- Joined
- May 8, 2011
Hello there! I'm verse.
I play villains mostly, which is a dominant position, but I think it'd be a mistake to categorize me as a dom since there is always a streak of sadism in my characters.
I can cater to pretty much any literary level, but for these prompts I think I'd prefer a bit more focus on literacy. That does not mean purple prose (although I am guilty of veering that way some times) or barrels worth of text, mind you. Especially in faster moving parts of the story like dialogue, or combat, or what have you. Some effort is more than enough.
I only play in public threads.
I have a few prompts here that I would love to iron out and write with anyone who connects with them. These stories have haunted me for a while, and I'd be grateful if anyone wanted to give them a go. They are heavily modifiable so please come with your own ideas if you have them!
I play villains mostly, which is a dominant position, but I think it'd be a mistake to categorize me as a dom since there is always a streak of sadism in my characters.
I can cater to pretty much any literary level, but for these prompts I think I'd prefer a bit more focus on literacy. That does not mean purple prose (although I am guilty of veering that way some times) or barrels worth of text, mind you. Especially in faster moving parts of the story like dialogue, or combat, or what have you. Some effort is more than enough.
I only play in public threads.
I have a few prompts here that I would love to iron out and write with anyone who connects with them. These stories have haunted me for a while, and I'd be grateful if anyone wanted to give them a go. They are heavily modifiable so please come with your own ideas if you have them!
If you're not familiar with the concept
When someone dies, and the need for vengeance if big enough, a Crow carries their soul back to exact the acts that may correct the wrong committed to them. Usually it's a lover avenging another.
In this version, the antagonist - whom I will only be playing AS A NPC and not my main *gasp* I know - has somehow gotten control of YC's soul, and uses her to fight back against MC, who has been resurrected as the crow. In my mind she becomes different monsters, but I'm open to other creative interpretations.
Gothic, violent and dark love blended violence ensues as MC tried to free YC from whatever shackles that keeps her in this limbo.
This will be kind of a fandom, but with a lot of freedom for us to rewrite the lore, but maybe move within the same moods and imageries.
And ok, I am open to versions where MC is actually the villain too, somehow? Bonus points if you can find that angle, haha.
Really feeling this one.

When someone dies, and the need for vengeance if big enough, a Crow carries their soul back to exact the acts that may correct the wrong committed to them. Usually it's a lover avenging another.
In this version, the antagonist - whom I will only be playing AS A NPC and not my main *gasp* I know - has somehow gotten control of YC's soul, and uses her to fight back against MC, who has been resurrected as the crow. In my mind she becomes different monsters, but I'm open to other creative interpretations.

Gothic, violent and dark love blended violence ensues as MC tried to free YC from whatever shackles that keeps her in this limbo.
This will be kind of a fandom, but with a lot of freedom for us to rewrite the lore, but maybe move within the same moods and imageries.
And ok, I am open to versions where MC is actually the villain too, somehow? Bonus points if you can find that angle, haha.

Really feeling this one.
You are artificial. You were built as a mission drone, fully articulated and cqc capable.
MC is your target.
Upon expertly navigating the obstacles put between you and your target yc and mc engage in battle. While slightly enhanced, mc should not be holding his ground against your onboard, ballistic system as well as he does. Even when you initiate the RAGE tech in your programming, your kill-events never lock in, and several of them miss. Somehow, through your code, it becomes personal.
Eventually, you find your cybernetic body compromised enough that you have to stand back.
Your facial articulators must be expressing something akin to confusion because mc, panting in a pleased way from the exchange, decide to explain
You are not primarily a mission drone. You are a pleasure bot, designed to equally desire MC's death and pleasure. In the end, you were just a toy. Yc discovers that there are bio-grown and silicone-based parts to your build, all of which have become engaged.
Mc has commissioned or even made YC.
And you have been given sentience to suffer from the conflict.
The point of this is gratuitous violence and sex, mixed with an intricate story. Perhaps a heavily technocratic one. Yc wants to be free thinking, and wants to hate mc. But as they keep getting close to killing him, their submissive side takes over. We can discuss how this shows itself. Does she get weaker? Does her mechanic limbs malfunction?
Throughout the story yc wil end up being blown to bits and fucked hard by mc. She will be rebuilt and she'll try to alter her programming. It'll be a desperate tale about gaining free will, but also the sweetness of surrending it. All to the backdrop of primal releases and inter-character drama. I will write not only as mc, but part of yc's interface. I would love to have a co-GM for this but am also open to gm on my own.

