Looking for a switchy brat who will put up a fight


Sep 5, 2023
USA - east coast
Hello, I'm Jim. I'm new to this site but not to roleplaying. I haven't played much in the last year, so I'm trying to get back into it. Hopefully getting accustomed to the platform won't take too long and I can get to the fun stuff. That's where you come in!

Usually I like to play the more dominant role, but i am also eager to find someone who wants to turn the tables, seize control, and punish me for my misdeeds, so not someone who's 100% sub. This could lead to a full-blown revenge story, or simply provide a brutal context with lots of fighting. If our characters know each other I like there being a built-in power difference, e.g. daddy-daughter, professor-student, guard-prisoner, etc. This can provide opportunities for seduction, manipulation, or brute force. If our characters are strangers then I usually prefer abduction and captivity stories involving violence and bondage.

As for logistics, e.g. place and tempo of play, I can't say with 100% certainty since I'm new to the site. I think averaging at least 1 response everyday or every other day seems reasonable as long as responses are at least a solid paragraph or two. Maybe more often with shorter responses could work sometimes. I'm pretty flexible.

KINKS (preferred but not required and certainly not all-inclusive)

Schoolgirl Dommes

CHARACTERS (totally open to other similar roles)


Ideally I'd like to chat and brainstorm with you first. I'm open to all sorts of weird, taboo, or bizarre kinks too, like monsters, demons, magic, but I haven't written any erotica that involves those elements yet

Feel free to send me a dm if anything catches your eye or quickens your pulse ...or if you just wanna chat šŸ˜Š
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