to question what it means to be what they are and where they'll end up.]

- Miko x Foreigner
- Yakuza x Cop
- Onmyouji x Yokai
- Assassin x Special Agent
- Pirate x Adventurer
- Reaper x Human
- Necromancer x Hero
- Assassin x Target
- Nun x Demon
- Parent x Child
- On-the-Run Criminal x Small town cop
- Ghost x Human
- Mobster x Cop
- Gladiator x Royal
- Gladiator x Sponsor
- Holy Royal x Dark Cult Member / Leader
- Royal x Monster
- Married Spouse x Homewrecker
- Teacher x Student
- Boss x Junior
- Royal x Peasant
- Angel x Demon
- Angel x Mortal
- Heiress x Drifter
- Kidnapper x Target
- Superhero x Villain
- Villain x Cop
- Prisoner x Guard
- Servant of God x Servant of Rival God
- Dragon x Dragon Slayer
- Necromancer x Paladin
- Thief x Detective
- Sibling x Sibling
- Sibling x Sibling's Spouse
- Sibling x Sibling's boyfriend / girlfriend
- Nun x Non-Believer
- Mercenary x Rival Mercenary
- Charlatan x Holy Person
- Noble x Servant
- Deity x Non-believer
- Ninja x Master's Rival
- Witch x Witchhunter
- Priest x Demon
- Witch x Knight
- Knight x Knight of Rival Kingdom
- Priest x Witch
- Monster x Monster Hunter
- Barbarian x Royal
- Royal x Bodyguard
- Human x Robot
- Criminal x Well Off Person
- Tribal Bride x Traveler
- Vampire x Priest
- Vampire x Vampire Hunter
- Immortal x Mortal
- Pirate x Navy Captain
- Super Secret Agent x Normal person
- Alien x Earthling
- Doctor x Patient
- Kaiju x Pilot
- Kaiju x Normal Person
- Superhero x Invader
- Adventurer x Demon Lord
- Toku Hero x Villain
- Toku Hero x Monster
- Toku Villain x Civilian
- Time Traveler x Historical Figure
- Soldier x Enemy Combatant
- Pilot x AI
- Earth Defense Soldier x Kaiju
- Earth Defense Soldier x Invader
- Survivor x Invader
- Scientist x Subject
- Underworld Deity x Normal
- Underworld Deity x Holy Servant
- Master x Slave
- Gang Member x Rival Gang Member
- Cousin x Cousin
- Commander x Soldier
- Monster x Human
- Grandparent x Grandchild
- Cult Member x Non-cult member
- Cult Member x Investigator
- Adventurer x Royal
- Goblin x Adventurer
- Drifting Gunfighter x Law upholder
- Drifting Gunfighter x Heiress
- Human x Sentient Program
- Alien x Astronaut
- Bandit x Adventurer
- Killer x Normal
The Place Beyond Night [NEW!]:
[Long-Term] [Dark] [Somber] [Western]
A devil's mask is no different than an ordinary man's, that is what some tell themselves good or ill. The lucky ones, shut their eyes and convince themselves that the devil doesn't exist, a myth, a rumor the holy tell others to keep them in line. The unlucky see the devil behind every face so convinced of his reach that innocence is only a mask to keep him strong. The broken, however, view it as opportunity. There are many things made up of the lies of devil's, woven webs that can make an unholy whisper a loud roar that drowns out the fiercest truth. No one knows what to believe anymore, and soon the devil's lie becomes no different than an ordinary truth and a truth, becomes the devil's lie. For the unfortunate caught in the web, there is almost no escape, but perhaps even escape only leads deeper into the devil's grasp bringing themselves and those around them deeper into hell.

They (YC) had always been considered odd, outcasts, and a threat to all that was good and decent. It was hard to tell when it started, difficult to remember when the devil sunk their claws or when the first finger was pointed. Unlucky. Cursed. Forgotten by the very grace of god. Misfortune was their lot in life, real or imagined no one knew anymore no one dared to question it. It never did stop some of the braver, or more depraved from craving them trying to draw them into their arms. Rebuffs only led to accusation, accusation to more stigmatization. Things never did seem right. The touch of the devil never seemed far away. It never mattered where they went, hell seemed to follow even as they settled in a small town hoping to escape the darkness that surrounded them, a fugitive in the grips of the devil or surrounded by the bias of misfortune but it never let them be.

