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𝔇𝔞𝔫𝔰𝔢 𝔐𝔞𝔠𝔞𝔟𝔯𝔢
Staff member
Jan 8, 2020

The sun faded behind an ashfall as night slowly crept along the city. Fingers of shadows stretched their way along the roofs and city streets below and not far behind came the mist. The high walls of Luthadel offered protection from rebels, raiders and the like, but not even the monolithic walls could keep the mist out. Few ventured into the mists and most Skaa would avoid leaving their homes to travel through the mist. Even in the city where mist wraiths were not common.. It held true. Some guards patrolled for the good of the city.. But most knew that the mists were the domain of the mistborn.

Mistborn were a gift from the Lord Ruler. Made to protect the cities from creatures in the mists. To control the nobles. Not much was known about mistborn and very few really knew of their existence. They came after the Steel Ministry, a failed experiment of the Lord Ruler. Odd that a god could fail.. And yet he did. He failed and made mistakes, almost as if he was mortal. Not that anyone was brave enough to mention such things openly. To do so was a good way to lose your head.

So the mists were feared by all and yet a young woman by the name of Melione sat on a balcony as night truly claimed the city with a handful of flickering candles creating a bubble of light within the darkness. The mists toyed with the flames, making them sputter and spark. Around her, they swirled, as if they were alive. The mists were beautiful to her and they were the only time in which she felt truly free. The daughter of a Lord, one might have thought that Melione’s life would have been a charmed one. Yet, she lived almost the life of a Skaa. Less than, for most Skaa were allowed to leave, visit other places. Melione never left the small fortress that sat on one of the dominating hills.

There were whispers of her among the other high houses. Of the daughter of Lord Revenwood. A pale beauty, too frail to attend the parties.. To leave the house. Little to nothing was really known and much that was known was false.. Had they known, they might have been appalled. Yet, this was all Melione knew. For the most part Melione was happy. Without knowing what was kept from her, why wouldn’t she be? Her favorite time though was when the mist came.


Humming softly Melione brushed a stray lock from her hair as she sketched in the small journal that rested along her thighs. Her blue eyes danced with the life of the flame as she looked up, watching the mists for a moment. Sometimes, she could swear she saw creatures taking form in them and yet when she focused the vanished on a current of wind, fading back to whence it came.

No one knew of these little moments that she stole for herself. The golden bubble of light tucked behind the keep and kept from view. Her small form curled into a ball tucked into a corner of the balcony as she read, sang and sketched. Where she finally found sleep in the chilly air, kissed by droplets of mist. There was no comfort to the small little sanctuary that she made. No blankets, cushions or otherwise.

Shifting she laid her sketchbook aside and yawned, one small hand rising to cover her mouth. Her eyes felt heavy. Weighted down with the desire to sleep and yet she fought it. Not ready for sleep. Her hands fell into her lap, nails picking at little thin strips of skin. The pain was sharp, bright and faded into a sweet ache as she pressed her finger to the wound. The salt setting it stinging. It helped keep her awake as she watched the mists. Somewhere high above the stars shined down on her and though she looked for them, she couldn’t see them. No one could. She had heard tell of them, but it was a fanciful story.

Her lashes drifted closed for a moment and she curled into a ball, shivering against the cold. She was always cold.. It didn’t matter if she was here or in her room. Why not sleep where she felt safe. Cared for? Silly.. To feel safe when so many avoided them. The mists. She liked it though, feeling little beads of water kiss her cheeks. Lifting a hand, she slipped it past the barrier of light that her candles made, swirling her small, delicate fingers in the mists.

The Lord Ruler, their great God and creator, was dead.

It was the world's biggest secret. Now decades past, the Lord Ruler had known his end was coming. After a thousand year wait, he took up the power of the Well of Ascension and sculpted the world once more. The sun was further away, the ashmounts less active. All of those great mistakes he had made before were rectified. At least, they were improved. Just as when he had taken the power of the Well the first time, Rashek could not comprehend the scale of things in that brief moment. Improved, not mended. Most importantly, he had seen the impending death.

A thousand years was simply impossible to maintain. So, the Mistborn had been made. There had been mistborn before the death, an event so pivotal and yet so secret it had no imposing name. They were diluted, weak. The Mistborn were the apex. Preservation's power condensed into a superior vessel. In the absence of their creator, the Mistborn had been left in control.

Just as the skaa outnumbered the nobles, the Mistborn were few in number. Most cities could boast a single Mistborn protector. Some a pair. Luthadel was unique. Luthadel was protected by a trio. However, Mistborn was all that they were known as. They were not God. They were simply his hand, his finger tips, guiding the world as it grew under his improvements, if only slightly. They kept the mists at bay, destroyed the creatures that would take souls in the night. All they asked for was that any Mistborn, a true Mistborn, be surrendered to them.

The truth was more simple. The Mistborn kept the nobles in line. They snuffed out troublemakers and made sure that allomancy was not allowed to spread to the skaa. They did their duty and took their payment, the one thing the Lord Ruler had given them to truly want. The Mistborn that appeared among the population were two things. One, each was born female. Two, they were bound to Mistborn by desire, instinct. The two were like magnets.

Luthadel had not seen a female Mistborn for many years.


Rumors were useless. They were made up to buy real information, to weaken opponents, to turn the Mistborn into would-be assassins. No, Reverence only worked on fact. And the fact was that he had caught a scent in the markets.

Reverence, as well as Dominance and Perseverance, always burned Tin. Their faces were not something that everyone knew, but enough had a general idea. It made the possibility of an attack far too high to let their senses be as dull as a human. Normally, it was his hearing that mattered. Today, it was his nose.

A woman brushed past him as he crossed a street. Annoying but nothing he would take action over. She would fade from his memory before he left this street. Then, it hit him.

