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Fx Male Cruelty Galore -- Hardcore Femdom Cravings


acting unwise
Dec 31, 2019
home of sexual
Although I've thoroughly enjoyed playing gentle and excitable dommes over the past -- who knows how many -- years, I've recently had an itch to play a girl at the complete opposite end of the dominant spectrum: the type that's arrogant like she owns the world, demanding like the whole world isn't yet enough, and most of all, cruel and sadistic without an inkling of remorse. Naturally, this calls for a scenario heavily featuring themes of humiliation, degradation and objectification; however, I'd still like this to be consensual, in that the sub actually wants and enjoys such a treatment. I'm also open to a more dubiously consensual approach, e.g. with the sub getting more than he bargained for, or tries to hide his embarrassing perversions at first.

As the tag on this thread suggests, I'm primarily interested in an FxM pairing, though I could be convinced to play with another gender.

While I'm obviously looking for something smut-heavy and ideally short-term, I tend to think of ERP as "RP involving E" rather than "E via RP": I like writing, and like to think I'm quite good at it, and lewd things just happen to be what I enjoy writing about most -- and like to think I'm best at. Style-wise, I exclusively RP in third person perspective and prefer past tense because I always mess up present tense. I do not like strict emote length requirements, as I think it's best to just write as much as is appropriate, but I've noticed I tend to go for three or four paragraphs per post, and easily more in a slower-paced RP with less direct interaction.

Lately the summer break has allowed me to sit down and write quite often, but I expect my response rate to go down to once or twice a week when school starts again in September. As such, I'm only interested play-by-post style RPs, where we write whenever we have time for our turn -- which I've learned is the common preference here too --, as opposed to more rapid-fire session-based RPs you may find in MMOs and some Discords. I've come to prefer doing so over Bluemoon's PM system, but I'm also open to play on a thread here if you're into it. I do have a Discord I share upon request, but considering how infrequently I use it I generally prefer planning over PMs too.

Kinks & Themes
I've found that these shorter kink-laden scenes work especially well if we single out one fetish and give it the spotlight, so instead of listing a bunch of prompts, I figured I'd get into some of the kinks I'm especially fond of and use those as hooks for possible plots. That said, none of these are necessarily mutually exclusive, so I'm happy to combine several if a particular scenario allows them to blend together without spreading the focus too thin.

Didn't see this one coming, huh? Whether it's ballbusting, spanking, whipping, or some other form of torture, I'd love for my character to indulge a masochist's needs. Perhaps he hired a professional escort just for that -- or, alternatively, he's not into painplay at all but knows it's the only way to please is sadistic crush.

Boots, heels, stockings, socks, bare feet -- I love foot fetishism in many different ways, and know how erotic a worship scene can be even if there's nothing explicitly sexual about it. One thing I haven't previously played with is the dirty and smelly aspect of feet, but if that's something you're particularly into, I'm happy to give it a try, provided it doesn't detract from the elegance I'd like my domme to project.

Gore & Snuff
In a way, the epitome of the first on this list. Contrary as it may sound, though, I especially adore darker themes when paired with the sub's consent; so in love with a girl he literally wants her to steal his heart? Volunteering to be a vampire's blood doll? It allows for a much more unique dynamic than in typical gore-themed scenarios.
I should however mention that when it comes to gore, I find the psychology of the concept -- being reduced to a piece of meat and objectified to something you can take/replace parts of like a Lego set -- much more interesting to explore than the graphic details of bloody intestines being ripped out; admittedly, I'm not even sure if I have the biological knowhow to describe that accurately.

The heavier, the longer, the better. I'll be fairly brief on this one since I have an old request thread that goes over my bondage-related ideas in much more (visual) detail.

I realise these are still very barebones concepts, so I would love to hear your thoughts if any of them piqued your interest. If not, but you do have something in mind that you think I might enjoy anyway, don't hesitate to bring it up! I'm always happy to hear new ideas.​
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