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Untitled (Chantarelle x Lilly Lou)


Apr 28, 2018
The Big Apple. One of the worlds fashion capitals that make up the "Big Four" alongside it's European sisters London, Paris, and of course the city where Elise was "discovered", Milan, or what she respectfully referred to as fashion's Mecca. New York, though not her favorite city out of the four (which would always be Paris although not specifically for its fashion) still held a certain place in her heart. She had made a lot of friends here over the years, made a lot of love too, as well as broke a lot of hearts...most notably her own.

Elise glanced down at the red IPhone in her hand. 2:42 pm. It had been only two minutes since the last time she'd checked it. "Alex, could you put on my music?" She asked her driver as she shifted in her seat restlessly, uncrossing her legs only to cross them back again the other way. She was stressing and anxiety was not a good look on her. She unlocked her phone for no reason whatsoever and stared blankly at the home screen before choosing to randomly scroll through old text messages without really thinking about it, just something, anything to keep her eyes from wandering to her little black purse at her side.

The Weeknd began to emanate from the speakers and Alex turned it up without having to be told. They say good help was hard to find, truth was it was hard but not impossible and Alex was proof of that. After several years of being away from the city that never sleeps she considered herself lucky that he was still around and available for her when she had called to make arrangements for her pick up at the airport, and after a month in rehab and a nine hour flight from Rome to New York it was nice to see a familiar face even if it was bought.

Dropping the phone in her lap Elise closed her blue-green eyes, leaned her head back against the leather headrest and tried to let the thumping beat lead her to some kind of happy place of distraction far away from reality and of where she was heading to this cold winter afternoon. Not as if she didn't want to be going to her niece's event or that she didn't want to reunite with her family. On the contrary, she missed her Gracie, she missed all of them. They used to have fun together before Elise' life turned upside down. She loved them. What she didn't love was having to apologize for her long absence with made up excuses to her or to anyone else that might be there, her other nieces or nephew who she also loved dearly or to any other members of the clan that might show up...her brother. Especially her brother because she knew he was the one person she would not be able to lie to. Oh, she might try, would likely try, but he'd see right through it and when he did she just knew she wouldn't deal well at all with the look of disappointment on his face, but even he didn't know what she'd been through. She opened her eyes and looked down at her purse, her hand reaching for it despite herself.

She had done well. No matter what look Gabriel gave her or what he might say, she was proud of herself. One month sober was something! Even if it ended today (which was feeling more and more like the case) she'd still be in a far better place than she had been thirty days ago. One might think being a Rothschild made you impervious to life's little curveballs and the depression and panic they brought with them. It didn't. At least in Elise' case. The others always seemed fine, stable even. Able to deal with the pressures that weighed on them all. But who really knew, right? Behind their broad smiles and turned up noses perhaps they felt like they were dying inside too but just couldn't or wouldn't say. Too dignified for that. Too proud. They all were. She couldn't deny that she was just as guilty of pretending. That's why she had been away so long, a curveball had been thrown and she just couldn't pretend anymore, not after...

"We're here, Lady Rothschild." Alex broke through Elise' thoughts. She hadn't realized he had stopped the car and had been staring at her in the rear view mirror. She wasn't quite ready to be here yet. "Just keep the music on, Alex. I'm not getting out just yet."

She stared down at the small silver vile she had pulled from her purse as she rolled it gently back and forth between her glossy, manicured thumb and forefinger, battling with herself quickly turning into bargaining with herself. She didn't need much. Two bumps would help get her through the door, after that there'd be alcohol inside to balance out the high if she got too antsy. After tonight she'd refrain from taking anything intoxicating until New Years she swore to herself. She'd be just a casual user, an every-once-in-a-while user; functioning, able, content. She'd be stronger than she had been because she had to be. Of course, these sorts of promises she made to herself now were nothing new but this time after four weeks clean, for the first time (at least in this moment) they felt credible to her.

"I can't feel my face when I'm with you..." Elise sang barely above a whisper along with the song as she unscrewed the top of the vile. "and I love it...and I love it."

The rush of Euphoria was instant and after her time of abstinence it was also intense as her heartbeat began to speed up and her body tingled all warm and fuzzy. She used her compact mirror to clean any residue off her nostrils before applying a fresh layer of red lipstick and quickly checking her hair, already feeling restless and needing to move her body. Scooping up her purse, Elise bundled herself up against the chilly December air if only to feel the black fur of her coat against her neck. "Im off, Alex. Stay warm." She said as she stepped out of the black escalade unaided. The world around her was brighter than usual seen through cocaine eyes, it sparkled.

Feeling confident, sexy and alive she entered 'Gracefully Vintage', her eyes immediately scanning the pretty, rich people who had come to her niece's Gallery this afternoon. Not seeing anyone she knew at first glance she shed her fur revealing a simple yet snug bronze silk dress that hugged her down to mid-thigh. "Bourbon or champagne, Lady Rothschild?" A slender man appeared beside her, his cheeks ruddy. She traded him a glass of sweet whiskey for her coat with an engaging smile. "And where do you know me from, sir?" She asked him, flirting pointlessly but amusedly, her gay-dar going off, her ego wanting to be stroked and getting the feeling that she would not be disappointed by this one. Slightly embarrassed, the man leaned towards her somewhat and spoke in a secretive manner, soft but excited, "I get Vogue in the mail and I may follow you on Instagram, too." Elise' smile widened. "Well, thank you for the follow. Tell me, is Grace around here somewhere?" She asked the man who responded by rising onto his tiptoes gracefully and pointing her out amidst the crowd. Elise was sure to thank him with a wink setting off on her mission without hesitation towards her niece. "How much for the whole lot?!" She inquired grandly to get her attention albeit louder than she had intended and thus garnering stares from guests throughout the room.
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