Eventually, however, someone would come for them. A Bounty Hunter (MC) coming to bring them to justice. The request was a little out of the way really, but the payout was too good too ignore. The Bounty Hunter was more or less skeptical of the claims, or uncaring only seeing a good payday causing them to cross several states to catch an obscure fugitive saying goodbye to their family they embark only to find them in a rundown town.

However they get them to go with them, the journey back is long leaving only the two of them together, but no job was ever easy and under the eyes of the devil, followed by misfortune, or perhaps falling into the same web they've been caught one knows if they're ever make it out of the dark.

The Gospel of Steel and Sorcery [new!]:
[Long-Term] [Heroic Fantasy] [Episodic]
The world is not always an easy place. Liars, thieves, murderers, and more all things can cut even the brightest light short. It is, however, a blessing to be born in the walls of proper civilization for most for as harsh as life in them may be there is a semblance of order. The world outside of the wall erected by kings, lords, and the people to keep out the wilds is large and dangerous. There is little in the way or order, few laws, and fewer fools willing to attempt to bring such a thing to a place that refuses its presence. It is there where might rules the day, and those who wish to make a name for themselves fight against unreasonable odds. However, so few do and meet sad and unknown ends. It is not a world to tame, nor one to truly save. It is a place to survive.

Fate, of course, plays it hand and those from without and within can find themselves in a world shared but unfamiliar. One such person was born in those walls, and had rarely ever had a reason to leave it be they a princess, a scholar, a mage, even a merchant. The were a Civilized One. They have rarely been outside of the world only leaving for travel and protected by those meant to kill and keep out the undesirables. It was a much easier life than expected but of course...fate plays its hand and one day they are thrust into the world outside those walls. Unprepared and unready they were cut off from the world hey knew either by accident, or by the machinations of someone (or something) above them. They are left to the mercy of the harsh, unbending thing outside the walls but before it claims another victim...they are saved.

One Wanderer, far more familiar with the harsh world than the Civilized One, came to them in their hour of need by chance. The Wanderer was born in that harsh world and by right were forced to survive in it. Their origin hardly mattered to anyone but them, unimportant to the ones in the walls. They had seen bloodshed, they had felt the sting of steel, and the fangs of beasts. They had been far and wide, and not by luck but by strength they became a fixture of the unforgiving world. Their aspirations were their own, and the way they got it? Only they could fight for. Hero. Villain. Something in between, or all things they understood the world outside the walls. Fate played its hand, and they came across the Civilized one.

And so from that day the Wanderer and the Civilized come to travel together, and start to understand each others worlds and what sort of stories are made in them.

Onward and Upward [NEW!]:
[Long-Term] [High Fantasy (Medieval or Eastern flavor) or Modern Fantasy] [Adventure] [Any mood]
It mattered little what tongue their name was said in, and what land hey roamed. Their very roar could cause kings to abandon their crown. Their gaze could crumble armies, and the mere rumor of heir presence could shape the fate of kingdoms. There were few among the gods who dared oppose them, and even fewer among mortals who did not bend their knees in their presence. Worshiped or feared, one could never deny their power and in that few could fight against it. It would come as no surprise to any then when the dragons, ever powerful and ever hungry for more power came to war. No one knew who cast the first stone, or spilled first blood but on he day the dragons declared war the world of men was torn apart. Gods, demons, Kings, queens, Cataclysm was the and more. It mattered little how they were viewed, or what title they took for they warred all the same. Chaos was all that followed in the wake the dragons ceaseless aggression. Cataclysm was all the word knew for a time.

Centuries became millennia, and Millennia would turn to ages and untold lives were lost in their war. No dragon could gain and edge, and as more of he world was carved up and destroyed in an endless war the people suffered. None could imagine an end until one dragon dared to break wars hold. Their name lost to history, but their word laying a foundation for a brighter age they proposed a solution to this ceaseless chaos. It fell to men. Lesser beings. The dragons would give to men their hearts, and in heir stead men would compete for the dragons. It was....a strange idea but slowly the dragons realizing what they had done agreed.
The dragons would pick champions, some daring enough to pick only one while others would pick more sharing more of their heart. They would call these champions Balancers and give onto them weapon like no other. This contest would decide who ruled, and for many ages more the Balancers would fight and adventure for their dragons until only one remained. he Balancers would claim victory for their dragon and their dragon would reign for 1000 years.

