Mx Female Furries in Space!


Sep 6, 2023
Yeah, I know the title is a bit corny, but the ad is just as it says on the tin. I'd like an RP revolving around the adventures of a fox pilot-for-hire (yes, a Star Fox, hardy har :p ) and a female bunny who pays for his services as they travel through space and all the misadventures they get up to. I'd like this to be a bit more story-based, but still with plenty of room for smut and lewd happenings! After all, it can get lonely out in space, especially when you have to travel in light speed for months on end, and the only company you have is your knockout of a passenger~

I would like to play the fox while my partner plays the bunny girl. The fox I'm thinking is a roguishly charming Han Solo type who has a bit of a dorky streak. As for the bunny, I was thinking I'd leave that up to my partner to decide! She could be a bounty hunter who's ship was destroyed, a scientist looking for safe passage while carrying dangerous data, whichever you like! No matter what, I'm imagining her particular species is rare to find out in open space. Rabbits are herbivores after all, it'd be safer for them to stay on their home planet, which is why seeing one out in space is quite rare, especially the female rabbits, which are quite sought after as sexual partners~

Not to mention the two could get captured by space criminals, smugglers and tyrants looking to get their rocks off, and there could be plenty of opportunities for the fox and the bunny to rescue each other.

Like I said, it's bit more story based, but still with room for kinky and lewd happenings~

Kinks and the like can be discussed once interest is shown. Thanks for reading, and I hope to hear from you soon! :)

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