- Joined
- Aug 4, 2023
All her movements were slow and careful as she grabbed a small booklet, pocketed her smartphone and opened her door. It was dark and way past midnight, surely her parents were deep asleep by now but it was always better to stay cautious, her mother was a light sleeper after all. Her fingertips softly moved over the hand railing as she headed downstairs. Eight steps down, three steps to cross the landing, another eight steps and two to cross the hallways to get to the basement stairs. Every step Luna took felt a little lighter, she needed those moments in which she sneaked out to escape the world just for a little bit. She loved her family and their relationship was mostly alright, sure they had their ups and downs but in the end they were family, it didn't stop the suffocating feeling she sometimes felt.
Now she took her phone out, down here she didn't need to worry about anyone upstairs seeing the faint light, she grabbed her sneakers from the front door and headed to the basement. The Front door was a heavy one, it slightly squealed when opened and was right below her parents bedroom. She had never tried sneaking out through there and she would not try today either. With her sneakers and notebook in one hand and her phone to give off faint light in the other she headed down into the basement. Through her socks she felt the cold stone under her feet and wiggled her toes slightly. A smile creeped up her face as she silently passed the basement door, she had to open it slowly else it would creak and her phone went back into the standby modus.
Not that she needed the light, she knew every step down here as well, after all it was the house she grew up in.
Sometimes however, someone just left something laying in the basement, not caring to keep it tidy and it had caused her one too many scares as she kicked something into the darkness and made a loud noise. Each time she had waited with bated breath, waiting to hear someone awakening upstairs but each time it has been fine, now she just used the light of her phone display. If she was caught even once, she could forget about sneaking out ever again, a risk she was not willing to take, she needed this to breathe.
One more door and she was outside, she tugged on the collar of her T-Shirt, it was slightly uncomfortable, too tight for her liking. Not wanting today's evening to be ruined by that, she looked around and found a pair of gardening scissors and swithly cut into the shirt. It was a small cut and If she was careful enough it would not rip open further but it felt less stuffy already. Carefully she ripped it just a little bit further and took a deep breath and nodded satisfied when it didn't bother her at all anymore.
She grabbed a black and red chequered blanket she had hid down here weeks ago and left through the basement door. The moment she opened it a soft cool breeze played with her long hair.
A single step outside and she already felt like she had wings sprouting on her back, for now however she had to make sure to not be too loud. The half crescent moon gave enough light in this cloudless autumn night that she did not need her phone and taking two steps at once she jumped up the few basement stairs.
Staying close to the brickworks of the house to avoid being seen through a window upstairs she walked around the building. Once even the last strand of her blond hair had passed the garage she felt a comforting shiver. It was a bit cool but for her it was a bliss, she enjoyed the feeling of cool air on her skin. There was no more risk of being caught by being seen from the house, thick, tall trees and hedges would cover her until she was far enough away until no one would be able to tell it was her from the distance.
Her excitement of having the freedom of the world and the peace and quiet of the night needed some sort of release, she felt brimming with energy, something that rarely happens during the day when she is surrounded by people. Her feet picked up the pace and soon she started to run, the booklet to scribble on wrapped in the blanket and a hand on her wireless headphones around her neck she ran as fast as she could. Luna was not particularly fit so she quickly could feel the sting on her side that the sudden sprint caused in her and she slowed down.
If anyone were to see her now they would be stunned by her smile, a genuine big smile that couldn't be wider if she wanted it to be. It didn't stop while she was catching her breath, her chest heaved heavily and her face was flushed red and a slight giggle escaped her lips.
She was a bit shy to admit it but all of this even gave her a faint sense of arousal. Doing something forbidden, feeling this intense sense of freedom, the cool sensation of the wind on her skin and the adrenaline in her blood just made her head spin in a fun way.
Two weeks ago she had escaped just like this and upon return when she was changing her clothes a slight wet feeling had made her look into her pants to see if it was that time of the month but with a surprised “Oh” she had seen it wasn't.
Slowly she investigated herself, gliding her hand down her belly. Her legs had almost given up on her after a few shy touches. The sudden intense feeling had caught her off guard and it had almost felt like an electric shock had surged through her; overwhelmed she let herself fall onto her bed.
