- Joined
- Jul 31, 2023
Hullo! It's me, Esti!
Putting my general thread on pause for now to search for one specific fandom! If the title wasn't obvious enough.. I'm looking for Pokemon roleplays! Not gonna run my mouth, just spit out some guidelines and such so people don't get bored reading a blurb--
As stated in the topic title, I'm only looking for doubling roleplays. I favor OCxCC, CCxCC, OCxOC in that order. Come at me with an offer for OCxCC and you're very likely to get a favorable response!
The second important thing is location! Threads, PM, in this order. OOC will be through PM, maybe moved to Discord if things go along well? I do love to chat with rp partners! Spam memes or THIS IS THEM cute images? Oh yes. I'm all in for that. But it's not required if you'd rather keep things strictly to writing!
We all thrive on attention, lets keep it equal! You want your favorite character/love interest to be as canon & thriving as possible? So do I! Please give both characters played equal attention. Multipara/novella for your OC and one line/paragraph for your canon? Totally not cool.
We're not writing a novel but we still wanna have fun! I personally write 2~3 or more nice paragraphs per main character I'm playing, and am hoping for the same from a partner. Of course, length does vary depending on whats happening in a roleplay, I'm not jumping down anyones throat for that!
Gotta go fast! Sometimes. Yeah, sometimes! My replying speed can be either fast, slow, or inbetween. I have health issues that yo-yo all the time, so sometimes I can just shut off and not respond to OOC even if I'm apparently online. Please don't rush me or spam my messages. If it's been over a week with no OOC or roleplay replies though, feel free to gently give me a poke.
Everything comes to an end, stories especially. Lost muse? No time anymore? Just bored of the roleplay in general? Please tell me! You don't have to give me a long explanation, just a quick note saying something along the lines of sorry you're ending the rp works just fine! We can part ways or maybe think of something else! I'm all ears!
So do we have a deal? If you can deal with these points then go ahead and spin me a message! When you do... Can you tell me; What I can call you, who you're willing to play for me, who you'd like me to play for you, any ideas you might have, and your favorite stuffed animal!
All that out of the way, lets get onto the nitty gritty of things aye? Lets separate things into three sections, characters, media & plots!
Characters I'd like you to play for me! (in wanted order)
Cheren (BW2)
Versions of media I'm open to!
Games RBY/GS/RS/DP/XY/SwSh/SV (I lean more and am more versed to the earlier games cause I'm an oldie. I totally don't mind if we set a rp in an earlier region but your character has a newer pokemon or comes from a newer region!)
Manga (I've recently started reading PokeSpe, at chapter.. 10... Please give me some time to read more if you want a manga based rp!)
Anime (Another thing I'm mainly an oldie for. My knowledge extends to like... The really old dub up to Orange Islands? Haha childhood crush on Tracy go brrrr! So unfortunately no anime/movie exclusive characters here! :< )
Creepypasta (Been years since I've read any, but link me your faves! Lets plot something around them with our chosen muses? I recall classics like Buried Alive and Lost Silver.)
Gijinka (I personally don't play them, but I find them interesting! If you want to play a gijinka OC I'm all ears! )
Ideas & Plots! (Feel free to bring your own or add to mine)
More mature ambience in general? Yes please!
Putting my general thread on pause for now to search for one specific fandom! If the title wasn't obvious enough.. I'm looking for Pokemon roleplays! Not gonna run my mouth, just spit out some guidelines and such so people don't get bored reading a blurb--

All that out of the way, lets get onto the nitty gritty of things aye? Lets separate things into three sections, characters, media & plots!
Characters I'd like you to play for me! (in wanted order)
Cheren (BW2)
Versions of media I'm open to!
Games RBY/GS/RS/DP/XY/SwSh/SV (I lean more and am more versed to the earlier games cause I'm an oldie. I totally don't mind if we set a rp in an earlier region but your character has a newer pokemon or comes from a newer region!)
Manga (I've recently started reading PokeSpe, at chapter.. 10... Please give me some time to read more if you want a manga based rp!)
Anime (Another thing I'm mainly an oldie for. My knowledge extends to like... The really old dub up to Orange Islands? Haha childhood crush on Tracy go brrrr! So unfortunately no anime/movie exclusive characters here! :< )
Creepypasta (Been years since I've read any, but link me your faves! Lets plot something around them with our chosen muses? I recall classics like Buried Alive and Lost Silver.)
Gijinka (I personally don't play them, but I find them interesting! If you want to play a gijinka OC I'm all ears! )
Ideas & Plots! (Feel free to bring your own or add to mine)
More mature ambience in general? Yes please!
This is just a small inkling I had come into mind and not exactly a fully fleshed out plot, so I'm open to thoughts and ideas to expand on it!
The basic idea is some form of virus or meddling by an unknown villainous group as been effecting Pokemon eggs region-wide, causing the hatchlings to violently attack the first person they see upon hatching. This could also maybe effect the parents too, be it they were infected and passed it to the egg or they join the attack thinking the victim is the one who caused their hatchling to attack first out of self defence.
It's a wide spread thing. Parents are keeping their children indoors, trainers avoid letting their Pokemon chill out in the open, daycares are either closed or being blamed for the outbreak. Things are pretty hectic. This is where our characters come in. They could be victims, researchers or even the bad guys in disguise! There's a lot that can be tweaked and added to this idea I think~
The basic idea is some form of virus or meddling by an unknown villainous group as been effecting Pokemon eggs region-wide, causing the hatchlings to violently attack the first person they see upon hatching. This could also maybe effect the parents too, be it they were infected and passed it to the egg or they join the attack thinking the victim is the one who caused their hatchling to attack first out of self defence.
It's a wide spread thing. Parents are keeping their children indoors, trainers avoid letting their Pokemon chill out in the open, daycares are either closed or being blamed for the outbreak. Things are pretty hectic. This is where our characters come in. They could be victims, researchers or even the bad guys in disguise! There's a lot that can be tweaked and added to this idea I think~