Fx Male Into the Light

Sep 12, 2023
Update 7/6
2 Open Spot Available

Hi there! You can call me luminescence, or lumi for short. I'm currently looking for new roleplays. I've been RPing for about eleven years now. I have a pretty demanding day job, so writing is a stress reliever for me. I'm usually more active in the evening and on the weekends when I'm not binge watching trash, reality TV and true crime documentaries.

Onto the guidelines:

1. GENDER. I will always play a female. I can do an NPC male, but not for sexual purposes. All pairings will be MxF. Characters also must be mostly anatomically human. No animals or anthros, please. Horns, tails, wings, and fangs are welcome, but human faces, features, and genitalia are required.

2. SUBSTANCE. I loathe pure smut. It's usually fun for a time, but it gets super old, super-fast if there's not an interesting story to give sexual interactions the context they need to be fulfilling. I am story-driven. I tend to hover around 70-60 (story) / 30-40 (smut). I rarely dip below 50/50.

3. LITERACY. I understand people are going to make mistakes. I certainly make them as well, but an effort to use proper punctuation and grammar is all I ask. *Third person past tense for posts is a hard requirement. Third-present reads odd to me (this goes for first person as well), and if we're not posting in the same tense it the overall RP doesn't read well in my opinion.

4. LENGTH. I can write a lot. Like, a lot. It does depend on how inspired I am, and how much effort my partner gives. I will always try to match! However, I would prefer to keep the minimum post at 3 solid paragraphs. *My introductions tend to be long, and that's usually because I like to give my partners a feel for the setting, my character, and set the ground for them to meet. I typically can't do that in two-three paragraphs. I've had people just not respond after I've taken the time to write up a starter, so I figure I would forewarn.

5. CREATIVITY. I really enjoy when my partners take initiative and surprises me with plot twists. I often get stuck in a narrator position, and while I generally don't mind, I tend to get bored if I'm continually coming up with all the ideas—plus, if I always know what's going to happen next, it doesn't make things exciting for me. I also like when characters are well-thought out, with their own emotions, motivations, flaws, weaknesses, and strengths.

I do only accept drawn/ anime references for claims, as an FYI. The inspirations below are really just that. I browse for images that inspire me and help me come up with ideas. You are not required to use them! As long as images are quality and embody the character you're bringing to the table, I'm good. They are up for grabs should you find them to your liking.

6. COMMUNICATION. I'm really patient, so if you're the type of person that can only reply once a day or every other day—even every few days—I'll be understanding. A heads up is always appreciated, but not always necessary.

If you're losing muse for our RP, please let me know! We can talk about reviving things, we can start something new, or we can part ways. If I haven't heard from you in like two weeks or so, I'll usually check in to see if all is well. This isn't to rush a response out of you, but to see if there's an interest in moving forward. I can take a hint, so if I check on you and hear nothing back after a week or two I will just move on. You can always reach back out. I'm ghost friendly. I'm generally open to resuming or discussing ideas for another story, but depending on my current load with existing partners I may not have the same availability as before. I'll always try!

Also, if you're uncomfortable with something, let me know. I will do the same. I'll typically give limits pretty early on in the discussion of the plot, characters, etc. Be sure to tell me yours, and I will abide by them.

7. KINKS. My kinks are usually plot specific. Not every story will involve every kink I like. I do have some general favorites that get incorporated often: Rough Sex, Dirty Talk, Praise, Spanking, Light Asphyxiation, Fingering, Oral (giving/ receiving), Hair pulling, Anal, Clothed Sex, Orgasm Control/ Denial, Aftercare, Masturbation, Teasing, Begging, Dub-Con, Kissing, Light Bondage, Risk of Getting Caught.

There's more so feel free to inquire if there's something you don't see.

8. LIMITS. These are my no-go's: Golden showers, Poop stuff, Extreme Humiliation/ Degradation, Gaping, Fisting, Bimbofication, Cervical Penetration, Older Female/ Younger Male pairings, Non-con, Cheating, Abuse, Bestiality

9. FUN. This is without a doubt the most important rule. If at any time you're not having fun, let me know and we can figure out how to make the roleplay more interesting, or simply walk away from it all together. My feelings won't be hurt. These things happen!

