Mx Female My new request thread! (Birthday edition!)


May 19, 2022
It’s my birthday! So figured I’d start with a fresh request thread.

I tend to like to keep things short and sweet since you’re going to be searching through a lot of these looking for “the one”, so let’s get down to business?

I’m looking for someone who can reply once a day on average or more. My responses tend to be in the 300+ word range but can be much longer if needed, no one liners please.

Here is my f list: F-list - Warning

Now onto the prompts! Originals first, then onto the fandoms.



The majority of life on earth is independent, technically speaking. However I thought it might be interesting to play around with the idea of a mutualistic relationship between races. Like how the bee and the flower both need one another to survive, or how some birds feed on the parasites that grow on larger animals, with the larger animal in turn offering protection, and free food.

Your race has long been one of sophistication in unsophisticated times, far more interested in the arts and beauty than in warfare... this made them easy prey in the past to larger, stronger creatures... that is until a bond formed between your peoples, and another... a warrior tribe that knew nothing of art or craftsmenship, but lived a harsh life of battle and warfare... that is until they met your people. The warrior race was confused by your ways, as your people downright refused to fight for territory, not even possessing weapons with which to do battle... they did however wear nice clothing, cooked their food over a fire with herbs and spices gathered from the land, and crafted statues out of wood and clay. For the first time, the warriors did not want to destroy, for the first time, they had something they wanted to protect.

Over a thousand years later, a bond has formed between the peaceful creators and the warrior race, one built on trust, and respect for one another. The warriors, being much larger and stronger, protect the creators from the savage creatures of the wilds, and the threat of war from other nations. The creators spend their time creating beautiful works of art, from buildings to statues, paintings, food... everything they do, they do with beauty, and have an almost obsessive nature to them that makes them strive to perfect their preferred form of art. They also take great pride in their homes, and in caring for the warrior people who protect them. The creators see the warriors as brave and strong, almost godlike beings to be worshiped and cared for. The warriors likewise see the creators as gods in their own right, beings of pure peace and beauty, that need to be protected from the outside world.

A system was put in place, where in creators and warriors would be paired together. The warrior would pledge his life to the creator, protecting them and doing the manual labour that although possible, is much more difficult for the creator to accomplish. In kind, the creator vows to always care for the warrior, seeing that their needs are taken care of, and that they do not want for anything.


Medieval fantasy. Your character is an elf, and your people have been at war with the ever expanding humans for a long time. Things are getting desperate, and so your character goes to plead for assistance from the orcs. The orcs have remained neutral towards the other races for some time, usually too busy at war with one another to be concerned with what the other races are up to. My character is an orc of high station and respect, who agrees to help the elves fight their war. The orcs are fierce on the battlefield, but are far from the ignorant brutes elves believe them to be. Your character learns about their culture, and grows rather fond of their commander.


Medieval fantasy setting. Your character was an orphan who was aging out of the orphanage. There are very few choices for young girls forced to live on the streets. Most resort to prostitution… but your character had other ideas. Thanks to their slim build, they are able to pass as a scrawny boy. They enlist in the military, which at least ensures them a warm place to sleep and three meals a day. But what happens when her commanding officer discovers her secret?


A little cliché, but it’s a classic for a reason! Your character has, for one reason or another, found herself in the service of mine. Maybe your character is a widow with a baby to feed? Maybe their mother was a maid and our characters are childhood friends? Whatever the reason, they soon find being a maid requires more than just cooking and cleaning, and they must attend to all their masters needs.

Nerdy girl/experienced childhood friend.

Inspired by this NSFW image: Here

Your character is on the nerdy side, and doesn't really have any romantic/sexual experience. But now that she's graduated high school and is heading off to college, she's concerned that she's fallen so far behind her peers that she won't ever catch up!

Thankfully she has a friend, a popular, attractive young man who she's known her whole life, and who has been known to be quite the ladies man. If anyone can teach her the ropes, it would certainly be him! And besides, he owes her for all that chemistry homework she helped him with over the years!

Basically I envision a cute/smutty story where our characters start out as friends, become friends with benefits, and then evolve into something more… he'd be training her from the ground up, from how to make out, how to give a basic hand job, all the way to deepthroating cock and taking it up the ass like a pro!


Mass Effect
This one is pretty general. I enjoy the world and think there are tons of possibilities. Maybe a Turian is opperating a less than legal salvage ship and your character is the new Quarian mechanic? Maybe you're an up and coming Asari on Omega looking to make allies with some powerful people? Lots of potential possibilities. :)

Harry Potter
What can I say? I’m a 90s kid, so of course I love Harry Potter. Mostly interested in playing opposite Hermione Granger.
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