MC is your target.
Upon expertly navigating the obstacles put between you and your target yc and mc engage in battle. While slightly enhanced, mc should not be holding his ground against your onboard, ballistic system as well as he does. Even when you initiate the RAGE tech in your programming, your kill-events never lock in, and several of them miss. Somehow, through your code, it becomes personal.
Eventually, you find your cybernetic body compromised enough that you have to stand back.
Your facial articulators must be expressing something akin to confusion because mc, panting in a pleased way from the exchange, decide to explain
You are not primarily a mission drone. You are a pleasure bot, designed to equally desire MC's death and pleasure. In the end, you were just a toy. Yc discovers that there are bio-grown and silicone-based parts to your build, all of which have become engaged.
Mc has commissioned or even made YC.
And you have been given sentience to suffer from the conflict.
The point of this is gratuitous violence and sex, mixed with an intricate story. Perhaps a heavily technocratic one. Yc wants to be free thinking, and wants to hate mc. But as they keep getting close to killing him, their submissive side takes over. We can discuss how this shows itself. Does she get weaker? Does her mechanic limbs malfunction?
Throughout the story yc wil end up being blown to bits and fucked hard by mc. She will be rebuilt and she'll try to alter her programming. It'll be a desperate tale about gaining free will, but also the sweetness of surrending it. All to the backdrop of primal releases and inter-character drama. I will write not only as mc, but part of yc's interface. I would love to have a co-GM for this but am also open to gm on my own.
A feudal story set in a heavily fictionalized alternative historical Japan.
The world is whispering of monsters. There are forces of good in the government, lead by a shogunate, that oppose the powerful cult that promote this new evil, drawn from old legends and superstitions for political power.
YC is married to a prominent person who means to protect the world from the the cult. But one night your honorable house is visited by mc, a sellsword of a mongrel sword art. Yc's husband takes the challenge. Mc wins.
On top of yc's life being in shatters without a male to lead her house, the cult can now take over relatively unopposed. The world learns the truth of the monsters as they are unleashed.
YC, since she cannot stave off the monsters, as taking down just one takes a tremendous amount of resources, wants revenge on mc instead. One day she tries and fails. The failure leads to her body being taken by the man she hates the most.
After, one of the monsters attack. She looks forward to seeing mc die by a creature he helped unleash. But to both of their surprise, he bests the beast with a strength foreign to either of them.
She remembers her bloodline as a sacrificial caste long ago, now deemed holy only in tradition, but the story goes that there is power inside her, and her ancestors, that their bedmate may take part of, should he be of the right blood, too. Maybe the old legend that gave her family status is as true as the lore of the monsters?
She must now suffer the conflict of leaving the man who killed her husband, or ask him for help in carrying out what her husband stood for, and perhaps save Japan, at the steep price of her dignity.
This will be about fighting monsters of our design, and of YC fighting herself, as her body will give mc the ability to fight on even ground with the monsters. It's basically my twist of the enemies to lovers trope, but with a big question mark on whether they'll be lovers at all. YC has to offer herself as payment, in the physical sense, to a man who she wants to kill. All that delicious drama and depravity.
There'll be a fair amount of world building.
The world is whispering of monsters. There are forces of good in the government, lead by a shogunate, that oppose the powerful cult that promote this new evil, drawn from old legends and superstitions for political power.
YC is married to a prominent person who means to protect the world from the the cult. But one night your honorable house is visited by mc, a sellsword of a mongrel sword art. Yc's husband takes the challenge. Mc wins.