That night she had buried her face deep into her pillow to suppress the shy moans escaping her lips and clasp into it for support. Quickly however it felt like it was too much and she had stopped, staring into the darkness she had tried to calm her breathing and get used to the new sensations she just had felt. Luna had tried to masturbate before but it just had not felt right at that moment and it was not in the slightest like this.
Maybe once she returned tonight she would try it again, see how far she could go. She shook the thoughts off feeling a little awkward. Free as she felt, she didn't want to hide her emotions, for a moment she covered her eyes shyly and giggled. Luna could not help it, when she was with others she suppressed it but she giggled and laughed a lot when she felt secure or very insecure for that matter. Almost dancing she twirled around once and shifted her headphones over her ears, then she fiddled her phone out of her pocket and turned her music to full blast. Her head happily bobbing from left to right in tune with the beat, she entered a field path, not even big enough for two cars to pass each other comfortably. Both cars would have to drive on the grass on each side of the road to pass each, not that it happened often anyway, only the farmer might live somewhere in this direction. As she slowly left civilization behind her as much as she could in a fifteen minute walk her ice blue eyes looked over the fields. The tall corn stalks waved in the breeze and their fuzzy heads seemed as if they were waving and greeting an old friend. What a childish thought she mused but it made her smile regardless why not let her imagination run wild? It was just her here so there was no need to pretend to be something she simply wasn't. It always took her some time to completely let go and feel like herself, it felt like a tug of war before she was able to relax. A sight escaped her lips and she wondered if others felt like this too or if she was just being an edgy teen by feeling so alone and trapped when she was around others.
Eventually she arrived at her destination, her finger brushing over the last tips of wheat, she very much enjoyed the rough texture of it, for some reason she always had to touch something and feel the texture of things. Something she enjoyed a lot was the feeling of dry leaves crumbling between her fingertips, it was something she could barely resist when she saw dry leafs on hedges. A wide field opened up before her, nothing but grass was growing here, she had been here every time she had left at night.
Glancing at her phone display revealed that it was 1:12 am, about three hours before she had to return and head back to grab a nap before her mother would wake her up for school.
It was only Tuesday and she was already annoyed enough with school that she had to escape at night. School was going well all things considered, her grades were in the upper half of the spectrum and people generally left her alone, sure she got bullied here and there but it did not bother her. It happened to everyone and everywhere and was overall rather tame, some nasty words thrown in her direction paired with mean looks. Not that she understood why people felt the need to do something like this but she had enough self confidence that she would simply smile or ignore them.
Roughly in the middle of the field she spread out the blanket and laid down for a while and looked into the sky. A few thin clouds had crawled in front of the stars and made them twinkle even more, truly a sight she could not get enough off. Did her parents know to name her Luna because they knew she would not be able to get enough of the Moon and the night sky? Perhaps it was the other way around, the name had influenced her into linking it so much.
Luna understood that she was a bit of an odd one, she was not up for the weird herd mentality in school, just because others liked or disliked something did not mean she had to as well. She wouldn't just do something to fit in, nor did she bother carefully crafting relationships that eventually would form into friendships just to take a glance behind the mask people had put on. Most of the time she was disappointed in what she found. Sure she also did not show her true self but it was mainly containing herself instead of putting on a mask. Also the only reason she did it in the first place was because people had reacted badly to her openness, she had no reason to hide anything, if someone didn't like her for who she was and left quickly, even better for her. After being lost in thought for a while she sat up and started scribbling away mindlessly in her notebook. Being motionless was something she was not good at, it just felt more comfortable if her hands or legs kept moving.
Quietly whispering the lyrics to her music she drew odd shapes and forms. The lights of a car came out of the direction she had come from and she looked back for a moment to watch it vanish behind a corn field. It was neither her mother nor her fathers car so she paid it no mind, it was a slight fear she never could get rid of, if someone discovered she wasn't in her bed then her mother would turn mad in worry. She truly was loved by her but it felt smothering at times, if she would find her bed empty she would immediately call the police and scream at her for hours once she returns unharmed.
A strand of blond hair had freed itself and she pushed it back behind her headphones. A new Linkin park song started to play, a band she would have never found on her own, but her older brother had listened to them a lot when he was younger and somehow the songs grew on her.