With the boring stuff out of the way, we can get to the fun stuff—plots and pairings! I don't have plots for ALL of these, but some I do. Also, I'm really good at coming up with things on the fly. So, if you see a pairing that interests you, but don't have any ideas for a plot that's fine. We can collaborate and come up with something.

Roles on the left are the ones I would prefer to play, but they are negotiable. If a pairing has been italicized, I'm either not in the mood for it or have something similar going on. Settings can be medieval, medieval fantasy, modern, modern fantasy, or futuristic. I tend to enjoy fantasy elements, but if we come up with an awesome plot without it I wouldn't mind pursuing other genres:

Angel x Demon
Hunter x Demon
Human x Angel
Human x Vampire
Human x Werewolf*
Human x Lycan*
Hunter x Vampire
Vampire x Lycan
Vampire x Werewolf
Victim x Assassin
Queen x King
Princess x Knight
Peasant x King
Human x Sorcerer
Sorceress x Sorcerer
Witch x Warlock
Slave x Master (unavailable)
Employee x Boss
Popular girl x Outcast (unavailable)


The Curator – Urban/ Dark Fantasy or Medieval Fantasy – Romance - OPEN

YC is the enigmatic owner of Emporium, a dark and mysterious gallery, filled with cursed, mystical, and an enchanted items to be sold to the highest bidder—a place where people and other supernatural beings find and purchase artifacts, art, and relics to use for their own devices. When his curator resigns, she finds a replacement; a race of mortal thought to be long extinct. MC is unknowingly a "Revin," a being capable of enhancing the properties of magical objects and empowering the supernatural. She amplifies their abilities, making them stronger and thus more valuable. While she is—at first-- obliviously an asset to the business, she is also worth a hefty sum to YC's clientele, who will seek to offer tempting arrangements to possess her or take her from him by force.

I'll leave YC's motives up to you. He could literally be anything, though: an immortal sorcerer, a demon, a vampire, or just a really knowledgeable mortal who is aware of the supernatural.

Queen X King - Medieval Fantasy - Romance - OPEN
The Kingdom of __ and the Kingdom of Vilardi have been at war for centuries, their perpetual battle worsening in the last few decades. Resources are becoming scarce and the lands are war-ravaged, but the fight wages on. The latest bloody battle takes the life of the King of Vilardi, and the absence of his magic leaves the kingdom vulnerable. Every spell he has ever cast is undone, one in particular effecting the memories of his surviving successor, his daughter. When she recalls a boy from her childhood, resembling the current King of ___, she questions the reasons for the endless war and seeks to negotiate for peace-- an endeavor opposed vehemently by her council. The King is rumored to be ruthless and manipulative. Should she fail, it could mean her crown.

Protector x Princess - Promised - Fantasy - Romance - OPEN
The cat folk (Neko) have occupied sacred land for centuries, thriving in large clans aligned with their affinities. The Southern Tribe are fire bearers, The Eastern Tribe are water bearers, and the Western Tribe are earth bearers. MC is the Princess of the Norther Tribe, wind bearers. A central tribe acts as a collective, a melting pot where the Emperor--who controls all the elements-- rules. The Princess has been promised to the Emperor's son since her youth, but determined to forge her own path as leader of the Northern Tribe when her ill father passes, she sends word of her intent to break the engagement. For months she has been waiting for a response from the Prince, but word never comes. Instead, the Northern tribe is attacked by humans, slavers who seek to sell her people to the highest bidder. The Northern tribe burns and the Princess is forced to escape alongside her Guardian (YC). It is known that he is not native to the Northern Tribe, but his ability to command fire makes him a fierce protector. As they're on the run, embarking on the long journey to the Empire, she learns that he is capable of wielding more than one element . . .