On top of yc's life being in shatters without a male to lead her house, the cult can now take over relatively unopposed. The world learns the truth of the monsters as they are unleashed.
YC, since she cannot stave off the monsters, as taking down just one takes a tremendous amount of resources, wants revenge on mc instead. One day she tries and fails. The failure leads to her body being taken by the man she hates the most.

After, one of the monsters attack. She looks forward to seeing mc die by a creature he helped unleash. But to both of their surprise, he bests the beast with a strength foreign to either of them.

She remembers her bloodline as a sacrificial caste long ago, now deemed holy only in tradition, but the story goes that there is power inside her, and her ancestors, that their bedmate may take part of, should he be of the right blood, too. Maybe the old legend that gave her family status is as true as the lore of the monsters?
She must now suffer the conflict of leaving the man who killed her husband, or ask him for help in carrying out what her husband stood for, and perhaps save Japan, at the steep price of her dignity.
This will be about fighting monsters of our design, and of YC fighting herself, as her body will give mc the ability to fight on even ground with the monsters. It's basically my twist of the enemies to lovers trope, but with a big question mark on whether they'll be lovers at all. YC has to offer herself as payment, in the physical sense, to a man who she wants to kill. All that delicious drama and depravity.
There'll be a fair amount of world building.
Pen, mightier than the sword? Your silver tongue would be witless on my cutlass, and your words would be flightless, wing clipped, as your quill would flitter to the ground.
gif are found here:
I am by no means a history buff, but I have watched some media lately that reminded me of my adoration for victorian-themes.
I have this idea for a world based on that kind of aesthetic, but like anything I do, it'd be dark.
In an amalgamation of then-Paris and then-London, which would be our version of a gone Europe that might have lilted on with its old tastes for longer than its advancement needed it to, a society thrives. We can name the places what we want. If you are a cartographer go nuts.
Basically this world is affected by something I've done before, called The Duelist Economy. The idea of duels and violent competition pitting one combatant against another sees its hayday during or before our story. MC would be from a clan that is particularly known for its prowess in battle.
While competitive violence is in focus, it is of course land and actual currency, that rules the world. But the big families keep their place in society not only by marrying well or using their verbal wit, but also by having a good champion(s) to their name. Like anything we humans come to worship, there'd be a lot of lore and air around a successful duelist.
That's the base of it. I have a few ideas of how it could go, all of them more or less starting with YC needing the skills of MC for any reason. We'd make it dire, we'd make it bitter, we'd make it bloody. And, of course, we'd make it full of smut. I am known to write abhorrent, beautiful villains, and I'm not going to change that for this. This would be strongly from a hetero angle, but I am open to other perspective as well, if you have them, but I think society itself with be rather conservative.
This would be a world building endeavor, even if the bones are already there. Coming at this with the expectation of a regency romance will be a mistake, BUT knowing of some of the tropes and wanting to turn them on their heads will definitely be of help.
Some directions we could go would be jilted childhood friends, bitter family feuds, strong societal pressure.
As always, you are welcome to suggest any storyline where you'd play more than one main character against mine, but it's not required. I am ready to craft an armada of supporting cast for this. It'd be to your benefit if you come at this with an inclination to see your characters suffer because of mine.
I mean to write this jaunt in public threads.
I hope to get some interest and look forward to hearing from you!
Also, I am a goof in PMs, don't expect this semi-serious meter when we talk things out.
gif are found here:
I am by no means a history buff, but I have watched some media lately that reminded me of my adoration for victorian-themes.
I have this idea for a world based on that kind of aesthetic, but like anything I do, it'd be dark.
In an amalgamation of then-Paris and then-London, which would be our version of a gone Europe that might have lilted on with its old tastes for longer than its advancement needed it to, a society thrives. We can name the places what we want. If you are a cartographer go nuts.
Basically this world is affected by something I've done before, called The Duelist Economy. The idea of duels and violent competition pitting one combatant against another sees its hayday during or before our story. MC would be from a clan that is particularly known for its prowess in battle.