Her headphones were good and expensive, in fact so good that she had not a clue that someone was behind her. Just as she let go of the pen to stretch her back an arm reached in front of her and a big hand was placed on her mouth. Blue eyes widened and before she could react a sharp piercing pain was felt in her neck.
Her Head got pulled towards a strong chest and something was tossed on the blanket in front of her. A needle? She had problems processing what was happening, it took her a couple of heartbeats to realise that she should fight back. She was being *attacked* In wild attempts to break free she twisted and turned, trying to push him over by digging her heels into the ground and using her leg strength to make him fall. Anything to break free! His other hand grabbed her hands and simply waited, what was he waiting for? The burning sensation in her neck grew stronger and her wild heart beat seemed to be even louder than her music.
Suddenly she lost the strength in her legs and her eyes filled with tears, things like this only happened in the news or bad movies! His hold on her hands hurt but even that pain quickly washed away and she could feel her own head only being held up by the brutal hand over her mouth. The terror of the situation barely had the chance to manifest into her before even her conscious thoughts got washed away and she lost all ability to move her body, even her eyelids refused to stay open.
The last thing she felt was a floating sensation before even that escaped her.
An intense pain in her head awoke her and her mouth felt dry. She pulled her legs up and held her head and whimpered slightly, frantically she tried to remember how she got to bed. With her eyes pinched shut she tried to force her memory to work but she never had gone to bed, she had been outside and then… Terrified she sat up, a hand on her neck and she forced her eyes open despite the brightness in the room.
Immediately she regretted getting up this fast, her stomach twisted and turned and she battled down the urge to vomit. Teary eyed she looked around and once she saw the bathroom she rushed to it. Holding her hair back she vomited into the toilet, there was not much left in her stomach, even before sneaking out it had been hours after her last meal. Once she was sure that her revolting stomach was done she made her way to the sink on shaking legs. Luna rinsed her mouth a couple of times before taking long big gulps of water. Slowly her legs became more steady and her hands stopped shaking as well, she looked up at the mirror and was shocked. She looked like she hadn't slept in days, whatever the drug was that she had been shot up with, had left its toll on her. Her hair was a mess and the place where she had felt the needle enter was red and slightly swollen. The T-shirt had ripped open even further and barely hid her blue bra and she could not see her sneakers in the room, even the pockets of her tight blue jeans had been completely emptied, not even the random trash that was occasionally found in them was left.
Panic crept into her stomach and she gathered her slow thoughts, she had no sense of where she was or how much time had passed. There were no windows and everything else she saw creeped her out, so much even that she was not able to look at them. Slowly to not strain her throbbing head too much she walked towards the only door in the room. The walls were smooth and painted in an eggshell white colour, she placed a hand on it to support herself not trusting her legs fully. Was she in a basement of sorts? She could not hear outside noises and the wall felt cool to the touch despite the room being warm. Taking deep calming breaths she fought down the panic, there was no way she would get out of here if panic overcame her. The first thing she noticed was the high tech fingerprint lock and her hopes dropped and as she tried the door handle it didn't even budge at all, it simply refused to move.
In a desperate attempt she pressed her finger on the scanner, maybe it would let her out? The display lit up but only taunted her with “Error”, tears started welling up in her eyes and she clenched her fists to try to stay calm. Backing away from the door as much as she could, she slid down with her back against the wall. Why was this happening to her? Why would anyone do this? Glancing over the sparse furniture of the room she could tell *what* the room was made for.
Luna pulled her legs close to her chest, buried her face between her knees and wrapped her arms around her legs. This room terrified her, the bathroom had no door at all and its walls were made of glass, only opaque half walls covering the toilet. Barely enough to not exactly see what was happening there but her feet would be seen and as soon as she stood her head would poke over the opaque glass. The shower did not even have the luxury of that. Whoever took a shower in there would be seen, with a little luck the steam would cover the glass but somehow she knew that would not be the case, whoever had enough money to have fingerprint locks on doors would probably have found a solution against that problem as well.
A sob escaped her lips. Even more terrifying was the bed she had woken up on, three of its sides were made of glass and it looked like it had escaped out of a bad porn movie. It was made out of bleck sturdy metal and the tall beams were full of holes.
She didnt want to see those things and have her own wild imagination torture her with what might happen to her.