The scent was a brick wall, making those walking behind him ram into his back. He burned Pewter out of instinct as they nearly toppled him. He could care less. All he could smell was sweetness. Not cloying, but subtle and natural. Like someone had added a drop of honey to a bouquet of flowers. If it had stopped there, he might have ignored it. The scent went deeper. It curled around his heart, squeezed his lungs, made his blood pound in his veins. It was a Mistborn.

When he turned, flaring Pewter as he threw the crowd to the side, the woman was already gone. It had not been her scent anyway. If it was her, Reverence could have tracked her with ease. He could not tell the others, risk them tearing the city apart to find her. Reverence was on the hunt.

That was how he had ended up out so late into the night. Not that it was strange. Mistborn were more Preservation than any other allomancer. The mist was like their own flesh and blood, a welcome companion. He had needed the company. A dozen rooftops, a dozen dozen. Every where he had looked for that scent. But, this was the best time to hunt for her. She would be drawn to the mist just as much as they were.

The myriad tassels of Rev's cloak whipped in the wind as he moved from object to object, Steelpushing and Iron Ironpulling his way across the noble fortresses of Luthadel, as well as inside. It was when Rev considered giving up for the night, returning to the tower and confessing his findings to the others, that he realized something.

There was one fortress he never fully explored. One face was cut off, hidden away. Pushing and pulling would never get one there alone. There was only one way to look.

Reaching into his pouch, Rev let a single coin slip out. He Pushed it, sending it blasting to the earth below. Then, the moment it made contact, Rev was airborne, moving in great leaps and bounds with each coin he dropped. As he closed the distance with the building he had in mind, the Mistborn went over what he knew. A well behaved family, never drawing Mistborn attention, rarely lashing out at any others. The rumors, as unreliable as they were, said they had a daughter who never made appearances. There was simply no way it was this obvious.

So, Rev decided to make rumor into fact.


As Melione extended her fingers into the mist, into the cold night air, there was a sudden rush of air. In a blur of black tassels, shreds of cloth that draped over the rough shape of a man, the hand was met with something warm.

As the light managed to pierce the mist and the dark, Melione was greeted with the sight of a much larger hand wrapped around her own. It held her like she was made of glass. Attached to the hand was an arm, wrapped in the same black cloth. The cloak was tight around his shoulders, a high collar clipped to obscure most of the face. The hood was pull high and in the low light of the candle there was nothing visible, not even the eyes of this new person.

The head leaned forward, bowing over her hand like it was a religious relic. From inside the hood spilled rivers of black hair, tips dyed a brighter crimson. There was a small intact of air. The stranger was smelling her.

"It really is you. Mistborn, fated mate, ours... mine."

All at once, the grip on her wrist changed. It became tight and the emotion was clear even as the cloak obscured body language. The hand of the mysterious man raised her wrist and held her small injury up for Melione's own inspection.

"What have they been doing to you?"
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The mists moved in an urgent swirl. Some might have feared a beast on the other end. Melione didn’t. There was nothing in the mists.. At least not in the city. Nothing to fear from the silvery blanket that dappled the city in silence. That silence was comforting. In the wee hours of the night, the small amount of time that she stole was hers and hers alone. The candles sputtered and for a moment Melione thought she saw something. This wasn’t a first for her. She saw beasts, shapes in the mists.. Nothing more than her eyes playing a trick on her. Even that didn’t scare her. She wasn’t some superstitious Skaa.

Though when something warm and far too solid captured her hand, she gasped. No fear, even now; just surprise. The firelight illuminated the form of someone, a man as the mist were disturbed. The hand that held hers was infinitely gentle. As if its owner believed she’d break.. Shatter like so many drops and vanish into the mists herself. Curious. She’d heard of them.. The mistborn.. To see one was rare, at least as far as she knew. The head bowed over her head and Melione frowned some. She couldn’t make out any features of the man. Though as his head bent, a few strands of hair slipped from his hood. The deep black tipped in red.

She saw and heard his intake of breath. Her head canted to one side. Odd. While she knew of his kind, the details were not something she was familiar with. Her train of thought was interrupted as his hand tightened and she gasped again. He lifted her wrist and looked for something.
“Doing to me?” Confusion colored her soft voice. She should have pulled her hand back, shouldn’t she? But like the mists.. He didn’t scare her. A frown worried itself between her brows as she seemed to realize what he had said just seconds before.

Mistborn. Mate. Ours. Mine.

Shaking her head, the pale almost dull silvery locks shifted along her shoulder. Blue eyes wide.
“I am not.. Like you.” It wasn’t unsure, there was a very firm conviction behind her words. The mists seemed to caress along his form, a small window created between them. Behind him the endless darkness seemed to grow and only then did she tug at her wrist. Panic rising. In the mists, with her candles she was safe. It was a prison of light and water in the endless dark. It was safe. Darkness.. Was not.

Her fear was evident if he looked at her face. Where her eyes had once been a beautiful endless blue, they had been swallowed by the black of her pupil. Fear rising off her. Her scent changed with her fear. A clear sign that she was in distress. She didn't ask him to let her go, she struggled to escape his touch.. Or so it might seem. In truth she was trying to close the bubble once more. To hide within her light.

The scent of her, so close and powerful, was making his head spin. They had always been told what it would be like. Had been instructed from their birth, crafted from mist and the paranoia of a dying man. The Lord Ruler insisted they know the signs of the true Mistborn mates he had planted the seed for the in the genetics of the nobles. A scent that would overpower their senses at first, a need to protect, and a keen sense of their emotional state. These would be the first reactions to meeting their mate. There was... more, but Rev did not feel those needs. Not yet.

As he lifted his eyes from her hand, from the small injuries she had inflicted on herself, he tried to drink in her features. Under the shadows of his hood, his eyes were slightly glazed, her scent unlocking instinct that was overpowering his conscious mind. Her words were far away, but they still made it through the cloud. Not like him?