While competitive violence is in focus, it is of course land and actual currency, that rules the world. But the big families keep their place in society not only by marrying well or using their verbal wit, but also by having a good champion(s) to their name. Like anything we humans come to worship, there'd be a lot of lore and air around a successful duelist.
That's the base of it. I have a few ideas of how it could go, all of them more or less starting with YC needing the skills of MC for any reason. We'd make it dire, we'd make it bitter, we'd make it bloody. And, of course, we'd make it full of smut. I am known to write abhorrent, beautiful villains, and I'm not going to change that for this. This would be strongly from a hetero angle, but I am open to other perspective as well, if you have them, but I think society itself with be rather conservative.
This would be a world building endeavor, even if the bones are already there. Coming at this with the expectation of a regency romance will be a mistake, BUT knowing of some of the tropes and wanting to turn them on their heads will definitely be of help.
Some directions we could go would be jilted childhood friends, bitter family feuds, strong societal pressure.
As always, you are welcome to suggest any storyline where you'd play more than one main character against mine, but it's not required. I am ready to craft an armada of supporting cast for this. It'd be to your benefit if you come at this with an inclination to see your characters suffer because of mine.
I mean to write this jaunt in public threads.
I hope to get some interest and look forward to hearing from you!
Also, I am a goof in PMs, don't expect this semi-serious meter when we talk things out.
It's not required that you have seen the series but it helps.
The FBI has lost it's empath from the field. Because of his prolific success in assessing any violent murder scene, and profiling the unsub, the bureau started a program to weed people with similar abilities out. Those who show aptitude are fast forwarded to training and initiation independent of what rank they start with.
Not only did the program soon yield a viable and promising candidate, but two. The cadettes were given priority under the commander that started the program, a mentor of the first empath. It went well for some time, and even during their training, the cadettes solved cases by entering a fresh crime scene and instinctively creating a profile. The last empath linked only to the assailant, but the pair of cadettes had one who empathizes with the assailant and one that empathized with the victim.
However briefly successful, the pair chose not to continue as empaths after graduating from the program. The commander has plans of trying to revive their active duty.
Hoookay, so, this is basically a fandom of Hannibal the tv series. More accurately, it is a spinoff where two empaths like Will Graham have proven to have similar abilities but one connects to the murderer and the other to the victim.
This is my design.
MC would be male and empathize with the murderer. And YC would be female and empathize with the victim. They'd go onto a crimescene and relive it, and act out parts as they set themselves into their respective roles. Because of reasons and drama we will discuss, they are now not working together. But are being pushed back into said duty.
This will take a rather skilled writer but I am excited to talk to anyone who may be feeling this story!
The FBI has lost it's empath from the field. Because of his prolific success in assessing any violent murder scene, and profiling the unsub, the bureau started a program to weed people with similar abilities out. Those who show aptitude are fast forwarded to training and initiation independent of what rank they start with.
Not only did the program soon yield a viable and promising candidate, but two. The cadettes were given priority under the commander that started the program, a mentor of the first empath. It went well for some time, and even during their training, the cadettes solved cases by entering a fresh crime scene and instinctively creating a profile. The last empath linked only to the assailant, but the pair of cadettes had one who empathizes with the assailant and one that empathized with the victim.
However briefly successful, the pair chose not to continue as empaths after graduating from the program. The commander has plans of trying to revive their active duty.
Hoookay, so, this is basically a fandom of Hannibal the tv series. More accurately, it is a spinoff where two empaths like Will Graham have proven to have similar abilities but one connects to the murderer and the other to the victim.
This is my design.
MC would be male and empathize with the murderer. And YC would be female and empathize with the victim. They'd go onto a crimescene and relive it, and act out parts as they set themselves into their respective roles. Because of reasons and drama we will discuss, they are now not working together. But are being pushed back into said duty.
This will take a rather skilled writer but I am excited to talk to anyone who may be feeling this story!
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