Mx Female Transfer Student


Hot mess
Aug 16, 2023
Derek is your average 16yo high school student. He doesn't stand out much academically or athletically, and his appearance is rather feminine. This got him horribly bullied at his old school. With the attacks becoming more and more violent, his parents decided they needed to do something drastic. They took him out of his school and looked for alternatives. The only other available, however, was strictly an all-girls' school. They pleaded their case with the principal, and she finally relented on one condition. Derek would have to pass as a girl for the rest of his high school career. They all agreed, and Derek spent the summer buying new clothes, practicing make-up, and working on his voice and mannerisms. He found he made an attractive girl by the time the school year started.

I'm looking for someone to play a female classmate or teacher in this setting who becomes close to Derek or discovers his secret. Details can be discussed.
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