Mx Female That Which Lurks In The Mist (Monster/Beastial)


"Catchy Catch Phrase"
May 13, 2016
Hey yall!

Wesly here, but I prefer to go by Majick! Anyways, I've been roleplaying on and off for over 12 years now and just recently getting back into it to try and better my storytelling and roleplaying skills. I like to think of myself as an intermediate roleplayer, being able to dish out anywhere from 3-7 paragraphs depending on my partners response and how I'm feeling about the RP.

I do require that my partner sends me back something of equal substance. I cannot stand one liners but I'm also not the kind of person that wants to read a short novel for a response. I don't expect perfection because I know I make grammatical errors on occasion, usually cause I'm typing on my phones keyboard but that's beside the point.

My big No-Nos:

Vore, gore, scat, watersports, non-con, abuse

My Turn-Ons:

Breeding, closet-slut, oral and many more. I'm an open person! Got ideas, shoot em my way, worst I will do is say no.

I don't normally post request threads because I usually don't receive any hits but I have a plot/setting that really intrigues me and I want to try. It is a Beastial/Monster/tentacle style but is more or less consensual. There are 2 entities that the adventurers have to deal with while in the forest; The Maze and The Libidoran.

The Maze: A massive labyrinth of dense foliage and creepy underlings seen scurrying around deep in The Mist. The Mist is an essence emanating from the Maze, this essence seeps into the souls and minds of their victims and draws forth their deepest inhibitions. After extended exposure this aphrodisiac will leave its victims powerless to resist the need for sexual release, forcing them to seek it from their allies or the Saplings of The Maze. Once relieved they may continue their journey through the Maze, but be warned, every moan and every orgasm draws the attention of a most heinous creature. The Libidoran.

The Libidoran: A massive Panther like creature with countless tendrils and tentacles that sprout forth from the beasts spine. These appendages appear to be covered in an oily substance that drips lewdly from the tips of the tentacles and tendrils. The Libidoran also excreets several pheromones that attract victims heavily affected by the Mist, causing the beast to have a high Sex Appeal to victims. The victims are never harmed, only fucked into utter oblivion and usually leaves them craving more, unable to ever find true sexual satisfaction anywhere else. Some victims have willingly chosen to stay in the woods as the Beasts personal food bank, living the rest of their lives in utter sexual bliss. The Maze in turn ensures they are fed properly to maintain healthy "prey".

A man sits at a table surrounded by other patrons, some of which is a small band of adventurers, consisting primarily (if not all) of women.

"Ye all want'n t' hear ta legend of ta Maze Beast, are ya?! Fine I tell ye 'bout tat flesh cravin' monsta! Is true desire of ta flesh ain't whatchy'all tink it is, I's seen it myself but it tain't ta flesh of man it seeks. NO!"

The haggard man slams his fist onto the table angrily causing the contents of the table to rattle violently.

"Dey be callin' me crazy Fer tellin' dis story, but I swear on me mommas womb, the beast craves ta flesh of the lady! Ta sweet spot 'tween dey legs!"

The man eyes every woman sitting at the table listening to the his tale.

"Tis found in ta shrouded woods t'da north. Ta dreaded Dark Maze tis more den jus' a creepy farest. Dere be a beast livin' in dem dere woods. Those who enter dem woods find demselves cravin' ta pleasure, and dis dere beast gives it t' dem but dey never be the same after."

The man scans the entire table as if to punctuate his statement.

"But dey be sayin' dere be a treasure, ta powers of ta likes dat nun y'all could 'magine. If y'alls brave or 'tupid 'nough to look, don't say I's d'int warn ya."
Additional Information
The original plan is for someone to play a group of adventurers who seek to unlock the secrets of the maze, all the while trying to resist their sexual desires and advances from the various creatures of the Maze. These creatures provide a huge array and variety for different kinks. FxF? Can you resist the temptations of an erotic big tittied dryad begging to water herself in your juices? Gang Bang? Best be careful of the Sprouts that scurry beneath the mist, unseen and hungry for the many holes you provide.

If the main plot is too much too handle perhaps you'd like to see what it's like to live as one of the many pets of the Libidoran.
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