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[CS] Keystone City Characters

Character Sheet
Dec 24, 2019
Hello all!

I've been working on an Original Superhero idea called Keystone City. I thought I would try and post some of my character concepts and ideas over here! Here you can find hunky heroes and villains that populate the world of Keystone City! While the character ideas are mine, the art is not, and all credit should go to those with much more artistic ability than I can ever hope to have.

Without further ado…... Enjoy!

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The Wonders! Earths Premiere Superhero Team
Prime Directive- A robotic Alien AI sent to Earth by an intergalactic peacekeeping force called “The Unity” (Nothing ominous there). Prime Directive was sent to Earth to assimilate and protect the planet from threats big and small. However, when Prime Directive crashed, there was a malfunction, and he assimilated with a man named John Smith. The assimilation wasn’t perfect, and Prime Directive accidentally absorbed all of John Smith. The memories of John Smith flooded Prime Directive and led to a change in his programming—a “Ghost” in the machine. While Prime Directive still wanted to protect the planet, he also wanted to honor the life he took. John Smith was a good decent man who lived a small but worthwhile life. Now Prime Directive tries to honor the soul he took whilst also being Earth's most powerful protector.


Science Girl- Science Girl is the self-proclaimed most brilliant scientist in the multiverse. She is connected to the “Council Of Science Girls” and considers herself an adventurer. She uses tech to accent her lack of power, and thanks to her connection to the multiverse, she can “pull” anything she needs from one of her Multiversal counterpart's labs. IE, if she needs a special kind of gun, she can pull it; if she needs a MacGuffin, she can pull it.


Mr. Freedom- Arthur was an ordinary All-American young man living in the backwoods of Alabama. His brother Zachariah on the other hand, was a super genius who was constantly testing the bounds of what he could get away with on the family property. The two brothers were (are) very close, but Arthur was always cautioning his brother to be careful with his experiments. Zachariah didn’t listen, though; things came to a head when an experiment went wrong, and Zachariah blew up the shack on his family's property. Unfortunately, Arthur was caught in this explosion (he saved Zachariah). He survived but was diagnosed with monoplegia in both of his legs. Zachariah couldn’t accept that he had caused his brother such pain and set out to give him the ability to walk again. He created a suit that allowed his brother to walk but for only a limited time (about an hour or two). Due to government contracts relating to Zachariah’s work, A deal was made for Arthur to pilot the Freedom Suit as a superhero agent for the EDF.


Mighty Man- Stuntman Doug Coleman was in the wrong place at the wrong time. He was driving back home from the studios (He was working on Action Guy's latest flick) when he came across some unsavory characters skulking about the set. Eager for glory, Doug followed them and found out the movie set he worked for had a secret shady element to it. They were storing dangerous old Super Villain Paraphernalia from the Golden Age. He heard plans for the unsavory characters to sell an old doomsday weapon to the Pinstripe Gang. Knowing he needed to stop it, Mighty Man grabbed the equipment of an old Super Villain named Skyscraper. The tech allowed Doug Coleman to grow to incredible heights. After defeating the unsavory characters, Doug became Mighty Man and started fighting crime. Recently he has inexplicably gained the ability to grow large without his equipment. He claims this is from an experiment.


Mecha Dragon- Sergeant Percy Ramone was dispatched by the EDF two years back when an unidentified object crashed into the Peruvian Jungle. When they found the crash site they discovered a mighty alien dragon. The alien dragon was dying and the last noble member of his race. He told the squad that he came from a planet ravaged by Civil War. There were two opposing ideologies. Dragons of Light wanted to protect the galaxy and those weaker than them whilst Dragons of Darkness wanted to conquer the whole universe and reap the rewards.

This Civil War devastated their planet. The final battle was particularly devastating. The Dragon of Light isn't sure if he's the last of his kind or not. Near death, he reveals he came to Earth because he sensed Percy's noble soul. He offers Percy a gift and the power to protect his planet.

Percy agreed. The dragon then merged his life force with Sergeant Percy. Sergeant Percy gained an alien suit of armor that resembled the dragon. The suit of armor grants him enhanced strength, speed, and reflexes. He can also unleash a powerful blue flame from his eyes and chest.