Though this, though there were ages of darkness, there was a newfound peace and Dragons and men began to live in harmony. It was said that some dragons even came to love their Balancers and would take them as consort or withdraw from the contest. It became a greator honor to fight for the dragons, and over time the contest became a standard part of life.

1000 years has passed since the last contest, and once more it has come time for new Balancers to be chosen, but for this contest the rules were altered and the stakes made higher. It is unknown how the rule changed, but it became known that to win this contest was to eternal seat. True rule. Immortality. Complete power. The contest had just become something more once again and perhaps even more dangerous. With the change in goal came a change in tactics, and some dragons even pooled their hearts together for one champion to give them power. They were now playing to win at all costs.

And soon with the dragons picking their Balancers...a new contest would begin.

[Modern Fantasy]
The death of the last ruler was sudden, taken before their time was through and since then for strange reasons the contest could not be held. Dragon's could not give their hearts to men and none wished to begin the wars of old so...they merely let men be, or took their places among them. Time would pass and the world would shift until the days of old were nothing but memory.
The people were content.
Until, however, the dragons found themselves called once again to find their champions, but no one understood why. It was a compulsion, a powerful whisper, and so they again began to give their hearts to their champions, their Balancers to attain rule once again. The mystery remained however....why now? What would it mean to win?

Pass Through [NEW!}:
[Racing: Sci-fi, Modern, Fantasy] [Light] [Long Term] [Possible harem]
Who doesn't like to win? Who doesn't dream of conquering their rivals and earning the adoration of the masses? It doesn't matter in what everyone with blood in their veins dreams of winning. There are those who do it through combat, those who conquer through strategy, and others who dominate through mundane things Competition is competition, and in competition there is victory.

In one era [Modern] one particular form of competition involves the roar of overtuned engines and the thrill of racing on the city streets, or the official tracks of organizations. One [racer] dreams to be the best of them all, turning their wheels and outracing all those before them before eventually they are given an opportunity to prove it. A race like no other, that only the best could attend and soon they find themselves invited. They are accompanied by their [support] who helps them at every turn, encouraged by their [manager] who does everything to keep them ready, or confronted by their [rival] who seeks to crush them and take the spot for themselves. This massive race makes or breaks a champion, and changes lives in the process.

in another era [sci-fi] the roar of the engine is replaced by the hum of an anti-gravity racer. Races have evolved, weapons and systems unimaginable change the very face of racing and create a more dangerous game. One [racer] has been given the opportunity by the very overlord of these races known as Pulsetech. The race, a long series on dangerous and tricky tracks that test racers mentally, physically, and emotionally. Their reasons for racing are their own but they agree. They are accompanied on the race by their [operator] who feeds them info and keeps them safe, their [mechanic] who keep their complicated machine working, confronted by their [rival] who wishes to see them fail or by their [handler] a shady rep of the company who is in charge of marketing them. The race is wild, dangerous, and sometimes deadly but as it can make it all come true...its a worthwhile journey.

in an era that no one is sure exists [fantasy], racing is done no with machine but with beast. The roar of engine is the roar of the mount either aerial or legged and with their companion one [rider] risks it all to attain an artifact offered by a strange wizard. It is a long race, over many continents and lands known and foreign but to win is to go down in history. The rider is aided by their [mount[ who may be more than they seem, a simple [friend] who keeps them company, or confronted by their [rival] who seeks to crush them and take what it is theirs. There is no telling what happens in strange lands, but it is a journey that will go down in myth and song.

Hearts on the Battlefield [NEW!]:
[Long-Term] [Sci-fi] [Mecha: Super Robot] [Light]
They came suddenly, crashing down on the planet in a shower of Meters. No one knew what to expect, but when the Alarms went off everyone understood that all hell had broken loose. They were giant things of strange look. Monsters. Kaiju. Demons. Whatever the people called them didn't matter as they rampaged across the major cities and brought destruction. The military forces of the world were unable to stop them, and humanity believed that they had finally met their end. That is until humanities savior seemingly and suddenly appeared. A giant machine with technology at its disposal that no one on Earth could have imagined. It, for reasons unknown, fought against the invaders in battle after battle until the invaders were forced to retreat. Mankind celebrated their salvation and their savior, but upon defeating the last general the machine fell silent.

