Give & Take: GMing a Fantasy Adventure


Oct 11, 2017
I am offering to run a fantasy adventure story for someone. In this story, I would act as a GM, guiding your character through your own flavor of epic adventure. This can be an isekai story. It can also be simply a world your character was born into.

I'm willing to discuss world details with my partner, allowing for darker or lighter worlds. After all, I want this to be a world you want to live in and explore. My initial idea is a classic. A world full of dangers where adventurers work with guilds to take on quests. As the GM, I’m willing to play as males, females, and those who fall outside the binary.

There would be a system in place for this world: skills. People acquire skills through adventuring. Any living creature has a chance of leaving a skill crystal upon death. A person can take this crystal into themselves, adding the skill to their arsenal.

As to what the skills are, they fall into two broad categories. Active and Passive. As you might expect, active skills are ones you have to consciously choose to use. Lightning Slash or Ice Storm are examples. Passive skills are those that are always in effect. Things like Strength Up or Stealth.

The most important trait of skills is their ability to grow. As someone uses a skill, it will eventually improve. When it does, either the user or the party leader (your character will be the party leader. This is there to allow you to control how your party members improve if you want) decides how to improve it from the options selected. It can advance, becoming a stronger version of the same skill. It can also evolve, becoming a more powerful skill.

For example, a character has been using the Slash skill and it has leveled up. They are given three choices. Slash +1 will always be available. There's also Goblin-Slaying Slash since he fought a bunch of goblins to train the skill. Then there's Fire Slash, a skill that they got lucky enough to roll and can take. They could choose any of these, but only one. Then they would need to level it up again.

We can keep this system light or add in additional rules to make it a full system roleplay. Again, this will be tailored to my partner's preferences. So don't be afraid to tell me what you want.

For the player, I prefer to play against feminine characters. This can mean women, but I’m open to playing against femboys. I’m also open to more affection, kind guys. Feel free to shoot your shot.

As I put in the title, this is give and take. I’ve had my own craving for a while, and I’m looking for someone to make this happen. You don’t have to agree to double, but I’m more inclined to play with those that do.

I want to play a story where my character goes on an adventure/dungeon crawl. Along the way, he rescues a variety of women and enters into relationships with them (canon or OCs). The way he grows in power is through being with these women.

This can be fleshed out in a variety of ways. Those are just the core elements I’m looking for. So if you’re up for what I’ve got written here, awesome. Hit me up and let’s start writing.
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