That alone was strange. She may not understand that she was a true Mistborn, but it would be obvious she was still the common type, rare as they were themselves. Had she never Snapped? All of it made little sense as he looked down at her. Then, he saw her eyes go wide, looking into the void behind him. This was a different kind of instinct.

Reverence flared his Tin, the candle becoming a massive beacon of light in the darkness of the night. He turned, at the same time reaching into his coin pouch, ready to send the small pieces of metal piercing through whatever had scared her. Except, there was only open air. Something akin to panic flared up alongside his allomantic metal. She was afraid of something and he could not immediately kill it.

The instinct took over again, telling him exactly what he needed to do. Turning back to face Melione, Rev took a slow step. If he startled her, this would only be harder. Slowly, he reached up and pulled the hood off his head. In the dim light, still almost bright as day to him even as he let his Tin burn normally again, his black hair spilled out. It was left a little longer on one side, creating an asymmetrical look. This was even more pronounced because any hair that would disturb his intended style was bound into a tight braid thay disappeared into the cloak. His eyes looked harsh, almost cold, in spite of the sudden rush of emotions he felt. His eyes were currently without spectacles, the Tin correcting his vision without them. He refused to wear them out either way, the metal frames a liability if he needed to put down an allomancer. The most striking was the amount of red. Bright and vibrant, it was at the ends of his hair, along with several streaks, including down the length of his braid. His eyes, too, were a vicious red. All of it, along with the Hemalugic spike he wore in his ear to pierce Copperclouds, gave him an imposing look.

The mists closed behind him, following the movement of his body into the room. It was like they were pleased to see the two of them together. It danced along the floor, seemingly immune to the candle. Rev, driven by the panic he saw in this girl's eyes, was moving slower even than the mist.

"You're safe. We need to talk, it seems, and there is so much that needs to be said."

The distance between them was short and Rev found one thought overwhelming his mind. Protect. Hold. Protect. Keep. Protect.

His arms went around Melione, throwing his cloak open as well. It settled around the pair like he was casting a blanket over her.

"Safe. I promise you. Now, sit. I have questions and answers, but we need to sort them all out."

It was a long pause between his instructions and his arms releasing her. It was not until he felt a bit of movement from the girl that he finally pulled away, basking in the honey and flowers of her scent.
The fruitless tugging at her wrist was resulting in no ground being gained and yet she still tried. Her eyes stared past him, fear consuming her. He turned to see what was scaring her and when he saw nothing, she expected him to ridicule her. That was normally what was met with her fear of the night. Of darkness. A child’s fear she’d never grown out of. No words came though as she looked up at him with pleading eyes. His free hand pulled his hood from his hair. His hair spilled free and for a moment it gave her something new to focus on. The red of his hair was.. Beautiful.

His eyes though made her flinch slightly. As beautiful as the ends of his hair, they were cold. Yet, he stepped towards her, slowly and behind him the mists swirled closed slowly. The candlelight slowly created a bubble of light once more. Tendrils of mist followed him in, spilling across the balcony. She’d been breathing too quickly in her panic, Melione felt lightheaded.

It was almost as if he understood. Strong arms slowly drew her into him. Warmth ate along her chilled skin. That's what she noticed first. Second was the soft sweet scent of apples. Melione softened against him, something spicy and lemony brushing her nose. Marjoram? One of her favorite herbs.. His voice washed over as she recalled him telling her she was safe.


He said it again and she trembled against his chest slightly. Arms slipped around his waist. A stranger. As she hugged him close. She couldn't’ have explained why she felt safe. Why she trusted him; she didn’t even know his name. Sit.. He told her to sit. Slowly she pulled away and he did the same. Pulling free entirely she moved to her corner once more and curled up on the cold stone once more. Her eyes lifted to his face.

Such an obedient girl. That was what her father said about her. What he’d taught her to be. A good girl. Obedient. Never seen or heard. So she waited. Patiently. Melione had said barely a handful of words to him and that didn't seem like it was going to change any time soon. Her hands moved to her lap, though she wasn’t still. Her fingers picked at the small bits of skin. Nervous habit? Small little drops of blood flowing to the surface.
There was a bit of fear in Rev when he wrapped his arms around Melione. It was different from the girl's overwhelming fear of the dark. That was a fear many considered irrational, though he knew enough to think otherwise. This was a very rational fear. He was wrapping his arms around the first female Mistborn he had ever met. One could count the total in the world using fingers, maybe toes. The sensation that welled up in his chest as he held her was like drowning. It filled up every part of him, but there was a tiny part that feared rejection. She could push him away and it would mean... something ominous to say the least.

Instead, those small arms went around his waist and Reverence let out the breath he had no idea he was holding. Lord Ruler, he had fought mistborn burning Atium and been less nervous than that. His face did not move, did not show any of this, but his fingers curled in just a little, held her just a fraction tighter. However, when she pulled away, he let go. It was suddenly very cold.

Reverence had expected to be led further into the building. No one with good sense would deny a Mistborn entry either way, but there was no way she slept in this room. There was... nothing. As if you spite his logic, the girl moved over to a little stone corner and sat, nervously picking at her own skin. All of it was just so fucking wrong.

A few things were starting to make sense to him now, though. First, if the family knew to keep her hidden, then she must have Snapped at a young age. Her allomancy existed, but it was being kept even from her. Second, they knew she was Mistborn. If she were a normal allomancer, even a normal mistborn, there would be no reason to keep her away from the world. Finally, there was something sinister at work here. Something was wrong that went well beyond her being kept a secret.

For now, Rev could only treat the symptoms. He unsnapped the collar of his cloak, pulling it off of his shoulders. Underneath was a tight black knitted shirt, thinner than a sweater but thick enough to keep him warm in the night mists. He crouched in front of Melione, throwing the cloak over her shoulders and clasping it without a word. She needed to be warm more than he did.

