⚔️Majicks Medieval Fantasy🛡


"Catchy Catch Phrase"
May 13, 2016
Welcome To The Realm of Light and Dark, Yin and Yang

Hey there! Thanks for taking a gander at my newest request thread! It's a rather specific request but it's something I have wanted to try with others! I currently have this particular plot already going with another but something about it really gets me excited.​

Before I get into that though! Let's run down the basics shall we? For this plot I will post relevant Kinks for I have to many or too many that I'm curious about, so I'm always happy to hear what others like!


Q: What kind of post lengths are you looking for? How many do you like to post?
A: I can range anywhere from 400 to well over 1000+ words depending on the scene and how invested into the RP I am. I typically put out what I get, so a heavy writer will get bigger replies. That excludes certain fast paced scenes that make it difficult for large responses. I am looking for more literate or descriptive writers but I'm no Novel writer myself so I don't expect author grade perfection with every post.
Q: What are your Kinks? What do you want too see in the rp?
A: Well for this particular setting, I would like to see a healthy Dom and Power Sub relationship. She doesn't mindlessly give her will to him, he proves that he can overpower her but doesn't do so needlessly. This is a big romance plot but it builds over time, it doesn't happen over night. What was a reluctant partnership becomes a budding romance between Light and Dark.

"As Champion of The Dark, I thought it necessary that I greet you personally, but be warned, I am keen to maintain balance and will do whatever is necessary to uphold my immortal obligation. Tread lightly, for I keep an ever watchful eye on this realm."

-Ion, Keeper of Balance, Champion of Darkness​

WIP! Feel free to reach out if everything interests you thus far!
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