In time, the invaders would be called Exedons, and while those terrible would never be forgotten the people would move on. The machine would be taken in by a mysterious organization and for a time people would live in peace.

But not all peace was meant to last and as Humanity had healed from the invasion their old enemy the Exedons would come again, falling from the sky once more to wage war. Humanity was once again beset by an enemy they knew little about and despaired, but humanity was not defenseless this time. A new organization calling themselves NEOS would arise to meet the threat with technology beyond imagination and hold them at bay. NEOS was powerful and able to all but destroy much of the aliens forces but with every victory they attained the enemy would adapt and grow stronger. The Exedons could not be turned back, and without a trump card humanity would one day be overwhelmed.

The old machine that saved them was lying in wait looking for a pilot someone with the strength to handle the power it offered once again someone to become a savior to humanity, or something else. No one quite knew, but what was known is they were needed but no matter what they would be aided by Neos and their operatives, doctors, mechanics, or by rumor the extraterrestrial envoy who gifted humanity the machine.

Journey into the Dark [New!]:
[Light or dark] [Paranormal] [Modern Fantasy or Traditional Fantasy] [SOL or action] [Possible harem]
To most people the paranormal is just fantasy. Ghosts, ghouls, and spirits are all tales the elders tell you to cover up what they can't explain. It is a fascination, one that spawns countless shows, movies, books, and stories but even for those who believe most of them will doubt because they'll never truly understand.

For some, however, beyond the boring mundane veil of life there is another world. Ghosts, ghouls, and goblins do exist and they're often more trouble than they're worth. Spirits need to be exorcised, ghouls laid to rest, and goblins can never keep a good goblin down but damn if you don't try. The awareness is rare, and those with it try to run from it or they jump right in but for them? The veil is merely hiding what they know to be true.

[Modern Fantasy - SOL ]
Ghost Hunting makes for popular entertainment. Ghost Photos, haunted hovels, chain mail, and cursed tunnels. People tune in to be scared but there is always a degree of separation that keeps them safe and sound in their homes but...what of the investigators? Enthusiasts, internet personalities, and mediums all look into these things either in faith of in skepticism.

Once such Investigator has always had some sort of connection beyond the veil though no one ever believed them. It often kept them separated from others, forced to deal with the odd reality they had no choice but to privy too but when the time came they decided to try and show the world that there was something odd out there either though setting themselves up as some manner of net personality, or joining a show that followed such people, or because they have a [friend] and one of the few people who believes them willing to do it for them.

They begin investigating odd happenings with a crew in tow but the further one goes into the dark the more on realizes its a deep and strange place.

[Modern Fantasy - Action]
Ghost Hunting makes for popular entertainment. Ghost Photos, haunted hovels, chain mail, and cursed tunnels. People tune in to be scared but there is always a degree of separation that keeps them safe and sound in their homes but...what of the investigators? Enthusiasts, internet personalities, and mediums all look into these things either in faith of in skepticism.

Once such [Investigator] has always had some sort of connection beyond the veil though no one ever believed them. They do, however, attempt to keep this darkness under control and using ancient methods they bind and summon spirits, demons, angels, and more to their service to help them control and stop it from spreading even when the camera are one them.

They eventually save and run into a mundane [bystander] who has some strange lure to these beings and so in an effort to keep them safe or in desperation they essentially begin to work together to try and control and sudden uptick in incursions.

[Traditional Fantasy - SOL]
They call them a heretics. Cursed. Fools. Freaks. Their life has been plagued by a knowledge and experience with the odd and the strange. Passed down through their family their ability to see what mundane people cannot has always just been their life. Ghosts. Ghouls. Goblins. Gods. Its not always been an easy life but it was their life. The [One Who Sees] has always lived with this, but one day they would be met by a traveling [writer or holy person] who had interest in this who begged hem to show hem so they could record and understand.

It might not have been their choice at first, but finally no longer alone they begin to become more involved, traveling together into a strange life that would see their previous [if not by comparison] mundane existence turned into something more exciting.

