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Mx Any Proxyz' Current Cravings


Jul 29, 2023
Hello, to all of you lovely people! All of the plots that are visible in this post are available unless otherwise noted. All plots can be done with female, futa, or femboy/sissy partners.

Flist - Warning

*Disclaimer: I almost exclusively play black characters as my primary character for any human character. If you're not okay with POC, we won't be good partners for these plots. I am more than happy to play fantasy races though.

What I Offer

  • I hover around the 2-3 paragraph mark naturally but am more than happy to write more with the right person.
  • Comfortable with OOC conversations and plotting.
  • Plenty of worldbuilding and character creation in plot-heavy roleplay.
  • Pretty regular availability during the work week, with spotty availability on the weekends.
  • At least a single reply a day during the work week. Potential for multiple depending on what my schedule allows for.
  • Happy to write multiple characters depending on the scene. Both sexual and non.
  • First or third person POV; whatever you find yourself more comfortable with.
  • Default faceclaims are drawn, but I can find real faceclaims if that is what is desired.

What I'm Looking For

  • At least some movement on the story during the week. Usually, a couple of replies a week is all I'm looking for.
  • At least a single paragraph per reply. Ideally, I'd prefer 2-3 paragraphs, but as long as you aren't a one liner, I'll be happy.

Realistic Plots

*My realistic plots are more plot-bunnies than anything. Random musings that could serve as a starting point for plot planning. Little to nothing is set in stone for them.

Lonely Housewife

A woman left at home all day for whatever reason - be it a stay-at-home wife, or someone who has enough money that they didn't need to work - finds herself bored and lonely. Entertainment of some sort is necessary, so just how will they find it? There's the pool boy that comes over by himself for an hour or so every week. His conversation seems to be pretty good. Or maybe the college aged students that live next door. Maybe reliving her glory days wouldn't be awful. Or maybe she should follow up on the rumors she heard about the other housewives in the neighborhood and see just what their parties really are. Either way, there's surely some way they can find some sort of entertainment.

Music Collab

An up-and-coming rap star has everything looking good for him. Labels were constantly contacting him despite the fact that he was self-produced until now. Offering him lucrative deals to sign. Other labels are reaching out to do collaborations with him and their artist. Rap features are the hottest thing right now after all. But even spicier than that is following their relationships. What would happen if the newest rap star were to enter a relationship with his new manager, or the artist he was collaborating with? News coverage, that's what. Even if the relationship is being pushed on them and there aren't any feelings there, the lust could be fun at least.

The Coach

MC would be the coach of a children's sport team. YC would ideally be a parent of one of those kids. After repeated interaction a relationship may or may not naturally develop. This could go just about any way though. For instance, if the team is a developmental team for professional hopefuls, YC might approach MC about getting their child a bit more play time. What sacrifices would be given for that to happen? Or if an age gap is desired, making the team a high school or university team and having YC be a player is another option.

As with most plots, the finer details can be discussed further in DMs.

Wrong Side of Town

A classic fish out of water story. Taking a stereotyped character and tossing them into a place they typically don't belong leads to exciting scenarios. The story I'm looking to explore is taking someone from the ghetto and placing them in an area they don't belong. Specifically, taking a black character and placing them somewhere predominantly white. Whether that be MC making it big somehow and moving to a richer neighborhood where they meet YC; or MC moving to the country where they haven't seen someone with darker skin in years. It'd be somewhere he doesn't belong. Someone might just desire a taste of that forbidden fruit.

The Yoga Instructor

Deciding to get a bit more exercise and regain the flexibility lost (or maybe the flexibility that was never there in the first place), YC decided to join a yoga studio. Everyone talks about how good it feels and the health benefits, so why not? Sure, the instructor might be a bit under dressed but it’s hot in the studio so that can be explained. And maybe he gets a little too handsy at times, but he’s just trying to make sure that everyone does the pose properly. But when YC feels something against them that feels larger than it should be, maybe curiosity gets the better of them and some private instruction is necessary…

Fantasy Plots

The Devil in Her Ear

They had always heard whispers since childhood. As far back as they could remember that voice was always there. Never anything coherent, just rambles and incoherent noises. Everyone told them it was normal - just the imagination of kids they'd say. Or that it was normal for people to hear voices. The voices were always in people's heads, acting as a conscious or some sort of imaginary friend. Even worse when they went to the church to ask about it and they mistakenly thought that it might be the voice of an angel. But when they were checked, they held no divinity. So, whatever that voice was, it wasn't real.