He moved to the wall beside her, sliding down against the wall until they were side by side. Rev placed a hand on her forearm, sliding it up and feeling all the little wounds. When he got to her wrist, he kept going, pulling one hand away from the other the hold hers atop his thigh. Touching just felt like the best way to let her know he meant well.

"Questions later, then. What I tell you now I an absolutely certain of. I swear it on the Lord Ruler. You are Mistborn. Not the common nobles with exceptional abilities. You are the mists. The power. You are one of perhaps a dozen to exist, the only one in Luthadel."

Rev tightened his fingers on her hand, wanting to keep her from possibly fleeing.

"I'm not sure what has been happening in this house, but it is against the law. You should have been given over to us years ago. We will be leaving. Tonight."

He tilted forward just a touch, reaching behind himself with his free hand. Alongside his coin pouch was his metals. Small vials of a sterile alcohol solution, a bit unpleasant to taste but completely safe to drink. He felt the lids, finding the Pewter vial immediately. Pulling it free, Rev held it up to her.

"I want you to take this. It's Pewter. If you drink this and you aren't Mistborn, you may feel a little unwell. If you are, you will feel it right away. Whatever is happening here is wrong and this is the surest path to make it somehow right."
She had no idea what she meant to him to his brothers. Melione also had no idea that she’d been kept from them. Intentionally. That the softer aspects of life had been removed from her because of what she was. Who she would become and to whom. She’d not noticed the way the man had held her tighter to him for a moment or how right it had felt to be held by him. When she pulled away, the heat he’d offered her was gone and she found herself missing it. His heat and oddly something else. His scent.

Curling up on the cold stone floor of the balcony she had gone back to picking at her hands. There was a room behind her. It was barren and easily seen. A handful of candles and a mattress. No pillow. No blankets. Nothing soft that she could make a nest with. The room was stark even in its coloring. Beige, white and brown. All so close to one another, it was like the color had been leached from it.

The cloak fell over her shoulders and his warm once more warmed her chilled skin. He closed it around her and without thinking, Melione nuzzled her cheek against the gray strips of fabric. His scent was strong there. Her eyes closed for a moment and while her actions only further spoke to his suspicions, she didn’t seem to notice. Her eyes opened as sat beside her. Even now, his heat warmed her from the one side. Melione looked toward him, her eyes curious. The simple gestures were unknown to her and they were almost intoxicating.

A large hand slid to her upper arm and she looked down, watching his hand slide lower. Slowly, in its wake warmth was left. Finally his fingers reached her wrist and he pulled her hands apart. Lips parted and she looked back up at him. Confused. Her hand was held against his thigh and Melione watched him, her eyes curious and a touch wary. He didn’t scare her.. But she wasn’t used to kindness either.

His voice was strong, holding the conviction of his words. Mistborn. He thought she was one of the rare females. She gave a small shake of her head. Melione wasn’t uneducated. She knew of his kind, of the females made for them. Knew that he and his kind were not like the mistborn that the nobles were.. But something more primal. She had started to open her mouth, to protest when his fingers tightened around her own. Effectively silencing her. He’d thought she might try and flee.. But that hadn’t even occurred to her.

Leaving? Now she did shift, shaking her pale head.
“If I was, I would have. But I am not.” It seemed that simple to her. Melione didn’t know the abuse that had been heaped on her. Day in and day out. Abuse wasn’t just cruel words or violence.

Melione didn’t pull away from him, she just denied his words softly. She was trying to be so gentle. She wasn’t what he thought and yet she didn’t want to hurt him. When he leaned forward and proffered a small vial to her she tilted her head. Pewter? Melione had no knowledge of what the metals did. The idea of feeling slightly ill though for his peace of mind? What harm could there be?

She reached out with her free hand and took it from him. When he helped her remove the cork, Melione lifted it to her lips. Tipping the contents into her mouth she made a face at the taste. It didn’t taste very nice, but she swallowed and handed him the small vial. Mostly empty save for a little sediment clinging to the interior of the vial.

Looking back to him she lifted her shoulders some. She didn’t feel anything. Little did she know there was now a pool of power just waiting to be tapped.
“Was something supposed to happen?” She seemed unsure. “Nothing did. I’m not like you.”

The entire thing was starting to come off as very strange. Why was everything so barren? The whole fortress looked like it belonged to a powerful and wealthy family. Yet, the room right beyond the balcony looked like it belonged in an alleyway. It was like they were punishing her for being born a Mistborn. It was all so confusing that Reverence was starting to feel a nagging sense of doubt. Had his senses been wrong?

No. That was completely unacceptable. The very fact that he was sitting here and holding her hand was proof that she was something very different from others. While all three of them found company somewhere over the years, it was temporary. Besides the fact that they were simply a different kind of being from the normal nobles, their lifespan made meanful relationships impossible. Most of the nobles that had been in power when they were coming of age were dead or nearly there. They would not reach the thousand years the Lord Ruler did, but the next generation might see the Well filled again.

Being around... humans, for lack of a better word, never felt like it was important. They were beneath the Mistborn. Most never even got to know they were in the presence of the defacto leaders of the world, and the noble family heads were not stupid enough to share that information.

That was why, when Melione said that she would have been given up, Rev felt a small flash of anger. Not at her. She had no way of knowing the difference if she had been sheltered like this. He was just another man. He knew she had to feel something, though. Even if it was because he was burning Tin, it felt like he was drowning in her scent. Every breath went straight to his brain, making him feel simply... better.

With his body enhanced by metals, Rev felt her tense at the idea of leaving. She was being reluctant to say the least. Yet, she never tried to pull away from him.

"If you are afraid for your family, we won't hurt them. They broke the law by hiding you, but if they don't fight us, we won't need to do anything."

