Mx Female GM Looking for Player for Gender Transformation story (M->F)[Longterm]


May 27, 2021
Welcome and thank you for showing interest in writing with me!

What to expect from me

Between 1 and 4 Paragraphs per post
At least a post a week, most of the time a post every two or three days
Active oc banter if you want it
Creative GM with a slight sadistic streak
Roughly 50:50 split between smut and story.
MxF: YC of course will be free to pursue whomever you fancy, including girls, but please take note that I posted this in male requests for a reason. There will be sexual MxF interactions with your character.I'm completely fine with and actively encourage YC to not simply switch sexualities immediately and be into men. I'm completely fine with YC not being into men at all, as long as we're talking only your character. BUT: coming to me and expecting Yuri only won't end well. Especially in stories where I'll have something of a main character, but not limited to these, in general, there will be MxF sex. You clicked on Male Requests. Expect male sexual partners.

My expectations
At least a post in two weeks: Under normal conditions, not as a hard limit or anything. I'm both patient and understanding that real life comes first.I would appreciate a short note if you are unable to write for a longer period of time than two weeks, but I'm
Ghost Friendly: I'm generally chill and won't be insulted when you simply go silent on me and you can totally reach out to me, even after longer periods of time, asking if I am still interested in a roleplay. Worse I could say is no. Which is rare, because if I bother to write as a GM, i'm usually quite invested in the story. So yeah, feel encouraged to come back, even if time passed.
Not a female: YC will not start as a girl/woman in any of my stories and I expect some effort to show that. I especially don't want a short first " Oh, I'm a woman" scene and then never again mention of YC not always having been a woman ever again. How YC deals with the changes is entirely up to you. They can be promiscuous or abstinent, eager or resisting the changes or feel about it any other number of ways you deem good for your character. However they may not be immediately fully accepting of being a woman and forgetting their past, nor be indifferent to changes and simply moving on as if nothing happened. In short: I want a story of change. Of character developement. Of emotions. Not a story of "Oh look, I'm a girl now. Aaaanyway, lets go get fucked by all the monsters in town." This is important and non negotiable!

Story seeds

Not interested right now
tags: Transformation(M->F), Supernatural,Magic, Modern Setting, Monsters, Combat,Dub-Con, Non-Con, Pregnancy,Curses,Geas,Punishments, Curruption
optional tags: Romance, Slow Transformation

Story summary: YC one day receives a letter, informing him that apparently a distant aunt died not too long ago, and he is the sole heir to the inheritance since he is the last relative alive that the lawyers managed to get in touch with and confirm alive. Arriving at the site, the inheritance turns out to be quite the magnificent, large manson in the countryside of western Europe, complete with some surrounding lands. Everything seems to be reasonably well kept and worth quite a sum, but there is one catch. Apparently, the late old lady added the condition that any heir apparent would need to live in the mansion for 10 whole years before being allowed to sell any of the property. Add the "minor" surprise inconvenience of YC's body beginning to change once the inheritance had been accepted, and its easy to see that YC is in for interesting 10 years.

tags: Medieval Fantasy Setting,Non-con, Monstersex, Tentaclesex, Sex with insects, public humiliation, public degradation, impractical dresses, public nudity, Instantaneous (body) transformation
optional tags:

Story Summary: Demons have captured the Imperial capital through a sinister plot! The simple folks of the empire unwittingly played a large role, helping them by rising in rebellion against the old king YC, the prince and heir of the empire discovered the full extend of the evil plot, but before he could act on the knowledge, the capital already had fallen into the fiend's hands. Now, they've installed a council of outwardly less corrupt, but secretly even more depraved nobles and gave YC a choice: To be given the opportunity to tell the people the truth, get the chance to incite another rebellion, but pay for it with YC's and no doubt an enormous amount of lives of simple citizens of the empire, or submit to a cruel game the demons envisioned would be branded the evil, the reason for the first rebellion, magically transformed into a girl and thrust into vicious combat for the amusement of the masses... and their infernal hidden masters. She would of course need to battle her way from rock bottom through the ranks, but with the promised chance to do battle and the masterminds behind the Disaster eventually.

Inspiration:This is essentially a porn version of the one piece dressrosa arc with you as Rebecca. A kingdom falsely hating you, with you having to fight ever more vicious and disgusting monsters or getting sent into increasingly unfair fights with the victor free to do whatever he wants with you...

tags: Modern Setting,Teens,Sandboxy, Stats,Quests,Rewards and Punishments, Superpowers, public nudity, public sex,Exhibitionism,humiliation, public humiliation,degradation
optional tags: Adventuring, Monstersex, Tentaclesex, pregnancy,Non-con,dub-con,blackmail, romance, group sex...

Story: YC is a normal school boy(16) going about his life when one morning, there is a floating <box> in front of his face when he wakes up.

Strange Infobox floating in midair:
You have been chosen to become a Player. Welcome to Dare Game.

You have a new Quest!

After that, another floating <box> appeared in the place of the former, this one being bigger than the former, but also allowing to be pushed around YC's field of view by touching it.

Quest Box: The Beginning
1st:Learn of D-Game and its rules
2nd:Run 10 km
3rd: Do Push-ups 100
4th: Do Sit-ups 200
Time: 23:59:58
Reward: Unlock Shop, Free Dares
Failure: Feminization, 3 attribute points in all physical attributes, repetition of the quest

Inspiration: This is essentially Solo leveling with more lewd quests.

tags: Fantasy, Adventuring, Monstersex, Tentaclesex,Sex with insects, Pregnancy,Non-con,dub-con,blackmail, Power fantasy, Superpowers
optional tags: slavery,impractical/fantastical/slutty/lewd outfits, exhibitionism, public nudity

Story: YC found an interactive CYOA online and decided to build a character to fap to it. Just when YC is done he dies of a sudden heart attack. An arrogant goddess of fate however laughs at his misfortune and in a cruel twist of fate she reincarnates him as his joke character!
Now YC decided to make his character such unsavory things as a trouble- or a monster magnet, hyper fertile or easily captured, maybe even a slave or of a race that is easily enslaved and treated as mere sex toys. But on the bright side of things, <she> also had plenty points to put into boons and magic and power! Surely with all that, she can work her way up in this new world and eventually get revenge on that goddess? At least if she doesn't end up caught in the next goblin cave as a broodmother... Or maybe it is only after experiencing every single humiliation in this new world, that she can manage to get her revenge? Who could tell? Its your story after all!

Inspiration: There are a few manga with this theme, including one which is nearly identical in name to this story, but the main inspiration comes from CYOAs. If you are interested in this, feel free to suggest a one you like to me as the basis for our story.
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Giving this a poke, currently mostly interested in the "Feminization is a game" Story seed!
Giving this a poke, currently mostly interested in the "Feminization is a game" Story seed!
Giving this a poke, currently mostly interested in the "Feminization is a game" Story seed!
Giving this a poke, currently mostly interested in the "Feminization is a game" Story seed!
After a long time, giving this a new poke! Currently especially craving someone to play <reincarnated as your joke character>!
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