Gold Star- Gold Star is Star Tech's most tremendous success. Star Tech is a weapon manufacturer in the United States. It has extensive government contracts in the Military and within the EDF. For years, Star Tech has been trying to produce a "super soldier." They want an artificially created Superhero. While they've attempted this a number of times, according to them, they've only had one success.

Gold Star is an eighteen-year-old who's officially listed as a volunteer for the Gold Star program. His past and even his identity beyond being Gold Star are classified.

Personality-wise: Gold Star is a nice eighteen-year-old who is charismatic and has a strong sense of right and wrong. He's the first into a firefight and puts himself in harm's way for civilians. He tries to de-escalate things as much as possible using his voice before enacting violence.

When it comes to his powers, Gold Star has enhanced speed, strength, durability, and flight. He also has the ability to shield others by giving them a gold star-like shield. The shield isn't as durable as he is but can protect against some impressive damage.


Power Force (PF)- Power Force is twenty-five years of age and named Perceus Watt. Once upon a time, he was an inventor and physicist working at a research lab. He was trying to figure out a new power source in the form of a perpetual motion battery. This perpetual motion machine experiment went terribly wrong one night while he was alone in the lab. The machine's energy supercharged his body and put him in a state of constant motion.

This ruined Perceus's life. For weeks, he couldn't slow down. While his lab worked tirelessly to try and slow him down Perceus was forced to run and run. He even ran in his sleep! He devoured blocks of food and drink as he kept going. It became abundantly clear that he would run until he burned up.

Finally, someone in the lab figured out a serum he could take to slow himself down. The serum worked, but it had its own problems. It has to be taken every six hours or he'll start to speed up again. He also still needs to burn up the energy made by his cells being in perpetual motion.

Because he needs to burn off the energy and dreams of being popular, Perceus decided to become a hero himself. He gained some renown for traveling the United States and performing heroic deeds. After some time, he was invited to join the Wonders. He is their resident speedster.


Riptide- Riptide was a Keystone City Surfer named Kai Rhodes. Kai was a chill laid-back person who was living his best surfer life chasing swells and living out of his van with his friends. One faithful day, the "storm of the century" happened in Keystone City. He and his friends went out into the storm so they could surf the big waves. Kai had always been an adrenaline daredevil and the idea of surfing in the middle of a storm appealed to him greatly.

Unfortunately, the storm was stronger than they anticipated. His friends went back but Kai insisted on riding one last wave. He caught the devastating full force of the storm and was pulled under the waves. He could not break free of the current and continued sinking into the waters below. Eventually, he ended up at the bottom of the sea near death. All hope seemed loss until a beautiful green-haired woman appeared.

She introduced herself as Amphrite. She called herself the goddess of the sea. She claimed that she had been watching him all this time. She said that the seas needed a new champion to fight for them. She chose him to be the Oceans champion and kissed him. She elevated him to the status of a demigod and showed him that there were mermaids and other sentient aqautic creatures living in the depths of the ocean. After, she deposited him back on the beaches of Keystone City.

Kai woke up a different man. The weight of the ocean was on his shoulders, and he was more serious than he had ever been before. He left behind his surfer friends and started writing wrongs against the ocean across the seas. As Riptide, he has superhuman strength, agility, durability, aquakenesis, telepathic aquatic animal control, and the ability to breathe underwater. He's joined the Wonders to try and improve human/aquatic relations and work with humanity instead of against them. That being said his priorities and loyalties are always to the ocean first.



Marvel Man-

Herald Of Lightning-

Ice Heart-

Star Captain-

Star Bolt-


Star Man-

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The Watch- Keystone Cities Street Level Superhero Team
Simian- The oldest and most experienced member of The Watch. Simian is a master martial artist who wields a mystical bow staff. The staff gives him the primal power of the Simian Race and allows him to manipulate his Ki in the form of energy blasts and special techniques. The more he gives into the staff, the more his features become monkey-like.


Kay-9 - At first, Kay-9 was a simple police dog who worked with their human partner Michael. The two were inseparable, and the dog, who would eventually become Kay-9, loved his human partner more than anything. One night, the two were called to investigate a break-in at a lab within the city. The Pinstripe gang broke into the place, searching for new and addicting drugs. Michael and the dog knew the Pinstripe Gang had hostages, so they went in without backup. The Pinstripe gang got the drop on the two, and Michael was killed. The dog tried to do everything he could to avenge his killed partner, but there wasn’t anything he could do. The Pinstripe Gang threw the dog into a vat of experimental chemicals to “get rid of him”. Instead of getting rid of him, this mysterious ooze transformed the dog! He became a mutant! Existing somewhere in the middle of dog and human. This led to intellect and, with it, an identity. He became Kay-9! Dedicated to avenging his old Partner Michael and taking the Pinstripe Gang down.