When she took the Pewter vial from him, Rev sat up straighter, his eyes following the way that the bottle tipped and the liquid flowed into her mouth. She flinched a little at the taste, something he could understand. She would hate it the first time she drank it while burning Tin on top of it. It would be worth it though. This, if nothing else, would convince her. Then, it didn't.

"Nothing? That isn't possible. Really."

The stress was starting to come out in his voice as she denied feeling any kind of power. For them, it has been as natural as breathing to embrace their power. They were most Preservation than any other living thing. Snapping was simply not a part of their lives. For a female, Snapping still happened. They still rode the line between true Mistborn and human. But, all evidence pointed to her having snapped.

"I'm sorry, but you have to be wrong. I am Reverence. I am one of the three Mistborn that rule Luthadel. I am the protector and sovereign for both the nobles and the skaa. Nothing has ever gotten under my skin the way simply smelling your scent does."

He was breaking now, the emotion showing in his eyes. He was scared. This was the future of Luthadel they were trying to protect. Females were so rare that they could not simply go take one from another city. It would be war. Reverence and the others needed Melione to be what she seemed. So, he out a hand on her belly, not caring how inappropriate it might be.

"Here. Reach for it in here. It will be warm. You have to just look for it inside yourself and tap into it. Once your body understands, you will be able to do it naturally. You are Mistborn and I won't let you or anyone else keep you from us."
While he was concerned for her lack of comfort, lack of decoration, it was all Melione knew. She didn’t understand how badly she’d been treated. While she knew the rest of the house was lavishly decorated she didn’t know enough to question the difference. It was her life and she’d grown up this way. In truth, Melione had always wondered if it had to do with her oddness. Her affinity for the mists. Not a punishment, her mind couldn’t understand why she’d be punished for it, but she knew it was something the others feared. Her father, the servants and guards. The mists were safe, comforting for her. As long as it wasn’t dark.

The darkness scared her, the reason would have made Reverence kill everyone within the keep in a rage.

Her head tilted and for a moment Melione looked like a kitten finding a strange bug.
“Hiding me?” She repeated, her voice soft. “I am not hidden.” More of the puzzle fell into place. Melione was so rarely let out of the house, that for her, this treatment was normal. The trip into the city had been a rare one, once in five or ten years. The keep itself was her whole world. The fact that he’d found her scent a miracle within itself. With how her family hid her, there had been a chance he and his brothers would have never known of her existence.

When she told him she felt nothing, his surprise shocked her.
“I am not like you..” The words were repeated softly. As if to comfort him she gave him bad news. Melione could feel his building stress.. Understood on some level how important this was to him. She reached out and plaid a hand on his arm. When he told her she was wrong, she frowned and slowly withdrew her hand from his arm. The touch had lasted a minute at most. “Hello, Reverence.” His name came off her tongue like a caress. “I am Melione. But I am not Mistborn.” The fact that her scent got under his skin was information she didn’t know what to do with. His scent was comforting to her.. Oddly so, but she hadn’t questioned it. This, Melione didn’t share. It felt like it would be cruel when she was clearly not what he was seeking.

He reached out and placed a hand on her stomach, she blinked up at him. Owlish, as he explained. Frowning softly exhaled. A sigh. She had sighed at him.. Was it annoyance or frustration? Either way she closed her eyes and looked inside. Melione didn’t expect to find anything.

Her world was darkness, with the candles making her lids glow as she searched for this power she didn’t ha.. Didn’t.. Have. There was a pool of something. Curious, she reached out for it. Her head tilted as she touched it. It felt warm. She burned it without knowing what she was really doing and her lips parted, her eyes opening. She felt stronger. Her limbs felt more powerful. Her arms rose and she gazed at them curiously. The small pricks of blood that had come from self inflicted wounds healing, vanishing from her hands.

She looked at him, shocked. Melione wasn’t Mistborn.
“But.. I. I am not.”

There was something in the way she spoke, the easy but sure way that she said she was not hidden. It was absolute certainty. As far as Melione was concerned, there was absolutely nothing wrong happening here. Thinking nothing was wrong was not so strange. Being absolutely sure that nothing was wrong when someone with Reverence's power and influence told you otherwise, though? That was strange. That was the kind of behavior that only happened when you were purposely convinced something was fact. This was wrong.

The frustration in his eyes became more intense as she insisted nothing was wrong, she was not one of them. Then, she said his name. It ran down his spine, spread out through his whole body and gripped his chest. This was what drew him here. The feelings she inspired in him were more proof than any words or beliefs. This was correct. She was his. He would share with his kin, but not with these lesser things. She belonged to them.

Her name was even better than his own. It rolled around in his chest along with how she said his name. The two things mixed and twined. Reverence bound himself to her in that moment. Melione would be the name of his mate.

So, while he told her to reach deeper for the power, laid his hand on her stomach, he pulled back his own copper cloud. He burned Bronze with all the power that he could, tearing through reserves as his senses turned to allomancy. Across all of Luthadel, he could feel it. Pin pricks of allomancy, little spikes as someone lifted a heavy object with Pewter or stood guard with Tin. None of that mattered. What mattered was that, right under his hand, there was a little spike of power. She burned Pewter.

Reverence was the most calm of his siblings. He never overreacted and was the best at dealing with a crisis. He did not throw himself into emotion. It was part of why he was a poor Soother. This was not a moment his could control.

Hands moved quickly, tangling in her hair and pulling her to him. His lips crashed into her own and he nearly purred like a kitten into her mouth. He had her pinned to the wall, ready to take her right then and there, to celebrate finally finding the thing his biology demanded he have. Then, he came to his senses and pulled away just as quickly.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to react like that. It's just... do you know about Mistborn and their mates? Did they let you know at least that?"
She had no idea of the effect she had on him. Yet, some part of her soul, unknown to her as of yet claimed him in return. He was her Reverence. He was one part of her missing soul. Melione had no idea she’d been crafted for the three Mistborn who ruled the city. That until she knew them all, she’d never be complete. Maybe it was why what he was to her was still hidden from her. Because while he made her more whole, she was not whole.