At least, that's what they thought.

The older they grew and the stronger they became; the voice would become louder and more frequent. Still, nothing could be gathered from the deep voice that seemed to speak directly into their mind. Not until they became strong enough. It happened seemingly at random. A large growth in innate ability; a swelling of mana capacity. Then the voice finally came in clearly.

"I found you."

They could've never guessed that this would be the day that they met a demon. A day that should've been a happy one - a significant milestone in their magical development - was quickly becoming anything but. The whispers would tell them a truth that no one would want to hear. And lead them down a path where friends were a luxury that they could no longer afford.

When everyone could be against them, maybe turning to the devil isn't the worst idea.


The general idea of the story that I am looking to create with somebody is one of unusual partnerships. A demon that knows some unknown truth about the world and is going through a secondary party to try and resolve it. Whether it's the fact that high level angels and demons are colluding to end the world for some reason, or that the major god being worshipped is false. It is something that they need to work together to solve, and something that makes just about everybody suspicious.

As for some of the finer details, the demon I'm looking to play is one that would otherwise be restrained if not for the character he speaks to. Potentially caught for trying to do things himself and sealed away, or just a rule for the way mythical beings interact with the world. Beyond whispering in your character's ear, he would also be able to manifest portions of his powers through their shadow as long as it's dark out.

Taking on a weaker form to assist when called for. His strength would be directly proportional to the strength that your character could handle. Making him almost like a summon of sorts that has his own will.


Runaway Mage

Malek made a discovery that he would've been better off never making. The magic tower was corrupt - incredibly so. Using their powers for their own good usually at the cost of others. The philanthropy they showed frequently by taking in orphans and "rehousing" them with people that would care for them? All a lie. Taking in homeless people that were down on their luck? Lie. Liberating slaves from the black market because they value human life? Lie. People were regularly sacrificed by the higher ups for whatever experiment they were doing.

Need blood as a conduit? There's a person or two that can be used. Testing a spell or potion? Just throw out someone else. No reason to harm one of our own. The world's best kept secret and somehow Malek stumbled upon it. A master magician younger than most, but not quite accepted into the inner fold. Naturally, the sages all asked if he wanted to achieve a high level of magic along with them, and when he refused… well it led to this situation. Him desperately running away from assassins, hiding from the mages that were told he turned. Evading the eye of most of the public now that he had a bounty on his head as a proclaimed dark magician.

There was no peace anymore. Not for Malek, and not for those that might believe him.


A simple idea that doesn't need much explanation. A man on the run from the powers that may be, runs into YC and together they try to fight against corruption. Whether it's going to other nations for help, or just doing everything themselves. As long as they're together, they'll be able to figure something out.


The Devil Came Down to Georgia

A well-dressed man stood in the center of a stage. The big top had shielded everyone inside from the rest of the world, and the rest of the world was shielded from what occurred within its high, stripped, walls. The circus felt like an entirely different world. The decoration was perfect for a travelling circus. The type of attention to detail that one would expect from a place that had a single location. But no, they managed to recreate the dark ambiance each and every week they set up shop in a new location. And - despite the waning interest in circuses - they managed to sell every seat without fail.

The spotlights turned directly to the man who was stood perfectly tall. Lithe and in a slick suit with matching top hat. A bit of face paint creating a skull-like image on his otherwise handsome face, "Would you believe me if I told you that you'll leave here a different person then when you came in? Having seen things that your minds refuse to believe is real? I promise you, that everything that happens within this tent is one hundred percent real. We don't have time for light tricks or illusions. Not when we can create the exact miracles that the circus once promised. Right here. Right now. I'm going to create a spectacle that will haunt your dreams for the rest of your days. So, I must ask: you ready?" There was a soft cheer from the crowd at the ringmaster's question. "ARE YOU READY?" He screamed louder and that earned him a ground shaking cheer.

With that, the lights cut out entirely and the circus prepared to begin. No one in the audience was prepared though, because it was going to be something they had never experienced before. The circus from hell. Because the devil had finally arrived in Georgia.

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