[Traditional Fantasy - action]
They call them a heretics. Blessed. Cursed. Fools. Freaks. Their life has been plagued by a knowledge and experience with the odd and the strange. Passed down through their family their ability to see what mundane people cannot has always just been their life. Ghosts. Ghouls. Goblins. Gods. Its not always been an easy life but it was their life. The [One Who Sees] has always lived with this, and tasked with the heavy purpose of protecting people from what they couldn't understand its been a difficult life. Be it by fate or misfortune however, they'd eventually come across a cursed person who appeared to be some sort of lure for the supernatural.

The [cursed one] could never understand why they were damned but life was never so mundane for them even if they didn't quite understand it all. Running into the One Who Sees was a stroke of fate but in that their lives would becomes intertwined and thrust deeper into an old world that may prove more dangerous than either of them could understand.

Bullets and Butterflies [New!]:
[Action] [Romance] [Light SOL] [Potentially harem on preference]
Live to serve. Live to kill. The gilded world of the high class is one of illusions, duplicity, and cold planning. Conflict is settled by backroom deals and shady tongue before bloodshed, but bloodshed is never off the table.
When the only answer is bloodshed, the hiring of killers is a common enough. It is, however, the area of the true elite that a killer is not merely a phone call away...but a member of the household. A tool. An ever present threat that sits beside them in elegance until bloodshed is required. Their servants. Maids and Butlers who answer every call be it for tea....or murder.
[The Maid or Butler] has been part of this world since they were young, adopted or born into it they've been trained to be the perfect servant. Tea on time and at the perfect temperature, food is perfect portions, everything spotless, and a bullet square in the head.
Its been...a rough life, but its been the only life they've ever known. They've served and served, ending conflicts before and after they began. They've served one family for almost all their lives, but seen the head of that family change either through deals or blood, but they remained loyal.
They lived to serve, and one day after an order to kill...they nearly died as they did. The newest head of the family was cruel, ruthless, and foolish. They would one day make a decision that put the [Maid or Butler] in a position to make their own....and they'd leave.
However, with no other way to live they'd look for a new way to make a living and offer their services to anyone looking for them.
And eventually they'd find a new [Master], a seemingly normal person who was more than happy to give them a place to stay. A Potentially peaceful life.....but its not so easy.
One day the master is marked for death for unknown reasons, and brought into a world they were not prepared for. The only family comes trying to collect whats theirs, and a newly peaceful life is chaotic once again.
****Sekirei Based
-My-HiMe Based
-Anything Tokusatsu Based
-Lost Planet Based
-Monster Rancher Based
-Freedom Force Based
-Drink Bar Maid Based
-Acceleration of Suguri Based
-Metal Unit Based
-Yu-Gi-Oh Based
-Duel Masters Based
-Cardfight Vanguard Based
-Toukiden Based
-Soul Calibur Based