The warmth of his hand on her stomach was welcome, as had been his cloak, which smelled of him. That scent that was oddly comforting, even as she denied what she was.. Who she was. She burned the metal as he’d instructed her and was caught up in marveling at the feeling of strength when he moved into her. His hands slid into her pale blonde locks, pulling her closer to him. His mouth claimed hers, hungry and desperate. He all but vibrated against her as he pinned her to the solid wall behind her.

Initially she’d stiffed, hands firm against his chest, as if to ward him off. Her first kiss. He’d taken it without thought and some part of Melione’s mind told her that she should be furious.. Yet she softened against him. Her lips parting slightly with a sigh even as he pulled away. It had been a moment, a heartbeat and not a moment longer.

Her eyes were dazed and she shook her head slightly to his question. Her lisp still slightly parted, hands still pressed to his chest. They’d followed him as he’d pulled back. As if suddenly noticing she pulled her hands back quickly, almost as if he’d burned her. They curled between her breasts and she looked up at him.

She didn’t want to say what came next, but she knew it to be true.
“One metal doesn’t make me mistborn..” Her voice was almost hoarse. She knew there were more metals.. That was part of her education. She didn’t know what any of them did.. But she knew of the base metals and that they produced different effects. He’d told her she’d taken pewter. Though that didn’t explain what it did.. She felt stronger, yes.. But It had also healed her?

Melione began to shiver some. This was new and not a little scary. It wasn’t him or what he said that scared her the most though.

What did?

Melione wanted to kiss him again.

A complete stranger..

The sweet sigh after their kiss was the perfect way to describe what Melione made him feel. It was a hot passion, something he found rather unbecoming on him. Then, it cooled to a little sigh, a soft release of breath and tension. Still warm to the touch, but cool enough to hold on to. For him, knowing that Melione even existed was plenty. He was duty bound and, likely, instinct bound to take her to his home, but he could have happily stolen these little visits.

He did not understand this lack inside of her either. The Mistborn were meant to be pairs. Luthadel, with a population capable of dwarfing the other cities, should have given them plenty of females that had the potential. It was too rare. The system seemed to be taking things into its own hands, likely Preservation making whatever minor tweaks it was capable of. Now, there was a trio of males and only one female to be found. It was going to be messy to say the least.

Melione took her hands away and Rev found the whole concept of physical distance hard to accept. It was worse when she curled her hands together, like she was protecting them. The last straw was when she denied being a Mistborn.

"It proves everything! You think that I picked at random and found your metal on my first try? Or should I feed you every vial and let you try them all? Whatever is going on around here, it is beginning to look like a coup. Like they kept you far away with the intent of deceiving."

Realizing that he was getting heated, the anger creeping in at the edges of his voice even though the volume never rose, Rev put a hand over his face. There was a sharp exhale under it, a breath from the nose to calm a little. Then, he rubbed the bridge of his nose before pulling his hand away.

"They must have kept this from you too, then. The nobility can produce any kind of allomancer. Skaa as well if they have any reasonable amount of noble blood. But, a Mistborn like me is a special case. Males are only born from Mistborn pairs. Females are only from pairs of nobles. We bond."

This part was more delicate. After all, it amounted to almost a marriage proposal if you thought on it too hard. At least a promise of more to come even if you did not. So, Rev took a moment to collect his thoughts, eyes drifting to her lips for a few moments before finding eyes again.

"When we find a suitable mate, everything becomes more intense. Your scent becomes intoxicating for us. We can't hold back. My brother and our kin are without a mate as well. You are the only one in the entire city and for miles around that. We need you, Melione."

Rev was going to leave it there, but words kept coming and he found the distance between them to be shrinking. At first, he thought she understood, thought she was coming closer. Then, he began to understand. He was moving closer to her. His face pressed into her hair, nose burrowing through her locks in the search of bare skin.

"If you won't believe me, I'll show you."

Rev sank his teeth into the soft skin the nape of Melione's neck. It wad a softer bite, but one that would leave a little twinned row of teeth indents. Leaving a mark made him almost as happy as the scent of her hair washing over him.
Her nose wrinkles slightly as he suggested that she might be asked to drink every vial. “Perhaps most common allomancers are those who use the metal?” She tried for a reason, weak as it was to explain how she couldn’t be what he wanted. Her eyes lifted towards him, confusion in her eyes. “A coup?” The word repeated with unsurety. She gave a small shake of her pale golden head. “No, I am just fragile of health.” There was more.. It wasn’t just her health that was cited to keep her away from others, but her mind as well. Something told her that this would only anger him further.

She watched him rub his face and a desire rose in her. She wanted to touch his face, to smooth the lines of frustration and anger away. Her hands though didn’t move and she tilted her head to one side.
“Bond.'' The word repeated like the previous one. “Mate?” Her brows lifted and she shifted, slightly uneasy. The words of course made sense, but they sparked fear within her. It felt complicated. On one hand, she was afraid that she wasn’t what they needed. This was some sort of mistake. On the other hand.. Melione wanted to be this. To be needed. The desire and what else might come were not on the forefront of her mind.

Melione was confused as he slowly closed the distance. She could scream.. But she didn't want to. Not even as his face found the hollow of her throat, his breath making her pale locks flutter with an exhale of his breath.

The words registered as he bit her. It wasn’t a scream that left Melione, but a cry. Shock, a touch of fear and something far more primal. Her scent which had drawn him in, soothed him and made him so sure she was what he thought exploded. She’d never known softness. Desire. Need. That one bite shattered through years of unknown abuse and thrust the female into heat.

He’d feel it.. As her temperature skyrocketed.

