Mx Female Monster seeking busty, breedable submissives


Your Local Swamp Monster
Nov 8, 2022
that green pond in the neighbors' back yard
Hello there! Tried to keep the title succinct - this thread is pretty much what it says on the tin.

What I'm seeking in a partner:
- friendly & communicative. Friendliness is not a necessity, we don't have to share jokes and memes if you don't want to, but please work with me on the story and let me know if you're not feeling it. I'll be immensely grateful if you give me a heads up about long absences as well.
- solid writing. Description, emotion, dialog, and a character with personality. Length fluctuates depending on the needs of the scene but as I will be putting a lot of detail into my posts, I would appreciate the same from you.
- kinkiness. The fewer limits you have, the better.

I will of course observe the same rules. I'm not a creep, I just want to be buds and write filthy smut.

The Premise

Long ago, when the gods still ruled these hills, he was revered. Villages offered sacrifices - food, wealth, and beautiful virgins - to earn his favor and he granted them protection from the beasts that prowled his forest. Fewer children died of famine or sickness, fewer droughts parched their hard-won harvests. It was a peaceful time. When the land began to change, so did the gods that inhabited it, drawing back from the human world as technology advanced. For eons, they had been the dominant species and now, as their forests were cut down and their rivers filled in and their meadows paved over, they began to disappear.

But he persists. His forest remains, ancient and protected by something called a Parks Service. His den nestles deep amongst the massive trees, hidden by magic long forgotten by humans, and in his limited power, he persists. He hunts. He fishes. He digs, and weaves, and tames the wolves that keep him warm in the winter. He does not need reverence to live a fulfilling life.

The first picture to surface of him was taken by a pair of park visitors in the nineties, an old polaroid that everyone with half a brain dismissed as an impossibility: a humanoid, nearly ten feet tall, muscle bound arms and legs the size of tree trunks and a barrel chest. Silhouetted against the light, his face was indiscernible but the shape of his horns was unmistakable. They curved out from the top of his head like a buck's, massive antlers appropriate to a truly ancient beast.

Over the years, more pictures have been found. He's the local bigfoot and that's fine by him. He has a few open-minded friends - those who are happiest in the deep woods, away from people, will always have a place by his fire - who have kept him up to date with the world, insofar as he can be. Now, he even has a cellphone. He likes to troll the forums where his legends are discussed, posting pictures of his own massive footprints in the mud and claiming to have found them in a different area of the state park, or even another country entirely. It's funny to watch the humans argue about it.

Sometimes, people try to hunt him down, to catch a glimpse and snap a picture to share like a trophy.

Sometimes, they're young women.

Sometimes, they're rather beautiful.

Sometimes, they do not come home.

He makes them comfortable - oh, does he ever - and keeps them safe, protecting them from harm. He is still a god, and one who remembers the old days when he received a virgin once a year from no fewer than three villages. It's been a long time since, but still, he knows how to keep a young woman warm and lithe and willing. He craves the companionship and when he comes upon YC in the woods one afternoon, he decides it's been long enough since he last had some.

Some angles for this prompt (but please feel free to bring your own):
YC is just walking through the national parks and stumbles upon this hulking creature, who kidnaps her.
YC has heard the legends and wants to see this mountain man for herself.
YC is a monster hunter looking for proof of his existence.
YC is a young witch who has learned about the old gods and their ways and wishes to increase her magical ability by sacrificing something to the god of the forest. She may not realize right away that the sacrifice will, in fact, be her - or she could fully realize that and be absolutely thrilled at the idea.

(My only request for YC's appearance is that she's busty. Give this guy some breasts that'll be a handful, even for him.)

Kinks and Limits

So, first thing's first: I don't do non-con. I don't want her to be kicking and screaming while he tears her clothes off, it kills the mood for me. This guy, inhuman as he is, will treat YC with the care a beautiful toy deserves. He will make her comfortable. He will keep her safe. He will drug her to keep her calm - and to set her nerves on fire for him. If she's not willing at first, the drugs will fix that.

My other limits are vore, verbal abuse, filth and scat.

I have an extensive list of kinks that I can share but the ones most relevant to this idea are:
- oversized insertions
- stomach bulge
- equine cocks
- breeding
- excessive cum
- pregnancy
- kissing
- beastiality (canine)
- incest
- gang bangs
- water sports
- lactation
- nursing
- drugs/inebriated sex/altered states of consciousness
- public sex
- rough/brutal sex
- marking/biting
- living sex toy

If you have a kink that's not on either list, go ahead and float it by me. I will at least consider it.

Similarly, if you have an idea for a different monster plot with similar kinks, feel free to drop it in my inbox!

If you're interested, please reach out! It's worth noting that I vastly prefer playing through Discord - I often forget to check this forum and will be much more consistent there. I hope to hear from y'all soon!
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