-Senran Kagura based
-RefRain Based
-Phantom Breaker Based
-Phantom Brave Based
-One Step from Eden Based
-Stranger of Sword City based
-Labyrinth of Yomi Based
-F.EA.R Based
-Yu-gi-oh based
-Akikan Based
-Halo Based
-Guild Wars Based
-X-men based
-Justice League Based
-Medabots based
-Killzone Based
-Dragon Age Based
-Attack on Titan Based
-Mass Effect Based
-Mortal Kombat Based
-Aion Online Based
-*** Samurai Seven Based
-Nasuverse Based
-Gundam Based
-Metroid Based
-Pokemon Based
-Dark Souls Based
-Demon Souls Based
-2X2=Shinobuden Based
-Legend of Zelda Based
-Dragon Quest Based
-Image Based
-Starwars Based
-Koihime Musou Based
-Any Lillith [and their associated companies] Games Based
-Ghost rider Based
-Okami Based
-Gundam Based
-Shinobi Based
-Valiant Based
-Kingdom Hearts Based
-Samurai Warriors Based
-Spawn Based
-Phantasy Star Universe/Online based
-Gauntlet Based
-Champions series
-Claymore Based
-My-hime based
-Elder Scrolls Based
*** Rosario + Vampire based
-Popotan Based
-Bleach Based
-Naruto Based
-Disegaea Based
-Freezing Based
-Counter:side based (Craving BAD)
-Resident Evil Based
-Elfin Leid Based
-Chobits Based
-Mirrors Edge
-Legend of the Legendary Heroes based
-Front Mission Based
-True Crime Based
-Armored Core Based
-Gundam Based
-Muv-Luv Based
-Viewtiful Joe Based
-Kinetica Based
-Underworld Based
-Mazinger Based
-Getter Robo Based
-Devilman based
-Soul Caliber Based
-WitchBlade Based Based
-Rin: Daughters of Mnemosyne Based
-Soul Eater Based
-Blood-C Based
-Final Fantasy Based
-Devil May Cry Based
-Needless Based
-Hero Tales Based
-Harvest Moon Based
-Rune Factory Based
-M.A.R Based
-.Hack// Based
- Shadowrun
-Sigma Theory Based
-Princess Maker Based
-Oneechanbara Based
-Nioh Based
-Nobunaga's Ambition based.
-Keijoo!!! Based
-Judge Dredd based
-The surge (2) Based
-Tekken Based
-Street Fighter Based
-Karas Based
-Noir Based
-Robotech Based
-Macross Based
****Vandread Based
-Line Barrels of Iron Based
-UFO Valkyrie Based
-To-Love-Ru Based
-Burn-up Excess Based
-Trigun Based
-Armored Core Based
-Divinity Based
-Chrome Hounds Based
-Guyver Based
-Darker Than Black Based
-Baldurs Gate Based
-Battle Angel Alita Based
-Neverwinter Nights Based
-Touhou Based
-Tenjho Tenge Based
-DC Base
-Marvel Base
-Crossover ((Any))
**** Record of Agarest War Based
**** Arcana Heart Based
-Witch Blade Based
****Saber Marionette Based
-Saints Row Based
-Metro Based
-Uchi no musume ni te o dasu na!
-Fable Based
-Dragon's Dogma Based
-Dynasty Warriors Based
-KOTOR Based
-Armored Core Based
-Chrome Hounds Based
-Frontmission Based
-Watchmen Based
-Blue Dragon Based
-Sailor Moon Based
-Touhou Based
-Honkai Impact based
-Last Origin Based
-Nikke Based
-Sennen Sensou Aigis Based
-Fatal Bullet Based
-Ikki Tousen Based
-King of Fighters Based
-Peridot Based
-Persona Based
-Sailor Moon Based
-Shin Megami Tensei Based
-Queens Blade Based
-Path to Nowhere (Heavily Craving)
-Crossover between any of these
+++ Any anime / comic / show suggestion is welcome, there is a chance I've seen it and simply am not recalling.
- Killer for Hire x Friend's former lover
[Freedom means many things to many people. It is the ability to go where you want, do what you want, and have anything you want. This state of being can be achieved many ways but the easiest money. Money is the root of many things, but to some its the one thing that gives them freedom.