The Mistborn were born and raised apart from normal society. There were certain nuances that they missed. Rev, who was fairly poor even by their standards, tended to be rather blunt when it came to matters of the nobles. He would make blatant threats and resort to violence over negotiation. However, even he was not so blunt as to accuse Melione's of treason directly to her face. So, he let that slide for for now. Pers would be better at explaining. No, he would focus on what he was good at.

Now that he thought on it, he was likely the worst one for this little confrontation. She wanted to know things and talk to him. Rev was not the talking expert, not that Dom was any better. Knowing things was his area, but that served little purpose when he could not explain it. So, he had done the best thing he could think of. An example. Mates, alphas, and their omegas was not an exact science. He had meant to simply make her understand, to let the claiming convince her that she belonged with him and his kin. He had used dynamite to light a candle.

The scent washed over him like a tidal wave. It was sweet and sticky, clinging to his senses and his mind. He whimpered. Reverence the Mistborn whimpered like a puppy as her pheromones filled his every thought with need for his mate. The heat pouring from her skin filled his mouth and he could literally taste her body going in to heat. Every cell of her body was coaxing him in.

Without thinking, Rev balled his fists into the fabric of her nightgown, dragged nails along her thighs through the gauzy material. He had been with noble women before. Sexual desire was not foreign to him. This was something different. He wanted to act like an animal and fuck Melione until he was unable to continue. His whole body was on a hair trigger, ready to explode into action as soon as she accepted him. It was only the most vague thought of his kin that stooped him. It would he a betrayal after all the years they waited.

Realizing he was still biting her, Rev pulled away, unable to hold back the little lick he gave her. His eyes were cloudy, the metallic tint muddled with a monstrous hunger. His fists released the cloth and one arm slid under her legs. Unable to trust his balance and strength to respond with his thoughts so clouded, Reverence flared his Pewter and stood, lifting Melione bridal style.

"We need to... My kin need to... we are going to my home. I can't stop. I made a mistake."

This time there was no waiting for permission. He was padding along the floor of her room and stepping over the edge of the balcony. If he had not already left a trail of coins behind, it might have been dangerous traversing the wide open estate of Melione's family. Had his mind been a bit clearer, he would have noted that it was intentionally difficult for a mistborn to patrol. Now, all he could do was Push. They barely dipped down from his straight trajectory as he shoved with all his allomantic might to fly through the air. The girl in his arms was like a ball of fire, burning him to the bone while he tried to resist the heat.
The intricacies of such things had never been shared with Melione. She’d been hidden away and measures had been taken that she’d never awaken. Not that she’d known this. The lack of even the slightest comfort. Nothing to nest with and kept well away from the trio of Mistborn. One of which now sat before her. Frustrated and unsure how to handle the mate before him and her insistence that he was mistaken. That she wasn’t what he needed her to be. This was said not because she didn’t wish it to be true or anything of the sort. Melione had been conditioned almost brutally to think she was anything but.

Yet, when he bit her, her body reacted like it had been struck with lightning. The first thing had been her scent exploding and then her temperature skyrocketing. As his hands balled into the fabric of her nightgown, she felt the first of her slick pooling between her thighs. He would now be able to taste her scent. Like honey dripping down his throat, warming him from the inside out. The feel of his nails on her skin made her whimper. The need in her body was as foreign as comfort.

She knew one thing though.

Reverence could fix it.

When his mouth left her tender skin she cried out. The flick of his tongue making her skin burn hotter. Pulled into his arms, she wrapped her own arms around his shoulders. Her nose went to the crook of his neck and Melione drank in his scent. She wasn’t even aware that he was taking her into the darkness. Likely for the best. Panic combined with her heat would have been disastrous. Melione made Rev’s job so much harder as she squirmed in his arms. Wanting.. No needing to be touched. His name was a whisper on her lips and she pulled his face toward her own. Kissing him.

The air rustled past them as they plummeted and rose in quick succession. Her hands stroked along his back and when he broke the kiss, needing to see.. Her mouth went to his neck, her teeth scraping along his skin before moving to his ear. Panting, she squirmed again.
“Reverence.. Please…” His name was said with an aching voice. She needed him. To touch her. To make the aching stop.

She knew what she needed though the word was lost to her.

Melione needed Reverence to fuck her.

Reverence was likely the best allomancer in the entire world when it came to Pushing and Pulling. He could juggle himself and multiple coins, float completely still with only a pair of anchor points, even put a coin through a solid metal wall. His aptitude and focus was beyond what anyone besides a Mistborn could achieve and even those would fall short. That was the only reason they managed to stay airborne. With his trail of coins and the many metal fixtures in the city, he was able to effortlessly guide them, his mind working on second nature. If he had to focus for even a moment, he would fail.

The reason was the girl bundled in his arms. She was searing his skin with the most pleasant kind of warmth. Even worse, his senses were being overwhelmed by her scent. It was so bad that Rev was forced to stop burning Tin so he could keep from forgetting he was even in the air. Then, she kissed him. Reverence's mind went completely blank. They began to fall toward the ground at blinding speed, yet all he could think about was the pure pleasure of her lips on his own. He would have been ashamed to admit to his kin how close they came to being simply a splatter on the streets before he realized and Pulled them back into the air.

Pulling his mouth free, he turned and looked for the clock tower, only a few roof tops away from Kredik Shaw. It was a well guarded secret that the floors below the clock contained the living quarters of the Mistborn trio. It was close now, looming ahead as Rev Pushed and Pulled as hard as he could to get every bit of speed. Then, Melione whimpered in his ear. He nearly stopped then, nearly landed on the closest roof and took her. It was only another primal need, a need to keep his mate safe, that let him control the lust. A few more Pushes and they would be safe. He would be home. His kin would certainly understand.


The pair landed in the open window with a thud, Reverence's bare feet sliding on the smooth wood. He fell to one knee as soon as they breached the threshold. Then, he set Melione down and he was upon her.

