The Prodigy Returns FxMxF [Muscle Girls/Yandere&Tsundere/Size Differences/Fighting]

Dec 3, 2013

First off thank you for clicking on my thread and taking the time to read what it is that I am currently looking for. I appreciate ya!

I am mostly literate, though everyone makes mistakes from time to time. On average I post 3-5 paragraphs and do generally expect the same of my partners. If you are not capable of achieving these lengths, we probably won't be a good fit for one another. I am open to changing the images of the characters if they don't fit your preferences, but please at least look at the gallery so that you can get an idea as to what I'm looking for in the female roles.

:: Kink/Themes ::
Muscular Girls
Voluptuous Girls
Obsessive Females
Risk of Pregnancy
Martial Arts
Rough Sex
Size Difference
(Open to discussion on adding more for your tastes)

So I am looking for someone to double-up characters. Both Female roles will not be played simultaneously the entire time, though sometimes they will be in the same scene along with one another. I will not be requiring you to double up without me doing anything in return for you, I will play all the other characters that our characters interact with. This is quite a specific idea that will have a bit of action with smut scenes sprinkled in between said action. Both females will share the same trait that they're very possessive of MC, but in different forms. One will be more 'Yandere' and the other 'Tsundere', both of the females will be on par with one another as far as strength so they don't pose a threat to one another but will compete for MC's attention.

The plotline is that MC has been training in martial arts as his life is one where he's regularly tormented by people throughout his school life. Being bullied and picked on for his lack of apparent strength, where he's been training at is where he first meets YC. She takes an interest in him due to the fact that unlike other people that have joined into their school of martial arts he's not cocky or overly zealous about his "skills". He simply is there to learn and train, she takes him under her wing and gives him very personal guidance on how to defend himself. After training in the school for several years he develops his body quite nicely and becomes one of their top students. During a family vacation, the boat that they were riding on the go to a popular island they get caught in a bad storm and he's tossed overboard. This is where he would meet the other female lead(YC). She would remind him incredibly of his sparring partner from back home, this female also is in fact a fighter and has a fighting style that is very unique and primal. He would end up spending nearly half a year with her and her family learning their fighting style that has been passed down from generation to generation. A rescue party would eventually find him and he decides to leave having learned most of what they could offer. The native female decides that she wants to go with him as there's more that she could teach him given time, as well she wants to see the outside and more modern world.

As far as MC characters goes that I will be playing the majority of the time, his appearance would be as such and as far as the two characters you would be playing I found a list of art that fits what I've been looking for perfectly. Please have a look through the gallery and pick which of the pairs that you like best. Or mix and match so should you choose to. Find the gallery of females here.

For those that have made it this far, congratulations! There is no specific subject or title for PMing me if you're interested and if there's anything you wish to discuss please do let me know!
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