Mx Female Rivals RP stories

Aug 30, 2023
Hello! Here is my thread...

I really like stories that are at least semi-realistic and contain tensions such as:
rivalry, cheating, conflict etc.

Here are two potential stories.

(1) I'll get that promotion [Slice of Life]
A story where two coworkers deal with feelings of rivalry, hate and passion in the face of a looming promotion they both want.
Michael, who was always viewed as a charismatic and confident man with a charm that could sell anything, had built his career in the fast-paced world of sales. Today, in the cold corporate offices of Bingo Tech he looked very confident on the outside but gazing that woman made him feel more perplexing emotions.

In the next few days a promotion is up for grabs, a promotion that he has wanted for over 3 years - and Michael isn't patient with regards to his career progression. There is no one - and he means NO ONE - that could take that spot now from him.

Recently the Sales Director, Michael's - and that woman's - manager, had quit. The executives made it clear - they don't want to hire externally for this - one of the Sales Managers would take the position.

Wearing his expensive suit and his irresistible smile, he was still looking at her, remembering the first time they met, the first chats they had - she could have been someone Michael liked, someone that Michael is even romantically interested in.

If it wasn't for her goddamn ambition.

Today, they would report on the quarterly numbers of their teams. The one who wins the room of the executives is bound to be a strong favourite for the position. And Michael was determined it would be him.
(2) Tribal Leaders [Fantasy]
A human tribe chieftain (MC) and a chieftain of an elven tribe (YC) are at the brink of war... They consider each other a vile enemy, who stands in the way of their tribes interests... and at the same time wildly interesting.
As the sun began its descent, casting a warm, amber hue upon the ancient forest, Eirik, a resolute and charismatic leader of the human tribe, ventured deep into the woods. His purpose was clear: to negotiate with the elven tribe, their age-old adversaries.

There she stood, under the pine tree, as the messengers said. Eirik felt like grinding his teeth looking at what he perceived like a smug face from his rival - her tribe had the upper hand at the moment. An idea popped in his head: Maybe he should eliminate her here and there. Maybe as they speak he will draw his sword and kill his nemesis.

But for now he needs to engage into dialogue - he is going to be fierce but diplomatic.
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