Mx Female My Wife Was Cuckolded! (NSFW)


"Catchy Catch Phrase"
May 13, 2016
Hello beautiful ladies! Thank you for taking the time to peruse my RP specific thread!


Lazy Wife Gets Cuckolded!

Premise: A loving and doting husband works tirelessly every day to care for his wife and stepdaughter. He loves his daughter to death, but his wife does very little around the house, found lazing around working on senseless projects that never get finished. All the while the kitchen keeps piling up with dishes, piles of laundry become mountains, and the little is hardly cared for while he is gone. She does the bare minimum to care for the child and the child alone.


He has tried being romantic time and time again, surprising her with gifts and even killing himself after work to get the house in shape. He has lived like this for years and gets little to no reciprocation from his so called wife. Maybe a night, once a month where she decides SHE is in the mood and insti- oh nope, here we go, doing all the work again.


He craves hot, passionate, Sloppy sex but his wife is always making excuses about everything, so he has had enough and goes out to the local bar after a huge fight. Which of course, he is the bad guy when all he wanted was for her to show some effort in their sex life. Now convinced he has no sex life, he decides what the hell, I'll go have a drink.


He meets a woman there, or runs in to an old or current friend that's aware of his situation. She decides she wants to show him how a real woman operates, and they go back to his house.


Whether wife is awake or ends up waking up, I want her too walk into her man having the best sex of his life with a bombshell of a woman.

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