The Mistborn cloak went first, unclipped around the neck with expert fingers, blindingly repeating an action they had done a thousand thousand times. The night gown did not fair as well. As Reverence attacked it, it simply bunched and pooled around the places he wanted to expose the most. In the end, all he could think to do was flare his Pewter and rip. Against the enhanced strength, the gauzy fabric stood no chance. It came open in one clear tear, exposing her pale body. Her underwear did not even last that long. Instead of ripping it, Reverence simply pushed it aside.

Even though he ached to be inside of her, Rev had a thought. She needed to be ready. So, instead of pulling at his own clothes, Rev pressed his face between her thighs and lapped hungrily at her pussy. To his surprise, she was already soaked, even her panties sticky with her need. That was the last straw. He was pulling at the loose string of his trousers before he even lifted his face. He was an animal now.

For just a moment, Melione would see it. The throbbing hard cock, a string of precum connecting it to his clothing. He growled in a feral way that reflected how little of his human mind was intact. Right there on the balcony, still almost completely dressed with his trousers pooled around his knees, Reverence forced himself into the incredible heat of Melione's aching cunt. He slammed into her with savage ferocity, the only thing left in his mind the need to breed her.

Meanwhile, in the doorway of the room stood another Mistborn, watching silently as his kin savaged this girl and delicious scent reached his nose.
The fact that they’d almost died was lost on the needy Omega in his arms. She needed him to touch her. Holding her wasn't enough. So.. She’d taken what she needed. Her mouth had found his and she’d hungerly kissed him. The fact that the paint started to plummet from the air, quickly to the cobbled streets below was never known. Only Reverence would know how close the pair came to death. When he pulled away from her lips she gave a sound close to that of a feral kitten. How dare he take himself away from her?

This wasn’t the sweet girl he’d found surrounded by a halo of light and mist. He’d broken a part of her when he’d bitten her. She didn’t allow this to distract her though. Her mouth moved from his to his neck, her own teeth scraping along his neck, her hot breath in his ear as she whimpered her need. Melione needed Rev.

She didn’t know what she was doing to Reverence. Not really. All she knew was what she needed. The fact that she’d almost made him drop from the skies and take her on some random rooftop.. lost like so many other things to her.

The cloak was unsnapped and for a moment she growled. Feral again.. It was his scent he was robbing her of. Then he came close enough that his scent washed over her. Comforting and spiking her desire. The wet sound of the fabric ripping played through her mind, even as cool air touched her body. It was almost offensive and she whimpered again, pulling at him. Needing him and the comfort he’d bring. It wasn’t his cock that found its way between her thighs, but his tongue. Her hands went to his hair and she pulled at him, with her enhanced strength to her core, her back arching against the smooth wood.

He pulled back and she cried out. The pleasure had been good, but not enough. Little was she aware, but this was repeated from her. Soft, desperate.
“Not enough, notenough,notenoughnotenoughnotenoughnotenoughnotenough.” She saw him in the light for a moment before he thrust into her. She cried out, pulling at him again. She needed more still. This alone wasn’t enough. “Notenoughnotenough” Melione whimpered. She was unaware of another near them or how her heat would wash over him. The sweet scent of her was so thick he’d taste her just like Reverence had. What it would do to him, while she whimpered.


Melione was reduced to a handful of words and a fog of nothing but.. Need.

Her hands, her scent, her fucking teeth dragging along his skin, it made Reverence go mad. It was no figure of speech either. Reverence was a born leader, quite literally. He was calm and collected. That Reverence was gone for the moment. Instead, he was Mistborn. Not the part that did allomancy and ruled. The alpha, the peak predator of society, now joined with his mate as he was meant to be. Reverence was sleeping, a beast in his place.

So, while Melione begged for more, the chemicals and signals in his brain told him only that she was correct. She was not full of him. He had not filled her womb with his cum and that meant she still needed more. His mouth had been a mistake, a distraction. All it had managed to do was bury him further in her scent. It had puppet strings attached to the Mistborn and when he finally began to quench his thirst for Melione with that first needy thrust, the strings did not loosen.

"I'll give you everything you need, Melione. But, I need you to say it. Open your mouth and say you are my Mistborn."

This was the betrayal he knew was coming. Reverence and his kin were different from other pairs. They were meant to share. Even if they had three mates, they would likely swap and breed one another's. Here he was laying a sole claim. Not that they would blame him if they found out. No, he was barely himself. All he could think to do was start to move.

The sound of skin hitting bare wood began to clap out. It mixed with the sound of skin hitting skin, of his base connecting with her slick folds as he pushed every inch into her without mercy. There was no stopping, no thinking. Breed, fuck, cum, fill. If she was not full of his seed, it meant that Reverence simply needed to keep thrusting. It was almost terrifying how potent her heat was, how easily it manipulated the Mistborn who had been soaked in it for their whole trip back.

Reverence, though, had known he faced his mate. He had known that he desired this woman before the bite had started this chaos. Dominance had simply been coming to check on a noise, to confirm his kin was back from a patrol. He had walked in the doorway and nearly buckled at the knees. He went from simply minding his business to being drowned in that same ocean of pheromones.

Dominance was approaching with hesitant steps, his cock painfully bulging against his leather breeches. He was drunk before he realized. The pair were so locked in their need for one another they did not notice his approach, likely barely noticed when he moved to his knees just above her head.

"Ours. All three."

Always someone of few words, Dom simply undid the ties of his breeches. He pulled them down enough to free his cock, which let a soft plop of precum land on Melione's cheek. He leaned forward and the source of that precum was directly in front of her mouth. All she needed to do was extend her tongue and she could sweep it away, lift her head to wrap her lips around it. Or, if she wished, grab his hips to try to swallow him. Dominance had his own desires, but was too lost in sudden fathomless lust to know what was right just yet.
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