Not looking at the room helped for a while however not before too long she was crying her eyes out. Never before had she felt this scared and she didn't know how to handle this intense emotion, she just wanted to lift her head, be home and cling onto her father like a helpless child. She gritted her teeth while crying, she wasn't one to easily give up but that didn't change the fact that she was scared for now there was nothing else she could do but wait and see what her future would bring. Also she would need every bit of strength if she wanted to try to escape so she refrained from pointlessly banging on the door.
Now she took her phone out, down here she didn't need to worry about anyone upstairs seeing the faint light, she grabbed her sneakers from the front door and headed to the basement. The Front door was a heavy one, it slightly squealed when opened and was right below her parents bedroom. She had never tried sneaking out through there and she would not try today either. With her sneakers and notebook in one hand and her phone to give off faint light in the other she headed down into the basement. Through her socks she felt the cold stone under her feet and wiggled her toes slightly. A smile creeped up her face as she silently passed the basement door, she had to open it slowly else it would creak and her phone went back into the standby modus.
Not that she needed the light, she knew every step down here as well, after all it was the house she grew up in.
Sometimes however, someone just left something laying in the basement, not caring to keep it tidy and it had caused her one too many scares as she kicked something into the darkness and made a loud noise. Each time she had waited with bated breath, waiting to hear someone awakening upstairs but each time it has been fine, now she just used the light of her phone display. If she was caught even once, she could forget about sneaking out ever again, a risk she was not willing to take, she needed this to breathe.
One more door and she was outside, she tugged on the collar of her T-Shirt, it was slightly uncomfortable, too tight for her liking. Not wanting today's evening to be ruined by that, she looked around and found a pair of gardening scissors and swithly cut into the shirt. It was a small cut and If she was careful enough it would not rip open further but it felt less stuffy already. Carefully she ripped it just a little bit further and took a deep breath and nodded satisfied when it didn't bother her at all anymore.
She grabbed a black and red chequered blanket she had hid down here weeks ago and left through the basement door. The moment she opened it a soft cool breeze played with her long hair.
A single step outside and she already felt like she had wings sprouting on her back, for now however she had to make sure to not be too loud. The half crescent moon gave enough light in this cloudless autumn night that she did not need her phone and taking two steps at once she jumped up the few basement stairs.
Staying close to the brickworks of the house to avoid being seen through a window upstairs she walked around the building. Once even the last strand of her blond hair had passed the garage she felt a comforting shiver. It was a bit cool but for her it was a bliss, she enjoyed the feeling of cool air on her skin. There was no more risk of being caught by being seen from the house, thick, tall trees and hedges would cover her until she was far enough away until no one would be able to tell it was her from the distance.
Her excitement of having the freedom of the world and the peace and quiet of the night needed some sort of release, she felt brimming with energy, something that rarely happens during the day when she is surrounded by people. Her feet picked up the pace and soon she started to run, the booklet to scribble on wrapped in the blanket and a hand on her wireless headphones around her neck she ran as fast as she could. Luna was not particularly fit so she quickly could feel the sting on her side that the sudden sprint caused in her and she slowed down.
If anyone were to see her now they would be stunned by her smile, a genuine big smile that couldn't be wider if she wanted it to be. It didn't stop while she was catching her breath, her chest heaved heavily and her face was flushed red and a slight giggle escaped her lips.
She was a bit shy to admit it but all of this even gave her a faint sense of arousal. Doing something forbidden, feeling this intense sense of freedom, the cool sensation of the wind on her skin and the adrenaline in her blood just made her head spin in a fun way.
Two weeks ago she had escaped just like this and upon return when she was changing her clothes a slight wet feeling had made her look into her pants to see if it was that time of the month but with a surprised “Oh” she had seen it wasn't.
Slowly she investigated herself, gliding her hand down her belly. Her legs had almost given up on her after a few shy touches. The sudden intense feeling had caught her off guard and it had almost felt like an electric shock had surged through her; overwhelmed she let herself fall onto her bed.
That night she had buried her face deep into her pillow to suppress the shy moans escaping her lips and clasp into it for support. Quickly however it felt like it was too much and she had stopped, staring into the darkness she had tried to calm her breathing and get used to the new sensations she just had felt. Luna had tried to masturbate before but it just had not felt right at that moment and it was not in the slightest like this.