Note: I don't normally dictate what YC looks like, but I'd like to play against this one. I can be flexible! If you'd like to use a reference of your own with similar qualities I'm open to considering them. It's also very similar to ATLAB. More capabilities and world details can be built in to differentiate

Tyrant x Princess - My Typical Isekai - Fantasy - Romance - OPEN

MC knows she's dying. She's been sick all her life, constantly in and out of the hospital with an illness that was bound to catch up to her some time. She spent her life accordingly, with no roots in passions or experiences to keep her needlessly tethered to the world. Instead she escaped into books, into lands that were mystical and full of miracles, where there was no strife without reward or the promise of a brighter day. Her favorite book was about a powerful and ancient dragon, the leader of a proud warrior race who scorns the Goddess of Life for laying waste to mankind. She imbues the last remaining Emperor, a monarch of a dwindling Empire, with her essence to grant him the ability to war on even standing with the Dragon Tyrant (YC). With no intention of fighting fair, the Dragon claims the life of the Emperor's one true love, the Princess of Welbec. Enraged, the Emperor avenges the death of his beloved, bringing peace back to the lands.

When MC dies, she finds herself transported to the world in her book, in the body of the beautiful Princess. According to her memories, she awakens just before she is to meet the Emperor. In an attempt to prevent herself from dying all over again, and eliminating herself as a target for the Dragon Tyrant, she runs away only to be captured by the Tyrant's forces. The Princess invokes the name of the Goddess, who grants her the power she granted the Emperor in the story. But, her fate is sealed. The Goddess explains that she is destined to die, either by the hand of the Dragon or the new power that is slowly eating away at her. The Princess must use the power to eliminate the Dragon Tyrant before he ends mankind, and before her own demise.

Master x Apprentice - The Hermit - Fantasy - Romance - TAKEN

MC has fled a war-torn kingdom, carrying with her its last hope; a powerful artifact given to her by the Archmage. He entrusted her with the object, and with his dying breath he told her where to take it. She travels a great distance to find the previous Archmage, a banished man (YC) who lives far from any civilization. When she reaches him, tired and weary, she must convince him to return to the kingdom to restore order, but his agoraphobia and obsessive compulsive ways make it difficult for him to venture beyond the bounds of his new home and the land he knows. He barely wants to care for her while she rests despite their obvious attraction. So, she strikes a deal. MC will learn to wield the object herself under his tutelage and teach him how to manage his illnesses in return. (Character inspiration: 1, 2, 3)

King x Maid/ Servant - A Beautiful Lie - Fantasy - Romance - FxFxM - TAKEN

The Fae King of the Dark Wilds that separate the mortal world from the land of the ethereal has always chosen a human concubine– usually of royal blood. This offering from the many kingdoms that surround the veil maintains peace and stability. When the young Prince is visiting the Kingdom of Valterra alongside his father, he breaks away and gets lost in the many corridors of the castle. The young Prince encounters a girl who claims to be one of the Princesses, daughter to the mortal King. She lets him know that he’s been lost for hours, and that everyone is looking for him. They speak for a long while before she kindly escorts him to the main hall where he would easily be found. By the time the guards approach, the girl is gone, leaving him only with a name. Many years later, after the resignation of the former King, the Prince is coronated. He chooses his first concubine, the mortal Princess who helped him all those years ago. But, the Princess he chooses is not the same girl he met, of that he is certain. The girl he met was a servant, and while the Princess is beautiful she is not who he wants. Unable to go back on his word, he must accept the Princess, but he does so under the condition that he take the servant as well.

I’d love to take a more dark comedic take for this one, with the King punishing her with chores and stupid tasks (among other smuttier things) for lying, but also being hopelessly in love with her. I’ll also be playing the role of the Princess, who will be more of an unfortunate antagonist.
(Character Inspiration: 1 , 2 )

Plot Nuggets:
These ideas are not fleshed out and will require collaboration to make them come to life. I have ideas of my own, but please bring yours to the table!
  • Demon Collegiate - Magical School RP - Modern - Demon Slaying - Student x Student - Action - Adventure - Romance
  • Divine Conquest - Medieval Fantasy - War - Queen x Conqueror - Enemies to Lovers - Action - Adventure - Romance
  • Life's Work - Fantasy - Inventor x Thief/ Maid - Action - Adventure - Romance - TAKEN
The list above is not exhaustive, so feel free to suggest. The worst that will happen is that I may say no. Anyways, thanks for checking my thread out! Looking forward to hearing from you.
Last edited:
Update 6/1
Currently only looking for Cravings in Plot Nuggets &
My Typical Isekai
1 - 2 Open Spots Available​
Update 6/2
Currently only looking for Cravings in Plot Nuggets &
My Typical Isekai
1 Open Spot Available​
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