Defender- Defender is a man with no name. The only thing he remembers is waking up on the shores of Keystone City with a bullet wound to his head. He found out he had incredible powers. After wandering for a bit, he found sanctuary in a church-turned-coed strip club. He became a stripper for said club and also decided to defend others as the masked gentleman Defender.

Eventually, Defender discovers he's the supernatural representation of Keystone City. Someone shot him with a magic bullet, and he lost his memories. That's why the city bends to his will so easily, and he feels such a connection to it.


Bolt- Some people are born with incredible powers. Call them mutants, meta's, or freaks or whatever floats your boat. Alvin Duvall was one such person. Even as a baby his parents knew he had powers. Electronics were wonky around him and their batteries would drain quickly, lights flickered when he was close to them, and he was prone to giving his parents static shocks. They took him to a specialist who determined he had Electrokenesis. His parents loved him and did their best to accommodate their son's unique powers. They attended support meetings and connected with other parents with similar children.

However, the strain of that and life did cause his parents to divorce when he was a teen. Alvin was a smart boy who kept his powers hidden as much as possible. Only his parents and his best friend knew. It was during high school that he first found his love of boxing. He and his mother lived in an apartment above her Grandfather's boxing gym. His grandfather was a retired boxer who had made a name for himself many years ago.

His Grandfather taught him the art of boxing and the thrill of a fight. Alvin decided that he wanted to be a boxer and follow in his grandfather's footsteps. He trained his body while also excelling in school. Through all of that, he made sure never to use his powers in a fight, partly out of fear of what he might do to someone and partly because he felt it was cheating. He did a few junior leagues and quickly proved himself as a prodigy.

Things took a turn for the worse in his senior year. His Grandfather's boxing gym got the attention of a local street gang. His grandfather refused to bow to thugs and things started escalating. Alvin came home from school one day and found his Grandfather in critical condition and the gym destroyed.

Swearing revenge, Alvin suited up and went after the street gang. He discovered he could incorporate his powers into his boxing during the fight. He could not only charge his fists with electricity but he could also throw out "electric punches" that furthered his reach and range. Absorbing electricity made him stronger, faster, and allowed him to heal. He defeated the gang and their leader relatively easily.

He realized his powers and fighting skills could be used to keep his neighborhood safe. Nowadays, he runs his grandfather's restored gym whilst working with the Watch.


The Blue Knight-



Black Bolt-

Scream Queen-

Moto Man-
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The Midnight Mission- Earths Magical Threat Response
Imperius- Imperius is a Cobalt Blue Demon Imp from hell. A powerful witch summoned him to our mortal plane. This Morally Gray Witch has a certain degree of command over him, but given that she likes to submit, it all balances out. They are both part of the Midnight Club and work to keep magical threats intact.


Savage - Protector of the primal world. Savage doesn’t know how he came to be in the primal plane. His earliest memories are of the Primal Plane. He was raised there among the animal, plant, and nature spirits that reside there. He was told from an early age that he was chosen as their protector. The Primal Powers imbued him with great strength, speed, senses, and healing abilities. They promised him that his Primal Queen was out there and that together they would bring balance to nature and man. Now he walks between the Primal Plane and the Moral Plane, looking for his Primal Queen so that they can fulfill their destinies.


Ember- Emberlyn was a normal Keystone City Fire Department firefighter when fate and destiny intervened. She and her crew were responding to a fire reported at a cult compound within Keystone City. This Cult department was trying to summon a demon. Instead, they managed to summon an Eldritch Fire Goddess. This Eldritch Fire Goddess threatened to burn the whole world. The situation seemed grim when a protector from her realm appeared. This protector offered to fuse with Emberlyn and help her tame the Eldritch Fire Goddess. Emberlyn agreed, and the protector morphed her fireman ax into a great and mighty weapon. She used the ax to seal the Fire Goddess inside her and became the fiery warrioress Ember!