Maybe once she returned tonight she would try it again, see how far she could go. She shook the thoughts off feeling a little awkward. Free as she felt, she didn't want to hide her emotions, for a moment she covered her eyes shyly and giggled. Luna could not help it, when she was with others she suppressed it but she giggled and laughed a lot when she felt secure or very insecure for that matter. Almost dancing she twirled around once and shifted her headphones over her ears, then she fiddled her phone out of her pocket and turned her music to full blast. Her head happily bobbing from left to right in tune with the beat, she entered a field path, not even big enough for two cars to pass each other comfortably. Both cars would have to drive on the grass on each side of the road to pass each, not that it happened often anyway, only the farmer might live somewhere in this direction. As she slowly left civilization behind her as much as she could in a fifteen minute walk her ice blue eyes looked over the fields. The tall corn stalks waved in the breeze and their fuzzy heads seemed as if they were waving and greeting an old friend. What a childish thought she mused but it made her smile regardless why not let her imagination run wild? It was just her here so there was no need to pretend to be something she simply wasn't. It always took her some time to completely let go and feel like herself, it felt like a tug of war before she was able to relax. A sight escaped her lips and she wondered if others felt like this too or if she was just being an edgy teen by feeling so alone and trapped when she was around others.
Eventually she arrived at her destination, her finger brushing over the last tips of wheat, she very much enjoyed the rough texture of it, for some reason she always had to touch something and feel the texture of things. Something she enjoyed a lot was the feeling of dry leaves crumbling between her fingertips, it was something she could barely resist when she saw dry leafs on hedges. A wide field opened up before her, nothing but grass was growing here, she had been here every time she had left at night.
Glancing at her phone display revealed that it was 1:12 am, about three hours before she had to return and head back to grab a nap before her mother would wake her up for school.
It was only Tuesday and she was already annoyed enough with school that she had to escape at night. School was going well all things considered, her grades were in the upper half of the spectrum and people generally left her alone, sure she got bullied here and there but it did not bother her. It happened to everyone and everywhere and was overall rather tame, some nasty words thrown in her direction paired with mean looks. Not that she understood why people felt the need to do something like this but she had enough self confidence that she would simply smile or ignore them.
Roughly in the middle of the field she spread out the blanket and laid down for a while and looked into the sky. A few thin clouds had crawled in front of the stars and made them twinkle even more, truly a sight she could not get enough off. Did her parents know to name her Luna because they knew she would not be able to get enough of the Moon and the night sky? Perhaps it was the other way around, the name had influenced her into linking it so much.
Luna understood that she was a bit of an odd one, she was not up for the weird herd mentality in school, just because others liked or disliked something did not mean she had to as well. She wouldn't just do something to fit in, nor did she bother carefully crafting relationships that eventually would form into friendships just to take a glance behind the mask people had put on. Most of the time she was disappointed in what she found. Sure she also did not show her true self but it was mainly containing herself instead of putting on a mask. Also the only reason she did it in the first place was because people had reacted badly to her openness, she had no reason to hide anything, if someone didn't like her for who she was and left quickly, even better for her. After being lost in thought for a while she sat up and started scribbling away mindlessly in her notebook. Being motionless was something she was not good at, it just felt more comfortable if her hands or legs kept moving.
Quietly whispering the lyrics to her music she drew odd shapes and forms. The lights of a car came out of the direction she had come from and she looked back for a moment to watch it vanish behind a corn field. It was neither her mother nor her fathers car so she paid it no mind, it was a slight fear she never could get rid of, if someone discovered she wasn't in her bed then her mother would turn mad in worry. She truly was loved by her but it felt smothering at times, if she would find her bed empty she would immediately call the police and scream at her for hours once she returns unharmed.
A strand of blond hair had freed itself and she pushed it back behind her headphones. A new Linkin park song started to play, a band she would have never found on her own, but her older brother had listened to them a lot when he was younger and somehow the songs grew on her.
Her headphones were good and expensive, in fact so good that she had not a clue that someone was behind her. Just as she let go of the pen to stretch her back an arm reached in front of her and a big hand was placed on her mouth. Blue eyes widened and before she could react a sharp piercing pain was felt in her neck.