For some that means taking lives. Good pay when it works, but its nothing that can be done forever and eventually they take one last job.
For one killer, their final job turns out to be strange. Handed down from an old friend who met their end they're hired to protect that old friends left behind lover.

This former lover, previously unaware of their now dead lovers former occupation is given one last request, a request that will take them to a remote location for some reason.

Whatever the reason, the payout is large and the journey? Dangerous. They aren't on the journey alone and secrets...tend to come with consequences.]

-Optimistic Space Hero X Hardened Space Marine

[Torn betwen a better tomorrow, or the fight for surival. The journey into the stars has meant something different to those who braved them.

One found adventure, companions, and fame as a great hero and the other a life of hardship and survival. Their paths couldn't have been any more different....but that didn't stop fate from setting the two on the path to collision.

When the heroes arch-nemesis begins to work with the enemy the Marine had spent their lives fighting an event during a battle would see the two as the final options remaining to stop their dastardly plans and forced to work together.
But their different experiences and methods won't make it easy.]

- Guardian Knight x Royal
- Retired Merc x Retired Gangmember
- Royal Bodyguard x Warrior Royal
- Stranded Alien Soldier x Stranded Space Marine
- Assassin x Fujitive Yokai
- Soldier x Soldier
- Fighter Pilot x Fighter Pilot
- Mercinary x Secret Agent
- Holy Warrior x Demon
- Eldritch Priest x Investigator
- Tournament Martial Artist x Tournament Martial Artist
- Cowboy x Samurai
- Ninja x Cowboy
- Person on a mission x Guide
- Mech Pilot x Ground Soldier
- Cyberpunk Criminal x Hacker
- Demon Hunter x Eldritch Investigator
- Magician x Royal Knight
- Bodyguard x Charge
- Agent x Cyborg Soldier
- Yakuza x Yakuza
- Escaped Convict x Escaped Convict
- Super Robot Pilot x Fighter Pilot
- Samurai x Ninja
- Martial Arts Master x Criminal
- Lost Pirate x Lost Naval Captain
- Anti-Hero x Detective
- Dragon x Knight
- Wrestler x Wrestler
- Underground Tournament fighter x Underground Turnament fighter
- Slave Warrior x Master
- Escaped Living Weapon x Adoptive Master
- Killer servant (Maid or Butler) x Master
- Survior x Survivor
- Living Weapon x Cop
- Escaped Expirement x Cop
- Superhero x Merc
- Superhero x Cop
- Killer Machine x Space Marine
- Alien Hunter x Cop
- Cutlist x Detectie
- Adventurer x Adventuer
- Adventurer x Warrior Royal
- Demon Hunter x Demon Warrior
- Summoner x Summon(s)(****)
- Hunter x Magician
- Angel x Warrior
- Killer for Hire x Gangster
- Yakuza x Hero
- Hero x Defected Villain
- Thief x Anti-hero
> Something with a gentle giant who you'd expect to be mean but is really just looking for someone to treat them romantically.

> Something with a bodyguard and some random they met in a village who comes along for no reason.

> Something with a cold warrior and a harmless travelor who warms their heart.

> Something with the owner of a special, maybe supernatural hotel and one of their tenants.

> Something with a telepath and a pervert with wild thoughts.

> Something with a spouse who previously only lived at home suddenly becoming an action hero.

> Something with a robinhood type who falls in love with an actual but incompotent bandit.

> Something with a person from a secret underground world and an explorer

> Something Isekai related. Why not?

> Something with an evil scientist trying to become good because they found someone who really understands them.

> Something with a witch and their non-magical relative.

> Something between a Corpo and a street samurai.

> Something between a noir detective and the person who hires them.

> Something pulp-sci-fi like.

> Anything involved Super Robots. Anything.


Fairy tale

Realistic fiction

Historical Fiction



Erotic Fiction

Erotic romance

Planetary Romance

Pulp Fiction



Science fiction

Hard science fiction

Soft science fiction

Space opera

Science fantasy

Planetary romance

Sword and planet

Dying Earth

Weird fiction

Suspense fiction

Crime fiction





Alternative universe

Alternative history


Alien invasion

Scientific romance


Ghost story

Cosmic Horror

Occult detective


Monster literature












Forbidden Love

Furry (Preferably I would rather play human against a furry but for someone I enjoy writing against an anthro too)

Paranormal Romance

Fantasy Romance

Yaoi (Not much into Bara style though)
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[A very special craving]

< Vie for It >

"Will you remember it?"
"Will you tell me?"

It has all...come to an end. All worlds are naught but graveyards of empires. Heaven is silent. There is no salvation. No grand tales of a world being saved from its inevitable end. There is no final stand against demons untold, unification spoken, disaster averted. There is only bones. Ash. Dust. Memory and Echos.
The world has ended. Time has run out.

At the end, there is a house in a static field. At the end, there is a final bastion of light. At the end, there is two.
The [Remnant] allowed survival by a power beyond their comprehension and the [Witness], that very power. It is there, at the end, where the two play a final game. A game that could last eons or moments. It didn't matter. It was merely to pass time that did not pass.

The prize was.... memory. A desire to be remembered. A desire to know. Understanding. It was no game for survival but merely...for there to be something left. The Remnant was no eternal. The remnant was the last Echo. The witness the final pair of ears. It wasn't the first time they played the game, they had heard many tales themselves. The Cruelest if Whispers, the Kindest of roars. They had heard it all and here they would hear it the end. An end.

Every move of a piece, a grand story of an age gone by.
At the end, was a final story.
At the end, were myriad tales. Echos.
At the end.....there was a Remnant and Witness.

[2 set characters, but their "moves" in the game take the form of different stories and characters to flesh out of different ages, worlds, periods of time, etc. Between these stories the 2 POV characters will interact, before a new story begins bouncing back and forth between stories told by The Remnant and The Witness. These stories can cover pretty much any genre or mood.]​
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