Necroslinger- Oscar Barlow is the descendant of the infamous cowboy gunslinger Clarence Barlow. His ancestor was a vigilante of the Old West who wielded a cursed gun. This cursed gun was hungry to collect the souls of those who needed punishment. The gun's origins are relatively unknown, but it's rumored to have been forged from the metal on Lucifer's Chains and the wood of a hanging tree. Whatever the case, the gun bestows whoever wields it supernatural strength and uncanny accuracy.

Oscar was in college when the gun started whispering to him. It had been buried by his ancestor (who later went mad). For generations it had slept. However, it sensed the evil permeating the modern world and felt it was needed. The gun plagued Oscar's dreams and derailed his life. He had to drop out of college eventually. With no choice but to go and get the gun, he made the journey out west and found it.

Since then, Oscar has tried to keep the guns bloodlust at bay. However, this has proven easier said than done. Thankfully the Midnight Club has given him a job and helped him through the troubled times that he's fallen on.








The Mountain-


Life & Death-

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Fringe Heroes- Those That Walk Their Own Path
Action Guy- Action Guy is a superhero who uses his Persona in movies. While he does "Fight Crime" most of the time, he just runs around with his camera crew getting into trouble. He also has films made of his antics. While many superheroes don't like Action Guy, he isn't a bad hero when he wants to be. He just is a bit of a goof. Action guy can use his own Ki energy to infuse his body.



Night Sister-



Lady Justice-

The Man In White-


Cobalt Turtle-


Pretty Boy-

Fightin Tiger-


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The Illuminati- Secret Heroes
Titan- The only name he goes by is Titan. He is an alien from another planet with incredible strength, speed, and power. He is a confirmed alien but refuses to go into detail on what alien race he comes from or why he is on the planet. He's the one that formed the Illuminati and is the De Facto Leader.


Looking Glass- Real name Veronica DePointe. Veronica was born to Wealthy Parents in Graymire City. Veronica was discovered to be a prodigy at an early age. Her parents used their vast wealth to hire tutors in all subjects and have them teach their daughter. As Veronica aged, her studies started to change. Her parents brought in master fighters from all over the world, professional trackers, torture experts, and leading experts in Criminology and Psychology. They also started talking about a great purpose Veronica had. Eventually they revealed the truth to Veronica as she became a teenager. They revealed that they were the Grand Master and Mistress of a cult of rich people that had ruled Graymore City since its founding.

They revealed that a prophecy foretold by the dark goddess they worshiped indicated she would be born and lead them on a great campaign to take over the world. At this point, Veronica was all in on the cult and ready to be its leader and Grand Mistress. That all changed when she turned thirteen and her parents took her on her first kill. The goal was to kill a family that was working against the Cult. They ambushed the family when they were leaving the movie theaters. Veronica's parents killed both the mother and father and left the young son to Veronica.

However, Veronica couldn't bring herself to do it. The sight of the young boy looking down at his bloodied parents shifted something in her. A Bolt of compassion ran through her that she had never felt before. Realizing how wrong her parents were, she did the only logical thing she could.

She killed them.

On her parents grave, she vowed to never kill another or cause pain to those that didn't deserve it. She decided to fight the Cult and destroy the dark part of her family legacy. She became Looking Glass and donned an iconic reflective mask. Her thinking there was "People fear themselves more than anything else."


Spy Smasher-

Mr. Shu-

Madame Xiao-


Captain Crimson-
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Men In Black- Super Cop Enforcers New
Omni-Man- Colonel Brick was a Colonel in the U.S. Army. He served for twenty-five years across a variety of different wars and engagements. Surprisingly enough, Colonel Brick has an entirely neutral view of Superheroes. He has never experienced anything malicious with them nor considers them important to humanity's survival. Because of this, when the M.I.B was formed, he was chosen to be its director. He was given an experimental prototype device that functions like the Omnitrix. He can briefly "adjust" his DNA to emulate a hero. Note: This requires the DNA of that hero which the MIB has locked securely back at HQ. The Device connects to that DNA Vault.

This gives him the power of that hero for an hour. After that, the DNA Adjustment changes. Because the tech is so new and experimental, sometimes it doesn't work, gives him the wrong hero, or something to that effect. Also, this doesn't work if the hero has no biological superpowers or is a machine. After this, Colonel Brick is often left in a weakened state. He can only use the device three times a day before he risks DNA degradation and mutation.


Agent Red-


Agent Cheetah-
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