Her Head got pulled towards a strong chest and something was tossed on the blanket in front of her. A needle? She had problems processing what was happening, it took her a couple of heartbeats to realise that she should fight back. She was being *attacked* In wild attempts to break free she twisted and turned, trying to push him over by digging her heels into the ground and using her leg strength to make him fall. Anything to break free! His other hand grabbed her hands and simply waited, what was he waiting for? The burning sensation in her neck grew stronger and her wild heart beat seemed to be even louder than her music.
Suddenly she lost the strength in her legs and her eyes filled with tears, things like this only happened in the news or bad movies! His hold on her hands hurt but even that pain quickly washed away and she could feel her own head only being held up by the brutal hand over her mouth. The terror of the situation barely had the chance to manifest into her before even her conscious thoughts got washed away and she lost all ability to move her body, even her eyelids refused to stay open.
The last thing she felt was a floating sensation before even that escaped her.
An intense pain in her head awoke her and her mouth felt dry. She pulled her legs up and held her head and whimpered slightly, frantically she tried to remember how she got to bed. With her eyes pinched shut she tried to force her memory to work but she never had gone to bed, she had been outside and then… Terrified she sat up, a hand on her neck and she forced her eyes open despite the brightness in the room.
Immediately she regretted getting up this fast, her stomach twisted and turned and she battled down the urge to vomit. Teary eyed she looked around and once she saw the bathroom she rushed to it. Holding her hair back she vomited into the toilet, there was not much left in her stomach, even before sneaking out it had been hours after her last meal. Once she was sure that her revolting stomach was done she made her way to the sink on shaking legs. Luna rinsed her mouth a couple of times before taking long big gulps of water. Slowly her legs became more steady and her hands stopped shaking as well, she looked up at the mirror and was shocked. She looked like she hadn't slept in days, whatever the drug was that she had been shot up with, had left its toll on her. Her hair was a mess and the place where she had felt the needle enter was red and slightly swollen. The T-shirt had ripped open even further and barely hid her blue bra and she could not see her sneakers in the room, even the pockets of her tight blue jeans had been completely emptied, not even the random trash that was occasionally found in them was left.
Panic crept into her stomach and she gathered her slow thoughts, she had no sense of where she was or how much time had passed. There were no windows and everything else she saw creeped her out, so much even that she was not able to look at them. Slowly to not strain her throbbing head too much she walked towards the only door in the room. The walls were smooth and painted in an eggshell white colour, she placed a hand on it to support herself not trusting her legs fully. Was she in a basement of sorts? She could not hear outside noises and the wall felt cool to the touch despite the room being warm. Taking deep calming breaths she fought down the panic, there was no way she would get out of here if panic overcame her. The first thing she noticed was the high tech fingerprint lock and her hopes dropped and as she tried the door handle it didn't even budge at all, it simply refused to move.
In a desperate attempt she pressed her finger on the scanner, maybe it would let her out? The display lit up but only taunted her with “Error”, tears started welling up in her eyes and she clenched her fists to try to stay calm. Backing away from the door as much as she could, she slid down with her back against the wall. Why was this happening to her? Why would anyone do this? Glancing over the sparse furniture of the room she could tell *what* the room was made for.
Luna pulled her legs close to her chest, buried her face between her knees and wrapped her arms around her legs. This room terrified her, the bathroom had no door at all and its walls were made of glass, only opaque half walls covering the toilet. Barely enough to not exactly see what was happening there but her feet would be seen and as soon as she stood her head would poke over the opaque glass. The shower did not even have the luxury of that. Whoever took a shower in there would be seen, with a little luck the steam would cover the glass but somehow she knew that would not be the case, whoever had enough money to have fingerprint locks on doors would probably have found a solution against that problem as well.
A sob escaped her lips. Even more terrifying was the bed she had woken up on, three of its sides were made of glass and it looked like it had escaped out of a bad porn movie. It was made out of bleck sturdy metal and the tall beams were full of holes.
She didnt want to see those things and have her own wild imagination torture her with what might happen to her.
Not looking at the room helped for a while however not before too long she was crying her eyes out. Never before had she felt this scared and she didn't know how to handle this intense emotion, she just wanted to lift her head, be home and cling onto her father like a helpless child. She gritted her teeth while crying, she wasn't one to easily give up but that didn't change the fact that she was scared for now there was nothing else she could do but wait and see what her future would bring. Also she would need every bit of strength if she wanted to try to escape so she refrained from pointlessly banging on the door.