Mx Female Seeking the Dark and Depraved


Jun 25, 2019


I am looking to explore dark and depraved taboo roleplays. The darker and more depraved the better. My intention is to explore the twisted limits of human creativity, in of course a safe, non-judgemental and consensual environment. I do not condone or approve that these things should happen in real life. With that being said…I understand that this request thread is not for everyone. But that's alright. But I do hope I can find a willing partner to participate, that we might have the common grounds on which to build a truly fun roleplay.

Elements and themes that I most enjoy exploring in a roleplay:

Non-Consent: One of the main things I enjoy having in my role-plays is having an element of forced submission such as rape, coercion or blackmail. Or all three. It tends to dominate the central themes of my scenarios and ideas.

Violence/Sexual Violence: Not into violence for violence sake, though certain scenario would make sense for it. But for reference I am comfortable going as far as violence that results in death and potential gore if a scene calls for it. Though in a general sense, not necessarily getting into overly detailed descriptions of blood and guts.

Degradation/Humiliation: Part of the domination and submission aspect of a power play, usually involving scenes that demean a victim and treat them like nothing more than property or a sex object.

Incest: One of my favourite pairings is mom and son, particularly when combined with some form of non-con. Brother and sister or aunt and nephew are other scenes that also work. Not so much into daddy/daughter, but I can be into it depending on what sort of scenario it is.

Bad Ends: I enjoy roleplays that delve into the misfortunes and unfortunate consequences of the heroine protagonist. While not necessarily having to end in death, I certainly do not look for happy endings where the good guys win.


As for story versus smut, I have no preference for one more than the other. To me it's the exploration of ideas and narrative elements that I look for. I like to write and roleplaying is a form of practice for me. I would work with whoever my partner is to achieve what they want out of the role-play. I am open to all sorts of scenarios and settings. Realistic or unrealistic. Long or short form role-plays. That being said, sometimes it is nice to just indulge in some fantasy smut without worrying about the need to edit the quality of a roleplay. But I do understand that a good story can help with keeping up motivation and prevent a scenario from becoming tediously repetitive.

My main preferred method of role-play is Discord.

I don't quite have a specific requirement for post length, as the long and short of a post can depend greatly on how a scene is playing out. But having a few decent sized paragraph with the necessary details and elements to allow us to play off each other and maintain a good momentum for a role-play is good. I understand lulls in creativity can happen, but that is why good OOC communications is a wonderful thing to have.

I like to keep things fun and chill. My goal is to enjoy building a scenario with someone while indulging in dark and twisted taboo role-pay fun. I'll be honest in saying that I don't tend to favour the softer side of stuff, so the more messed up the better. But like I said, it's not for everyone and I understand and respect people's limits and comfort zone.


Here are some basic scenarios ideas that I enjoy or currently holds my interest. Some might be a bit more developed than others:

Undercover Cop
A young rookies who is tasked with going undercover to infiltrate an underground criminal sex trafficking ring. Only to become a victim herself when the black market organisation discovers her true identity. Perhaps she was set up from the very start by powerful and corrupt figures. Even high ranking officials in the police department could be in on the whole sex trafficking syndicate.

Heroines and Villains
A supervillain who specialises in taking down prideful heroines. A dark take on a serial killer/rapist type villain who either stalks his target, capturing them then raping and abusing them before moving on to the next. Or a mercenary type who gets paid by the criminals and nemesis of the heroines.

Small Town Monsters
A Sunnydale-esque town where monsters and demons are real and the lovely young women that run afoul of them.

Haunted Mansion
A group of young intrepid paranormal investigators goes to a haunted mansion to investigate. They end up trapped in a nightmarish maze of a mansion that shifts and alters the interior rooms and hallways. Each falling victim one by one to different horrors manifested by the evil mansion as they attempt to find a way to escape. Could be played as a vignette of different bad ends each victim comes across in different rooms.

Dreams & Nightmares
If you're familiar with the Nightmare of Elm Street films, I recently found myself interested in a similar premise where an evil entity invades the dreams of people to inflict horrors and abuses. Bad ends can depend on your limit with things, but definitely looking for a roleplay that indulges in the more twisted and deviant nature of taboo. Also since things are happening in a dream world, there is also the possibility to stretch the limits of realism.

But I'm also cool if we want to just play out our own version of the film, adjusting details as needed for what we are interested in indulging.​
For those who do enjoy it, no specific scenario, but more the setting/characters in which I wouldn't mind exploring in a dark roleplay:

- Resident Evil
- Mortal Kombat
- Tomb Raider
- Marvel/DC (limited)

We don't have to strictly keep to the ideas listed above. They serve more as a guideline to help give an idea of the sort of scenarios I am interested in. Happy to discuss to find one that fits our interests and cravings.

In general, I look for roleplay scenarios that can push boundaries of non-con and sexual abuse/violence and involve very bad ends. As a fair warning, this is definitely not for those easily squeamish about such things. This is fantasy after all, and I am interested in exploring how dark and depraved a fantasy can get without having the fear of judgment or shame. I know it's not everyone's cup of tea, and so I will respect your limits, even as I do prefer to be able to find someone willing to indulge in extreme content within our boundaries.


I hope that there will be something in my request thread that interests you. And I do want to stress that all this is simply fantasy and should not cross the lines of reality. Roleplay writing for me is purely a realm of escapism and a way to indulge in the free and non-judgemental exploration of fantasy.

I greatly welcome open discussion and sharing ideas. Send me a PM and let us chat and find out if we compliment each other in roleplaying. Or if you just have any questions. Look forward to hopefully finding some good roleplay partners.

Look forward to your responses.

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