Mx Female Return from hiatus!

May 25, 2021
Welcome all! As mentioned in the title, I am coming back from an unplanned hiatus thanks to work taking me overseas. But, I am back and looking to kick things off once more!

A bit about me to start... I am nocturnal by nature and work, and honestly pretty busy these days due to my job, but I do get time off enough to enjoy the finer points of life. One of those is writing! I tend to post once or twice a week if our schedules don't match up, but if I am really I to a story or my partner happens to be around when I am available, I have been known to rapid fire posts back and forth throughout the night. I am EST timezone (east coast US/Canada) if that makes it easier to work my availability. I prefer story over smut in most circumstances, and have a long list of enjoyed kinks to apply to our writing. (Extra priority to those who enjoy and want to include watersports in a story, just saying... ^_^) For the time being I am looking for one or two stories to write via PM or Discord, and do have a few of my own ideas, listed below.

With regards to my writing, I like detailed posts the most. My typical replies are around 4 to 6 paragraphs while starters and early story posts can easily hit 10+. That isn't to say I am expecting mirroring from my partners, but at the same time I want to know how YC feels and thinks and comprehends the world around them. Also, if I only get a single paragraph each time I tend to get bored rather quickly. Yes, I know during some scenes posts will get shorter by necessity, and even I sometimes only put out 2 para or so during spots where the need for responses is high. That said, I am not demanding a high word count, just give me stuff to work with and enjoy, and we should get along fine. ^_^


The Photographer and the Model
(Slow burn, high sexual tension plot)
MC is a photographer with his own studio, taking commissions for up and coming models who want to get their work out into the world. Lately, the trend has been leaning more towards niche markets, and YC comes in looking for a professional artist to portfolio her cosplay shoots. As a more slow burn style that I am looking for it would start out fully professional, but an obvious attraction between the two. The beginning would have YC in more modest cosplay of their own make, but as the tensions crank higher it almost turns into a game as both of our characters suggest skimpy and erotic costumes for her to wear in an attempt to find which of them breaks down first and jumps the other.

Assassins in the Modern World
(Action heavy, graphic, high story content)
Modern assassins are real and out in the world this very day. Cryptos is an organization which fronts this high risk, high reward profession with strict rules of conduct. Contracts are handed out by this company to their agents who carry out their duties within the guidelines of their profession. Should one break the core rules though, they find their name given out as targets for a quick end to career and life. Looking for a plot between an established killer, MC, and YC as either another established assassin joining for a tough job or a new trainee trying to gain a place within Cryptos. Lots of ways to play this one out.

Transfered to Another World
(Action, fantasy, abilities)
One day, random people on Earth were taken from the world and deposited on a completely alien planet with magic and abilities. I don't have a plot for this so much as that basic idea that we could expand upon and make a great story all our own!

The Immortal
(Modern, super powers, open concept)
The world has seen the rise of people with super hero-like abilities. Flight, immense strength, total control of an element like fire or ice, super speeders... etc. However, those powers had been around for centuries previously, just much more rare and often taken for witchcraft and destroyed upon discovery. MC is someone who has been around for a long time, the power of immortality keeping him looking the same as ever once he reached peak physical maturity. However, he never got anything else to go with it. No increased strength, speed, elemental control, mind reading abilities... Nothing. Just the inability to die as the world continues to move on around him. How YC meets him and what comes of it is open to discussion and plotting, but this is definitely a highly interested idea of mine.

That's all I have off the top of my head, and any of those are open for discussion and tweaking! Feel free to give me a PM if you are interested (making sure to mention which plot you desire most obviously) and we can discuss further. Please don't comment on the thread itself, as I won't be checking it. As I said near the beginning, I am only open for a couple stories at the moment and hate repeating them, so my own plots are first come first serve! If the plot you are interested in is taken and you have your own idea you think I might enjoy, feel free to bring it up as well. Worst case I say "no thanks", but there is always a chance I might be quite intrigued and go along with it!
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1 or 2 slots open before my hands are full. Still no full bites on the assassins or photographer plots if anyone is interested.
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